예제 #1
// Give Exp
bool CWorldServer::GiveExp( CMonster* thismon, UINT special_lvl, UINT special_exp )
    if( thismon->owner != 0) // Summon
        MapList.Index[thismon->Position->Map]->DeleteMonster( thismon );
	    return true;

    //LMA TEST
    bool lma_debug=false;
       Log(MSG_INFO,"GiveExp Spawn %u CID %u",thismon->Position->respawn,thismon->clientid);

    // Give Experience Drops and Quest Items
    vector<CPartyExp*> PartyExp;
    for(UINT i=0;i<thismon->PlayersDamage.size();i++)
        MonsterDamage* thisplayer = thismon->PlayersDamage.at(i);
		CPlayer* thisclient = GetClientByCID( thisplayer->charid, thismon->Position->Map );

        //LMA: Player mustn't be dead.
		if( thisplayer->damage>0 && thisclient!=NULL && !thisclient->IsDead())
    		if( thisclient->Battle->target == thismon->clientid )
                ClearBattle( thisclient->Battle )
                thisclient->Position->destiny = thisclient->Position->current; //GIVE EXP FUNCTION
            if( thismon->MonsterDrop->firsthit == thisclient->CharInfo->charid )
                for( int q=0;q<10;q++)
                    // Give Quest Item
                    if( thisclient->quest.quests[q].QuestID!=0 )
                        BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x731 )
                        ADDWORD    ( pak, thismon->montype );
                        thisclient->client->SendPacket( &pak );


            //LMA BEGIN
            //mods for CF...
            //unsigned int exp = (unsigned int)ceil((thismon->thisnpc->exp * thisplayer->damage) / (thismon->thisnpc->hp*thismon->thisnpc->level)+special_exp);
            unsigned long long exp = (unsigned long long)ceil((thismon->thisnpc->exp * thisplayer->damage) / (thismon->thisnpc->hp*thismon->thisnpc->level)+special_exp);
            //LMA END

            /*unsigned int cp = (unsigned int)ceil((thismon->thisnpc->level/6 * thisplayer->damage) / thismon->thisnpc->hp);
            //ADD Clan points under any condition
            if ((thismon->Position->Map>=11 && thismon->Position->Map<= 13) || thismon->Position->Map== 59) //So far only junon maps
               thisclient->AddClanPoints(GetColorExp( cp));

            exp = exp * (unsigned long long) (Config.EXP_RATE * 6);
            if( thisclient->Party->party!=NULL )
                bool pflag = false;

                for(int i=0;i<PartyExp.size();i++)
                    CPartyExp* thisparty = PartyExp.at( i );
                    if( thisparty->thisparty == thisclient->Party->party )
                        //LMA: We get exp only if we deserve it.
                        //thisparty->exp += exp;
                        thisparty->exp += GetColorExp( thisclient->Stats->Level, thismon->thisnpc->level + special_lvl, exp );
                        //LMA: bug...
                        //thisparty->exp += exp * (unsigned long long) ((thisclient->Party->party->PartyLevel*2) / 100);
                        thisparty->exp += (unsigned long long) ((exp*thisclient->Party->party->PartyLevel*2) / 100);
                        pflag = true;

                if( !pflag )
                    CPartyExp* thisparty = new CPartyExp;
                    thisparty->thisparty = thisclient->Party->party;
                    //LMA: We get exp only if we deserve it.
                    thisparty->exp = exp;
                    thisparty->exp = GetColorExp( thisclient->Stats->Level, thismon->thisnpc->level + special_lvl, exp );
                    thisparty->flag = false;
                    //LMA: bug
                    //thisparty->exp += exp * (unsigned long long) ((thisclient->Party->party->PartyLevel*2) / 100);
                    thisparty->exp += (unsigned long long) ((exp*thisclient->Party->party->PartyLevel*2) / 100);
                    thisparty->num = 1;
                    thisparty->partymember[0] = thisclient->CharInfo->charid;
                    thisparty->maxlevel = thisclient->Stats->Level;
                    for(unsigned int p=0;p<ClientList.size();p++)
                        CPlayer* otherclient = (CPlayer*) ClientList.at( p )->player;
                        if(otherclient->client==NULL) continue;
                        if(otherclient->Party->party==NULL) continue;
                        if(!otherclient->client->isActive) continue;
                        if(!otherclient->Session->inGame) continue;

