예제 #1
/* Take this code form GolenDict which is a open source software */
static WCHAR * GlyphindexToUnicode(HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpszString, int cbString)
    LPGLYPHSET ranges;
    WCHAR * allChars, * ptr, * restoredString;
    WORD * allIndices;
    unsigned x;

    // Here we have to decode glyph indices back to chars. We do this
    // by tedious and ineffective iteration.
    ranges = (LPGLYPHSET)malloc( GetFontUnicodeRanges( hdc, 0 ) );
    GetFontUnicodeRanges( hdc, ranges );

    // Render up all available chars into one ridiculously big string
    allChars   = (WCHAR *)malloc( ( ranges->cGlyphsSupported ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
    allIndices = (WORD *)malloc( ( ranges->cGlyphsSupported ) * sizeof( WORD ) );

    ptr = allChars;

    for( x = 0; x < ranges->cRanges; ++x ) {
        WCHAR c = ranges->ranges[x].wcLow;
        unsigned y = ranges->ranges[ x ].cGlyphs;
        while( y-- )
          *ptr++ = c++;

    // Amazing. Now get glyph indices for this one nice string.
    GetGlyphIndicesW(hdc, allChars, ranges->cGlyphsSupported, allIndices,
                     GGI_MARK_NONEXISTING_GLYPHS );

    // Fascinating. Now translate our original input string back into
    // its readable form.
    restoredString = (WCHAR *)malloc(cbString * sizeof( WCHAR ));
    for( x = 0; x < cbString; ++x ) {
        unsigned y;
        WORD idx = lpszString[x];
        for( y = 0; y < ranges->cGlyphsSupported; ++y ) {
            if (allIndices[y] == idx ) {
                restoredString[x] = allChars[ y ];
            if ( y == ranges->cGlyphsSupported ) {
                // Not found
                restoredString[ x ] = L'?';
    // And we're done.

    return restoredString;
예제 #2
파일: text.c 프로젝트: PatroxGaurab/wine
 *           PSDRV_Text
static BOOL PSDRV_Text(PHYSDEV dev, INT x, INT y, UINT flags, LPCWSTR str,
		       UINT count, BOOL bDrawBackground, const INT *lpDx)
    PSDRV_PDEVICE *physDev = get_psdrv_dev( dev );
    WORD *glyphs = NULL;

    if (!count)
	return TRUE;

    if(physDev->font.fontloc == Download && !(flags & ETO_GLYPH_INDEX))
        glyphs = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, count * sizeof(WORD) );
        GetGlyphIndicesW( dev->hdc, str, count, glyphs, 0 );
        str = glyphs;

    PSDRV_WriteMoveTo(dev, x, y);

    if(!lpDx) {
        if(physDev->font.fontloc == Download)
	    PSDRV_WriteDownloadGlyphShow(dev, str, count);
	    PSDRV_WriteBuiltinGlyphShow(dev, str, count);
    else {
        UINT i;
	POINT offset = {0, 0};

        for(i = 0; i < count-1; i++) {
	    if(physDev->font.fontloc == Download)
	        PSDRV_WriteDownloadGlyphShow(dev, str + i, 1);
	        PSDRV_WriteBuiltinGlyphShow(dev, str + i, 1);
            if(flags & ETO_PDY)
                offset.x += lpDx[i * 2];
                offset.y += lpDx[i * 2 + 1];
                offset.x += lpDx[i];
	    PSDRV_WriteMoveTo(dev, x + offset.x, y + offset.y);
	if(physDev->font.fontloc == Download)
	    PSDRV_WriteDownloadGlyphShow(dev, str + i, 1);
	    PSDRV_WriteBuiltinGlyphShow(dev, str + i, 1);

    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, glyphs );
    return TRUE;
예제 #3
GDIFontEntry::TestCharacterMap(PRUint32 aCh)
    if (ReadCMAP() != NS_OK) {
        // Type1 fonts aren't necessarily Unicode but
        // this is the best guess we can make here
        mUnicodeFont = IsType1();

