std::string NetworkSocket::debugString() const { if(!isOpen()) return "Closed"; std::string ret = TypeStr(m_type) + "/" + StateStr(m_state); { std::string localStr = "INVALIDLOCAL"; NetworkAddr addr; if(nlGetLocalAddr(m_socket->sock, getNLaddr(addr)) != NL_FALSE) NetAddrToString(addr, localStr); else { localStr = "ERRORLOCALADDR(" + GetLastErrorStr() + ")"; ResetSocketError(); } ret += " " + localStr; } if(m_state == NSS_CONNECTED) { ret += " connected to "; std::string remoteStr = "INVALIDREMOTE"; NetworkAddr addr; if(nlGetRemoteAddr(m_socket->sock, getNLaddr(addr)) != NL_FALSE) NetAddrToString(remoteAddress(), remoteStr); else { remoteStr = "ERRORREMOTEADDR(" + GetLastErrorStr() + ")"; ResetSocketError(); } ret += remoteStr; } return ret; }
bool BlakMoveFile(const char *source, const char *dest) { #ifdef BLAK_PLATFORM_WINDOWS if (!CopyFile(source,dest,FALSE)) { eprintf("BlakMoveFile error moving %s to %s (%s)\n",source,dest,GetLastErrorStr()); return false; } if (!DeleteFile(source)) { eprintf("BlakMoveFile error deleting %s (%s)\n",source,GetLastErrorStr()); return false; } return true; #elif BLAK_PLATFORM_LINUX // Doesn't work across filesystems, but probably fine for our purposes. return 0 == rename(source, dest); #else #error No platform implementation of BlakMoveFile #endif }
HANDLE InitPipe(HWND hDlg, char *PipeName, char *errStr) { // This waits for a pipe initiation (blocks till a pipe connection or an error occurs). // Run this inside of a second thread. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd; HANDLE hPipe; if (! InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { strcpy (errStr, "ERROR in InitializeSecurityDescriptor()"); return NULL; } if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE)) { strcpy (errStr, "ERROR in SetSecurityDescriptorDacl()"); return NULL; } sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); // fill sa fields; no inheritance needed sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd; hPipe = CreateNamedPipe( PipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT, 1, _MAX_PATH +100, _MAX_PATH +100, 5000, &sa); if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { GetLastErrorStr(errStr); strcat (errStr, " [error in CreateNamedPipe]"); return NULL; } if (!WaitForController (&hPipe, errStr)) { GetLastErrorStr(errStr); strcat (errStr, " [error in WaitForController]"); return NULL; } return hPipe; }
void* GetSymbol_impl(const ModuleInfo& moduleInfo, const char* symbol) { HMODULE handle = nullptr; if (!sharedLibMode || == "main") { handle = GetModuleHandle(nullptr); } else { handle = GetModuleHandle(moduleInfo.location.c_str()); } if (!handle) { US_DEBUG << "GetSymbol_impl():GetModuleHandle() " << GetLastErrorStr(); return 0; } void* addr = (void*)GetProcAddress(handle, symbol); if (!addr) { US_DEBUG << "GetSymbol_impl():GetProcAddress(handle," << symbol << ") " << GetLastErrorStr(); } return addr; }
/* * DownloadCheckDirs: Make sure that directories needed for downloading exist. * hParent is parent for error dialog. * Return True iff they all exist. */ Bool DownloadCheckDirs(HWND hParent) { // Make sure that necessary subdirectories exist if (MakeDirectory(download_dir) == False) { ClientError(hInst, hMain, IDS_CANTMAKEDIR, download_dir, GetLastErrorStr()); return False; } if (MakeDirectory(resource_dir) == False) { ClientError(hInst, hMain, IDS_CANTMAKEDIR, resource_dir, GetLastErrorStr()); return False; } if (MakeDirectory(help_dir) == False) { ClientError(hInst, hMain, IDS_CANTMAKEDIR, help_dir, GetLastErrorStr()); return False; } if (MakeDirectory(mail_dir) == False) { ClientError(hInst, hMain, IDS_CANTMAKEDIR, mail_dir, GetLastErrorStr()); return False; } if (MakeDirectory(ad_dir) == False) { ClientError(hInst, hMain, IDS_CANTMAKEDIR, ad_dir, GetLastErrorStr()); return False; } return True; }
bool SetNetAddrPort(NetworkAddr& addr, unsigned short port, std::string* errorStr) { if(getNLaddr(addr) == NULL) return false; else { if(nlSetAddrPort(getNLaddr(addr), port) == NL_FALSE) { errors << "SetNetAddrPort: cannot set port " << port << ": " << GetLastErrorStr() << endl; if(errorStr) *errorStr = GetLastErrorStr(); ResetSocketError(); return false; } return true; } }
