예제 #1
bool Algorithm::PathFind(std::list<Route::Step> *result, const s32 from, const s32 to, const u16 limit, const Heroes *hero)
    const u8 pathfinding = (hero ? hero->GetLevelSkill(Skill::Secondary::PATHFINDING) : Skill::Level::NONE);

    s32 cur = from;
    s32 alt = 0;
    s32 tmp = 0;
    std::map<s32, cell_t> list;
    std::map<s32, cell_t>::iterator it1 = list.begin();
    std::map<s32, cell_t>::iterator it2 = list.end();
    Direction::vector_t direct = Direction::CENTER;

    list[cur].cost_g = 0;
    list[cur].cost_t = 0;
    list[cur].parent = -1;
    list[cur].open   = false;

    while(cur != to)

	for(direct = Direction::TOP_LEFT; direct != Direction::CENTER; ++direct)
    	    if(Maps::isValidDirection(cur, direct))
		tmp = Maps::GetDirectionIndex(cur, direct);

		    // new
		    if(-1 == list[tmp].parent)
	    		const u16 costg = Maps::Ground::GetPenalty(tmp, direct, pathfinding);
			if(MAXU16 == costg) continue;

			if((list[cur].passbl & direct) ||
			   PassableFromToTile(hero, cur, tmp, direct, to))
			    list[cur].passbl |= direct;

			    cell_t & cell = list[tmp];
	    		    cell.cost_g = costg;
			    cell.parent = cur;
			    cell.open = true;
	    		    cell.cost_t = cell.cost_g + list[cur].cost_t;
			    cell.cost_d = 50 * Maps::GetApproximateDistance(tmp, to);
		    // check alt
			alt = Maps::Ground::GetPenalty(cur, direct, pathfinding);
			if(list[tmp].cost_t > list[cur].cost_t + alt &&
			   ((list[cur].passbl & direct) ||
			     PassableFromToTile(hero, cur, tmp, direct, to)))
			    list[cur].passbl |= direct;

			    list[tmp].parent = cur;
			    list[tmp].cost_g = alt;
			    list[tmp].cost_t = list[cur].cost_t + alt;

	list[cur].open = false;

	it1 = list.begin();
	alt = -1;
	tmp = MAXU16;

	DEBUG(DBG_OTHER, DBG_TRACE, "route, from: " << cur);
	// find minimal cost
	for(; it1 != it2; ++it1) if((*it1).second.open)
	    const cell_t & cell2 = (*it1).second;
	    if(IS_DEBUG(DBG_OTHER, DBG_TRACE) && cell2.cost_g != MAXU16)
		direct = Direction::Get(cur, (*it1).first);
		if(Direction::UNKNOWN != direct)
		    VERBOSE("\t\tdirect: " << Direction::String(direct) <<
			    ", index: " << (*it1).first <<
			    ", cost g: " << cell2.cost_g <<
			    ", cost t: " << cell2.cost_t <<
			    ", cost d: " << cell2.cost_d);

	    if(cell2.cost_t + cell2.cost_d < tmp)
    		tmp = cell2.cost_t + cell2.cost_d;
    		alt = (*it1).first;

	// not found, and exception
	if(MAXU16 == tmp || -1 == alt || (limit && GetCurrentLength(list, cur) > limit)) break;
	DEBUG(DBG_OTHER, DBG_TRACE, "select: " << alt);
	cur = alt;

    // save path
    if(cur == to)
	while(cur != from)
	    if(-1 == list[cur].parent) break;
	    alt = cur;
    	    cur = list[alt].parent;
	    if(result) result->push_front(Route::Step(cur, Direction::Get(cur, alt), list[alt].cost_g));
        return true;

    DEBUG(DBG_OTHER, DBG_TRACE, "not found" << ", from:" << from << ", to: " << to);

    return false;
예제 #2
bool Route::Path::Find(s32 to, int limit)
    const int pathfinding = hero->GetLevelSkill(Skill::Secondary::PATHFINDING);
    const s32 from = hero->GetIndex();

    s32 cur = from;
    s32 alt = 0;
    s32 tmp = 0;
    std::map<s32, cell_t> list;
    std::map<s32, cell_t>::iterator it1 = list.begin();
    std::map<s32, cell_t>::iterator it2 = list.end();

    list[cur].cost_g = 0;
    list[cur].cost_t = 0;
    list[cur].parent = -1;
    list[cur].open   = 0;

    const Directions directions = Direction::All();

    while(cur != to)
	    it = directions.begin(); it != directions.end(); ++it)
    	    if(Maps::isValidDirection(cur, *it))
		tmp = Maps::GetDirectionIndex(cur, *it);

		    const u32 costg = GetPenaltyFromTo(cur, tmp, *it, pathfinding);

		    // new
		    if(-1 == list[tmp].parent)
			if((list[cur].passbl & *it) ||
			   PassableFromToTile(*hero, cur, tmp, *it, to))
			    list[cur].passbl |= *it;

			    list[tmp].direct = *it;
	    		    list[tmp].cost_g = costg;
			    list[tmp].parent = cur;
			    list[tmp].open   = 1;
			    list[tmp].cost_d = 50 * Maps::GetApproximateDistance(tmp, to);
	    		    list[tmp].cost_t = list[cur].cost_t + costg;
		    // check alt
			if(list[tmp].cost_t > list[cur].cost_t + costg &&
			   ((list[cur].passbl & *it) || PassableFromToTile(*hero, cur, tmp, *it, to)))
			    list[cur].passbl |= *it;

			    list[tmp].direct = *it;
			    list[tmp].parent = cur;
			    list[tmp].cost_g = costg;
			    list[tmp].cost_t = list[cur].cost_t + costg;

	list[cur].open = 0;

	it1 = list.begin();
	alt = -1;
	tmp = MAXU16;

	DEBUG(DBG_OTHER, DBG_TRACE, "route, from: " << cur);

	// find minimal cost
	for(; it1 != it2; ++it1) if((*it1).second.open)
	    const cell_t & cell2 = (*it1).second;
	    if(IS_DEBUG(DBG_OTHER, DBG_TRACE) && cell2.cost_g != MAXU16)
		int direct = Direction::Get(cur, (*it1).first);

		if(Direction::UNKNOWN != direct)
		    VERBOSE("\t\tdirect: " << Direction::String(direct) <<
			    ", index: " << (*it1).first <<
			    ", cost g: " << cell2.cost_g <<
			    ", cost t: " << cell2.cost_t <<
			    ", cost d: " << cell2.cost_d);

	    if(cell2.cost_t + cell2.cost_d < tmp)
    		tmp = cell2.cost_t + cell2.cost_d;
    		alt = (*it1).first;

	// not found, and exception
	if(MAXU16 == tmp || -1 == alt) break;
	DEBUG(DBG_OTHER, DBG_TRACE, "select: " << alt);
	cur = alt;

	if(0 < limit && GetCurrentLength(list, cur) > limit) break;

    // save path
    if(cur == to)
	while(cur != from)
	    push_front(Route::Step(list[cur].parent, list[cur].direct, list[cur].cost_g));
    	    cur = list[cur].parent;
	DEBUG(DBG_OTHER, DBG_TRACE, "not found" << ", from:" << from << ", to: " << to);

    return !empty();