예제 #1
const ConstSocketRef &
AbstractReflectSession ::
GetSessionWriteSelectSocket() const
   const DataIORef & dio = GetDataIO();
   return dio() ? dio()->GetWriteSelectSocket() : GetNullSocket();
예제 #2
PlainTextMessageIOGateway ::
DoOutputImplementation(uint32 maxBytes)

   const Message * msg = _currentSendingMessage();
   if (msg == NULL)
      // try to get the next message from our queue
      (void) GetOutgoingMessageQueue().RemoveHead(_currentSendingMessage);
      msg = _currentSendingMessage();
      _currentSendLineIndex = _currentSendOffset = -1;

   if (msg)
      if ((_currentSendOffset < 0)||(_currentSendOffset >= (int32)_currentSendText.Length()))
         // Try to get the next line of text from our message
         if (msg->FindString(PR_NAME_TEXT_LINE, ++_currentSendLineIndex, _currentSendText) == B_NO_ERROR)
            _currentSendOffset = 0;
            _currentSendText += _eolString;
            _currentSendingMessage.Reset();  // no more text available?  Go to the next message then.
            return DoOutputImplementation(maxBytes);
      if ((msg)&&(_currentSendOffset >= 0)&&(_currentSendOffset < (int32)_currentSendText.Length()))
         // Send as much as we can of the current text line
         const char * bytes = _currentSendText.Cstr() + _currentSendOffset;
         int32 bytesWritten = GetDataIO()()->Write(bytes, muscleMin(_currentSendText.Length()-_currentSendOffset, maxBytes));
              if (bytesWritten < 0) return -1;
         else if (bytesWritten > 0)
            _currentSendOffset += bytesWritten;
            int32 subRet = DoOutputImplementation(maxBytes-bytesWritten);
            return (subRet >= 0) ? subRet+bytesWritten : -1;
   return 0;
예제 #3
PlainTextMessageIOGateway ::
DoInputImplementation(AbstractGatewayMessageReceiver & receiver, uint32 maxBytes)

   int32 ret = 0;
   const int tempBufSize = 2048;
   char buf[tempBufSize];
   int32 bytesRead = GetDataIO()()->Read(buf, muscleMin(maxBytes, (uint32)(sizeof(buf)-1)));
   if (bytesRead < 0)
      return -1;
   if (bytesRead > 0)
      uint32 filteredBytesRead = bytesRead;
      FilterInputBuffer(buf, filteredBytesRead, sizeof(buf)-1);
      ret += filteredBytesRead;
      buf[filteredBytesRead] = '\0';

      MessageRef inMsg;  // demand-allocated
      int32 beginAt = 0;
      for (uint32 i=0; i<filteredBytesRead; i++)
         char nextChar = buf[i];
         if ((nextChar == '\r')||(nextChar == '\n'))
            buf[i] = '\0';  // terminate the string here
            if ((nextChar == '\r')||(_prevCharWasCarriageReturn == false)) inMsg = AddIncomingText(inMsg, &buf[beginAt]);
            beginAt = i+1;
         _prevCharWasCarriageReturn = (nextChar == '\r');
      if (beginAt < (int32)filteredBytesRead)
         if (_flushPartialIncomingLines) inMsg = AddIncomingText(inMsg, &buf[beginAt]);
                                    else _incomingText += &buf[beginAt];
      if (inMsg()) receiver.CallMessageReceivedFromGateway(inMsg);
   return ret;
예제 #4
int32 PacketTunnelIOGateway :: DoInputImplementation(AbstractGatewayMessageReceiver & receiver, uint32 maxBytes)
   if (_inputPacketBuffer.SetNumBytes(_maxTransferUnit, false) != B_NO_ERROR) return -1;

   bool firstTime = true;
   uint32 totalBytesRead = 0;
   while((totalBytesRead < maxBytes)&&((firstTime)||(IsSuggestedTimeSliceExpired() == false)))
      firstTime = false;

      int32 bytesRead = GetDataIO()()->Read(_inputPacketBuffer.GetBuffer(), _inputPacketBuffer.GetNumBytes());
//printf("   READ " INT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " bytes\n", bytesRead, _inputPacketBuffer.GetNumBytes());
      if (bytesRead > 0)
         totalBytesRead += bytesRead;

