예제 #1
파일: LinkEvent.cpp 프로젝트: kumarjith/GD
void LinkEvent::ReplaceLinkByLinkedEvents(gd::Project & project, EventsList & eventList, unsigned int indexOfTheEventInThisList)
    //Finding what to link to.
    const EventsList * eventsToInclude = NULL;
    gd::ExternalEvents * linkedExternalEvents = NULL;
    if ( project.HasExternalEventsNamed(GetTarget()) )
        linkedExternalEvents = &project.GetExternalEvents(GetTarget());
        eventsToInclude = &project.GetExternalEvents(GetTarget()).GetEvents();
    else if ( project.HasLayoutNamed(GetTarget()) ) eventsToInclude = &project.GetLayout(GetTarget()).GetEvents();

    if ( eventsToInclude != NULL )
        unsigned int firstEvent = IncludeAllEvents() ? 0 : GetIncludeStart();
        unsigned int lastEvent = IncludeAllEvents() ? eventsToInclude->size() - 1 : GetIncludeEnd();

        //Check bounds
        if ( firstEvent >= eventsToInclude->size() )
            std::cout << "Unable to get events from a link ( Invalid start )" << std::endl;
            linkWasInvalid = true;
        if ( lastEvent >= eventsToInclude->size() )
            std::cout << "Unable to get events from a link ( Invalid end )" << std::endl;
            linkWasInvalid = true;
        if ( firstEvent > lastEvent )
            std::cout << "Unable to get events from a link ( End is before start )" << std::endl;
            linkWasInvalid = true;

        //Insert an empty event to replace the link event ( we'll delete the link event at the end )
        //( If we just erase the link event without adding a blank event to replace it,
        //the first event inserted by the link will not be preprocessed ( and it can be annoying if it require preprocessing, such as another link event ). )
        gd::EmptyEvent emptyEvent;
        eventList.InsertEvent(emptyEvent, indexOfTheEventInThisList);
        eventList.InsertEvents(*eventsToInclude, firstEvent, lastEvent, indexOfTheEventInThisList+1);

        //Delete the link event ( which is now at the end of the list of events we've just inserted )
        eventList.RemoveEvent(indexOfTheEventInThisList + 1 + static_cast<unsigned>(lastEvent-firstEvent)+1);
        std::cout << "Unable to get events from a link." << std::endl;
        linkWasInvalid = true;

        //Delete the link event

    linkWasInvalid = false;
예제 #2
void LinkEvent::SerializeTo(SerializerElement & element) const
        .SetAttribute("includeAll", IncludeAllEvents())
        .SetAttribute("start", (int)GetIncludeStart())
        .SetAttribute("end", (int)GetIncludeEnd());

예제 #3
void LinkEvent::ReplaceLinkByLinkedEvents(const gd::Project & project, EventsList & eventList, std::size_t indexOfTheEventInThisList)
    linkWasInvalid = false;
    //Finding what to link to.
    const EventsList * eventsToInclude = GetLinkedEvents(project);
    if ( eventsToInclude != NULL )
        std::size_t firstEvent = includeConfig == INCLUDE_BY_INDEX ? GetIncludeStart() : 0;
        std::size_t lastEvent = includeConfig == INCLUDE_BY_INDEX ? GetIncludeEnd() : eventsToInclude->size() - 1;

        //Check bounds
        if ( firstEvent >= eventsToInclude->size() )
            std::cout << "Unable to get events from a link ( Invalid start )" << std::endl;
            linkWasInvalid = true;
        if ( lastEvent >= eventsToInclude->size() )
            std::cout << "Unable to get events from a link ( Invalid end )" << std::endl;
            linkWasInvalid = true;
        if ( firstEvent > lastEvent )
            std::cout << "Unable to get events from a link ( End is before start )" << std::endl;
            linkWasInvalid = true;

        //Insert an empty event to replace the link event ( we'll delete the link event at the end )
        //( If we just erase the link event without adding a blank event to replace it,
        //the first event inserted by the link will not be preprocessed ( and it can be annoying if it require preprocessing, such as another link event ). )
        gd::EmptyEvent emptyEvent;
        eventList.InsertEvent(emptyEvent, indexOfTheEventInThisList);
        eventList.InsertEvents(*eventsToInclude, firstEvent, lastEvent, indexOfTheEventInThisList+1);