                        //LMA: checking the gap between the max and min level of people in the party.
                        if (thisclient->Party->party == otherclient->Party->party)



                        if( IsVisible(thisclient, otherclient))
                            if(thisclient->Party->party == otherclient->Party->party )
                                //LMA: Little stupid check.
                                if (thisparty->num==7)
                                    Log(MSG_WARNING,"Too many people in this party, already at max, skipping");

                                thisparty->partymember[thisparty->num] = otherclient->CharInfo->charid;
                                thisparty->maxlevel += otherclient->Stats->Level;
                    PartyExp.push_back( thisparty );

             //LMA BEGIN
            //mod for CF
            //Adding bonusxp (mileage)
            //UINT prev_xp=thisclient->CharInfo->Exp;

            //LMA: Xp nullifier.
                thisclient->CharInfo->Exp +=  thisclient->bonusxp*GetColorExp( thisclient->Stats->Level, thismon->thisnpc->level + special_lvl, exp );

            //Log(MSG_INFO,"Bonus XP %i, previous XP, %i, new: %i",thisclient->bonusxp,prev_xp,thisclient->CharInfo->Exp);
            //LMA END

            //LMA: We don't send exp packet if there is a level up coming up next.
                //LMA: TEST
                //Log(MSG_INFO,"new exp in giveexp %I64i",thisclient->CharInfo->Exp);
                BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x79b );
                ADDDWORD   ( pak, thisclient->CharInfo->Exp );
                ADDWORD    ( pak, thisclient->CharInfo->stamina );
                //ADDWORD    ( pak, 0 );
                ADDWORD    ( pak, thismon->clientid );
                thisclient->client->SendPacket( &pak );



    for(int p=0;p<PartyExp.size();p++)
        CPartyExp* thisparty = PartyExp.at( p );
        //LMA: no exp if a player has a too low level... This is another version in this case, NONE of the guys got exp...
            Log(MSG_HACK,"A Party tryes to get exp which has min_lvl %i and max_lvl %i that don't fit max gap %i",thisparty->cheat_min_lvl,thisparty->cheat_max_lvl,Config.Partygap+1);

        for(int i=0;i<thisparty->num;i++)
            CPlayer* partyclient = GetClientByCID( thisparty->partymember[i], thismon->Position->Map );
            if( partyclient==NULL )

            //LMA: no exp if a player has a too low level...
            //Uncomment this part of code below if you want to use it... (HIGHRATEPARTYEXP)
                Log(MSG_HACK,"Player %s is lvl %i and tryes to get exp in a party which has max_lvl %i and max gap %i",partyclient->CharInfo->charname,partyclient->Stats->Level,thisparty->cheat_max_lvl,Config.Partygap+1);
            //Uncomment should end here for HIGHRATEPARTYEXP.

                //partyclient->Party->party->Exp += (thisparty->exp / 6) / 2;
                partyclient->Party->party->Exp += (thisparty->exp / 6) / 6; //Tomiz: thisparty->exp decreased
                if( partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel == 50)
                    partyclient->Party->party->Exp = 0;

                //LMA: old code
                /*if( partyclient->Party->party->Exp > GetMaxPartyExp( partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel ) )
                    partyclient->Party->party->Exp -= GetMaxPartyExp( partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel-1 );

                //New code.
                bool new_level=false;
                while(partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel<50&&partyclient->Party->party->Exp > GetMaxPartyExp( partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel ) )
                    partyclient->Party->party->Exp -= GetMaxPartyExp( partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel-1 );
                    Log(MSG_INFO,"Going from party level %i to %i, exp left %I64i",partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel-1,partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel,partyclient->Party->party->Exp);

                if( partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel == 50)
                    partyclient->Party->party->Exp = 0;

                //Strange thing when a new level:
                unsigned long long send_exp=partyclient->Party->party->Exp;

                Log(MSG_INFO,"Exp sent: %I64i",send_exp);
                //End of code.

                BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x7d4 );
                ADDBYTE    ( pak, partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel );

                //LMA: little change.
                //ADDDWORD   ( pak, partyclient->Party->party->Exp );
                ADDDWORD   ( pak, send_exp );

                partyclient->Party->party->SendToMembers( &pak );
                thisparty->flag = true;

            //LMA: no exp for dead people.
                Log(MSG_INFO,"No exp for player %s, he's dead.",partyclient->CharInfo->charname);

            //LMA Begin
            //mods for CF
            unsigned int expoption = partyclient->Party->party->Option%0x80;
            //LMA: Exp nullfier.
                if( expoption==0 )

                    partyclient->CharInfo->Exp +=  GetColorExp( partyclient->Stats->Level, thismon->Stats->Level + special_lvl, (UINT)round(thisparty->exp / thisparty->num) );
                    partyclient->CharInfo->Exp +=  GetColorExp( partyclient->Stats->Level, thismon->Stats->Level + special_lvl, (UINT)round(partyclient->Stats->Level * thisparty->exp / thisparty->maxlevel) );

            //LMA END

                //LMA: TEST
                //Log(MSG_INFO,"new exp in giveexp %I64i",partyclient->CharInfo->Exp);
                BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x79b );
                ADDDWORD   ( pak, partyclient->CharInfo->Exp );
                ADDWORD    ( pak, partyclient->CharInfo->stamina );
                //ADDWORD    ( pak, 0 );
                ADDWORD    ( pak, thismon->clientid );
                partyclient->client->SendPacket( &pak );


    //LMA: cleaning time.
    for(int p=0;p<PartyExp.size();p++)
        //It seems it's ok, the class party destructor isn't beeing called...
        delete PartyExp.at(p);

    if (lma_debug)
        Log(MSG_INFO,"END GiveExp Spawn %u CID %u",thismon->Position->respawn,thismon->clientid);

    MapList.Index[thismon->Position->Map]->DeleteMonster( thismon );

