예제 #1
void PE_Debug :: FindDebugInfo()
    ClearDebugPtrs() ;
    // Put everything into a try/catch in case the file has wrong fields
        // Verify that fileBase is a valid pointer to a DOS header
        if( fileBase->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE )
            // Get a pointer to the PE header
            NT_Header = BasedPtr( PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS, fileBase, fileBase->e_lfanew ) ;
            // Verify that NT_Header is a valid pointer to a NT header
            if( NT_Header->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
                // Get a pointer to the debug header if any
                COFFDebugInfo = GetDebugHeader() ;
                // Get a pointer to the symbol table and retrieve the number of symbols
                if( NT_Header->FileHeader.PointerToSymbolTable )
                    COFFSymbolTable =
                        BasedPtr( PIMAGE_SYMBOL, fileBase, NT_Header->FileHeader.PointerToSymbolTable ) ;
                COFFSymbolCount = NT_Header->FileHeader.NumberOfSymbols ;
                // The string table starts right after the symbol table
                stringTable = (const char*)(COFFSymbolTable + COFFSymbolCount) ;
    catch( ... )
        // Header wrong, do nothing
// second-phase constructor
void CServerCrashDataSource::ConstructL()
	LOG_MSG("->CServerCrashDataSource::ConstructL()\n" );
	// Get the debug func block and make appropriate changes to our structures
    TInt err;
	TUint32 bufsize = 0;
	LOG_MSG( "  -> iSecSess->GetDebugFunctionalityBufSize( &bufsize )\n" );
    err = iSecSess.GetDebugFunctionalityBufSize( &bufsize );

	if( (err != KErrNone) || (0 == bufsize) )
		// No debug functionality block, cannot do much without that.
		LOG_MSG2("CServerCrashDataSource::ConstructL() - unable to get debug functionality block! err:%d\n", err);
		User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );

    RBuf8 DFBlock;

	LOG_MSG2( "  -> HBufC8::NewLC( bufsize=%d )\n", bufsize );

	LOG_MSG("CServerCrashDataSource::ConstrucL -> GetDebugFunctionality()\n" );
    err = iSecSess.GetDebugFunctionality(DFBlock);
	if( KErrNone != err )
		LOG_MSG( "CServerCrashDataSource::ConstructL() : ERROR !* : Could not retrieve debug functionality block\n" );
		User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );

	LOG_MSG( "  -> GetDebugHeader( EDF_TagHdrId_RegistersCore )\n" );
	TTagHeader * hdr = GetDebugHeader( ETagHeaderIdRegistersCore, DFBlock );

	if( hdr == NULL )
		LOG_MSG( "Could not retrieve ETagHeaderIdRegistersCore register debug block\n" );
	else if( 0 == hdr->iNumTags )
		LOG_MSG( "Zero tags found for ETagHeaderIdRegistersCore register debug block\n" );

		iRegisterList.ReserveL( (TInt)hdr->iNumTags );

		// Skip the header to get to the tags
		TUint8 * ptr = ((TUint8 *) hdr) + sizeof( TTagHeader );
		TTag * tag = (TTag *) ptr;

		TRegisterData regData;
		TRegisterData * reg = &regData;

		// Process all the register tags
		for( TInt regIdx = 0; regIdx < hdr->iNumTags; regIdx ++ )
			reg->iRegClass  = 0;			// Core = 0
			reg->iId        = tag->iTagId;	//
			reg->iSubId     = 0;			//
			reg->iSize      = 2;			// Should all be 32 bits == 2.
			reg->iAvailable = ETrue;
			reg->iValue64	= 0;
			iRegisterList.Append( *reg );

	hdr = GetDebugHeader( ETagHeaderIdMemory, DFBlock );
	if( hdr == NULL )
		LOG_MSG( "Could not retrieve ETagHeaderIdMemory. Cannot read memory\n" );
		iMaxMemReadSize = 0;
	else if( 0 == hdr->iNumTags )
		LOG_MSG( "Zero tags found for ETagHeaderIdMemory register debug block\n" );
		iMaxMemReadSize = 0;
		TTag* tag = GetTag( hdr, EMemoryMaxBlockSize );
		if( tag )
			//LOG_MSG2( " EMemoryMaxBlockSize =0x%X\n", tag->iValue );
			iMaxMemReadSize = tag->iValue;

	iLastThreadListSize = 1;
	iLastProcListSize = 1;
	iLastRegListSize = 1;
