예제 #1
HermitianExtremalSingValEst( const SparseMatrix<F>& A, Int basisSize )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    Matrix<Real> T;
    Lanczos( A, T, basisSize );
    const Int k = T.Height();
    if( k == 0 )
        return pair<Real,Real>(0,0);

    Matrix<Real> d, dSub;
    d = GetDiagonal( T );
    dSub = GetDiagonal( T, -1 );
    Matrix<Real> w;
    HermitianTridiagEig( d, dSub, w );
    pair<Real,Real> extremal;
    extremal.second = MaxNorm(w);
    extremal.first = extremal.second;
    for( Int i=0; i<k; ++i )
        extremal.first = Min(extremal.first,Abs(w(i)));
    return extremal;
예제 #2
HermitianHelper( const DistSparseMatrix<F>& A, Int basisSize )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    Grid grid( A.Comm() );

    DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> T(grid);
    Lanczos( A, T, basisSize );
    const Int k = T.Height();
    if( k == 0 )
        return pair<Real,Real>(0,0);

    auto d = GetDiagonal( T.Matrix() );
    auto dSub = GetDiagonal( T.Matrix(), -1 );

    Matrix<Real> w;
    HermitianTridiagEig( d, dSub, w );

    pair<Real,Real> extremal;
    extremal.second = MaxNorm(w);
    extremal.first = extremal.second;
    for( Int i=0; i<k; ++i )
        extremal.first = Min(extremal.first,Abs(w.Get(i,0)));

    return extremal;
예제 #3
SafeProduct<Base<F>> AfterCholesky
( UpperOrLower uplo, const ElementalMatrix<F>& APre )

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
    auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();

    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int n = A.Height();
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();

    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> d(g);
    GetDiagonal( A, d );
    Real localKappa = 0; 
    if( d.Participating() )
        const Real scale = Real(n)/Real(2);
        const Int nLocalDiag = d.LocalHeight();
        for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<nLocalDiag; ++iLoc )
            const Real delta = RealPart(d.GetLocal(iLoc,0));
            localKappa += Log(delta)/scale;
    SafeProduct<Real> det( n );
    det.kappa = mpi::AllReduce( localKappa, g.VCComm() );
    det.rho = Real(1);

    return det;
예제 #4
GetDiagonal( const DistMatrix<T,U,V>& A, Int offset )
    DistMatrix<T,DiagCol<U,V>(),DiagRow<U,V>()> d(A.Grid());
    GetDiagonal( A, d, offset );
    return d;
예제 #5
inline LDLPivot
BunchParlett( const DistMatrix<F>& A, Base<F> gamma )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    if( gamma == Real(0) )
        gamma = LDLPivotConstant<Real>( BUNCH_PARLETT );

    const ValueInt<Real> diagMax = VectorMaxAbsLoc( GetDiagonal(A) );
    const Entry<Real> offDiagMax = SymmetricMaxAbsLoc( LOWER, A );

    LDLPivot pivot;
    if( diagMax.value >= gamma*offDiagMax.value )
        pivot.nb = 1;
        pivot.from[0] = diagMax.index;
        return pivot;
        pivot.nb = 2;
        pivot.from[0] = offDiagMax.i;
        pivot.from[1] = offDiagMax.j;
        return pivot;
예제 #6
bool TriangIsNormal( const Matrix<F>& U, Base<F> tol )
    const Base<F> diagFrob = FrobeniusNorm(GetDiagonal(U));
    const Base<F> upperFrob = FrobeniusNorm( U );
    const Base<F> offDiagFrob = Sqrt(upperFrob*upperFrob-diagFrob*diagFrob);
    return offDiagFrob <= tol*diagFrob;
예제 #7
void CheckRealSchur( const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& UPre, bool standardForm )

