예제 #1
 * when copy-paste, mozilla wants data encoded using UCS2,
 * other app such as StarOffice use "text/html"(RFC2854).
 * This function convert data(got from GTK clipboard)
 * to data mozilla wanted.
 * data from GTK clipboard can be 3 forms:
 *  1. From current mozilla
 *     "text/html", charset = utf-16
 *  2. From old version mozilla or mozilla-based app
 *     content("body" only), charset = utf-16
 *  3. From other app who use "text/html" when copy-paste
 *     "text/html", has "charset" info
 * data      : got from GTK clipboard
 * dataLength: got from GTK clipboard
 * body      : pass to Mozilla
 * bodyLength: pass to Mozilla
void ConvertHTMLtoUCS2(guchar * data, PRInt32 dataLength,
                       PRUnichar** unicodeData, PRInt32& outUnicodeLen)
    nsCAutoString charset;
    GetHTMLCharset(data, dataLength, charset);// get charset of HTML
    if (charset.EqualsLiteral("UTF-16")) {//current mozilla
        outUnicodeLen = (dataLength / 2) - 1;
        *unicodeData = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(PRUnichar*,
                                           nsMemory::Alloc((outUnicodeLen + sizeof('\0')) *
        if (unicodeData) {
            memcpy(*unicodeData, data + sizeof(PRUnichar),
                   outUnicodeLen * sizeof(PRUnichar));
            (*unicodeData)[outUnicodeLen] = '\0';
    } else if (charset.EqualsLiteral("UNKNOWN")) {
예제 #2
 * when copy-paste, mozilla wants data encoded using UCS2,
 * other app such as StarOffice use "text/html"(RFC2854).
 * This function convert data(got from GTK clipboard)
 * to data mozilla wanted.
 * data from GTK clipboard can be 3 forms:
 *  1. From current mozilla
 *     "text/html", charset = utf-16
 *  2. From old version mozilla or mozilla-based app
 *     content("body" only), charset = utf-16
 *  3. From other app who use "text/html" when copy-paste
 *     "text/html", has "charset" info
 * data      : got from GTK clipboard
 * dataLength: got from GTK clipboard
 * body      : pass to Mozilla
 * bodyLength: pass to Mozilla
void ConvertHTMLtoUCS2(guchar * data, PRInt32 dataLength,
                       PRUnichar** unicodeData, PRInt32& outUnicodeLen)
    nsCAutoString charset;
    GetHTMLCharset(data, dataLength, charset);// get charset of HTML
    if (charset.EqualsLiteral("UTF-16")) {//current mozilla
        outUnicodeLen = (dataLength / 2) - 1;
        *unicodeData = reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar*>
                                       (nsMemory::Alloc((outUnicodeLen + sizeof('\0')) *
        if (*unicodeData) {
            memcpy(*unicodeData, data + sizeof(PRUnichar),
                   outUnicodeLen * sizeof(PRUnichar));
            (*unicodeData)[outUnicodeLen] = '\0';
    } else if (charset.EqualsLiteral("UNKNOWN")) {
        outUnicodeLen = 0;
    } else {
        // app which use "text/html" to copy&paste
        nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeDecoder> decoder;
        nsresult rv;
        // get the decoder
        nsCOMPtr<nsICharsetConverterManager> ccm =
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            g_print("        can't get CHARSET CONVERTER MANAGER service\n");
            outUnicodeLen = 0;
        rv = ccm->GetUnicodeDecoder(charset.get(), getter_AddRefs(decoder));
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            g_print("        get unicode decoder error\n");
            outUnicodeLen = 0;
        // converting
        decoder->GetMaxLength((const char *)data, dataLength, &outUnicodeLen);
        // |outUnicodeLen| is number of chars
        if (outUnicodeLen) {
            *unicodeData = reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar*>
                                           (nsMemory::Alloc((outUnicodeLen + sizeof('\0')) *
            if (*unicodeData) {
                PRInt32 numberTmp = dataLength;
                decoder->Convert((const char *)data, &numberTmp,
                                 *unicodeData, &outUnicodeLen);
                if (numberTmp != dataLength)
                    printf("didn't consume all the bytes\n");
                // null terminate. Convert() doesn't do it for us
                (*unicodeData)[outUnicodeLen] = '\0';
        } // if valid length