예제 #1
void LoadThemeGfxLogo(void) {
    LoadThemeGfx(GFX_LOGO, LOGO_TOP);
    #if defined LOGO_TEXT_X && defined LOGO_TEXT_Y
    u32 emunand_state = CheckEmuNand();
    DrawStringF(LOGO_TEXT_X, LOGO_TEXT_Y -  0, LOGO_TOP, "SD card: %lluMB/%lluMB & %s", RemainingStorageSpace() / 1024 / 1024, TotalStorageSpace() / 1024 / 1024, (emunand_state == EMUNAND_READY) ? "EmuNAND ready" : (emunand_state == EMUNAND_GATEWAY) ? "GW EmuNAND" : (emunand_state == EMUNAND_REDNAND) ? "RedNAND" : (emunand_state > 3) ? "MultiNAND" : "no EmuNAND");
    DrawStringF(LOGO_TEXT_X, LOGO_TEXT_Y - 10, LOGO_TOP, "Game directory: %s", (GetGameDir()) ? GetGameDir() : "(not available)");
    DrawStringF(LOGO_TEXT_X, LOGO_TEXT_Y - 20, LOGO_TOP, "Work directory: %s", GetWorkDir());
예제 #2
	void SourceTASReader::CommonExecuteScript(bool search)
#if OE
			const char* dir = y_spt_gamedir.GetString();
			if (dir == NULL || dir[0] == '\0')
				Msg("WARNING: Trying to load a script file without setting the game directory with y_spt_gamedir in old engine!\n");

			std::string gameDir = GetGameDir();
			scriptStream.open(gameDir + "\\" + fileName + SCRIPT_EXT);

			if (!scriptStream.is_open())
				throw std::exception("File does not exist");

			if (search && searchType == SearchType::None)
				throw std::exception("In search mode but search property is not set");
			else if (!search && searchType != SearchType::None)
				throw std::exception("Not in search mode but search property is set");

			while (!scriptStream.eof())
				if (IsFramesLine())
				else if (IsVarsLine())
					throw std::exception(
					    "Unexpected section order in file. Expected order is props - variables - frames");

		catch (const std::exception& ex)
			Msg("Error in line %i: %s!\n", currentLine, ex.what());
		catch (const SearchDoneException&)
			Msg("Search done.\n");
		catch (...)
			Msg("Unexpected exception on line %i\n", currentLine);

예제 #3
int CMod::WriteToFile(FILE *fp)
	fprintf( fp, "\t\t{\n" );

	fprintf( fp, "\t\t\tgamedir \"%s\"\n", GetGameDir() );
	fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t%i\n", MOD_STATCOUNT );
	for ( int i = 0; i < MOD_STATCOUNT; i++ )
		fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t%i %i %i %i\n", stats[ i ].servers, stats[ i ].players, stats[ i ].bots, stats[ i ].bots_servers );

	fprintf( fp, "\t\t}\n" );

	return 1;
예제 #4
파일: menu.c 프로젝트: soarqin/Decrypt9WIP
void DrawMenu(MenuInfo* currMenu, u32 index, bool fullDraw, bool subMenu)
    u32 emunand_state = CheckEmuNand();
    bool top_screen = true;
    u32 menublock_x0 = (((top_screen) ? SCREEN_WIDTH_TOP : SCREEN_WIDTH_BOT) - 30 * FONT_WIDTH_EXT) / 2;
    u32 menublock_x1 = menublock_x0 - FONT_WIDTH_EXT;
    u32 menublock_y0 = 40;
    u32 menublock_y1 = menublock_y0 + currMenu->n_entries * 10;
    if (fullDraw) { // draw full menu
        ClearScreenFull(true, !top_screen);
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 - 20, top_screen, "%s", currMenu->name);
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 - 10, top_screen, "==============================");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 +  0, top_screen, "==============================");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 10, top_screen, (subMenu) ? "A: Choose  B: Return" : "A: Choose");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 20, top_screen, "SELECT: Unmount SD Card");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 30, top_screen, "START:  Reboot / [+\x1B] Poweroff");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 20, top_screen, "SD card: %lluMB/%lluMB & %s", RemainingStorageSpace() / 1024 / 1024, TotalStorageSpace() / 1024 / 1024, (emunand_state == EMUNAND_READY) ? "EmuNAND ready" : (emunand_state == EMUNAND_GATEWAY) ? "GW EmuNAND" : (emunand_state == EMUNAND_REDNAND) ? "RedNAND" : (emunand_state > 3) ? "MultiNAND" : "no EmuNAND");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 30, top_screen, "Game directory: %s", (GetGameDir()) ? GetGameDir() : "(not available)");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40, top_screen, "Work directory: %s", GetWorkDir());
    if (!top_screen)
        DrawStringF(10, 10, true, "Selected: %-*.*s", 32, 32, currMenu->entries[index].name);
    for (u32 i = 0; i < currMenu->n_entries; i++) { // draw menu entries / selection []
        char* name = currMenu->entries[i].name;
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 + (i*10), top_screen, (i == index) ? "[%s]" : " %s ", name);
예제 #5
void LoadBotModels(void)
   char game_dir[256];
   char path[MAX_PATH];
   char search_path[MAX_PATH];
   char dirname[MAX_PATH];
   char filename[MAX_PATH];
   int index;
   struct stat stat_str;
#ifndef __linux__
   HANDLE directory = NULL;
   DIR *directory = NULL;

