예제 #1
    Relation rel;
    TriggerData *trigger_data;
    Trigger *trigger;
    TupleDesc tupdesc;
    Datum current_user;
    HeapTuple rettuple;
    Datum newvals[MaxAttributes];
    int chattr[MaxAttributes];
    if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo))
        elog(ERROR, "log_entries should be called only as trigger");
    trigger_data = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
    if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(trigger_data->tg_event))
        elog(ERROR, "log_entries should be fire only for row");
    if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigger_data->tg_event))
        return (Datum) trigger_data->tg_trigtuple;
    trigger = trigger_data->tg_trigger;

    if (trigger->tgnargs != MaxAttributes)
        elog(ERROR, "log_entries, need two arguments");

    rel = trigger_data->tg_relation;
    tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
    if (SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, trigger->tgargs[0])) != ABSTIMEOID)
        elog(ERROR, "log_entries, first argument should be ABSTIME");

    if (SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, trigger->tgargs[1])) != TEXTOID)
        elog(ERROR, "log_entries, first argument should be TEXT");

    current_user = CStringGetTextDatum(GetUserNameFromId(GetUserId(), false));

    newvals[0] = GetCurrentAbsoluteTime();
    newvals[1] = current_user;
    chattr[0] = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, trigger->tgargs[0]);
    chattr[1] = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, trigger->tgargs[1]);

    rettuple = SPI_modifytuple(rel, trigger_data->tg_trigtuple, MaxAttributes, chattr, newvals, NULL);
    return PointerGetDatum(rettuple);
예제 #2
Datum							/* have to return HeapTuple to Executor */
	TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
	Trigger    *trigger;		/* to get trigger name */
	int			argc;
	char	  **args;			/* arguments */
	int			attnum[MaxAttrNum];		/* fnumbers of start/stop columns */
	Datum		oldtimeon,
	Datum		newtimeon,
	Datum	   *cvals;			/* column values */
	char	   *cnulls;			/* column nulls */
	char	   *relname;		/* triggered relation name */
	Relation	rel;			/* triggered relation */
	HeapTuple	trigtuple;
	HeapTuple	newtuple = NULL;
	HeapTuple	rettuple;
	TupleDesc	tupdesc;		/* tuple description */
	int			natts;			/* # of attributes */
	EPlan	   *plan;			/* prepared plan */
	char		ident[2 * NAMEDATALEN];
	bool		isnull;			/* to know is some column NULL or not */
	bool		isinsert = false;
	int			ret;
	int			i;

	 * Some checks first...

	/* Called by trigger manager ? */
	if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo))
		elog(ERROR, "timetravel: not fired by trigger manager");

	/* Should be called for ROW trigger */
	if (TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_STATEMENT(trigdata->tg_event))
		elog(ERROR, "timetravel: can't process STATEMENT events");

	/* Should be called BEFORE */
	if (TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(trigdata->tg_event))
		elog(ERROR, "timetravel: must be fired before event");

	/* INSERT ? */
	if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event))
		isinsert = true;

	if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event))
		newtuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple;

	trigtuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;

	rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
	relname = SPI_getrelname(rel);

	/* check if TT is OFF for this relation */
	if (0 == findTTStatus(relname))
		/* OFF - nothing to do */
		return PointerGetDatum((newtuple != NULL) ? newtuple : trigtuple);

	trigger = trigdata->tg_trigger;

	argc = trigger->tgnargs;
	if (argc != MinAttrNum && argc != MaxAttrNum)
		elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): invalid (!= %d or %d) number of arguments %d",
			 relname, MinAttrNum, MaxAttrNum, trigger->tgnargs);

	args = trigger->tgargs;
	tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
	natts = tupdesc->natts;

	for (i = 0; i < MinAttrNum; i++)
		attnum[i] = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, args[i]);
		if (attnum[i] < 0)
			elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): there is no attribute %s", relname, args[i]);
		if (SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, attnum[i]) != ABSTIMEOID)
			elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): attribute %s must be of abstime type",
				 relname, args[i]);
	for (; i < argc; i++)
		attnum[i] = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, args[i]);
		if (attnum[i] < 0)
			elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): there is no attribute %s", relname, args[i]);
		if (SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, attnum[i]) != TEXTOID)
			elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): attribute %s must be of text type",
				 relname, args[i]);