void SharedLibraryHandle::Load(const std::string& name) { #ifdef US_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS if (m_Handle) throw std::logic_error(std::string("Library already loaded: ") + name); std::string libPath = GetAbsolutePath(name); #ifdef US_PLATFORM_POSIX m_Handle = dlopen(libPath.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (!m_Handle) { const char* err = dlerror(); throw std::runtime_error(err ? std::string(err) : libPath); } #else m_Handle = LoadLibrary(libPath.c_str()); if (!m_Handle) { std::string errMsg = "Loading "; errMsg.append(libPath).append("failed with error: ").append(GetLastErrorStr()); throw std::runtime_error(errMsg); } #endif #endif m_Name = name; }
int NetworkSocket::Read(void* buffer, int nbytes) { if(!isOpen()) { errors << "NetworkSocket::Read: cannot read on closed socket" << endl; return NL_INVALID; } ResetSocketError(); NLint ret = nlRead(m_socket->sock, buffer, nbytes); // Error checking if (ret == NL_INVALID) { // messageend-error is just that there is no data; we can ignore that if (!IsMessageEndSocketErrorNr(GetSocketErrorNr())) { #ifdef DEBUG std::string errStr = GetLastErrorStr(); // cache errStr that debugString will not overwrite it errors << "ReadSocket " << debugString() << ": " << errStr << endl; #endif // Is this perhaps the solution for the Bad file descriptor error? //Close(); } return NL_INVALID; } return ret; }
int CEchoMainWnd::PlayStim() { char errbuf[256], buf[256]; double level2, level3; CString NodeName, StimPathFile; //evaluate the signal to present if (!PrepareAUX()) return 0; GetDlgItemText(IDC_NODELIST, NodeName); StimPathFile = ((NodeName == ".") ? CString(AppPath).Left(2) : "\\\\"+NodeName) + STIM_PATH_FILE; //signal ready. if (Sig.Wavwrite(StimPathFile, buf) > 0) { int b; level = GetDlgItemDouble(hDlg, IDC_LEVEL, &b); if (b) { level2 = level - LeveldBrms(StimPathFile, &level3, buf); if (PreparePresent(level2, errbuf)) return 1; } else sprintf(errbuf, "Failed to get the level value."); } else { GetLastErrorStr(errbuf); sprintf(errbuf+strlen(errbuf), "Error in Wavwrite %s\n%s", StimPathFile, buf); } MessageBox(errbuf, "PlayStim"); return 0; }
// accepts "%i.%i.%i.%i[:%l]" as input bool StringToNetAddr(const std::string& string, NetworkAddr& addr, std::string* errorStr) { if(getNLaddr(addr) == NULL) return false; if(!isStringValidIP(string)) { SetNetAddrValid(addr, false); return false; } if(nlStringToAddr(string.c_str(), getNLaddr(addr)) == NL_FALSE) { errors << "StringToNetAddr: cannot use " << string << " as address: " << GetLastErrorStr() << endl; if(errorStr) *errorStr = GetLastErrorStr(); ResetSocketError(); return false; } return true; }
int WaitForController (HANDLE *hPipe, char *errStr) { if (!ConnectNamedPipe(*hPipe, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) { GetLastErrorStr(errStr); return 0; } } errStr[0]=0; return 1; }
/* this is executed in our thread, actually */ HANDLE StartAsyncNameLookup(char *peer_addr,char *buf) { HANDLE ret_val; ret_val = WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr(hwndMain,WM_BLAK_SOCKET_NAME_LOOKUP, peer_addr,4,PF_INET,buf,MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); if (ret_val == 0) eprintf("StartAsyncNameLookup got error %s\n",GetLastErrorStr()); return ret_val; }
void StartAsyncSession(session_node *s) { //epoll_event *ee = (epoll_event *) AllocateMemory(MALLOC_ID_NETWORK, sizeof(epoll_event)); epoll_event ee; = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT | EPOLLET; = s->conn.socket; if (epoll_ctl(fd_epoll,EPOLL_CTL_ADD,s->conn.socket,&ee) != 0) { eprintf("StartAsyncSession error adding socket %s\n",GetLastErrorStr()); return; } }
std::string GetLibraryPath_impl(void *symbol) { HMODULE handle = 0; BOOL handleError = GetModuleHandleEx(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT, static_cast<LPCTSTR>(symbol), &handle); if (!handleError) { // Test US_DEBUG << "GetLibraryPath_impl():GetModuleHandle() " << GetLastErrorStr(); return ""; } char modulePath[512]; if (GetModuleFileName(handle, modulePath, 512)) { return modulePath; } US_DEBUG << "GetLibraryPath_impl():GetModuleFileName() " << GetLastErrorStr(); return ""; }
void StartAsyncSocketAccept(SOCKET sock,int connection_type) { //epoll_event *ee = (epoll_event *) AllocateMemory(MALLOC_ID_NETWORK, sizeof(epoll_event)); epoll_event ee; = EPOLLIN; = sock; if (epoll_ctl(fd_epoll,EPOLL_CTL_ADD,sock,&ee) != 0) { eprintf("StartAsyncSocketAccept error adding socket %s\n",GetLastErrorStr()); return; } accept_sockets.push_back(std::make_pair(sock, connection_type)); }
