예제 #1
int BattleroomListCtrl::GetItemColumnImage(long item, long column) const
    if ( (item == -1) || (item >= (long)m_data.size()) || (m_battle == NULL) )
        return -1;

    const User& user = *GetDataFromIndex( item );
    bool is_bot = user.BattleStatus().IsBot();
    bool is_spec = user.BattleStatus().spectator;
	 if ( column == m_status_column_index ) {
		if ( !is_bot ) {
			if ( m_battle->IsFounder( user ) ) {
				return icons().GetHostIcon( is_spec );
			else {
				return icons().GetReadyIcon( is_spec, user.BattleStatus().ready, user.BattleStatus().sync, is_bot );
			return icons().ICON_BOT;
	 if ( column == m_ingame_column_index ) return user.GetStatusIconIndex();
	 if ( column == m_colour_column_index ) return is_spec ? -1 : icons().GetColourIcon( user.BattleStatus().colour );
	 if ( column == m_country_column_index ) return is_bot ? -1 : icons().GetFlagIcon( user.GetCountry() );
	 if ( column == m_rank_column_index ) return is_bot ? -1 : icons().GetRankIcon( user.GetStatus().rank );
	 if ( column == m_faction_column_index ) return is_spec ? -1 : user.GetSideiconIndex();
	 if ( column == m_nick_column_index ) return -1;
		const wxString msg =  wxFormat(_("column oob in BattleroomListCtrl::OnGetItemColumnImage: %d" )) % column;
		wxLogWarning( msg);
		return -1;
예제 #2
wxListItemAttr * BattleroomListCtrl::GetItemAttr(long item) const
    if ( item == -1 || item >= (long)m_data.size())
        return NULL;

    const User& user = *GetDataFromIndex( item );
    bool is_bot = user.BattleStatus().IsBot();

    if ( !is_bot ) {
        return HighlightItemUser( user.GetNick() );

    return NULL;
예제 #3
void BattleroomListCtrl::OnListRightClick( wxListEvent& event )
    wxLogDebugFunc( _T("") );
	if ( m_ro ) return;
	int index = event.GetIndex();

    if ( index == -1 || index >= (long)m_data.size()) return;

    User& user = *GetDataFromIndex( event.GetIndex() );
    m_sel_user = &user; //this is set for event handlers

    if ( user.BattleStatus().IsBot() )

        int item = m_popup->FindItem( _("Spectator") );
        m_popup->Enable( item, false );
        m_popup->Check( item, false );
        m_popup->Enable( m_popup->FindItem( _("Ring") ), false );
        m_popup->Enable( m_popup->FindItem( _("Kick") ),true);
        assert( m_popup );
        int item = m_popup->FindItem( _("Spectator") );
        m_popup->Check( item, m_sel_user->BattleStatus().spectator );
        m_popup->Enable( item, true );
        m_popup->Enable( m_popup->FindItem( _("Ring") ), true );
        bool isSelUserMe =  ( ui().IsThisMe(user) );
        m_popup->Enable( m_popup->FindItem( _("Kick") ),!isSelUserMe);

    m_popup->EnableItems( !user.BattleStatus().IsBot(), GetSelectedUserNick() );//this updates groups, therefore we need to update the connection to evt handlers too
    std::vector<int> groups_ids = m_popup->GetGroupIds();
    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = groups_ids.begin(); it != groups_ids.end(); ++it) {
        Connect( *it, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler( BattleroomListCtrl::OnUserMenuAddToGroup ), 0, this );
    Connect( GROUP_ID_NEW, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler( BattleroomListCtrl::OnUserMenuCreateGroup), 0, this );
    PopupMenu( m_popup );
예제 #4
wxString BattleroomListCtrl::GetItemText(long item, long column) const
	if ( item == -1 || item >= (long)m_data.size())
		return _T("");

	const User& user = *GetDataFromIndex( item );
	bool is_bot = user.BattleStatus().IsBot();
	bool is_spec = user.BattleStatus().spectator;