        // For fonts where we failed to read the character map,
        // we can take a slow path to look up glyphs character by character
        mUnknownCMAP = PR_TRUE;

    if (mUnknownCMAP) {
        if (aCh > 0xFFFF)
            return PR_FALSE;

        // previous code was using the group style
        gfxFontStyle fakeStyle;  
        if (mItalic)
            fakeStyle.style = FONT_STYLE_ITALIC;
        fakeStyle.weight = mWeight * 100;

        nsRefPtr<gfxFont> tempFont = FindOrMakeFont(&fakeStyle, PR_FALSE);
        if (!tempFont || !tempFont->Valid())
            return PR_FALSE;
        gfxGDIFont *font = static_cast<gfxGDIFont*>(tempFont.get());

        HDC dc = GetDC((HWND)nsnull);
        SetGraphicsMode(dc, GM_ADVANCED);
        HFONT hfont = font->GetHFONT();
        HFONT oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(dc, hfont);

        PRUnichar str[1] = { (PRUnichar)aCh };
        WORD glyph[1];

        PRBool hasGlyph = PR_FALSE;

        // Bug 573038 - in some cases GetGlyphIndicesW returns 0xFFFF for a 
        // missing glyph or 0x1F in other cases to indicate the "invalid" 
        // glyph.  Map both cases to "not found"
        if (IsType1() || mForceGDI) {
            // Type1 fonts and uniscribe APIs don't get along.  
            // ScriptGetCMap will return E_HANDLE
            DWORD ret = GetGlyphIndicesW(dc, str, 1, 
                                         glyph, GGI_MARK_NONEXISTING_GLYPHS);
            if (ret != GDI_ERROR
                && glyph[0] != 0xFFFF
                && (IsType1() || glyph[0] != MISSING_GLYPH))
                hasGlyph = PR_TRUE;
        } else {
            // ScriptGetCMap works better than GetGlyphIndicesW 
            // for things like bitmap/vector fonts
            SCRIPT_CACHE sc = NULL;
            HRESULT rv = ScriptGetCMap(dc, &sc, str, 1, 0, glyph);
            if (rv == S_OK)
                hasGlyph = PR_TRUE;

        SelectObject(dc, oldFont);
        ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);

        if (hasGlyph) {
            return PR_TRUE;
    } else {
        // font had a cmap so simply check that
        return mCharacterMap.test(aCh);

    return PR_FALSE;
예제 #4
    NS_ASSERTION(!mMetrics, "re-creating metrics? this will leak");

    LOGFONTW logFont;

    // Figure out if we want to do synthetic oblique styling.
    GDIFontEntry* fe = static_cast<GDIFontEntry*>(GetFontEntry());
    bool wantFakeItalic =
        (mStyle.style & (NS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC | NS_FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE)) &&

    // If the font's family has an actual italic face (but font matching
    // didn't choose it), we have to use a cairo transform instead of asking
    // GDI to italicize, because that would use a different face and result
    // in a possible glyph ID mismatch between shaping and rendering.
    // We use the mFamilyHasItalicFace flag in the entry in case of user fonts,
    // where the *CSS* family may not know about italic faces that are present
    // in the *GDI* family, and which GDI would use if we asked it to perform
    // the "italicization".
    bool useCairoFakeItalic = wantFakeItalic && fe->mFamilyHasItalicFace;

    if (mAdjustedSize == 0.0) {
        mAdjustedSize = mStyle.size;
        if (mStyle.sizeAdjust != 0.0 && mAdjustedSize > 0.0) {
            // to implement font-size-adjust, we first create the "unadjusted" font
            FillLogFont(logFont, mAdjustedSize,
                        wantFakeItalic && !useCairoFakeItalic);
            mFont = ::CreateFontIndirectW(&logFont);

            // initialize its metrics so we can calculate size adjustment

            // calculate the properly adjusted size, and then proceed
            // to recreate mFont and recalculate metrics
            gfxFloat aspect = mMetrics->xHeight / mMetrics->emHeight;
            mAdjustedSize = mStyle.GetAdjustedSize(aspect);

