예제 #1
	Retreive the global details of this ACM driver

	\param a_DriverDetail will be filled with all the corresponding data
inline DWORD ACM::OnDriverDetails(const HDRVR hdrvr, LPACMDRIVERDETAILS a_DriverDetail)
	if (my_hIcon == NULL)
		my_hIcon = LoadIcon(GetDriverModuleHandle(hdrvr), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON));
	a_DriverDetail->hicon       = my_hIcon;


	/// \note this is an explicit hack of the FhG values
	/// \note later it could be a new value when the decoding is done
	a_DriverDetail->wMid        = MM_FRAUNHOFER_IIS;
	a_DriverDetail->wPid        = MM_FHGIIS_MPEGLAYER3;

	a_DriverDetail->vdwACM      = VERSION_MSACM;
	a_DriverDetail->vdwDriver   = VERSION_ACM_DRIVER;
	a_DriverDetail->cFormatTags = FORMAT_TAG_MAX_NB; // 2 : MP3 and PCM
//	a_DriverDetail->cFormatTags = 1; // 2 : MP3 and PCM
	a_DriverDetail->cFilterTags = FILTER_TAG_MAX_NB;

	lstrcpyW( a_DriverDetail->szShortName, L"LAME MP3" );
	char tmpStr[128];
	wsprintf(tmpStr, "LAME MP3 Codec v%s", GetVersionString());
	int u = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, tmpStr, -1, a_DriverDetail->szLongName, 0);
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, tmpStr, -1, a_DriverDetail->szLongName, u);
	lstrcpyW( a_DriverDetail->szCopyright, L"2002 Steve Lhomme" );
	lstrcpyW( a_DriverDetail->szLicensing, L"LGPL (see gnu.org)" );
	/// \todo update this part when the code changes
	lstrcpyW( a_DriverDetail->szFeatures , L"only CBR implementation" );

    return MMSYSERR_NOERROR;  // Can also return DRVCNF_CANCEL
예제 #2
파일: audio.c 프로젝트: mikekap/wine
/* find all drivers that can be loaded */
static void findAudioDrivers(void)
    int numFound = 0;
    AUDIO_DRIVER *pAudioDrv = NULL;
    HCURSOR old_cursor;

    /* delete an existing list */
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, loadedAudioDrv);
    loadedAudioDrv = 0;

    /* change to the wait cursor because this can take a while if there is a
     * misbehaving driver that takes a long time to open
    old_cursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT));

    for (pAudioDrv = sAudioDrivers; pAudioDrv->nameID; pAudioDrv++)
        if (strlen(pAudioDrv->szDriver))
            HDRVR hdrv;
            char driver[MAX_PATH];

            sprintf(driver, "wine%s.drv", pAudioDrv->szDriver);

            hdrv = pAudioDrv->hDriver;
            if (!pAudioDrv->hDriver && (hdrv = OpenDriverA(driver, 0, 0))) {
                HMODULE lib = GetDriverModuleHandle(hdrv);
                MessagePtr wodMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "wodMessage");
                MessagePtr widMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "widMessage");
                MessagePtr modMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "modMessage");
                MessagePtr midMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "midMessage");
                MessagePtr auxMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "auxMessage");
                MessagePtr mxdMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "mxdMessage");

                pAudioDrv->hDriver = hdrv;

                if (wodMessagePtr)
                    wodMessagePtr(0, DRVM_INIT, 0, 0, 0);

                if (widMessagePtr)
                    widMessagePtr(0, DRVM_INIT, 0, 0, 0);

                if (modMessagePtr)
                    modMessagePtr(0, DRVM_INIT, 0, 0, 0);

                if (midMessagePtr)
                    midMessagePtr(0, DRVM_INIT, 0, 0, 0);

                if (auxMessagePtr)
                    auxMessagePtr(0, DRVM_INIT, 0, 0, 0);

                if (mxdMessagePtr)
                    mxdMessagePtr(0, DRVM_INIT, 0, 0, 0);
            if (hdrv)
                if (loadedAudioDrv)
                    loadedAudioDrv = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, loadedAudioDrv, (numFound + 1) * sizeof(AUDIO_DRIVER));
                    loadedAudioDrv = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(AUDIO_DRIVER));

