예제 #1
void CServerSynchedStorage::AddToEntityQueueFor(int channelId, EntityId entityId, TSynchedKey key)
	SChannel *pChannel = GetChannel(channelId);

	if(!pChannel || !pChannel->pNetChannel || pChannel->local)

	SSendableHandle &msgHdl = m_entityQueue[SChannelEntityQueueEnt(channelId, entityId, key)];

	TSynchedValue value;
	bool ok=GetEntityValue(entityId, key, value);


	CClientSynchedStorage::CSetEntityMsg *pMsg=0;

	case eSVT_Bool:
		pMsg=new CClientSynchedStorage::CSetEntityBoolMsg(channelId, this, entityId, key, value);

	case eSVT_Float:
		pMsg=new CClientSynchedStorage::CSetEntityFloatMsg(channelId, this, entityId, key, value);

	case eSVT_Int:
		pMsg=new CClientSynchedStorage::CSetEntityIntMsg(channelId, this, entityId, key, value);

	case eSVT_EntityId:
		pMsg=new CClientSynchedStorage::CSetEntityEntityIdMsg(channelId, this, entityId, key, value);

	case eSVT_String:
		pMsg=new CClientSynchedStorage::CSetEntityStringMsg(channelId, this, entityId, key, value);

		pChannel->pNetChannel->SubstituteSendable(pMsg, 1, &pChannel->lastOrderedMessage, &msgHdl);
		assert(!"Invalid type!");
예제 #2
bool HTMLLexer::ConsumePossibleEntity( VString &outEntityConsumed, UniChar &outCharacterToAdd )
	if (!fLexerInput->HasMoreChars())	return false;
	xbox_assert( fLexerInput->PeekAtNextChar() == CHAR_AMPERSAND );

	// In HTML, escape sequences come in one of three forms:
	//	&#DDDD; (where D is decimal number)
	//	&#xHHHH; (where H is hexidecimal number -- case insensitive)
	//	&entity; (where entity is a common entity reference)
	// We've already read the ampersand, so now we want to figure out which of
	// the three cases we're dealing with.  If we don't match any of the three
	// cases, then we just assume we really had regular text and the user just
	// screwed up.

	// Consume the current character to see what sort of escape sequence we're dealing with
	fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar();	// Eat the &
	if (!fLexerInput->HasMoreChars()) {
		return false;
	UniChar escapeType = fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar();
	sLONG charactersToRevert = 2;
	outEntityConsumed = "&";
	outEntityConsumed.AppendUniChar( escapeType );
	switch (escapeType) {
			// We either have a hex literal or a decimal literal following the # sign.  So we
			// will check to see which we've got and go from there
			if (!fLexerInput->HasMoreChars())	break;
			UniChar literalType = fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar();
			outEntityConsumed.AppendUniChar( literalType );
			switch (literalType) {
					// We now want to add any number of hex digits to the stream.  Though, if we go over
					// four hex digits, then we're outside of the range of any legal unicode code point, and
					// so I am going to do a hard-coded stop there.
					unsigned short value = 0;

					for (sLONG i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
						UniChar c = CHAR_CONTROL_0000;
						if (fLexerInput->HasMoreChars()) {
							c = fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar();
							if (!isHexDigit( c ))	break;
							// Now we want to add the hex digit we got into our ultimate value
							value += sixteenToThePowerOf( i ) * getHexValueFromCharacter( c );
							outEntityConsumed.AppendUniChar( c );
						} else break;

					// The last character needs to be a semi-colon, or else it's not a legal entity
					if (!fLexerInput->HasMoreChars()) break;
					if (fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar() != CHAR_SEMICOLON) {

					outEntityConsumed.AppendUniChar( ';' );

					// Add the value as a UniChar to our stream
					outCharacterToAdd = (UniChar)value;
					return true;
				} break;
				default: {
					// We want to test to see whether the character we read is a legal decimal digit.  If it
					// is, then we have a character literal.  If not, the user screwed up and we can just bail.
					if (isDecimalDigit( literalType )) {
						// We're going to put the character back just to parse it again.  It makes the logic easier

						// We know that we've got some digits we care about.  Now we need to find out how many,
						// and we'll put the cap at something sensible, like 5 characters (which can cover all of
						// the unicode code points in existence).
						unsigned short value = 0;

						for (sLONG i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
							UniChar c = CHAR_CONTROL_0000;
							if (fLexerInput->HasMoreChars()) {
								c = fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar();
								if (!isDecimalDigit( c ))	break;
								// Now we want to add the decimal digit we got into our ultimate value
								value += tenToThePowerOf( i ) * (c - '0');
								outEntityConsumed.AppendUniChar( c );
							} else break;

						// The last character needs to be a semi-colon, or else it's not a legal entity
						if (!fLexerInput->HasMoreChars()) break;
						if (fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar() != CHAR_SEMICOLON) {

						outEntityConsumed.AppendUniChar( ';' );

						// Add the value as a UniChar to our stream
						outCharacterToAdd = (UniChar)value;
						return true;
					} else break;
				} break;
		} break;
		default: {
			// We found an ampersand and know it's not a numeric literal.  Now we need to see whether it's an
			// entity made to be a bit more human readable.  We're going to grab a bunch of characters from the
			// stream without actually shifting them in.  We cut them off at the semi-colon because all entities
			// must end with one to be legal.  Then, if it matches a known entity, we're set -- otherwise it's just
			// a stream of random characters.  We need a whopping nine character to be able to support &thetasym;
			VString entityName;
			fLexerInput->GetSubString( fLexerInput->GetCurrentPosition(), 9, entityName );

			// Now, let's see where the semi-colon is, and strip it off (as well as everything past it).  If we don't
			// find a semi-colon, then we know we don't have an entity
			VectorOfVString subStrs;
			if (!entityName.GetSubStrings( CHAR_SEMICOLON, subStrs ))	break;

			// The first sub string is the entity name we care about
			if (GetEntityValue( subStrs.front(), outCharacterToAdd )) {
				// We want to eat up as many characters as the entity was consuming
				VIndex size = subStrs.front().GetLength();
				for (VIndex i = 0; i < size; i++) {
					outEntityConsumed.AppendUniChar( fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar() );
				return true;
		} break;

	// Put back the characters we screwed up on
	for (sLONG i = 0; i < charactersToRevert; i++)	fLexerInput->MoveToPreviousChar();

	return false;