예제 #1
BOOL CHwSMTP::GetResponse ( LPCTSTR lpszVerifyCode, int *pnCode/*=NULL*/)
	if ( !lpszVerifyCode || lstrlen(lpszVerifyCode) < 1 )
		return FALSE;

	char szRecvBuf[1024] = {0};
	int nRet = 0;
	char szStatusCode[4] = {0};
	nRet = m_SendSock.Receive ( szRecvBuf, sizeof(szRecvBuf) );
	TRACE ( _T("Received : %s\r\n"), szRecvBuf );
	if ( nRet <= 0 )
		m_csLastError.Format ( _T("Receive TCP data failed") );
		return FALSE;
//	TRACE ( _T("收到服务器回应:%s\n"), szRecvBuf );

	memcpy ( szStatusCode, szRecvBuf, 3 );
	if ( pnCode ) (*pnCode) = atoi ( szStatusCode );

	if ( strcmp ( szStatusCode, CMultiByteString(lpszVerifyCode).GetBuffer() ) != 0 )
		m_csLastError.Format ( _T("Received invalid response  : %s"), GetCompatibleString(szRecvBuf,FALSE) );
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
예제 #2
std::string LFGQueue::DumpCompatibleInfo(bool full /* = false */) const
    std::ostringstream o;
    o << "Compatible Map size: " << CompatibleMapStore.size() << "\n";
    if (full)
        for (LfgCompatibleContainer::const_iterator itr = CompatibleMapStore.begin(); itr != CompatibleMapStore.end(); ++itr)
            o << "(" << itr->first << "): " << GetCompatibleString(itr->second.compatibility) << "\n";

    return o.str();
예제 #3
BOOL CHwSMTP::SendEmail()
	BOOL bRet = TRUE;
	char szLocalHostName[64] = {0};
	gethostname ( (char*)szLocalHostName, sizeof(szLocalHostName) );

	// hello,握手
	CString str;
	str.Format(_T("HELO %s\r\n"), GetCompatibleString(szLocalHostName,FALSE));
	if ( !Send (  str ))
		return FALSE;
	if ( !GetResponse ( _T("250") ) )
		return FALSE;
	// 身份验证
	if ( m_bMustAuth && !auth() )
		return FALSE;
	// 发送邮件头
	if ( !SendHead() )
		return FALSE;
	// 发送邮件主题
	if ( !SendSubject() )
		return FALSE;
	// 发送邮件正文
	if ( !SendBody() )
		return FALSE;
	// 发送附件
	if ( !SendAttach() )
		return FALSE;
	// 结束邮件正文
	if ( !Send ( CString(_T(".\r\n") ) ) ) return FALSE;
	if ( !GetResponse ( _T("250") ) )
		return FALSE;

	// 退出发送
	if ( HANDLE_IS_VALID(m_SendSock.m_hSocket) )
		Send ( CString(_T("QUIT\r\n")) );
	m_bConnected = FALSE;

	return bRet;
예제 #4
BOOL CHwSMTP::auth()
	int nResponseCode = 0;
	if ( !Send ( CString(_T("auth login\r\n")) ) ) return FALSE;
	if ( !GetResponse ( _T("334"), &nResponseCode ) ) return FALSE;
	if ( nResponseCode != 334 )	// 不需要验证用户名和密码
		return TRUE;

	CBase64 Base64Encode;
	CMultiByteString cbsUserName ( m_csUserName ), cbsPasswd ( m_csPasswd );
	CString csBase64_UserName = GetCompatibleString ( Base64Encode.Encode ( cbsUserName.GetBuffer(), cbsUserName.GetLength() ).GetBuffer(0), FALSE );
	CString csBase64_Passwd = GetCompatibleString ( Base64Encode.Encode ( cbsPasswd.GetBuffer(), cbsPasswd.GetLength() ).GetBuffer(0), FALSE );

	CString str;
	str.Format( _T("%s\r\n"), csBase64_UserName );
	if ( !Send ( str ) )
		return FALSE;

	if ( !GetResponse ( _T("334") ) )
		m_csLastError.Format ( _T("Authentication UserName failed") );
		return FALSE;

	str.Format(_T("%s\r\n"), csBase64_Passwd );
	if ( !Send ( str ) )
		return FALSE;

	if ( !GetResponse ( _T("235") ) )
		m_csLastError.Format ( _T("Authentication Password failed") );
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
예제 #5
   Checks que main queue to try to form a Lfg group. Returns first match found (if any)

   @param[in]     check List of guids trying to match with other groups
   @param[in]     all List of all other guids in main queue to match against
   @return LfgCompatibility type of compatibility between groups
LfgCompatibility LFGQueue::FindNewGroups(LfgGuidList& check, LfgGuidList& all)
    std::string strGuids = ConcatenateGuids(check);
    LfgCompatibility compatibles = GetCompatibles(strGuids);

    TC_LOG_DEBUG("lfg.queue.match.check", "Guids: (%s): %s - all(%s)", strGuids.c_str(), GetCompatibleString(compatibles), ConcatenateGuids(all).c_str());
    if (compatibles == LFG_COMPATIBILITY_PENDING) // Not previously cached, calculate
        compatibles = CheckCompatibility(check);

    if (compatibles == LFG_COMPATIBLES_BAD_STATES && sLFGMgr->AllQueued(check))
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("lfg.queue.match.check", "Guids: (%s) compatibles (cached) changed from bad states to match", strGuids.c_str());
        SetCompatibles(strGuids, LFG_COMPATIBLES_MATCH);

        return compatibles;

    // Try to match with queued groups
    while (!all.empty())
        LfgCompatibility subcompatibility = FindNewGroups(check, all);
        if (subcompatibility == LFG_COMPATIBLES_MATCH)
            return LFG_COMPATIBLES_MATCH;
    return compatibles;
예제 #6
   Checks que main queue to try to form a Lfg group. Returns first match found (if any)

   @param[in]     check List of guids trying to match with other groups
   @param[in]     all List of all other guids in main queue to match against
   @return LfgCompatibility type of compatibility between groups
LfgCompatibility LfgQueue::FindNewGroups(LfgGuidList& check, LfgGuidList& all)
    std::string strGuids = ConcatenateGuids(check);
    LfgCompatibility compatibles = GetCompatibles(strGuids);

    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_LFG, "LFGQueue::FindNewGroup: (%s): %s - all(%s)", strGuids.c_str(), GetCompatibleString(compatibles), ConcatenateGuids(all).c_str());
    if (compatibles == LFG_COMPATIBILITY_PENDING || compatibles == LFG_COMPATIBLES_BAD_STATES) // Not previously cached, calculate
        compatibles = CheckCompatibility(check);

        return compatibles;

    // Try to match with queued groups
    while (!all.empty())
        LfgCompatibility subcompatibility = FindNewGroups(check, all);
        if (subcompatibility == LFG_COMPATIBLES_MATCH)
            return LFG_COMPATIBLES_MATCH;
    return compatibles;