            // delete the temporary font and metrics
            mFont = nullptr;
            delete mMetrics;
            mMetrics = nullptr;

    // (bug 724231) for local user fonts, we don't use GDI's synthetic bold,
    // as it could lead to a different, incompatible face being used
    // but instead do our own multi-striking
    if (mNeedsBold && GetFontEntry()->IsLocalUserFont()) {
        mApplySyntheticBold = true;

    // this may end up being zero
    mAdjustedSize = ROUND(mAdjustedSize);
    FillLogFont(logFont, mAdjustedSize, wantFakeItalic && !useCairoFakeItalic);
    mFont = ::CreateFontIndirectW(&logFont);

    mMetrics = new gfxFont::Metrics;
    ::memset(mMetrics, 0, sizeof(*mMetrics));

    AutoDC dc;
    SetGraphicsMode(dc.GetDC(), GM_ADVANCED);
    AutoSelectFont selectFont(dc.GetDC(), mFont);

    // Get font metrics if size > 0
    if (mAdjustedSize > 0.0) {

        TEXTMETRIC& metrics = oMetrics.otmTextMetrics;

        if (0 < GetOutlineTextMetrics(dc.GetDC(), sizeof(oMetrics), &oMetrics)) {
            mMetrics->superscriptOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmptSuperscriptOffset.y;
            // Some fonts have wrong sign on their subscript offset, bug 410917.
            mMetrics->subscriptOffset = fabs((double)oMetrics.otmptSubscriptOffset.y);
            mMetrics->strikeoutSize = (double)oMetrics.otmsStrikeoutSize;
            mMetrics->strikeoutOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmsStrikeoutPosition;
            mMetrics->underlineSize = (double)oMetrics.otmsUnderscoreSize;
            mMetrics->underlineOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmsUnderscorePosition;

            const MAT2 kIdentityMatrix = { {0, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 1} };
            GLYPHMETRICS gm;
            DWORD len = GetGlyphOutlineW(dc.GetDC(), PRUnichar('x'), GGO_METRICS, &gm, 0, nullptr, &kIdentityMatrix);
            if (len == GDI_ERROR || gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y <= 0) {
                // 56% of ascent, best guess for true type
                mMetrics->xHeight =
                    ROUND((double)metrics.tmAscent * DEFAULT_XHEIGHT_FACTOR);
            } else {
                mMetrics->xHeight = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y;
            mMetrics->emHeight = metrics.tmHeight - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
            gfxFloat typEmHeight = (double)oMetrics.otmAscent - (double)oMetrics.otmDescent;
            mMetrics->emAscent = ROUND(mMetrics->emHeight * (double)oMetrics.otmAscent / typEmHeight);
            mMetrics->emDescent = mMetrics->emHeight - mMetrics->emAscent;
            if (oMetrics.otmEMSquare > 0) {
                mFUnitsConvFactor = float(mAdjustedSize / oMetrics.otmEMSquare);
        } else {
            // Make a best-effort guess at extended metrics
            // this is based on general typographic guidelines

            // GetTextMetrics can fail if the font file has been removed
            // or corrupted recently.
            BOOL result = GetTextMetrics(dc.GetDC(), &metrics);
            if (!result) {
                NS_WARNING("Missing or corrupt font data, fasten your seatbelt");
                mIsValid = false;
                memset(mMetrics, 0, sizeof(*mMetrics));

            mMetrics->xHeight =
                ROUND((float)metrics.tmAscent * DEFAULT_XHEIGHT_FACTOR);
            mMetrics->superscriptOffset = mMetrics->xHeight;
            mMetrics->subscriptOffset = mMetrics->xHeight;
            mMetrics->strikeoutSize = 1;
            mMetrics->strikeoutOffset = ROUND(mMetrics->xHeight * 0.5f); // 50% of xHeight
            mMetrics->underlineSize = 1;
            mMetrics->underlineOffset = -ROUND((float)metrics.tmDescent * 0.30f); // 30% of descent
            mMetrics->emHeight = metrics.tmHeight - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
            mMetrics->emAscent = metrics.tmAscent - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
            mMetrics->emDescent = metrics.tmDescent;