         IPAddressAndPort fromIAP;
         const PacketDataIO * packetIO = dynamic_cast<PacketDataIO *>(GetDataIO()());
         if (packetIO) fromIAP = packetIO->GetSourceOfLastReadPacket();

         const uint8 * p = (const uint8 *) _inputPacketBuffer.GetBuffer();
         if ((_allowMiscData)&&((bytesRead < (int32)FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE)||(((uint32)B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(p))) != _magic)))
            // If we're allowed to handle miscellaneous data, we'll just pass it on through verbatim
            ByteBuffer temp;
            temp.AdoptBuffer(bytesRead, const_cast<uint8 *>(p));
            HandleIncomingMessage(receiver, ByteBufferRef(&temp, false), fromIAP);
            (void) temp.ReleaseBuffer();
            const uint8 * invalidByte = p+bytesRead;
            while(invalidByte-p >= (int32)FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE)
               const uint32 magic     = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[0*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 sexID     = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[1*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 messageID = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[2*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 offset    = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[3*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 chunkSize = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[4*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 totalSize = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[5*sizeof(uint32)]));
//printf("   PARSE magic=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " sex=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " messageID=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " offset=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " chunkSize=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " totalSize=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "\n", magic, _magic, sexID, _sexID, messageID, offset, chunkSize, totalSize);

               p += FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE;
               if ((magic == _magic)&&((_sexID == 0)||(_sexID != sexID))&&((invalidByte-p >= (int32)chunkSize)&&(totalSize <= _maxIncomingMessageSize)))
                  ReceiveState * rs = _receiveStates.Get(fromIAP);
                  if (rs == NULL)
                     if (offset == 0) rs = _receiveStates.PutAndGet(fromIAP, ReceiveState(messageID));
                     if (rs)
                        rs->_buf = GetByteBufferFromPool(totalSize);
                        if (rs->_buf() == NULL)
                           rs = NULL;
                  if (rs)
                     if ((offset == 0)||(messageID != rs->_messageID))
                        // A new message... start receiving it (but only if we are starting at the beginning)
                        rs->_messageID = messageID;
                        rs->_offset    = 0;
                        rs->_buf()->SetNumBytes(totalSize, false);

                     uint32 rsSize = rs->_buf()->GetNumBytes();
//printf("  CHECK:  offset=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " %s\n", offset, rs->_offset, (offset==rs->_offset)?"":"DISCONTINUITY!!!");
                     if ((messageID == rs->_messageID)&&(totalSize == rsSize)&&(offset == rs->_offset)&&(offset+chunkSize <= rsSize))
                        memcpy(rs->_buf()->GetBuffer()+offset, p, chunkSize);
                        rs->_offset += chunkSize;
                        if (rs->_offset == rsSize) 
                           HandleIncomingMessage(receiver, rs->_buf, fromIAP);
                           rs->_offset = 0;
                           rs->_buf()->Clear(rsSize > MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
                        LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_DEBUG, "Unknown fragment (" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC ") received from %s, ignoring it.\n", messageID, offset, chunkSize, totalSize, fromIAP.ToString()());
                        rs->_offset = 0;
                        rs->_buf()->Clear(rsSize > MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
                  p += chunkSize;
               else break;
      else if (bytesRead < 0) return -1;
      else break;
   return totalBytesRead;
예제 #5
int32 PacketTunnelIOGateway :: DoOutputImplementation(uint32 maxBytes)
   if (_outputPacketBuffer.SetNumBytes(_maxTransferUnit, false) != B_NO_ERROR) return -1;

   uint32 totalBytesWritten = 0;
   bool firstTime = true;
   while((totalBytesWritten < maxBytes)&&((firstTime)||(IsSuggestedTimeSliceExpired() == false)))
      firstTime = false;