void pipeThread (PVOID nsr) { CStdString parsedMsg[MAX_WORDS_PIPEMSG]; char *pipeNameStr = (char *)nsr; DWORD dw, ecode; HANDLE hPipe; int res, nArg; char PipeName[256], buffer[MAX_PATH], errstr[MAX_PATH], inBuf[MAX_PATH*4], inBuf2[MAX_PATH*4]; HWND hDlg = hMainDlg; wsprintf(PipeName, "\\\\.\\pipe\\%s", pipeNameStr); if ((hPipe=InitPipe(hDlg, PipeName, errstr))==NULL) { MessageBox (hDlg, errstr, "pipeThread", MB_OK); _endthread(); return; } _beginthread (pipeThread, 0, (void*)ACEPLAYER_CONSOLE_PIPENAME); while (1) { if (!ConnectNamedPipe (hPipe, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) { GetLastErrorStr(errstr); MessageBox (hDlg, "ERROR in ConnectNamedPipe()", errstr, MB_OK); _endthread(); return; } } res = ReadFile (hPipe, inBuf, sizeof(inBuf), &dw, NULL); inBuf[dw]='\0'; if (!res) { if ((ecode=GetLastError())==234) /*More data is available.*/ { ReadFile (hPipe, inBuf2, sizeof(inBuf), &dw, NULL); strcat(inBuf, inBuf2); } else { sprintf(buffer, "Erorr code=%d", ecode); MessageBox (hDlg, "ReadFile fails for pipe communication", buffer, MB_OK); break; } } nArg = str2array (parsedMsg, MAX_WORDS_PIPEMSG, inBuf, " "); SendMessage (GetDlgItem(hMainDlg, IDC_STATUSBAR), SB_SETTEXT, 1, (LPARAM)inBuf); EditPrintf (GetDlgItem(hPipeLog, IDC_MSG), "(incoming) %s\r\n", inBuf); ProcessParsedString (hPipe, parsedMsg, nArg); DisconnectNamedPipe(hPipe); // For Stateless named pipe connection, turn this line on. FlushFileBuffers(hPipe); } }
bool NetworkSocket::Listen() { if(!isOpen()) { errors << "NetworkSocket::Listen: socket is closed" << endl; return false; } if(nlListen(m_socket->sock) == NL_FALSE) { #ifdef DEBUG errors << "Listen: " << GetLastErrorStr() << endl; #endif ResetSocketError(); return false; } checkEventHandling(); return true; }
bool NetworkSocket::OpenBroadcast(Port port) { if(isOpen()) { warnings << "NetworkSocket " << debugString() << ": OpenBroadcast: socket is already opened, reopening now" << endl; Close(); } NLsocket ret = nlOpen(port, NL_BROADCAST); if (ret == NL_INVALID) { #ifdef DEBUG errors << "OpenBroadcastSocket: " << GetLastErrorStr() << endl; #endif ResetSocketError(); return false; } m_socket->sock = ret; m_type = NST_UDPBROADCAST; m_state = NSS_NONE; checkEventHandling(); return true; }
bool NetworkSocket::Connect(const NetworkAddr& addr) { if(!isOpen()) { errors << "NetworkSocket::Connect: socket is closed" << endl; return false; } if(m_type != NST_TCP) { errors << "NetworkSocket::Connect " << debugString() << ": connect only works with TCP" << endl; return false; } if(nlConnect(m_socket->sock, getNLaddr(addr)) == NL_FALSE) { #ifdef DEBUG errors << "Connect: " << GetLastErrorStr() << endl; #endif ResetSocketError(); return false; } checkEventHandling(); return true; }
int NetworkSocket::Write(const void* buffer, int nbytes) { if(!isOpen()) { errors << "NetworkSocket::Write: cannot write on closed socket" << endl; return NL_INVALID; } ResetSocketError(); NLint ret = nlWrite(m_socket->sock, buffer, nbytes); // Error checking if (ret == NL_INVALID) { #ifdef DEBUG std::string errStr = GetLastErrorStr(); // cache errStr that debugString will not overwrite it errors << "WriteSocket " << debugString() << ": " << errStr << endl; #endif // DEBUG return NL_INVALID; } /*if (ret == 0) { // HINT: this is not an error, it is one of the ways to find out if a socket is writeable errors << "WriteSocket: Could not send the packet, network buffers are full." << endl; }*/ return ret; }
bool WaitCondition::Wait(MutexType& mutex, unsigned long timeoutMillis) { #ifdef US_PLATFORM_POSIX struct timespec ts, * pts = 0; if (timeoutMillis) { pts = &ts; struct timeval tv; int error = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (error) { US_ERROR << "gettimeofday error: " << GetLastErrorStr(); return false; } ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec; ts.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; ts.tv_sec += timeoutMillis / 1000; ts.tv_nsec += (timeoutMillis % 1000) * 1000000; ts.tv_sec += ts.tv_nsec / 1000000000; ts.