    DistMatrixReadProxy<Real,Real,MC,MR> UProx( UPre );
    auto& U = UProx.GetLocked();

    auto uMain = GetDiagonal(U);
    auto uSub = GetDiagonal(U,-1);
    DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> uMain_STAR_STAR( uMain ),
                               uSub_STAR_STAR( uSub );
    auto& uMainLoc = uMain_STAR_STAR.Matrix();
    auto& uSubLoc = uSub_STAR_STAR.Matrix();

    const Int n = U.Height();
    if( standardForm )
        auto uSup = GetDiagonal(U,+1);
        DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> uSup_STAR_STAR( uSup );
        auto& uSupLoc = uSup_STAR_STAR.Matrix();
        for( Int j=0; j<n-1; ++j )
            const Real thisDiag = uMainLoc(j);
            const Real nextDiag = uMainLoc(j+1);
            const Real thisSub = uSubLoc(j);
            const Real thisSup = uSupLoc(j);
            if( thisSub != Real(0) && thisDiag != nextDiag ) 
                ("Diagonal of 2x2 block was not constant: ",thisDiag," and ",
            if( thisSub*thisSup >= 0 )
                LogicError("b*c >= 0: b=",thisSup," and c=",thisSub);

    if( n < 3 )
    for( Int j=0; j<n-2; ++j )
        const Real thisSub = uSubLoc(j);
        const Real nextSub = uSubLoc(j+1);
        if( thisSub != Real(0) && nextSub != Real(0) )
            ("Quasi-triangular assumption broken at j=",j,
             ": subdiagonals were ",thisSub," and ",nextSub);
예제 #8
bool TriangIsNormal( const ElementalMatrix<F>& UPre, Base<F> tol )
    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> UProx( UPre );
    auto& U = UProx.GetLocked();

    const Base<F> diagFrob = FrobeniusNorm(GetDiagonal(U));
    const Base<F> upperFrob = FrobeniusNorm( U );
    const Base<F> offDiagFrob = Sqrt(upperFrob*upperFrob-diagFrob*diagFrob);
    return offDiagFrob <= tol*diagFrob;
예제 #9
inline bool
TriangIsNormal( const ElementalMatrix<F>& UPre, Base<F> tol )
    auto UPtr = ReadProxy<F,MC,MR>( &UPre );
    auto& U = *UPtr;

    const Base<F> diagFrob = FrobeniusNorm(GetDiagonal(U));
    const Base<F> upperFrob = FrobeniusNorm( U );
    const Base<F> offDiagFrob = Sqrt(upperFrob*upperFrob-diagFrob*diagFrob);
    return offDiagFrob <= tol*diagFrob;
예제 #10
Helper( const DistSparseMatrix<F>& A, Int basisSize )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    Grid grid( A.Comm() );
    DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> T(grid);
    ProductLanczos( A, T, basisSize );
    const Int k = T.Height();
    if( k == 0 )
        return pair<Real,Real>(0,0);

    auto d = GetDiagonal( T.Matrix() );
    auto dSub = GetDiagonal( T.Matrix(), -1 );
    Matrix<Real> w;
    HermitianTridiagEig( d, dSub, w, ASCENDING );
    pair<Real,Real> extremal;
    extremal.first = Sqrt( Max(w.Get(0,0),Real(0)) );
    extremal.second = Sqrt( Max(w.Get(k-1,0),Real(0)) );
    return extremal;
예제 #11
Helper( const SparseMatrix<F>& A, Int basisSize )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    Matrix<Real> T;
    ProductLanczos( A, T, basisSize );
    const Int k = T.Height();
    if( k == 0 )
        return pair<Real,Real>(0,0);

    Matrix<Real> d, dSub;
    d = GetDiagonal( T );
    dSub = GetDiagonal( T, -1 );
    Matrix<Real> w;
    HermitianTridiagEig( d, dSub, w, ASCENDING );
    pair<Real,Real> extremal;
    extremal.first = Sqrt( Max(w.Get(0,0),Real(0)) );
    extremal.second = Sqrt( Max(w.Get(k-1,0),Real(0)) );
    return extremal;
예제 #12
ExtremalSingValEst( const SparseMatrix<F>& A, Int basisSize )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    Matrix<Real> T;
    ProductLanczos( A, T, basisSize );
    const Int k = T.Height();
    if( k == 0 )
        return pair<Real,Real>(0,0);