        mMetrics->internalLeading = metrics.tmInternalLeading;
        mMetrics->externalLeading = metrics.tmExternalLeading;
        mMetrics->maxHeight = metrics.tmHeight;
        mMetrics->maxAscent = metrics.tmAscent;
        mMetrics->maxDescent = metrics.tmDescent;
        mMetrics->maxAdvance = metrics.tmMaxCharWidth;
        mMetrics->aveCharWidth = NS_MAX<gfxFloat>(1, metrics.tmAveCharWidth);
        // The font is monospace when TMPF_FIXED_PITCH is *not* set!
        // See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms534202(VS.85).aspx
        if (!(metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH)) {
            mMetrics->maxAdvance = mMetrics->aveCharWidth;

        // Cache the width of a single space.
        SIZE size;
        GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc.GetDC(), L" ", 1, &size);
        mMetrics->spaceWidth = ROUND(size.cx);

        // Cache the width of digit zero.
        // XXX MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms534223.aspx)
        // does not say what the failure modes for GetTextExtentPoint32 are -
        // is it safe to assume it will fail iff the font has no '0'?
        if (GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc.GetDC(), L"0", 1, &size)) {
            mMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = ROUND(size.cx);
        } else {
            mMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = mMetrics->aveCharWidth;

        mSpaceGlyph = 0;
        if (metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE) {
            WORD glyph;
            DWORD ret = GetGlyphIndicesW(dc.GetDC(), L" ", 1, &glyph,
            if (ret != GDI_ERROR && glyph != 0xFFFF) {
                mSpaceGlyph = glyph;

        SanitizeMetrics(mMetrics, GetFontEntry()->mIsBadUnderlineFont);

    if (IsSyntheticBold()) {
        mMetrics->aveCharWidth += GetSyntheticBoldOffset();
        mMetrics->maxAdvance += GetSyntheticBoldOffset();

    mFontFace = cairo_win32_font_face_create_for_logfontw_hfont(&logFont,

    cairo_matrix_t sizeMatrix, ctm;
    cairo_matrix_init_scale(&sizeMatrix, mAdjustedSize, mAdjustedSize);

    if (useCairoFakeItalic) {
        // Skew the matrix to do fake italic if it wasn't already applied
        // via the LOGFONT
        double skewfactor = OBLIQUE_SKEW_FACTOR;
        cairo_matrix_t style;
                          1,                //xx
                          0,                //yx
                          -1 * skewfactor,  //xy
                          1,                //yy
                          0,                //x0
                          0);               //y0
        cairo_matrix_multiply(&sizeMatrix, &sizeMatrix, &style);

    cairo_font_options_t *fontOptions = cairo_font_options_create();
    if (mAntialiasOption != kAntialiasDefault) {
    mScaledFont = cairo_scaled_font_create(mFontFace, &sizeMatrix,
                                           &ctm, fontOptions);

    if (!mScaledFont ||
        cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        char warnBuf[1024];
        sprintf(warnBuf, "Failed to create scaled font: %s status: %d",
                mScaledFont ? cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) : 0);
        mIsValid = false;
    } else {
        mIsValid = true;