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec % 1000000000; } if (pts) { int error = pthread_cond_timedwait(&m_WaitCondition, &mutex.m_Mtx, pts); if (error == 0) { return true; } else { if (error != ETIMEDOUT) { US_ERROR << "pthread_cond_timedwait error: " << GetLastErrorStr(); } return false; } } else { int error = pthread_cond_wait(&m_WaitCondition, &mutex.m_Mtx); if (error) { US_ERROR << "pthread_cond_wait error: " << GetLastErrorStr(); return false; } return true; } #else // Avoid race conditions EnterCriticalSection(&m_NumberOfWaitersLock); m_NumberOfWaiters++; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_NumberOfWaitersLock); DWORD dw; bool result = true; // This call atomically releases the mutex and waits on the // semaphore until signaled dw = SignalObjectAndWait(mutex.m_Mtx, m_Semaphore, timeoutMillis ? timeoutMillis : INFINITE, FALSE); if (dw == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { result = false; } else if (dw == WAIT_FAILED) { result = false; US_ERROR << "SignalObjectAndWait failed: " << GetLastErrorStr(); } // Reacquire lock to avoid race conditions EnterCriticalSection(&m_NumberOfWaitersLock); // We're no longer waiting.... m_NumberOfWaiters--; // Check to see if we're the last waiter after the broadcast int lastWaiter = m_WasNotifyAll && m_NumberOfWaiters == 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_NumberOfWaitersLock); // If we're the last waiter thread during this particular broadcast // then let the other threads proceed if (lastWaiter) { // This call atomically signals the m_WaitersAreDone event and waits // until it can acquire the external mutex. This is required to // ensure fairness dw = SignalObjectAndWait(m_WaitersAreDone, mutex.m_Mtx, INFINITE, FALSE); if (result && dw == WAIT_FAILED) { result = false; US_ERROR << "SignalObjectAndWait failed: " << GetLastErrorStr(); } } else { // Always regain the external mutex since that's the guarentee we // give to our callers dw = WaitForSingleObject(mutex.m_Mtx, INFINITE); if (result && dw == WAIT_FAILED) { result = false; US_ERROR << "SignalObjectAndWait failed: " << GetLastErrorStr(); } } return result; #endif }
/* * TransferStart: Retrieve files; the information needed to set up the * transfer is in info. * * This function is run in its own thread. */ void __cdecl TransferStart(void *download_info) { Bool done; char filename[MAX_PATH + FILENAME_MAX]; char local_filename[MAX_PATH + 1]; // Local filename of current downloaded file int i; int outfile; // Handle to output file DWORD size; // Size of block we're reading int bytes_read; // Total # of bytes we've read #if defined VANILLA_UPDATER const char *mime_types[2] = { "application/x-zip-compressed" }; #else const char *mime_types[4] = { "application/octet-stream", "text/plain", "application/x-msdownload", NULL }; //const char *mime_types[2] = { "application/octet-stream", NULL }; #endif DWORD file_size; DWORD file_size_buf_len; DWORD index = 0; DownloadInfo *info = (DownloadInfo *)download_info; aborted = False; hConnection = NULL; hSession = NULL; hFile = NULL; hConnection = InternetOpen(szAppName, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD); if (hConnection == NULL) { DownloadError(info->hPostWnd, GetString(hInst, IDS_CANTINIT)); return; } if (aborted) { TransferCloseHandles(); return; } hSession = InternetConnect(hConnection, info->machine, INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); if (hSession == NULL) { DownloadError(info->hPostWnd, GetString(hInst, IDS_NOCONNECTION), info->machine); return; } for (i = info->current_file; i < info->num_files; i++) { if (aborted) { TransferCloseHandles(); return; } // Skip non-guest files if we're a guest if (config.guest && !(info->files[i].flags & DF_GUEST)) { PostMessage(info->hPostWnd, BK_FILEDONE, 0, i); continue; } // If not supposed to transfer file, inform main thread if (DownloadCommand(info->files[i].flags) != DF_RETRIEVE) { // Wait for main thread to finish processing previous file WaitForSingleObject(hSemaphore, INFINITE); if (aborted) { TransferCloseHandles(); return; } PostMessage(info->hPostWnd, BK_FILEDONE, 0, i); continue; } #if VANILLA_UPDATER sprintf(filename, "%s%s", info->path, info->files[i].filename); #else sprintf(filename, "%s//%s", info->path, info->files[i].filename); #endif hFile = HttpOpenRequest(hSession, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, mime_types, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI, 0); if (hFile == NULL) { debug(("HTTPOpenRequest failed, error = %d, %s\n", GetLastError(), GetLastErrorStr())); DownloadError(info->hPostWnd, GetString(hInst, IDS_CANTFINDFILE), filename, info->machine); return; } if (!HttpSendRequest(hFile, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) { debug(("HTTPSendRequest failed, error = %d, %s\n", GetLastError(), GetLastErrorStr())); DownloadError(info->hPostWnd, GetString(hInst, IDS_CANTSENDREQUEST), filename, info->machine); return; } // Get file size file_size_buf_len = sizeof(file_size); index = 0; if (!HttpQueryInfo(hFile, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, &file_size, &file_size_buf_len, &index)) { debug(("HTTPQueryInfo failed, error = %d, %s\n", GetLastError(), GetLastErrorStr())); DownloadError(info->hPostWnd, GetString(hInst, IDS_CANTGETFILESIZE), filename, info->machine); return; } PostMessage(info->hPostWnd, BK_FILESIZE, i, file_size); #if VANILLA_UPDATER sprintf(local_filename, "%s\\%s", download_dir, info->files[i].filename); #else sprintf(local_filename, "%s\\%s", info->files[i].path, info->files[i].filename); #endif outfile = open(local_filename, O_BINARY | O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IWRITE | S_IREAD); if (outfile <= 0) { debug(("Couldn't open local file %s for writing\n", local_filename)); DownloadError(info->hPostWnd, GetString(hInst, IDS_CANTWRITELOCALFILE), local_filename); return; } // Read first block done = False; bytes_read = 0; while (!done) { if (!InternetReadFile(hFile, buf, BUFSIZE, &size)) { DownloadError(info->hPostWnd, GetString(hInst, IDS_CANTREADFTPFILE), filename); } if (size > 0) { if (write(outfile, buf, size) != size) { DownloadError(info->hPostWnd, GetString(hInst, IDS_CANTWRITELOCALFILE), local_filename); close(outfile); return; } } // Update graph position bytes_read += size; PostMessage(info->hPostWnd, BK_PROGRESS, 0, bytes_read); // See if done with file if (size == 0) { close(outfile); InternetCloseHandle(hFile); done = True; // Wait for main thread to finish processing previous file WaitForSingleObject(hSemaphore, INFINITE); if (aborted) { TransferCloseHandles(); return; } PostMessage(info->hPostWnd, BK_FILEDONE, 0, i); } } } InternetCloseHandle(hSession); InternetCloseHandle(hConnection); PostMessage(info->hPostWnd, BK_TRANSFERDONE, 0, 0); }
NetworkAddr NetworkSocket::remoteAddress() const { NetworkAddr addr; if(!isOpen()) { errors << "NetworkSocket::remoteAddress: socket is closed" << endl; return addr; } if(nlGetRemoteAddr(m_socket->sock, getNLaddr(addr)) == NL_FALSE) { errors << "NetworkSocket::remoteAddress: cannot get remote address" << "(" << debugString() << "): " << GetLastErrorStr() << endl; ResetSocketError(); return addr; } return addr; }
bool NetworkSocket::setRemoteAddress(const NetworkAddr& addr) { if(!isOpen()) { errors << "NetworkSocket::setRemoteAddress: socket is closed" << endl; return false; } if(getNLaddr(addr) == NULL) { errors << "NetworkSocket::setRemoteAddress " << debugString() << ": given address is invalid" << endl; return false; } if( GetNetAddrPort(addr) == 0 ) { errors << "NetworkSocket::setRemoteAddress " << debugString() << ": port is set to 0" << endl; } if(nlSetRemoteAddr(m_socket->sock, getNLaddr(addr)) == NL_FALSE) { std::string addrStr = "INVALIDADDR"; NetAddrToString(addr, addrStr); errors << "NetworkSocket::setRemoteAddress " << debugString() << ": failed to set destination " << addrStr << ": " << GetLastErrorStr() << endl; ResetSocketError(); return false; } return true; }
void aux_HOOK(CAstSig &ast, const AstNode *pnode, const AstNode *p) { string HookName; const AstNode *args; if (pnode->str[0] == '#') { HookName = pnode->str+1; args = p; } else { const char *fnsigs[] = { "(name_string, ...)", 0}; HookName = ast.ComputeString(p); checkNumArgs(pnode, p, fnsigs, 1, 0); args = p->next; } CSignals first; char buf[512]; if (ast.CallbackHook && ast.CallbackHook(ast, pnode, p)==0) ; else if (HookName == "PLAY") { const char *fnsigs[] = { "(signal [, async_flag])", "(\"stop\", handle_scalar)", 0}; checkNumArgs(pnode, args, fnsigs, 1, 2); first = ast.Compute(args); unsigned long second = 0; if (args->next) { ast.Compute(args->next); if (!ast.Sig.IsScalar()) throw CAstException(pnode, args->next, fnsigs, "argument must be a scalar."); second = (unsigned long)(ast.Sig.value()+(ast.Sig.value()<0?-.5:.5)); } int flag = 0; if (first.IsString()) { string cmd = first.string(); std::transform(cmd.begin(), cmd.end(), cmd.begin(), ::tolower); void *pvoid = (void *)second; if (cmd == "stop") TerminatePlay(pvoid); else if (cmd == "pause") PauseResumePlay(pvoid, 0); else if (cmd == "resume") PauseResumePlay(pvoid, 1); else throw CAstException(args, "Unknown command in the string -", cmd); return; } char *errstr = buf; // second == 0:Synchronous, 1:Asynchronous, 2:Loop void *res = first.PlayArray(0, (second==0)?0:WM_USER+293, NULL, (second==2)?