    Matrix<Real> d, dSub;
    d = GetDiagonal( T );
    dSub = GetDiagonal( T, -1 );
    Matrix<Real> w;
    HermitianTridiagEig( d, dSub, w );
    pair<Real,Real> extremal;
    extremal.first = Sqrt( Max(w(0),Real(0)) );
    extremal.second = Sqrt( Max(w(k-1),Real(0)) );
    return extremal;
예제 #13
void CheckRealSchur( const Matrix<Real>& U, bool standardForm )
    const Int n = U.Height();

    auto uMain = GetDiagonal(U);
    auto uSub = GetDiagonal(U,-1);
    if( standardForm )
        auto uSup = GetDiagonal(U,+1);
        for( Int j=0; j<n-1; ++j )
            const Real thisDiag = uMain(j);
            const Real nextDiag = uMain(j+1);
            const Real thisSub = uSub(j);
            const Real thisSup = uSup(j);
            if( uSub(j) != Real(0) && thisDiag != nextDiag ) 
                ("Diagonal of 2x2 block was not constant: ",thisDiag," and ",
            if( thisSub*thisSup >= 0 )
                LogicError("b*c >= 0: b=",thisSup," and c=",thisSub);

    if( n < 3 )
    for( Int j=0; j<n-2; ++j )
        const Real thisSub = uSub(j);
        const Real nextSub = uSub(j+1);
        if( thisSub != Real(0) && nextSub != Real(0) )
            ("Quasi-triangular assumption broken at j=",j,
             ": subdiagonals were ",thisSub," and ",nextSub);
예제 #14
SafeProduct<Base<F>> AfterCholesky
( UpperOrLower uplo, const Matrix<F>& A )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int n = A.Height();

    Matrix<F> d;
    GetDiagonal( A, d );
    SafeProduct<Real> det( n );
    det.rho = Real(1);

    const Real scale = Real(n)/Real(2);
    for( Int i=0; i<n; ++i )
        const Real delta = RealPart(d(i));
        det.kappa += Log(delta)/scale;

    return det;
예제 #15
파일: LUN.hpp 프로젝트: restrin/Elemental
(       Matrix<F>& U,
  const Matrix<F>& shifts,
        Matrix<F>& X,
        Matrix<F>& scales )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
      CSE cse("safemstrsm::LUNBlock");
      if( U.Height() != U.Width() )
          LogicError("Triangular matrix must be square");
      if( U.Width() != X.Height() )
          LogicError("Matrix dimensions do not match");
      if( shifts.Height() != X.Width() )
          LogicError("Incompatible number of shifts");
    auto diag = GetDiagonal(U);
    const Int n = U.Height();
    const Int numShifts = shifts.Height();

    auto overflowPair = OverflowParameters<Real>();
    const Real smallNum = overflowPair.first;
    const Real bigNum = overflowPair.second;
    const Real oneHalf = Real(1)/Real(2);
    const Real oneQuarter = Real(1)/Real(4);

    // Default scale is 1
    scales.Resize( numShifts, 1 );
    Fill( scales, F(1) );
    // Compute infinity norms of columns of U (excluding diagonal)
예제 #16
#pragma once

namespace El {
namespace schur {

template<typename Real>
void CheckRealSchur( const Matrix<Real>& U, bool standardForm )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("CheckRealSchur")) 
    const Int n = U.Height();

    auto uMain = GetDiagonal(U);
    auto uSub = GetDiagonal(U,-1);
    if( standardForm )
        auto uSup = GetDiagonal(U,+1);
        for( Int j=0; j<n-1; ++j )
            const Real thisDiag = uMain.Get(j,  0);
            const Real nextDiag = uMain.Get(j+1,0);
            const Real thisSub = uSub.Get(j,0);
            const Real thisSup = uSup.Get(j,0);
            if( uSub.Get(j,0) != Real(0) && thisDiag != nextDiag ) 
                ("Diagonal of 2x2 block was not constant: ",thisDiag," and ",
            if( thisSub*thisSup >= 0 )
예제 #17
Matrix<T> GetDiagonal( const Matrix<T>& A, Int offset )
    Matrix<T> d;
    GetDiagonal( A, d, offset );
    return d;
예제 #18

namespace El {
namespace cholesky {

namespace pivot {

template<typename F>
inline LDLPivot
Full( const Matrix<F>& A )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("cholesky::pivot::Full"))
    const auto diagMax = VectorMaxAbsLoc( GetDiagonal(A) );
    LDLPivot pivot;
    pivot.nb = 1;
    pivot.from[0] = diagMax.index;
    return pivot;

template<typename F>
inline LDLPivot
Full( const DistMatrix<F>& A )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("cholesky::pivot::Full"))
    const auto diagMax = VectorMaxAbsLoc( GetDiagonal(A) );
    LDLPivot pivot;
    pivot.nb = 1;
    pivot.from[0] = diagMax.index;