#if 0
    printf("Font: %p (%s) size: %f adjusted size: %f valid: %s\n", this,
           NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(GetName()).get(), mStyle.size, mAdjustedSize, (mIsValid ? "yes" : "no"));
    printf("    emHeight: %f emAscent: %f emDescent: %f\n", mMetrics->emHeight, mMetrics->emAscent, mMetrics->emDescent);
    printf("    maxAscent: %f maxDescent: %f maxAdvance: %f\n", mMetrics->maxAscent, mMetrics->maxDescent, mMetrics->maxAdvance);
    printf("    internalLeading: %f externalLeading: %f\n", mMetrics->internalLeading, mMetrics->externalLeading);
    printf("    spaceWidth: %f aveCharWidth: %f xHeight: %f\n", mMetrics->spaceWidth, mMetrics->aveCharWidth, mMetrics->xHeight);
    printf("    uOff: %f uSize: %f stOff: %f stSize: %f supOff: %f subOff: %f\n",
           mMetrics->underlineOffset, mMetrics->underlineSize, mMetrics->strikeoutOffset, mMetrics->strikeoutSize,
           mMetrics->superscriptOffset, mMetrics->subscriptOffset);
예제 #5
    NS_ASSERTION(!mMetrics, "re-creating metrics? this will leak");

    LOGFONTW logFont;

    if (mAdjustedSize == 0.0) {
        mAdjustedSize = mStyle.size;
        if (mStyle.sizeAdjust != 0.0 && mAdjustedSize > 0.0) {
            // to implement font-size-adjust, we first create the "unadjusted" font
            FillLogFont(logFont, mAdjustedSize);
            mFont = ::CreateFontIndirectW(&logFont);

            // initialize its metrics so we can calculate size adjustment

            // calculate the properly adjusted size, and then proceed
            // to recreate mFont and recalculate metrics
            gfxFloat aspect = mMetrics->xHeight / mMetrics->emHeight;
            mAdjustedSize = mStyle.GetAdjustedSize(aspect);

            // delete the temporary font and metrics
            mFont = nsnull;
            delete mMetrics;
            mMetrics = nsnull;

    FillLogFont(logFont, mAdjustedSize);
    mFont = ::CreateFontIndirectW(&logFont);

    mMetrics = new gfxFont::Metrics;
    ::memset(mMetrics, 0, sizeof(*mMetrics));

    AutoDC dc;
    SetGraphicsMode(dc.GetDC(), GM_ADVANCED);
    AutoSelectFont selectFont(dc.GetDC(), mFont);

    // Get font metrics
    TEXTMETRIC& metrics = oMetrics.otmTextMetrics;

    if (0 < GetOutlineTextMetrics(dc.GetDC(), sizeof(oMetrics), &oMetrics)) {
        mMetrics->superscriptOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmptSuperscriptOffset.y;
        // Some fonts have wrong sign on their subscript offset, bug 410917.
        mMetrics->subscriptOffset = fabs((double)oMetrics.otmptSubscriptOffset.y);
        mMetrics->strikeoutSize = (double)oMetrics.otmsStrikeoutSize;
        mMetrics->strikeoutOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmsStrikeoutPosition;
        mMetrics->underlineSize = (double)oMetrics.otmsUnderscoreSize;
        mMetrics->underlineOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmsUnderscorePosition;

        const MAT2 kIdentityMatrix = { {0, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 1} };
        GLYPHMETRICS gm;
        DWORD len = GetGlyphOutlineW(dc.GetDC(), PRUnichar('x'), GGO_METRICS, &gm, 0, nsnull, &kIdentityMatrix);
        if (len == GDI_ERROR || gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y <= 0) {
            // 56% of ascent, best guess for true type
            mMetrics->xHeight =
                ROUND((double)metrics.tmAscent * DEFAULT_XHEIGHT_FACTOR);
        } else {
            mMetrics->xHeight = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y;
        mMetrics->emHeight = metrics.tmHeight - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
        gfxFloat typEmHeight = (double)oMetrics.otmAscent - (double)oMetrics.otmDescent;
        mMetrics->emAscent = ROUND(mMetrics->emHeight * (double)oMetrics.otmAscent / typEmHeight);
        mMetrics->emDescent = mMetrics->emHeight - mMetrics->emAscent;
        if (oMetrics.otmEMSquare > 0) {
            mFUnitsConvFactor = float(GetAdjustedSize() / oMetrics.otmEMSquare);
    } else {
        // Make a best-effort guess at extended metrics
        // this is based on general typographic guidelines
        // GetTextMetrics can fail if the font file has been removed
        // or corrupted recently.
        BOOL result = GetTextMetrics(dc.GetDC(), &metrics);
        if (!result) {
            NS_WARNING("Missing or corrupt font data, fasten your seatbelt");
            mIsValid = PR_FALSE;
            memset(mMetrics, 0, sizeof(*mMetrics));