-1:0, errstr); if (!res) throw CAstException(pnode, "PlayArray() failed:", errstr); ast.Sig.SetValue((double)(unsigned long)res); } else if (HookName == "INPUT") { const char *fnsigs[] = { "(message_string [, title_string])", 0}; checkNumArgs(pnode, args, fnsigs, 1, 2); string msg, title; msg = ast.ComputeString(args); if (args->next) title = ast.ComputeString(args->next); else { ostringstream caption; caption << "Line " << pnode->line; title = caption.str(); } buf[0] = '\0'; InputBox(title.c_str(), msg.c_str(), buf, sizeof(buf)); ast.Sig.UpdateBuffer((int)strlen(buf)); for (int i=0; buf[i]; ++i) ast.Sig.buf[i] = buf[i]; } else if (HookName == "PIPE") { const char *fnsigs[] = { "(message_string [, node_name_string [, pipe_name_string]])", 0}; checkNumArgs(pnode, args, fnsigs, 1, 3); #define SIGNAL_INTERFACE_PIPENAME "CochlearAudioSignalInterfacePipe" string pipemsg = ast.ComputeString(args); string nodename = "."; string pipename = SIGNAL_INTERFACE_PIPENAME; if (args->next) { nodename = ast.ComputeString(args->next); if (args->next->next) pipename = ast.ComputeString(args->next->next); } pipename = "\\\\" + nodename + "\\pipe\\" + pipename; char reply[50000] = ""; unsigned long nRead; if (!CallNamedPipe(pipename.c_str(), (LPVOID)pipemsg.c_str(), (DWORD)pipemsg.size()+1, reply, (DWORD)sizeof(reply), &nRead, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER)) { char *errstr = buf; GetLastErrorStr(errstr); throw CAstException(pnode, "CallNamedPipe(" + pipename + ") failed:", errstr); } reply[nRead]='\0'; ast.Sig.UpdateBuffer((int)nRead); for (int i=0; reply[i]; ++i) ast.Sig.buf[i] = reply[i]; } else if (HookName == "ELAPSE") { const char *fnsigs[] = { "( )", 0}; checkNumArgs(pnode, args, fnsigs, 0, 0); ast.Sig.SetValue(GetTickCount() - ast.Tick0); } else if (HookName == "SLEEP") { const char *fnsigs[] = { "(millisecond)", 0}; checkNumArgs(pnode, args, fnsigs, 1, 1); ast.Compute(args); if (!ast.Sig.IsScalar()) throw CAstException(pnode, args, fnsigs, "argument must be a scalar."); int n = round(ast.Sig.value()); Sleep(n); } else throw CAstException(pnode, "Undefined HOOK name:", HookName); };
std::string GetSocketErrorStr(int errnr) { return GetLastErrorStr(); }
int CEchoMainWnd::PreparePresent(double level2, char *errstr) { char reply[512], PipeName[128], command[376]; CString NodeName, StimPathFile; string strbuffer[2]; int res, nItems; DWORD nRead; reply[0]=0; GetDlgItemText(IDC_NODELIST, NodeName); sprintf(PipeName, "\\\\%s\\pipe\\%s", NodeName, INTERFACE_PIPENAME); StimPathFile = ((NodeName == ".") ? CString(AppPath).Left(2) : "\\\\"+NodeName) + STIM_PATH_FILE; sprintf (command, "PREPARE %5.1f %s", level2, StimPathFile); DISP_PIPE_LOG("[out]",command); // temporary code for a secondary presenter. 9/1/2010 jhpark char PipeName2[128]; sprintf(PipeName2, "\\\\%s\\pipe\\%s2", NodeName, INTERFACE_PIPENAME); res = CallNamedPipe(PipeName2, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)command, (DWORD)strlen(command)+1, preparedCondition, MAX_PROCESSING_CONDITION_STRING, &nRead, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER); // end temporary code res = CallNamedPipe(PipeName, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)command, (DWORD)strlen(command)+1, preparedCondition, MAX_PROCESSING_CONDITION_STRING, &nRead, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER); while (!res) { GetLastErrorStr(reply); sprintf (errstr, "Error in CallNamedPipe (PREPARE)\nmsg: %s", reply); if (MessageBox (errstr, "Retry or cancel? (you can still retry after changing settings)", MB_RETRYCANCEL)==IDRETRY) res = CallNamedPipe(PipeName, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)command, (DWORD)strlen(command)+1, preparedCondition, MAX_PROCESSING_CONDITION_STRING, &nRead, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER); else return 0; } preparedCondition[nRead]='\0'; DISP_PIPE_LOG("[in]",preparedCondition); nItems=str2array(strbuffer, 2, preparedCondition, " "); if (nItems>0 && strbuffer[0] =="SUCCESS") { if (nItems==1) preparedCondition[0] = '\0'; else memmove(preparedCondition, preparedCondition+8, nRead-7); } else { sprintf (errstr, "FAILURE during PREPARE --> %s", preparedCondition); return 0; } strcpy(command, "PRESENT"); DISP_PIPE_LOG("[out]",command); // temporary code for a secondary presenter. 