예제 #1
BOOL CDCache::file_is_cacheable(LPCSTR name, BOOL fCheckSize /*=FALSE*/)
	BOOL fCacheable = FALSE;

	// If we don't have a database, we don't have anything.
	if (m_database != NULL)
		long lMaxSize = m_database->get_maximum_size()/3;

		switch (m_pPathManager->GetPathBindingType(name))
			case PBT_HomeDataPath:
			case PBT_RemovableDrive:
			case PBT_CDDrive:
				if (fCheckSize)
					// The file is of the correct type.
					// Make sure it is not too big.
					// If the file gets an error, say we can cache it (this allows
					// us to still read missing files from the cache).
					CString csName;
						// Build a real name.
						csName = m_pPathManager->ExpandPath(name);

						CFileStatus Status;
						if (!CFile::GetStatus(csName, Status)
								|| Status.m_size < lMaxSize)
							fCacheable = TRUE;
					// Assume size is OK.
					fCacheable = TRUE;
			case PBT_CollectionItem:
				if (fCheckSize)
					// Extract the collection name.
					CString csName;
					CString csCollection;
					VERIFY(m_pPathManager->BindPath(name, csName, &csCollection) == PBT_CollectionItem);
					CPMWCollection* pCollection = GetGlobalCollectionManager()->FindCollection(csCollection);

					// Lookup the file to get its size.
					if (pCollection != NULL)
						CFileContent* pContent;
						if (pCollection->NewContentStream(&pContent) == ERRORCODE_None)
							CContentDirEntry Dir;
							CContentDataEntry Data;

								if (pContent->Find(&Dir, &Data) == ERRORCODE_None)
									long lSize = (long)((CCompressInfo*)Data.GetHeader())->GetUnCompressedSize();
									fCacheable = (lSize < lMaxSize);
예제 #2
void CPmwView::DoFileSaveAsGraphic() 
	BOOL     fRet = FALSE;
   CPmwDoc  *pDoc = GetDocument ();

   CString  Filter;
   Filter.LoadString (IDS_SAVE_AS_GRAPHIC_FILT);
	// this array must match the order in the above string!
	SaveGraphicType graphicTypes[] =
		{ None, Pmo, Bmp8, Bmp24, Jpeg, Png, Gif, Pcx, Tiff, WMeta };

   CString InitialDir = pDoc->GetPathManager()->ExpandPath("[[P]]");
   CString defExt = "*.pmo"; // This must match the first selection in the filter string

   CFileSaveAsGraphicDlg fileDlg(pDoc->something_selected(), Filter, defExt, InitialDir, this);

   PBOX WorldAll, WorldSel;
	pDoc->get_panel_world (&WorldAll, pDoc->get_current_panel());
   if (pDoc->GetSelectBound (&WorldSel) != TRUE)
      WorldSel = WorldAll;

   CDC *pDC = GetDC();
   if (!pDC)
		return;	// just bail...

	int LogPixX = pDC->GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSX);
	int LogPixY = pDC->GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSY);
   fileDlg.SetDimensions(&WorldAll, &WorldSel, LogPixX, LogPixY);
   ReleaseDC (pDC);

   if (fileDlg.DoModal () == IDOK)
      CString  Filename = fileDlg.GetPathName ();

		CPoint cpDims;
		cpDims.x = fileDlg.m_Width;
		cpDims.y = fileDlg.m_Height;

      enum SaveGraphicType gt;
		gt = graphicTypes[fileDlg.GetGraphicTypeIndex ()];
      ASSERT ((gt > None) && (gt < Invalid));         

		BOOL fSelected = fileDlg.IsSaveSelected();

      ERRORCODE error = ERRORCODE_Memory;
		if (gt == Pmo)
			// save as "PrintMaster Objects" file
			error = SavePMObjectsToFile(Filename, pDoc, fSelected);
			CDibToGraphicFile pDibToGraphicFile(Filename);
			pDibToGraphicFile.CreateGraphicFile (pDoc, gt, cpDims, fSelected, NULL, LogPixX);
			error = pDibToGraphicFile.GetErrorCode();

      if (error != ERRORCODE_None)
         AfxMessageBox (IDS_ERROR_SAVING);
         if (fileDlg.AddToGallery() == TRUE)
            CPMWCollection* pCollection = GetGlobalCollectionManager()->GetUserCollection(CPMWCollection::typeArt);
            if (pCollection != NULL)
               int nResult = pCollection->ImportItem(Filename, NULL, NULL, fileDlg.m_strCategory, FALSE);
               if (nResult != ERRORCODE_None)
                  AfxMessageBox (IDS_ERROR_SAVING);