	if ( column == m_faction_column_index ) {
		try {
			wxArrayString sides = usync().GetSides( m_battle->GetHostModName() );
			ASSERT_EXCEPTION( user.BattleStatus().side < (long)sides.GetCount(), _T("Side index too high") );
		catch ( ... ) {
			return wxString::Format( _T("s%d"), user.BattleStatus().side + 1 );
		return _T("");
	if ( column == m_nick_column_index ) return is_bot ? user.GetNick() + _T(" (") + user.BattleStatus().owner + _T(")") : user.GetNick();
	if ( column == m_team_column_index ) return is_spec ? _T("") : wxString::Format( _T("%d"), user.BattleStatus().team + 1 );
	if ( column == m_ally_column_index ) return is_spec ? _T("") : wxString::Format( _T("%d"), user.BattleStatus().ally + 1 );
	if ( column == m_cpu_column_index ) {
		if (!is_bot )
			return wxString::Format( _T("%.1f GHz"), user.GetCpu() / 1000.0 );
		else { //!TODO could prolly be cached
			wxString botname = user.BattleStatus().aishortname;
			if ( !user.BattleStatus().aiversion.IsEmpty() ) botname += _T(" ") + user.BattleStatus().aiversion;
			if ( !usync().VersionSupports( IUnitSync::USYNC_GetSkirmishAI ) )
				if ( botname.Find(_T('.')) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.BeforeLast(_T('.'));
				if ( botname.Find(_T('/')) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.AfterLast(_T('/'));
				if ( botname.Find(_T('\\')) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.AfterLast(_T('\\'));
				if ( botname.Find(_T("LuaAI:")) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.AfterFirst(_T(':'));
			return botname;
	if ( column == m_resourcebonus_column_index ) return is_spec ? _T("") : wxString::Format( _T("%d%%"), user.BattleStatus().handicap );
	if ( column == m_country_column_index ) return _T("");

	return _T("");
예제 #5
wxString BattleroomListCtrl::GetItemText(long item, long column) const
	if ( (item == -1) || (item >= (long)m_data.size()) || (m_battle == NULL))
		return _T("");

	const User& user = *GetDataFromIndex( item );
	bool is_bot = user.BattleStatus().IsBot();
	bool is_spec = user.BattleStatus().spectator;

	if ( column == m_faction_column_index ) {
		try {
            auto sides = LSL::usync().GetSides(STD_STRING(m_battle->GetHostModName()));
            ASSERT_EXCEPTION( user.BattleStatus().side < (long)sides.size(), _T("Side index too high") );
		catch ( ... ) {
			return wxFormat( _T("s%d") ) % (user.BattleStatus().side + 1);
		return _T("");
    if ( column == m_nick_column_index )  {
        if ( is_bot ) {
            wxString botname = user.BattleStatus().aishortname;
            if ( !user.BattleStatus().aiversion.IsEmpty() ) botname += _T(" ") + user.BattleStatus().aiversion;
            if ( !LSL::usync().VersionSupports( LSL::USYNC_GetSkirmishAI ) )
                if ( botname.Find(_T('.')) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.BeforeLast(_T('.'));
                if ( botname.Find(_T('/')) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.AfterLast(_T('/'));
                if ( botname.Find(_T('\\')) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.AfterLast(_T('\\'));
                if ( botname.Find(_T("LuaAI:")) != wxNOT_FOUND ) botname = botname.AfterFirst(_T(':'));
            return (wxFormat(_T("%s - %s (%s)")) % user.GetNick() % botname % user.BattleStatus().owner);
            return user.GetNick();
	if ( column == m_team_column_index ) return is_spec ? _T("") : (wxFormat( _T("%d") ) % ( user.BattleStatus().team + 1 ) ).c_str();
	if ( column == m_ally_column_index ) return is_spec ? _T("") : (wxFormat( _T("%d") ) % ( user.BattleStatus().ally + 1 ) ).c_str();
	if ( column == m_resourcebonus_column_index ) return is_spec ? _T("") : (wxFormat( _T("%d%%") ) % user.BattleStatus().handicap ).c_str();
	if ( column == m_country_column_index ) return _T("");

	return _T("");
예제 #6
void PlaybackListCtrl<PlaybackType>::SetTipWindowText( const long item_hit, const wxPoint& position)
    if ( item_hit < 0 || item_hit >= (long)m_data.size() )

    const PlaybackType& replay = *GetDataFromIndex( item_hit );

    int column = getColumnFromPosition( position );
    if (column > (int)m_colinfovec.size() || column < 0)
        m_tiptext = _T("");
        switch (column) {
            case 0: // date
            m_tiptext = replay.date_string;
            case 1: // modname
                m_tiptext = replay.ModName;
            case 2: // mapname
                m_tiptext = replay.MapName;
            case 3: //playernum
                m_tiptext = replay.ModName;
            case 4: // spring version
                m_tiptext = replay.SpringVersion;
            case 5: // filenam
                m_tiptext = replay.Filename;

            default: m_tiptext = _T("");
예제 #7
wxString BattleroomListCtrl::GetItemText(long item, long column) const
	if ((item == -1) || (item >= (long)m_data.size()) || (m_battle == NULL))
		return wxEmptyString;