9/1/2010 jhpark res = CallNamedPipe(PipeName2, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)command, (DWORD)strlen(command)+1, preparedCondition, MAX_PROCESSING_CONDITION_STRING, &nRead, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER); // end temporary code res = CallNamedPipe(PipeName, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)command, (DWORD)strlen(command)+1, reply, sizeof(reply), &nRead, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER); while (!res) { GetLastErrorStr(errstr); if(MessageBox ("CallNamedPipe failed(PRESENT). Retry(Yes), or Abort(No)?", errstr, MB_YESNO)==IDYES) { res = CallNamedPipe(PipeName, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)command, (DWORD)strlen(command)+1, reply, sizeof(reply), &nRead, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER); } else { return 0; } } reply[nRead]='\0'; DISP_PIPE_LOG("[in]",reply); nItems=str2array(strbuffer, 2, reply, " "); if (nItems>0 && strbuffer[0] =="SUCCESS") { if (SendDlgItemMessage (IDC_ACOUSTIC, BM_GETCHECK)==BST_CHECKED) { CSignals x(StimPathFile); if (!x.PlayArray(errstr)) { sprintf(reply, "Playarray error: %s", errstr); MessageBox (reply); } } } else { sprintf (errstr, "FAILURE during PRESENT --> %s", reply); return 0; } return 1; }
void CloseSession(int session_id) { session_node *s; s = GetSessionByID(session_id); if (s == NULL) { eprintf("CloseSession can't find session %i\n",session_id); return; } if (!s->connected) { eprintf("CloseSession can't close unconnected session %i\n", s->session_id); return; } EnterSessionLock(); s->connected = False; if (!s->exiting_state) /* if a write error occurred during an exit, don't */ ExitSessionState(s); /* go into infinite loop */ if ((s->state != STATE_MAINTENANCE) && (s->account == NULL)) lprintf("CloseSession closing session with no account from %s\n", s->; else { AccountLogoff(s->account); if (s->account != NULL) lprintf("CloseSession/4 logging off %i\n",s->account->account_id); } s->account = NULL; InterfaceLogoff(s); if (s->conn.type == CONN_SOCKET) { if (WaitForSingleObject(s->muxSend,10000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) eprintf("CloseSession couldn't get session %i muxSend\n",s->session_id); else { DeleteBufferList(s->send_list); s->send_list = NULL; /* no need to release mutex... we're closing it */ /* if (!ReleaseMutex(s->muxSend)) eprintf("File %s line %i release of non-owned mutex\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); */ } if (WaitForSingleObject(s->muxReceive,10000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) eprintf("CloseSession couldn't get session %i muxReceive\n",s->session_id); else { DeleteBufferList(s->receive_list); s->receive_list = NULL; /* no need to release mutex... we're closing it */ /* if (!ReleaseMutex(s->muxReceive)) eprintf("File %s line %i release of non-owned mutex\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); */ } if (!CloseHandle(s->muxSend)) eprintf("CloseSession error (%s) closing send mutex %i in session %i\n", GetLastErrorStr(),s->muxSend,s->session_id); if (!CloseHandle(s->muxReceive)) eprintf("CloseSession error (%s) closing receive mutex %i in session %i\n", GetLastErrorStr(),s->muxReceive,s->session_id); CloseConnection(s->conn); } s->session_id = -1; s->state = -1; LeaveSessionLock(); }
void RunMainLoop(void) { INT64 ms; const uint32_t num_notify_events = 500; struct epoll_event notify_events[num_notify_events]; int i; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); while (!GetQuit()) { ms = GetMainLoopWaitTime(); // wait up to ms, dispatch any socket events int val = epoll_wait(fd_epoll, notify_events, num_notify_events, ms); if (val == -1) { eprintf("RunMainLoop error on epoll_wait %s\n", GetLastErrorStr()); } //printf("got events %i %lu\n", val, ms); for (i=0;i<val;i++) { if (notify_events[i].events == 0) continue; if (IsAcceptingSocket(notify_events[i].data.fd)) { if (notify_events[i].events & ~EPOLLIN) { eprintf("RunMainLoop error on accepting socket %i\n",notify_events[i].data.fd); } else { AsyncSocketAccept(notify_events[i].data.fd,FD_ACCEPT,0,GetAcceptingSocketConnectionType(notify_events[i].data.fd)); } } else { if (notify_events[i].events & ~(EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT)) { // this means there was an error AsyncSocketSelect(notify_events[i].data.fd,0,1); } else { if (notify_events[i].events & EPOLLIN) { AsyncSocketSelect(notify_events[i].data.fd,FD_READ,0); } if (notify_events[i].events & EPOLLOUT) { AsyncSocketSelect(notify_events[i].data.fd,FD_WRITE,0); } } } } EnterServerLock(); PollSessions(); /* really just need to check session timers */ TimerActivate(); LeaveServerLock(); } close(fd_epoll); }