        mMetrics->xHeight =
            ROUND((float)metrics.tmAscent * DEFAULT_XHEIGHT_FACTOR);
        mMetrics->superscriptOffset = mMetrics->xHeight;
        mMetrics->subscriptOffset = mMetrics->xHeight;
        mMetrics->strikeoutSize = 1;
        mMetrics->strikeoutOffset = ROUND(mMetrics->xHeight * 0.5f); // 50% of xHeight
        mMetrics->underlineSize = 1;
        mMetrics->underlineOffset = -ROUND((float)metrics.tmDescent * 0.30f); // 30% of descent
        mMetrics->emHeight = metrics.tmHeight - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
        mMetrics->emAscent = metrics.tmAscent - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
        mMetrics->emDescent = metrics.tmDescent;

    mMetrics->internalLeading = metrics.tmInternalLeading;
    mMetrics->externalLeading = metrics.tmExternalLeading;
    mMetrics->maxHeight = metrics.tmHeight;
    mMetrics->maxAscent = metrics.tmAscent;
    mMetrics->maxDescent = metrics.tmDescent;
    mMetrics->maxAdvance = metrics.tmMaxCharWidth;
    mMetrics->aveCharWidth = PR_MAX(1, metrics.tmAveCharWidth);
    // The font is monospace when TMPF_FIXED_PITCH is *not* set!
    // See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms534202(VS.85).aspx
    if (!(metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH)) {
        mMetrics->maxAdvance = mMetrics->aveCharWidth;

    // Cache the width of a single space.
    SIZE size;
    GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc.GetDC(), L" ", 1, &size);
    mMetrics->spaceWidth = ROUND(size.cx);

    // Cache the width of digit zero.
    // XXX MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms534223.aspx)
    // does not say what the failure modes for GetTextExtentPoint32 are -
    // is it safe to assume it will fail iff the font has no '0'?
    if (GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc.GetDC(), L"0", 1, &size)) {
        mMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = ROUND(size.cx);
    } else {
        mMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = mMetrics->aveCharWidth;

    mSpaceGlyph = 0;
    if (metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE) {
        WORD glyph;
        DWORD ret = GetGlyphIndicesW(dc.GetDC(), L" ", 1, &glyph,
        if (ret != GDI_ERROR && glyph != 0xFFFF) {
            mSpaceGlyph = glyph;

    SanitizeMetrics(mMetrics, GetFontEntry()->mIsBadUnderlineFont);

    mFontFace = cairo_win32_font_face_create_for_logfontw_hfont(&logFont,

    cairo_matrix_t sizeMatrix, ctm;
    cairo_matrix_init_scale(&sizeMatrix, mAdjustedSize, mAdjustedSize);

    cairo_font_options_t *fontOptions = cairo_font_options_create();
    if (mAntialiasOption != kAntialiasDefault) {
    mScaledFont = cairo_scaled_font_create(mFontFace, &sizeMatrix,
                                           &ctm, fontOptions);

    if (!mScaledFont ||
        cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        char warnBuf[1024];
        sprintf(warnBuf, "Failed to create scaled font: %s status: %d",
                mScaledFont ? cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) : 0);

    mIsValid = PR_TRUE;