                CopyMemory(&loadedAudioDrv[numFound], pAudioDrv, sizeof(AUDIO_DRIVER));

    /* restore the original cursor */

    /* terminate list with empty driver */
    if (numFound) {
        loadedAudioDrv = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, loadedAudioDrv, (numFound + 1) * sizeof(AUDIO_DRIVER));
        CopyMemory(&loadedAudioDrv[numFound], pAudioDrv, sizeof(AUDIO_DRIVER));
    } else {
        loadedAudioDrv = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(AUDIO_DRIVER));
        CopyMemory(&loadedAudioDrv[0], pAudioDrv, sizeof(AUDIO_DRIVER));
예제 #3
파일: audio.c 프로젝트: mikekap/wine
static void initAudioDeviceTree(HWND hDlg)
    AUDIO_DRIVER *pAudioDrv = NULL;
    int i, j;
    HTREEITEM root, driver[10];
    HWND tree = NULL;
    HIMAGELIST hImageList;
    HBITMAP hBitMap;
    HCURSOR old_cursor;
    WCHAR driver_type[64], dev_type[64];

    tree = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE);

    if (!tree)

    /* set tree view style */

    /* state checkbox */
    hImageList = ImageList_Create(16, 16, FALSE, 3, 0);
    hBitMap = LoadBitmap(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_CHECKBOX));
    ImageList_Add(hImageList, hBitMap, NULL);
    SendMessageW( tree, TVM_SETIMAGELIST, TVSIL_STATE, (LPARAM)hImageList );

    /* root item */
    LoadStringW (GetModuleHandle (NULL), IDS_SOUNDDRIVERS, driver_type,
    insert.hParent = TVI_ROOT;
    insert.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;
    insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN;
    insert.u.item.pszText = driver_type;
    insert.u.item.cChildren = 1;
    root = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

    /* change to the wait cursor because this can take a while if there is a
     * misbehaving driver that takes a long time to open
    old_cursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT));

    /* iterate over list of loaded drivers */
    for (pAudioDrv = loadedAudioDrv, i = 0; pAudioDrv->nameID; i++, pAudioDrv++) {
        HDRVR hdrv;
        char name[MAX_PATH];
        WCHAR text[MAX_PATH];

        sprintf(name, "wine%s.drv", pAudioDrv->szDriver);
        LoadStringW (GetModuleHandle (NULL), pAudioDrv->nameID, text,

        if ((hdrv = pAudioDrv->hDriver))
            HMODULE lib;
            if ((lib = GetDriverModuleHandle(hdrv)))
                int num_wod = 0, num_wid = 0, num_mod = 0, num_mid = 0, num_aux = 0, num_mxd = 0;
                MessagePtr wodMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "wodMessage");
                MessagePtr widMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "widMessage");
                MessagePtr modMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "modMessage");
                MessagePtr midMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "midMessage");
                MessagePtr auxMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "auxMessage");
                MessagePtr mxdMessagePtr = (MessagePtr)GetProcAddress(lib, "mxdMessage");

                if (wodMessagePtr)
                    num_wod = wodMessagePtr(0, WODM_GETNUMDEVS, 0, 0, 0);

                if (widMessagePtr)
                    num_wid = widMessagePtr(0, WIDM_GETNUMDEVS, 0, 0, 0);

                if (modMessagePtr)
                    num_mod = modMessagePtr(0, MODM_GETNUMDEVS, 0, 0, 0);

                if (midMessagePtr)
                    num_mid = midMessagePtr(0, MIDM_GETNUMDEVS, 0, 0, 0);

                if (auxMessagePtr)
                    num_aux = auxMessagePtr(0, AUXDM_GETNUMDEVS, 0, 0, 0);

                if (mxdMessagePtr)
                    num_mxd = mxdMessagePtr(0, MXDM_GETNUMDEVS, 0, 0, 0);