	const User& user = *GetDataFromIndex(item);
	bool is_bot = user.BattleStatus().IsBot();
	bool is_spec = user.BattleStatus().spectator;

	if (column == m_faction_column_index) {
		try {
			auto sides = LSL::usync().GetSides(m_battle->GetHostModName());
			ASSERT_EXCEPTION(user.BattleStatus().side < (long)sides.size(), _T("Side index too high"));
		} catch (...) {
			return wxString::Format(_T("s%d"), user.BattleStatus().side + 1);
		return wxEmptyString;
	if (column == m_nick_column_index) {
		if (is_bot) {
			wxString botname = TowxString(user.BattleStatus().aishortname);
			if (!user.BattleStatus().aiversion.empty())
				botname += _T(" ") + TowxString(user.BattleStatus().aiversion);
			return wxString::Format(_T("%s - %s (%s)"), TowxString(user.GetNick()).c_str(), botname.c_str(), TowxString(user.BattleStatus().owner).c_str());
		} else
			return TowxString(user.GetNick());
	if (column == m_team_column_index)
		return is_spec ? wxString(wxEmptyString) : (wxString::Format(_T("%d"), user.BattleStatus().team + 1));
	if (column == m_ally_column_index)
		return is_spec ? wxString(wxEmptyString) : (wxString::Format(_T("%d"), user.BattleStatus().ally + 1));
	if (column == m_resourcebonus_column_index)
		return is_spec ? wxString(wxEmptyString) : (wxString::Format(_T("%d%%"), user.BattleStatus().handicap));
	if (column == m_country_column_index)
		return wxEmptyString;

	return wxEmptyString;
예제 #8
void BattleroomListCtrl::SetTipWindowText( const long item_hit, const wxPoint& position)
    if ( item_hit < 0 || item_hit >= (long)m_data.size() )
	if ( !m_battle ) return;
    const User& user = *GetDataFromIndex( item_hit );

    int column = getColumnFromPosition( position );
    if (column > (int)m_colinfovec.size() || column < 0)
        m_tiptext = _T("");
		if ( column == m_status_column_index ) // is bot?
			m_tiptext = _T("");

			if ( user.BattleStatus().IsBot() )
				m_tiptext += _("AI (bot)\n");
				m_tiptext += _("Human\n");

			if ( user.BattleStatus().spectator )
				m_tiptext += _("Spectator\n");
				m_tiptext += _("Player\n");

			if ( m_battle->IsFounder( user ) )
				m_tiptext += _("Host\n");
				m_tiptext += _("Client\n");

			if ( user.BattleStatus().ready )
				m_tiptext += _("Ready\n");
				m_tiptext += _("Not ready\n");

			if  ( user.BattleStatus().sync == SYNC_SYNCED )
				m_tiptext += _("In sync");
				m_tiptext += _("Not in sync");
		else if ( column == m_faction_column_index ) // icon
			m_tiptext = _T("");
			if ( user.BattleStatus().spectator )
				m_tiptext = _T("Spectators have no side");
                    const auto sides = LSL::usync().GetSides(STD_STRING(m_battle->GetHostModName()));
                    const int side = user.BattleStatus().side;
                    if ( side < (int)sides.size() )
                        m_tiptext = TowxString(sides[side]);
				catch (...){}
		else if ( column == m_ingame_column_index ) // lobby status
			m_tiptext = _T( "This " );
			if ( user.GetStatus().bot )
				m_tiptext << _T( "bot " );
			else if ( user.GetStatus().moderator )
				m_tiptext << _T( "moderator " );
				m_tiptext << _T( "player " );

			if ( user.GetStatus().in_game )
				m_tiptext <<  _T( "is ingame" );
			else if ( user.GetStatus().away )
				m_tiptext <<  _T( "is away" );
				m_tiptext << _T( "is available" );
		else if ( column == m_country_column_index ) // country
			m_tiptext = user.BattleStatus().IsBot() ? _T("This bot is from nowhere particular") : GetFlagNameFromCountryCode(user.GetCountry());
		else if ( column == m_rank_column_index ) // rank
			m_tiptext = user.BattleStatus().IsBot() ? _T("This bot has no rank") : user.GetRankName(user.GetStatus().rank);
		else if ( column == m_nick_column_index ) //name
			m_tiptext = user.BattleStatus().IsBot() ?user.GetNick() : user.GetNick();
		else m_tiptext = m_colinfovec[column].tip;
예제 #9
typename CustomVirtListCtrl<T,L>::DataType CustomVirtListCtrl<T,L>::GetSelectedData()
	return GetDataFromIndex( m_selected_index );