        //Delete the link event ( which is now at the end of the list of events we've just inserted )
        eventList.RemoveEvent(indexOfTheEventInThisList + 1 + static_cast<unsigned>(lastEvent-firstEvent)+1);
        std::cout << "Unable to get events from a link." << std::endl;
        linkWasInvalid = true;

        //Delete the link event
예제 #4
void LinkEvent::SerializeTo(SerializerElement & element) const
    SerializerElement & includeElement = element.AddChild("include")
        .SetAttribute("includeConfig", static_cast<int>(GetIncludeConfig()));

    if(GetIncludeConfig() == INCLUDE_EVENTS_GROUP)
        includeElement.SetAttribute("eventsGroup", GetEventsGroupName());
    else if(GetIncludeConfig() == INCLUDE_BY_INDEX)
        includeElement.SetAttribute("start", static_cast<int>(GetIncludeStart()));
        includeElement.SetAttribute("end", static_cast<int>(GetIncludeEnd()));

예제 #5
 * Render the event in the bitmap
void LinkEvent::Render(wxDC & dc, int x, int y, unsigned int width, gd::EventsEditorItemsAreas & areas, gd::EventsEditorSelection & selection, const gd::Platform & platform)
#if !defined(GD_NO_WX_GUI)
    gd::EventsRenderingHelper * renderingHelper = gd::EventsRenderingHelper::Get();

    dc.SetBrush( wxBrush( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) ) );
    dc.SetPen( wxPen( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ), 1) );
    wxRect rect(x+1, y, width-2, GetRenderedHeight(width, platform)-2);

    dc.DrawBitmap( gd::SkinHelper::GetIcon("events", 24), x+4, y + 1, true);

    dc.SetTextBackground( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) );
    if ( !IsDisabled() )
        dc.SetTextForeground( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) );
        dc.SetTextForeground( wxColour( 160, 160, 160 ) );

    dc.DrawText( _("Link to ")+GetTarget(), x+32, y + 3 );

    if ( GetIncludeConfig() == INCLUDE_BY_INDEX )
        wxRect textRect = dc.GetTextExtent(_("Link to ")+GetTarget());
        dc.DrawText( _("Include only events ")+gd::String::From(GetIncludeStart()+1)+_(" to ")+gd::String::From(GetIncludeEnd()+1), x+textRect.GetWidth()+32+10, y + 5 );
    else if ( GetIncludeConfig() == INCLUDE_EVENTS_GROUP )
        wxRect textRect = dc.GetTextExtent(_("Link to ")+GetTarget());
        dc.DrawText( _("Include only the events group named \"")+gd::String::From(GetEventsGroupName())+_("\""), x+textRect.GetWidth()+32+10, y + 5 );
예제 #6
파일: LinkEvent.cpp 프로젝트: kumarjith/GD
 * Render the event in the bitmap
void LinkEvent::Render(wxDC & dc, int x, int y, unsigned int width, gd::EventsEditorItemsAreas & areas, gd::EventsEditorSelection & selection, const gd::Platform & platform)
#if !defined(GD_NO_WX_GUI)
    dc.SetBrush( wxBrush( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) ) );
    dc.SetPen( wxPen( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ), 1) );
    wxRect rect(x+1, y, width, GetRenderedHeight(width, platform)-2);

    dc.DrawBitmap( gd::SkinHelper::GetIcon("events", 24), x+4, y + 1, true);

    dc.SetTextBackground( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) );
    if ( !IsDisabled() )
        dc.SetTextForeground( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) );
        dc.SetTextForeground( wxColour( 160, 160, 160 ) );
    dc.SetFont( wxFont( 12, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL ) );
    dc.DrawText( _("Link to ")+GetTarget(), x+32, y + 3 );
    wxRect lien = dc.GetTextExtent(_("Link to ")+GetTarget());

    dc.SetFont( wxFont( 10, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL ) );
    if ( IncludeAllEvents() )
        dc.DrawText( _("Include all events"), x+lien.GetWidth()+32+10, y + 5 );
        dc.DrawText( _("Include events ")+ToString(GetIncludeStart()+1)+_(" to ")+ToString(GetIncludeEnd()+1), x+lien.GetWidth()+32+10, y + 5 );