	/* create fields containing name */
	newuser = DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(GetUserNameFromId(GetUserId())));

	nulltext = (Datum) NULL;

	if (isinsert)
	{							/* INSERT */
		int			chnattrs = 0;
		int			chattrs[MaxAttrNum];
		Datum		newvals[MaxAttrNum];
		char		newnulls[MaxAttrNum];

		oldtimeon = SPI_getbinval(trigtuple, tupdesc, attnum[a_time_on], &isnull);
		if (isnull)
			newvals[chnattrs] = GetCurrentAbsoluteTime();
			newnulls[chnattrs] = ' ';
			chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_time_on];

		oldtimeoff = SPI_getbinval(trigtuple, tupdesc, attnum[a_time_off], &isnull);
		if (isnull)
			if ((chnattrs == 0 && DatumGetInt32(oldtimeon) >= NOEND_ABSTIME) ||
				(chnattrs > 0 && DatumGetInt32(newvals[a_time_on]) >= NOEND_ABSTIME))
				elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): %s is infinity", relname, args[a_time_on]);
			newvals[chnattrs] = NOEND_ABSTIME;
			newnulls[chnattrs] = ' ';
			chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_time_off];
			if ((chnattrs == 0 && DatumGetInt32(oldtimeon) > DatumGetInt32(oldtimeoff)) ||
				(chnattrs > 0 && DatumGetInt32(newvals[a_time_on]) > DatumGetInt32(oldtimeoff)))
				elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): %s gt %s", relname, args[a_time_on], args[a_time_off]);

		if (chnattrs <= 0)
			return PointerGetDatum(trigtuple);

		if (argc == MaxAttrNum)
			/* clear update_user value */
			newvals[chnattrs] = nulltext;
			newnulls[chnattrs] = 'n';
			chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_upd_user];
			/* clear delete_user value */
			newvals[chnattrs] = nulltext;
			newnulls[chnattrs] = 'n';
			chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_del_user];
			/* set insert_user value */
			newvals[chnattrs] = newuser;
			newnulls[chnattrs] = ' ';
			chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_ins_user];
		rettuple = SPI_modifytuple(rel, trigtuple, chnattrs, chattrs, newvals, newnulls);
		return PointerGetDatum(rettuple);
		/* end of INSERT */

	oldtimeon = SPI_getbinval(trigtuple, tupdesc, attnum[a_time_on], &isnull);
	if (isnull)
		elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): %s must be NOT NULL", relname, args[a_time_on]);

	oldtimeoff = SPI_getbinval(trigtuple, tupdesc, attnum[a_time_off], &isnull);
	if (isnull)
		elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): %s must be NOT NULL", relname, args[a_time_off]);

	 * If DELETE/UPDATE of tuple with stop_date neq INFINITY then say
	 * upper Executor to skip operation for this tuple
	if (newtuple != NULL)
	{							/* UPDATE */
		newtimeon = SPI_getbinval(newtuple, tupdesc, attnum[a_time_on], &isnull);
		if (isnull)
			elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): %s must be NOT NULL", relname, args[a_time_on]);

		newtimeoff = SPI_getbinval(newtuple, tupdesc, attnum[a_time_off], &isnull);
		if (isnull)
			elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): %s must be NOT NULL", relname, args[a_time_off]);

		if (oldtimeon != newtimeon || oldtimeoff != newtimeoff)
			elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): you can't change %s and/or %s columns (use set_timetravel)",
				 relname, args[a_time_on], args[a_time_off]);
	if (oldtimeoff != NOEND_ABSTIME)
	{							/* current record is a deleted/updated
								 * record */
		return PointerGetDatum(NULL);

	newtimeoff = GetCurrentAbsoluteTime();

	/* Connect to SPI manager */
	if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
		elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): SPI_connect returned %d", relname, ret);

	/* Fetch tuple values and nulls */
	cvals = (Datum *) palloc(natts * sizeof(Datum));
	cnulls = (char *) palloc(natts * sizeof(char));
	for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
		cvals[i] = SPI_getbinval(trigtuple, tupdesc, i + 1, &isnull);
		cnulls[i] = (isnull) ? 'n' : ' ';