      // Step 1:  Add as much data to our output packet buffer as we can fit into it
      while((_outputPacketSize+FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE < _maxTransferUnit)&&(HasBytesToOutput()))
         // Demand-create the next send-buffer
         if (_currentOutputBuffer() == NULL)
            MessageRef msg;
            if (GetOutgoingMessageQueue().RemoveHead(msg) == B_NO_ERROR)
               _currentOutputBufferOffset = 0; 

               if (_slaveGateway())
                  DataIORef oldIO = _slaveGateway()->GetDataIO(); // save slave gateway's old state

                  // Get the slave gateway to generate its output into our ByteBuffer
                  _fakeSendBuffer.SetNumBytes(0, false);
                  _fakeSendIO.Seek(0, SeekableDataIO::IO_SEEK_SET);
                  _slaveGateway()->SetDataIO(DataIORef(&_fakeSendIO, false));
                  while(_slaveGateway()->DoOutput() > 0) {/* empty */}

                  _slaveGateway()->SetDataIO(oldIO);  // restore slave gateway's old state
                  _currentOutputBuffer.SetRef(&_fakeSendBuffer, false);
               else if (_fakeSendBuffer.SetNumBytes(msg()->FlattenedSize(), false) == B_NO_ERROR)
                  // Default algorithm:  Just flatten the Message into the buffer
                  _currentOutputBuffer.SetRef(&_fakeSendBuffer, false);
         if (_currentOutputBuffer() == NULL) break;   // oops, out of mem?

         uint32 sbSize          = _currentOutputBuffer()->GetNumBytes();
         uint32 dataBytesToSend = muscleMin(_maxTransferUnit-(_outputPacketSize+FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE), sbSize-_currentOutputBufferOffset);

         uint8 * p = _outputPacketBuffer.GetBuffer()+_outputPacketSize;
         muscleCopyOut(&p[0*sizeof(uint32)], B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(_magic));                      // a well-known magic number, for sanity checking
         muscleCopyOut(&p[1*sizeof(uint32)], B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(_sexID));                      // source exclusion ID
         muscleCopyOut(&p[2*sizeof(uint32)], B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(_sendMessageIDCounter));       // message ID tag so the receiver can track what belongs where
         muscleCopyOut(&p[3*sizeof(uint32)], B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(_currentOutputBufferOffset));  // start offset (within its message) for this sub-chunk
         muscleCopyOut(&p[4*sizeof(uint32)], B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(dataBytesToSend)); // size of this sub-chunk
         muscleCopyOut(&p[5*sizeof(uint32)], B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(sbSize));          // total size of this message
//printf("CREATING PACKET magic=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " msgID=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " offset=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " chunkSize=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " totalSize=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "\n", _magic, _sendMessageIDCounter, _currentOutputBufferOffset, dataBytesToSend, sbSize);
         memcpy(p+FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE, _currentOutputBuffer()->GetBuffer()+_currentOutputBufferOffset, dataBytesToSend);

         _outputPacketSize += (FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE+dataBytesToSend);
         _currentOutputBufferOffset += dataBytesToSend;
         if (_currentOutputBufferOffset == sbSize)
            _fakeSendBuffer.Clear(_fakeSendBuffer.GetNumBytes() > MAX_CACHE_SIZE);  // don't keep too much memory around!

      // Step 2:  If we have a non-empty packet to send, send it!
      if (_outputPacketSize > 0)
         // If bytesWritten is set to zero, we just hold this buffer until our next call.
         int32 bytesWritten = GetDataIO()()->Write(_outputPacketBuffer.GetBuffer(), _outputPacketSize);
//printf("WROTE " INT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " bytes %s\n", bytesWritten, _outputPacketSize, (bytesWritten==(int32)_outputPacketSize)?"":"******** SHORT ***********");
         if (bytesWritten > 0)
            if (bytesWritten != (int32)_outputPacketSize) LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "PacketTunnelIOGateway::DoOutput():  Short write!  (" INT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " bytes)\n", bytesWritten, _outputPacketSize);
            _outputPacketSize = 0;
            totalBytesWritten += bytesWritten;
         else if (bytesWritten == 0) break;  // no more space to write, for now
         else return -1;
      else break;  // nothing more to do! 
   return totalBytesWritten;
PlainTextMessageIOGateway ::
DoInputImplementation(AbstractGatewayMessageReceiver & receiver, uint32 maxBytes)