   for (index=0; index < MAX_SKINS; index++)
      bot_skins[index].skin_used = FALSE;

   number_skins = VALVE_MAX_SKINS;
   if(submod_id == SUBMOD_OP4)
      number_skins += GEARBOX_MAX_SKINS;

   for (index=0; index < number_skins; index++)
      safe_strcopy(bot_skins[index].model_name, sizeof(bot_skins[index].model_name), default_bot_models[index]);
      safe_strcopy(bot_skins[index].bot_name, sizeof(bot_skins[index].bot_name), default_bot_names[index]);

   // find the directory name of the currently running MOD...
   GetGameDir (game_dir);

   safevoid_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/models/player", game_dir);

   if (stat(path, &stat_str) != 0)
      // use the valve/models/player directory if no MOD models/player
      strcpy(path, "valve/models/player");

#ifndef __linux__
   safevoid_snprintf(search_path, sizeof(search_path), "%s/*", path);
   strcpy(search_path, path);

   while ((directory = FindDirectory(directory, dirname, sizeof(dirname), search_path)) != NULL)
      if ((strcmp(dirname, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(dirname, "..") == 0))

      safevoid_snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s/%s.mdl", path, dirname, dirname);

      if (stat(filename, &stat_str) == 0)
         // add this model to the array of models...
         for (index=0; dirname[index]; index++)
            dirname[index] = tolower(dirname[index]);

         // check for duplicate...
         for (index=0; index < number_skins; index++)
            if (strcmp(dirname, bot_skins[index].model_name) == 0)

         if (index == number_skins)
            // add this model to the bot_skins array...
            safe_strcopy(bot_skins[number_skins].model_name, sizeof(bot_skins[number_skins].model_name), dirname);

            dirname[0] = toupper(dirname[0]);
            safe_strcopy(bot_skins[number_skins].bot_name, sizeof(bot_skins[number_skins].bot_name), dirname);


      if (number_skins == MAX_SKINS)
         break;  // break out if max models reached
예제 #6
u32 InitializeD9()
    u32 errorlevel = 0; // 0 -> none, 1 -> autopause, 2 -> critical
    ClearScreenFull(true, true);
    #ifndef BUILD_NAME
    Debug("-- Decrypt9 --");
    Debug("-- %s --", BUILD_NAME);
    // a little bit of information about the current menu
    if (sizeof(menu)) {
        u32 n_submenus = 0;
        u32 n_features = 0;
        for (u32 m = 0; menu[m].n_entries; m++) {
            n_submenus = m;
            for (u32 e = 0; e < menu[m].n_entries; e++)
                n_features += (menu[m].entries[e].function) ? 1 : 0;
        Debug("Counting %u submenus and %u features", n_submenus, n_features);
    Debug("Initializing, hold L+R to pause");
    if (InitFS()) {
        Debug("Initializing SD card... success");
        FileGetData("d9logo.bin", BOT_SCREEN0, 320 * 240 * 3, 0);
        memcpy(BOT_SCREEN1, BOT_SCREEN0, 320 * 240 * 3);
        Debug("Work directory: %s", GetWorkDir());
        Debug("Game directory: %s", GetGameDir());
        SetupSector0x96Key0x11(); // Sector0x96 key - no effect on error level
        if (SetupTwlKey0x03() != 0) // TWL KeyX / KeyY
            errorlevel = 2;
        if ((GetUnitPlatform() == PLATFORM_N3DS) && (SetupCtrNandKeyY0x05() != 0))
            errorlevel = 2; // N3DS CTRNAND KeyY
        if (LoadKeyFromFile(0x25, 'X', NULL)) // NCCH 7x KeyX
            errorlevel = (errorlevel < 1) ? 1 : errorlevel;
        if (GetUnitKeysType() != KEYS_DEVKIT) { // don't even try 0x18 / 0x1B on devkits
            if (LoadKeyFromFile(0x18, 'X', NULL)) // NCCH Secure3 KeyX
                errorlevel = (errorlevel < 1) ? 1 : errorlevel;
            if (LoadKeyFromFile(0x1B, 'X', NULL)) // NCCH Secure4 KeyX
                errorlevel = (errorlevel < 1) ? 1 : errorlevel;
        Debug("Finalizing Initialization...");
    } else {
        Debug("Initializing SD card... failed");
            errorlevel = 2;
    Debug("Initialization: %s", (errorlevel == 0) ? "success!" : (errorlevel == 1) ? "partially failed" : "failed!");
    if (((~HID_STATE & BUTTON_L1) && (~HID_STATE & BUTTON_R1)) || (errorlevel > 1)) {
        Debug("(A to %s)", (errorlevel > 1) ? "exit" : "continue");
        while (!(InputWait() & BUTTON_A));
    return errorlevel;
예제 #7
void Settings::load()
    const char* settingsFile = "CONFIG:config.py";
        main = python::import("__main__");
        python::object global = main.attr("__dict__");
        local = python::dict();