#if 0
    printf("Font: %p (%s) size: %f\n", this,
           NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(GetName()).get(), mStyle.size);
    printf("    emHeight: %f emAscent: %f emDescent: %f\n", mMetrics.emHeight, mMetrics.emAscent, mMetrics.emDescent);
    printf("    maxAscent: %f maxDescent: %f maxAdvance: %f\n", mMetrics.maxAscent, mMetrics.maxDescent, mMetrics.maxAdvance);
    printf("    internalLeading: %f externalLeading: %f\n", mMetrics.internalLeading, mMetrics.externalLeading);
    printf("    spaceWidth: %f aveCharWidth: %f xHeight: %f\n", mMetrics.spaceWidth, mMetrics.aveCharWidth, mMetrics.xHeight);
    printf("    uOff: %f uSize: %f stOff: %f stSize: %f supOff: %f subOff: %f\n",
           mMetrics.underlineOffset, mMetrics.underlineSize, mMetrics.strikeoutOffset, mMetrics.strikeoutSize,
           mMetrics.superscriptOffset, mMetrics.subscriptOffset);
예제 #6
 * ContextualShape_Arabic
static void ContextualShape_Arabic(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, WCHAR* pwcChars, INT cChars, WORD* pwOutGlyphs, INT* pcGlyphs, INT cMaxGlyphs, WORD *pwLogClust)
    CHAR *context_type;
    INT *context_shape;
    INT dirR, dirL;
    int i;

    if (*pcGlyphs != cChars)
        ERR("Number of Glyphs and Chars need to match at the beginning\n");

    if (!psa->fLogicalOrder && psa->fRTL)
        dirR = 1;
        dirL = -1;
        dirR = -1;
        dirL = 1;

    if (!psc->GSUB_Table)
        psc->GSUB_Table = load_gsub_table(hdc);

    context_type = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,cChars);
    context_shape = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(INT) * cChars);

    for (i = 0; i < cChars; i++)
        context_type[i] = wine_shaping_table[wine_shaping_table[pwcChars[i] >> 8] + (pwcChars[i] & 0xff)];

    for (i = 0; i < cChars; i++)
        if (context_type[i] == jtR && right_join_causing(neighbour_joining_type(i,dirR,context_type,cChars,psa)))
            context_shape[i] = Xr;
        else if (context_type[i] == jtL && left_join_causing(neighbour_joining_type(i,dirL,context_type,cChars,psa)))
            context_shape[i] = Xl;
        else if (context_type[i] == jtD && left_join_causing(neighbour_joining_type(i,dirL,context_type,cChars,psa)) && right_join_causing(neighbour_joining_type(i,dirR,context_type,cChars,psa)))
            context_shape[i] = Xm;
        else if (context_type[i] == jtD && right_join_causing(neighbour_joining_type(i,dirR,context_type,cChars,psa)))
            context_shape[i] = Xr;
        else if (context_type[i] == jtD && left_join_causing(neighbour_joining_type(i,dirL,context_type,cChars,psa)))
            context_shape[i] = Xl;
            context_shape[i] = Xn;

    /* Contextual Shaping */
    i = 0;
    while(i < *pcGlyphs)
        BOOL shaped = FALSE;

        if (psc->GSUB_Table)
            INT nextIndex;
            INT prevCount = *pcGlyphs;
            nextIndex = apply_GSUB_feature_to_glyph(hdc, psa, psc, pwOutGlyphs, i, dirL, pcGlyphs, contextual_features[context_shape[i]]);
            if (nextIndex > GSUB_E_NOGLYPH)
                i = nextIndex;
                UpdateClusters(nextIndex, *pcGlyphs - prevCount, dirL, cChars, pwLogClust);
            shaped = (nextIndex > GSUB_E_NOGLYPH);

        if (!shaped)
            WORD newGlyph = pwOutGlyphs[i];
            if (pwcChars[i] >= FIRST_ARABIC_CHAR && pwcChars[i] <= LAST_ARABIC_CHAR)
                /* fall back to presentation form B */
                WCHAR context_char = wine_shaping_forms[pwcChars[i] - FIRST_ARABIC_CHAR][context_shape[i]];
                if (context_char != pwcChars[i] && GetGlyphIndicesW(hdc, &context_char, 1, &newGlyph, 0) != GDI_ERROR && newGlyph != 0x0000)
                    pwOutGlyphs[i] = newGlyph;