                if (num_wod == 0 && num_wid == 0 && num_mod == 0 && num_mid == 0 && num_aux == 0 && num_mxd == 0)
                    insert.hParent = root;
                    insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_PARAM;
                    insert.u.item.pszText = text;
                    insert.u.item.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK;
                    insert.u.item.lParam =  i + DRIVER_MASK;
                    if (isDriverSet(pAudioDrv->szDriver))
                        insert.u.item.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(2);
                        insert.u.item.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(1);

                    driver[i] = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);
                    HTREEITEM type;

                    insert.hParent = root;
                    insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_PARAM;
                    insert.u.item.pszText = text;
                    insert.u.item.cChildren = 1;
                    insert.u.item.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK;
                    insert.u.item.lParam =  i + DRIVER_MASK;

                    if (isDriverSet(pAudioDrv->szDriver))
                        insert.u.item.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(2);
                        insert.u.item.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(1);

                    driver[i] = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                    if (num_wod)
                        LoadStringW (GetModuleHandle (NULL), IDS_DEVICES_WAVEOUT, dev_type,

                        insert.hParent = driver[i];
                        insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN;
                        insert.u.item.pszText = dev_type;
                        insert.u.item.cChildren = 1;

                        type = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                        for (j = 0; j < num_wod; j++)
                            WAVEOUTCAPSW caps;

                            wodMessagePtr(j, WODM_GETDEVCAPS, 0, (DWORD_PTR)&caps, sizeof(caps));

                            insert.hParent = type;
                            insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
                            insert.u.item.pszText = caps.szPname;
                            insert.u.item.lParam = j + DEVICE_MASK;

                            SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                    if (num_wid)
                        LoadStringW (GetModuleHandle (NULL), IDS_DEVICES_WAVEIN, dev_type,

                        insert.hParent = driver[i];
                        insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN;
                        insert.u.item.pszText = dev_type;
                        insert.u.item.cChildren = 1;

                        type = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                        for (j = 0; j < num_wid; j++)
                            WAVEINCAPSW caps;

                            widMessagePtr(j, WIDM_GETDEVCAPS, 0, (DWORD_PTR)&caps, sizeof(caps));

                            insert.hParent = type;
                            insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
                            insert.u.item.pszText = caps.szPname;
                            insert.u.item.lParam = j + DEVICE_MASK;

                            SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                    if (num_mod)
                        LoadStringW (GetModuleHandle (NULL), IDS_DEVICES_MIDIOUT, dev_type,

                        insert.hParent = driver[i];
                        insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN;
                        insert.u.item.pszText = dev_type;
                        insert.u.item.cChildren = 1;

                        type = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                        for (j = 0; j < num_mod; j++)
                            MIDIOUTCAPSW caps;

                            modMessagePtr(j, MODM_GETDEVCAPS, 0, (DWORD_PTR)&caps, sizeof(caps));

                            insert.hParent = type;
                            insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
                            insert.u.item.pszText = caps.szPname;
                            insert.u.item.lParam = j + DEVICE_MASK;

                            SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                    if (num_mid)
                        LoadStringW (GetModuleHandle (NULL), IDS_DEVICES_MIDIIN, dev_type,

                        insert.hParent = driver[i];
                        insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN;
                        insert.u.item.pszText = dev_type;
                        insert.u.item.cChildren = 1;

                        type = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                        for (j = 0; j < num_mid; j++)
                            MIDIINCAPSW caps;

                            midMessagePtr(j, MIDM_GETDEVCAPS, 0, (DWORD_PTR)&caps, sizeof(caps));

                            insert.hParent = type;
                            insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
                            insert.u.item.pszText = caps.szPname;
                            insert.u.item.lParam = j + DEVICE_MASK;

                            SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                    if (num_aux)
                        LoadStringW (GetModuleHandle (NULL), IDS_DEVICES_AUX, dev_type,

                        insert.hParent = driver[i];
                        insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN;
                        insert.u.item.pszText = dev_type;
                        insert.u.item.cChildren = 1;

                        type = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                        for (j = 0; j < num_aux; j++)
                            AUXCAPSW caps;

                            auxMessagePtr(j, AUXDM_GETDEVCAPS, 0, (DWORD_PTR)&caps, sizeof(caps));