        if (ResMan::Instance()->exists(settingsFile))
	    //TODO: Handle missing values
            python::object result = python::exec_file(ResMan::Instance()->getRealPath(settingsFile).c_str(), global, local);
            m_dataDir = python::extract<std::string>(local["config"]["data_dir"]);
            m_debug = python::extract<int>(local["config"]["debug"]);
            m_gameSpeed = python::extract<int>(local["config"]["game_speed"]);
            m_gameDir = python::extract<std::string>(local["config"]["game_dir"]);

            m_playIntro = python::extract<bool>(local["config"]["play_intro"]);

            m_resolution.x = python::extract<int>(local["config"]["graphics"]["width"]);	
            m_resolution.y = python::extract<int>(local["config"]["graphics"]["height"]);
            m_fullscreen = python::extract<bool>(local["config"]["graphics"]["fullscreen"]);
            m_doubleBuffered = python::extract<bool>(local["config"]["graphics"]["double_buffered"]);

            m_soundOn = python::extract<bool>(local["config"]["sound"]["sound_on"]);
            m_sfxVolume = python::extract<int>(local["config"]["sound"]["sound_volume"]);
            m_responseVolume = python::extract<int>(local["config"]["sound"]["response_volume"]);
            m_voiceVolume = python::extract<int>(local["config"]["sound"]["voice_volume"]);
            m_musicOn = python::extract<bool>(local["config"]["sound"]["music_on"]);
            m_musicVolume = python::extract<int>(local["config"]["sound"]["music_volume"]);
            m_emuOpl = python::extract<int>(local["config"]["sound"]["opl_emulator"]);
        } else
            python::exec("config = {'graphics' : dict(), 'sound' : dict()}", global, local);
            local["config"]["data_dir"] = m_dataDir = "DUNE2";
            local["config"]["debug"] = m_debug = 8;
            local["config"]["game_speed"] = m_gameSpeed = 4;
	    local["config"]["game_dir"] = m_gameDir = GAME_DIR;
            local["config"]["play_intro"] = m_playIntro = false;

            local["config"]["graphics"]["width"] = m_resolution.x = 640;
            local["config"]["graphics"]["height"] = m_resolution.y = 480;
            local["config"]["graphics"]["fullscreen"] = m_fullscreen = false;
            local["config"]["graphics"]["double_buffered"] = m_doubleBuffered = true;

            local["config"]["sound"]["sound_on"] = m_soundOn = true;
            local["config"]["sound"]["sound_volume"] = m_sfxVolume = MIX_MAX_VOLUME/2;
            local["config"]["sound"]["response_volume"] = m_responseVolume = 100;
            local["config"]["sound"]["voice_volume"] = m_voiceVolume = 128;
            local["config"]["sound"]["music_on"] = m_musicOn = true;
            local["config"]["sound"]["music_volume"] = m_musicVolume = MIX_MAX_VOLUME/2;
            local["config"]["sound"]["opl_emulator"] = m_emuOpl = (int)CT_EMUOPL;
            m_updated = true;
	boost::filesystem::path pythonData(GetGameDir());
	pythonData /= "python";

	char *pyPath = Py_GetPath();
	std::string pythonPath = pythonData.string() + 
#ifdef _WIN32
	+ pyPath;

    catch(python::error_already_set const &)

       if (configFile->exists("log_verbosity"))
       Setting& node = configFile->lookup(".log_verbosity");

       for (int j = 0; j < node.getLength(); j++)
       std::string logSystem = node[j][0];
       int logVerbosity = node[j][1];

       Log::Instance()->setVerbosity(logSystem, (LogVerbosity)logVerbosity);

    //    Log::Instance()->setVerbosity("UnitClass", LV_MAX);
    //    Log::Instance()->setVerbosity("ObjectClass", LV_MAX);    
    //    Log::Instance()->setVerbosity("TerrainClass", LV_MAX);    
    //    Log::Instance()->setVerbosity("MapClass", LV_MAX);        
    /*        root = configFile::loadFile((const char *)data);
              std::string config = ResMan::Instance()->readText("CONFIG:config.txt");
              printf("%s\n", config.c_str());

              config += "newline\n";
              ResMan::Instance()->writeText("CONFIG:config.txt", config);