   int32 ret = 0;
   const int tempBufSize = 2048;
   char buf[tempBufSize];

   const uint32 mtuSize = GetMaximumPacketSize();
   if (mtuSize > 0)
      // Packet-IO implementation
      char * pbuf  = buf;
      int pbufSize = tempBufSize;

      ByteBufferRef bigBuf;
      if (mtuSize > tempBufSize)
         // Just in case our MTU size is too big for our on-stack buffer
         bigBuf = GetByteBufferFromPool(mtuSize);
         if (bigBuf())
            pbuf     = (char *) bigBuf()->GetBuffer();
            pbufSize = bigBuf()->GetNumBytes();

         IPAddressAndPort sourceIAP;
         const int32 bytesRead = GetPacketDataIO()->ReadFrom(pbuf, muscleMin(maxBytes, (uint32)(pbufSize-1)), sourceIAP);
              if (bytesRead < 0) return (ret > 0) ? ret : -1;
         else if (bytesRead > 0)
            uint32 filteredBytesRead = bytesRead;
            FilterInputBuffer(pbuf, filteredBytesRead, pbufSize-1);
            ret += filteredBytesRead;
            pbuf[filteredBytesRead] = '\0';

            bool prevCharWasCarriageReturn = false;  // deliberately a local var, since UDP packets should be independent of each other
            MessageRef inMsg;  // demand-allocated
            int32 beginAt = 0;
            for (uint32 i=0; i<filteredBytesRead; i++)
               char nextChar = pbuf[i];
               if ((nextChar == '\r')||(nextChar == '\n'))
                  pbuf[i] = '\0';  // terminate the string here
                  if ((nextChar == '\r')||(prevCharWasCarriageReturn == false)) inMsg = AddIncomingText(inMsg, &pbuf[beginAt]);
                  beginAt = i+1;
               prevCharWasCarriageReturn = (nextChar == '\r');
            if (beginAt < (int32)filteredBytesRead) inMsg = AddIncomingText(inMsg, &pbuf[beginAt]);
            if (inMsg()) 
               (void) inMsg()->AddFlat(PR_NAME_PACKET_REMOTE_LOCATION, sourceIAP);
            ret += bytesRead;
         else return ret;
      // Stream-IO implementation
      const int32 bytesRead = GetDataIO()()->Read(buf, muscleMin(maxBytes, (uint32)(sizeof(buf)-1)));
      if (bytesRead < 0)
         return -1;
      if (bytesRead > 0)
         uint32 filteredBytesRead = bytesRead;
         FilterInputBuffer(buf, filteredBytesRead, sizeof(buf)-1);
         ret += filteredBytesRead;
         buf[filteredBytesRead] = '\0';

         MessageRef inMsg;  // demand-allocated
         int32 beginAt = 0;
         for (uint32 i=0; i<filteredBytesRead; i++)
            char nextChar = buf[i];
            if ((nextChar == '\r')||(nextChar == '\n'))
               buf[i] = '\0';  // terminate the string here
               if ((nextChar == '\r')||(_prevCharWasCarriageReturn == false)) inMsg = AddIncomingText(inMsg, &buf[beginAt]);
               beginAt = i+1;
            _prevCharWasCarriageReturn = (nextChar == '\r');
         if (beginAt < (int32)filteredBytesRead)
            if (_flushPartialIncomingLines) inMsg = AddIncomingText(inMsg, &buf[beginAt]);
                                       else _incomingText += &buf[beginAt];
         if (inMsg()) receiver.CallMessageReceivedFromGateway(inMsg);
   return ret;