                            insert.hParent = type;
                            insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
                            insert.u.item.pszText = caps.szPname;
                            insert.u.item.lParam = j + DEVICE_MASK;

                            SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                    if (num_mxd)
                        LoadStringW (GetModuleHandle (NULL), IDS_DEVICES_MIXER, dev_type,

                        insert.hParent = driver[i];
                        insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN;
                        insert.u.item.pszText = dev_type;
                        insert.u.item.cChildren = 1;

                        type = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

                        for (j = 0; j < num_mxd; j++)
                            MIXERCAPSW caps;

                            mxdMessagePtr(j, MXDM_GETDEVCAPS, 0, (DWORD_PTR)&caps, sizeof(caps));

                            insert.hParent = type;
                            insert.u.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
                            insert.u.item.pszText = caps.szPname;
                            insert.u.item.lParam = j + DEVICE_MASK;

                            SendDlgItemMessageW (hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&insert);

    /* restore the original cursor */

    SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_SELECTITEM, 0, 0);
    SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_EXPAND, TVE_EXPAND, (LPARAM)root);
    for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
        SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_AUDIO_TREE, TVM_EXPAND, TVE_EXPAND, (LPARAM)driver[j]);
예제 #4
LONG WINAPI DriverProc(DWORD dwDriverId, HDRVR hdrvr, UINT msg, LONG lParam1, LONG lParam2)

	switch (msg)
		case DRV_OPEN: // acmDriverOpen
			if (debug == NULL) {
				debug = new ADbg(DEBUG_LEVEL_CREATION);

			if (debug != NULL)
				// Sent when the driver is opened.
				if (lParam2 != NULL)
					debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_MSG, "DRV_OPEN (ID 0x%08X), pDesc = 0x%08X",dwDriverId,lParam2);
					debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_MSG, "DRV_OPEN (ID 0x%08X), pDesc = NULL",dwDriverId);

			if (lParam2 != NULL) {

					if (debug != NULL)
						debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_CODE, "wrong pDesc->fccType (0x%08X)",pDesc->fccType);
					return NULL;
			} else {
				if (debug != NULL)
					debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_CODE, "pDesc == NULL");

			ACM * ThisACM = new ACM(GetDriverModuleHandle(hdrvr));

			if (debug != NULL)
				debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_CODE, "OPENED instance 0x%08X",ThisACM);

			return (LONG)ThisACM;// returns 0L to fail
								// value subsequently used
								// for dwDriverId.

		case DRV_CLOSE: // acmDriverClose
			if (debug != NULL)
				// Sent when the driver is closed. Drivers are
				// unloaded when the open count reaches zero.
				debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_MSG, "DRV_CLOSE");

			ACM * ThisACM = (ACM *)dwDriverId;
			delete ThisACM;
			if (debug != NULL)
				debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_CODE, "CLOSED instance 0x%08X",ThisACM);
				delete debug;
				debug = NULL;
			return 1L;  // returns 0L to fail

		case DRV_LOAD:
			// nothing to do
			if (debug != NULL)
//				debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_MSG, "DRV_LOAD, version %s %s %s", ACM_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__);
				debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_MSG, "DRV_LOAD, %s %s",  __DATE__, __TIME__);
			return 1L;

		case DRV_ENABLE:
			// nothing to do
			if (debug != NULL)
				debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_MSG, "DRV_ENABLE");
			return 1L;

			// nothing to do
			if (debug != NULL)
				debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_MSG, "DRV_DISABLE");
			return 1L;

		case DRV_FREE:
			if (debug != NULL)
				debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_MSG, "DRV_FREE");
			return 1L;

			ACM * ThisACM = (ACM *)dwDriverId;

			if (ThisACM != NULL)
				return ThisACM->DriverProcedure(hdrvr, msg, lParam1, lParam2);
				if (debug != NULL)
					debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_MSG, "Driver not opened, unknown message (0x%08X), lParam1 = 0x%08X, lParam2 = 0x%08X", msg, lParam1, lParam2);

				return DefDriverProc (dwDriverId, hdrvr, msg, lParam1, lParam2);