예제 #1
const char * 
StoreProcessIncomingContact(StoreClient *client, StoreObject *contact, char *path)
	BongoJsonNode *node = NULL;
	char *name = NULL;
	char *email = NULL;
	if (GetJson(client, contact, &node, path) != BONGO_JSON_OK)
		goto parse_error;

	if (node->type != BONGO_JSON_OBJECT)
		goto parse_error;

	BongoJsonResult result;
	result = BongoJsonJPathGetString(node, "o:fullName/s", &name);
	if (result != BONGO_JSON_OK) name = NULL;

	// FIXME: want to find the preferred address really.
	result = BongoJsonJPathGetString(node, "o:email/a:0/o:address/s", &email);
	if (result != BONGO_JSON_OK) email = NULL;

	if (name) 	SetDocProp(client, contact, "bongo.contact.name", name);
	if (email)	SetDocProp(client, contact, "bongo.contact.email", email);

	return NULL;

	if (node) BongoJsonNodeFree(node);
	return MSG4226BADCONTACT;
예제 #2
  void LuaContext::GetJson(Json::Value& result,
                           int top,
                           bool keepStrings)
    if (lua_istable(lua_, top))
      Json::Value tmp = Json::objectValue;
      bool isArray = true;
      size_t size = 0;

      // Code adapted from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/6142700/881731
      // Push another reference to the table on top of the stack (so we know
      // where it is, and this function can work for negative, positive and
      // pseudo indices
      lua_pushvalue(lua_, top);
      // stack now contains: -1 => table
      // stack now contains: -1 => nil; -2 => table
      while (lua_next(lua_, -2))
        // stack now contains: -1 => value; -2 => key; -3 => table
        // copy the key so that lua_tostring does not modify the original
        lua_pushvalue(lua_, -2);
        // stack now contains: -1 => key; -2 => value; -3 => key; -4 => table
        std::string key(lua_tostring(lua_, -1));
        Json::Value v;
        GetJson(v, -2, keepStrings);

        tmp[key] = v;

        size += 1;
          if (!OnlyContainsDigits(key) ||
              boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(key) != size)
            isArray = false;
        catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
          isArray = false;
        // pop value + copy of key, leaving original key
        lua_pop(lua_, 2);
        // stack now contains: -1 => key; -2 => table
      // stack now contains: -1 => table (when lua_next returns 0 it pops the key
      // but does not push anything.)
      // Pop table
      lua_pop(lua_, 1);

      // Stack is now the same as it was on entry to this function

      if (isArray)
        result = Json::arrayValue;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
          result.append(tmp[boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i + 1)]);
        result = tmp;
    else if (lua_isnil(lua_, top))
      result = Json::nullValue;
    else if (!keepStrings &&
             lua_isboolean(lua_, top))
      result = lua_toboolean(lua_, top) ? true : false;
    else if (!keepStrings &&
             lua_isnumber(lua_, top))
      // Convert to "int" if truncation does not loose precision
      double value = static_cast<double>(lua_tonumber(lua_, top));
      int truncated = static_cast<int>(value);

      if (std::abs(value - static_cast<double>(truncated)) <= 
        result = truncated;
        result = value;
    else if (lua_isstring(lua_, top))
      // Caution: The "lua_isstring()" case must be the last, since
      // Lua can convert most types to strings by default.
      result = std::string(lua_tostring(lua_, top));
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported Lua type when returning Json";
      result = Json::nullValue;
예제 #3
bool FileContent::Save() {
	string json = GetJson();
	string key = "filecontent_" + identifier;
	RocksdbHandler::Insert(key, json, PATH_DB_FILES);
	return true;
예제 #4
bool User::Save()
	string json = GetJson(false);
	RocksdbHandler::Insert("user_" + GetIdentifier(), json, PATH_DB_USERS);
	return true;