	/* change date column(s) */
	cvals[attnum[a_time_off] - 1] = newtimeoff; /* stop_date eq current
												 * date */
	cnulls[attnum[a_time_off] - 1] = ' ';

	if (!newtuple)
	{							/* DELETE */
		if (argc == MaxAttrNum)
			cvals[attnum[a_del_user] - 1] = newuser;	/* set delete user */
			cnulls[attnum[a_del_user] - 1] = ' ';

	 * Construct ident string as TriggerName $ TriggeredRelationId and try
	 * to find prepared execution plan.
	snprintf(ident, sizeof(ident), "%s$%u", trigger->tgname, rel->rd_id);
	plan = find_plan(ident, &Plans, &nPlans);

	/* if there is no plan ... */
	if (plan->splan == NULL)
		void	   *pplan;
		Oid		   *ctypes;
		char		sql[8192];
		char		separ = ' ';

		/* allocate ctypes for preparation */
		ctypes = (Oid *) palloc(natts * sizeof(Oid));

		 * Construct query: INSERT INTO _relation_ VALUES ($1, ...)
		snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (", relname);
		for (i = 1; i <= natts; i++)
			ctypes[i - 1] = SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, i);
			if (!(tupdesc->attrs[i - 1]->attisdropped)) /* skip dropped columns */
				snprintf(sql + strlen(sql), sizeof(sql) - strlen(sql), "%c$%d", separ, i);
				separ = ',';
		snprintf(sql + strlen(sql), sizeof(sql) - strlen(sql), ")");

		elog(DEBUG4, "timetravel (%s) update: sql: %s", relname, sql);

		/* Prepare plan for query */
		pplan = SPI_prepare(sql, natts, ctypes);
		if (pplan == NULL)
			elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): SPI_prepare returned %d", relname, SPI_result);

		 * Remember that SPI_prepare places plan in current memory context
		 * - so, we have to save plan in Top memory context for latter
		 * use.
		pplan = SPI_saveplan(pplan);
		if (pplan == NULL)
			elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): SPI_saveplan returned %d", relname, SPI_result);

		plan->splan = pplan;

	 * Ok, execute prepared plan.
	ret = SPI_execp(plan->splan, cvals, cnulls, 0);

	if (ret < 0)
		elog(ERROR, "timetravel (%s): SPI_execp returned %d", relname, ret);

	/* Tuple to return to upper Executor ... */
	if (newtuple)
	{							/* UPDATE */
		int			chnattrs = 0;
		int			chattrs[MaxAttrNum];
		Datum		newvals[MaxAttrNum];
		char		newnulls[MaxAttrNum];

		newvals[chnattrs] = newtimeoff;
		newnulls[chnattrs] = ' ';
		chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_time_on];

		newvals[chnattrs] = NOEND_ABSTIME;
		newnulls[chnattrs] = ' ';
		chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_time_off];

		if (argc == MaxAttrNum)
			/* set update_user value */
			newvals[chnattrs] = newuser;
			newnulls[chnattrs] = ' ';
			chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_upd_user];
			/* clear delete_user value */
			newvals[chnattrs] = nulltext;
			newnulls[chnattrs] = 'n';
			chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_del_user];
			/* set insert_user value */
			newvals[chnattrs] = nulltext;
			newnulls[chnattrs] = 'n';
			chattrs[chnattrs] = attnum[a_ins_user];

		rettuple = SPI_modifytuple(rel, newtuple, chnattrs, chattrs, newvals, newnulls);

		 * SPI_copytuple allocates tmptuple in upper executor context -
		 * have to free allocation using SPI_pfree
		/* SPI_pfree(tmptuple); */
		/* DELETE case */
		rettuple = trigtuple;

	SPI_finish();				/* don't forget say Bye to SPI mgr */

	return PointerGetDatum(rettuple);
예제 #3
int32 Timestamp_getCurrentTimeZone(void)
	return Timestamp_getTimeZone((pg_time_t)GetCurrentAbsoluteTime());
예제 #4
파일: nabstime.c 프로젝트: GisKook/Gis
 *		timenow			- returns  time "now", internal format
 *		Now AbsoluteTime is time since Jan 1 1970 -mer 7 Feb 1992