    return true;
예제 #2
// Give Exp
bool CWorldServer::GiveExp( CMonster* thismon, UINT special_lvl, UINT special_exp )
    if( thismon->owner != 0) // Summon 
        MapList.Index[thismon->Position->Map]->DeleteMonster( thismon );
	    return true;
    // Give Experience Drops and Quest Items
    vector<CPartyExp*> PartyExp;    
    for(UINT i=0;i<thismon->PlayersDamage.size();i++)
        MonsterDamage* thisplayer = thismon->PlayersDamage.at(i);              
		CPlayer* thisclient = GetClientByCID( thisplayer->charid, thismon->Position->Map );        		
		if( thisplayer->damage>0 && thisclient!=NULL )
    		if( thisclient->Battle->target == thismon->clientid )    
                ClearBattle( thisclient->Battle )
                thisclient->Position->destiny = thisclient->Position->current; //GIVE EXP FUNCTION
            if( thismon->MonsterDrop->firsthit == thisclient->CharInfo->charid )
                // Give Quest Item
                QUESTS* myquest = thisclient->GetQuestByMob( thismon->montype );
                if( myquest!=0 )
                    BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x731 )
                    ADDWORD    ( pak, thismon->montype );
                    thisclient->client->SendPacket( &pak );                    
            //LMA BEGIN
            //mods for CF...
            unsigned int exp = (unsigned int)ceil((thismon->thisnpc->exp * thisplayer->damage) / (thismon->thisnpc->hp*thismon->thisnpc->level)+special_exp);
            //LMA END
            /*unsigned int cp = (unsigned int)ceil((thismon->thisnpc->level/6 * thisplayer->damage) / thismon->thisnpc->hp);  
            //ADD Clan points under any condition
            if ((thismon->Position->Map>=11 && thismon->Position->Map<= 13) || thismon->Position->Map== 59) //So far only junon maps
               thisclient->AddClanPoints(GetColorExp( cp));
            exp = exp * Config.EXP_RATE * 6;            
            if( thisclient->Party->party!=NULL )
                bool pflag = false;
                for(int i=0;i<PartyExp.size();i++)
                    CPartyExp* thisparty = PartyExp.at( i );
                    if( thisparty->thisparty == thisclient->Party->party )
                        thisparty->exp += exp;
                        thisparty->exp += exp * ((thisclient->Party->party->PartyLevel*2) / 100);
                        pflag = true;
                if( !pflag )
                    CPartyExp* thisparty = new CPartyExp;
                    thisparty->thisparty = thisclient->Party->party;
                    thisparty->exp = exp;
                    thisparty->flag = false;
                    thisparty->exp += exp * ((thisclient->Party->party->PartyLevel*2) / 100);
                    thisparty->num = 1;
                    thisparty->partymember[0] = thisclient->CharInfo->charid;
                    thisparty->maxlevel = thisclient->Stats->Level;
                    for(int p=0;p<thisclient->VisiblePlayers.size();p++)
                        CPlayer* otherclient = thisclient->VisiblePlayers.at( p );
                        if(otherclient->Party->party==NULL) continue;
                        if( thisclient->Party->party == otherclient->Party->party )
                            thisparty->partymember[thisparty->num] = otherclient->CharInfo->charid;
                            thisparty->maxlevel += otherclient->Stats->Level;
                    PartyExp.push_back( thisparty );
             //LMA BEGIN
            //mod for CF
            //Adding bonusxp (mileage)
            thisclient->CharInfo->Exp +=  thisclient->bonusxp*GetColorExp( thisclient->Stats->Level, thismon->thisnpc->level + special_lvl, exp );
            //LMA END
            BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x79b );
            ADDDWORD   ( pak, thisclient->CharInfo->Exp );
            ADDWORD    ( pak, thisclient->CharInfo->stamina );
            ADDWORD    ( pak, 0 );
            thisclient->client->SendPacket( &pak );                                
    for(int p=0;p<PartyExp.size();p++)
        CPartyExp* thisparty = PartyExp.at( p );
        for(int i=0;i<thisparty->num;i++)
            CPlayer* partyclient = GetClientByCID( thisparty->partymember[i], thismon->Position->Map );
            if( partyclient==NULL )
                partyclient->Party->party->Exp += (thisparty->exp / 6) / 2;
                if( partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel == 50)
                    partyclient->Party->party->Exp = 0;
                if( partyclient->Party->party->Exp > GetMaxPartyExp( partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel ) )
                    partyclient->Party->party->Exp -= GetMaxPartyExp( partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel-1 );
                BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x7d4 );
                ADDBYTE    ( pak, partyclient->Party->party->PartyLevel );
                ADDDWORD   ( pak, partyclient->Party->party->Exp );
                partyclient->Party->party->SendToMembers( &pak );
                thisparty->flag = true;
            //LMA Begin
            //mods for CF
            unsigned int expoption = partyclient->Party->party->Option%0x80;       
            if( expoption==0 )           
                partyclient->CharInfo->Exp +=  GetColorExp( partyclient->Stats->Level, thismon->Stats->Level + special_lvl, (UINT)round(thisparty->exp / thisparty->num) );                
                partyclient->CharInfo->Exp +=  GetColorExp( partyclient->Stats->Level, thismon->Stats->Level + special_lvl, (UINT)round(partyclient->Stats->Level * thisparty->exp / thisparty->maxlevel) );                                                               
            //LMA END
    		BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x79b );
    		ADDDWORD   ( pak, partyclient->CharInfo->Exp );
    		ADDWORD    ( pak, partyclient->CharInfo->stamina );
    		ADDWORD    ( pak, 0 );
    		partyclient->client->SendPacket( &pak );   
    MapList.Index[thismon->Position->Map]->DeleteMonster( thismon );
    return true;		