void CPlotDlg::OnMenu(UINT nID) { static char fullfname[MAX_PATH]; static CAxis *axSpec(NULL); CAxis *localax(gcf->ax[0]); // Following the convention CRect rt; CSize sz; CFont editFont; CPosition pos; double range, miin(1.e15), maax(-1.e15); double width, newmin, newmax; int i, len, id1, id2, iSel(-1); char errstr[256]; CSignals signal; bool multi; static void *playPoint; switch (nID) { case IDM_FULLVIEW: localax->setRange('x',localax->m_ln[0]->xdata[0], localax->m_ln[0]->xdata[localax->m_ln[0]->len-1]); localax->setTick('x', 0, localax->m_ln[0]->xdata[localax->m_ln[0]->len-1]/10, 1, 0, "%6.3f"); // 2/3/2011, commented out by jhpark, because y axis is not affected by zooming. //localax->setRange('y', -1, 1); OnMenu(IDM_SPECTRUM_INTERNAL); return; case IDM_ZOOM_IN: width = localax->xlim[1] - localax->xlim[0]; if (width<0.005) return; localax->setRange('x', localax->xlim[0] + width/4., localax->xlim[1] - width/4.); width = localax->xtick.a2 - localax->xtick.a1; localax->xtick.a2 -= width/4.; localax->xtick.a1 += width/4.; OnMenu(IDM_SPECTRUM_INTERNAL); return; case IDM_ZOOM_OUT: if (localax->xlim[1]==localax->xlimFull[1] && localax->xlim[0]==localax->xlimFull[0]) return; for (i=0; i<localax->nLines; i++) miin = min(miin, getMin(localax->m_ln[i]->len, localax->m_ln[i]->xdata)); for (i=0; i<localax->nLines; i++) maax = max(maax, getMax(localax->m_ln[i]->len, localax->m_ln[i]->xdata)); width = localax->xlim[1] - localax->xlim[0]; localax->setRange('x', max(miin,localax->xlim[0] - width/2.), min(maax,localax->xlim[1] + width/2.)); width = localax->xtick.a2 - localax->xtick.a1; //Oh, I just realized that a1 and a2 do not need to be within the range==> no need to check, it will still draw the ticks only within the range. localax->xtick.a2 += width/2.; localax->xtick.a1 -= width/2.; if (localax->xtick.a1<0) localax->xtick.a1=0; OnMenu(IDM_SPECTRUM_INTERNAL); return; case IDM_SCROLL_LEFT: for (i=0; i<localax->nLines; i++) miin = min(miin, getMin(localax->m_ln[i]->len, localax->m_ln[i]->xdata)); range = localax->xlim[1] - localax->xlim[0]; newmin = max(miin, localax->xlim[0]-range); localax->setRange('x', newmin, newmin+range); rt = localax->axRect; rt.InflateRect(5,0,5,30); InvalidateRect(&rt); OnMenu(IDM_SPECTRUM_INTERNAL); return; case IDM_SCROLL_RIGHT: for (i=0; i<localax->nLines; i++) maax = max(maax, getMax(localax->m_ln[i]->len, localax->m_ln[i]->xdata)); range = localax->xlim[1] - localax->xlim[0]; newmax = min(maax, localax->xlim[1]+range); localax->setRange('x', newmax-range, newmax); rt = localax->axRect; rt.InflateRect(5,0,5,30); InvalidateRect(&rt); OnMenu(IDM_SPECTRUM_INTERNAL); return; case IDM_LEFT_STEP: for (i=0; i<localax->nLines; i++) miin = min(miin, getMin(localax->m_ln[i]->len, localax->m_ln[i]->xdata)); range = localax->xlim[1] - localax->xlim[0]; newmin = max(miin, localax->xlim[0]-range/4.); localax->setRange('x', newmin, newmin+range); rt = localax->axRect; rt.InflateRect(5,0,5,30); InvalidateRect(&rt); OnMenu(IDM_SPECTRUM_INTERNAL); return; case IDM_RIGHT_STEP: for (i=0; i<localax->nLines; i++) maax = max(maax, getMax(localax->m_ln[i]->len, localax->m_ln[i]->xdata)); range = localax->xlim[1] - localax->xlim[0]; newmax = min(maax, localax->xlim[1]+range/4.); localax->setRange('x', newmax-range, newmax); rt = localax->axRect; rt.InflateRect(5,0,5,30); InvalidateRect(&rt); OnMenu(IDM_SPECTRUM_INTERNAL); return; case IDM_PLAY: errstr[0]=0; if (!playing) if(!GetSignalInRange(signal,1)) MessageBox (errStr); else { playPoint = signal.PlayArray(devID, WM__SOUND_EVENT, hDlg, &block, errstr); playing = true; } else { PauseResumePlay(playPoint, paused); playing = paused; if (paused) paused = false; } return; case IDM_PAUSE: errstr[0]=0; if (playing) { PauseResumePlay(playPoint, false); paused = true; } return; case IDM_SPECTRUM: // To draw a spectrum, first re-adjust the aspect ratio of the client window // so that the width is at least 1.5 times the height. if (!specView) { GetWindowRect(&rt); sz = rt.Size(); if (<3* { rt.InflateRect(0, 0, 3*, 0); MoveWindow(&rt, 0); } //Again, //Assuming that the first axis is the waveform viewer, the second one is for spectrum viewing lastPos = gcf->ax[0]->pos; gcf->ax[0]->setPos(.08, .1, .62, .8); axSpec = gcf->axes(.75, .3, .22, .4); axSpec->colorBack = RGB(230, 230, 190); OnMenu(IDM_SPECTRUM_INTERNAL); } else { deleteObj(axSpec); axSpec=NULL; gcf->ax[0]->setPos(lastPos); } specView = !specView; break; case IDM_SPECTRUM_INTERNAL: rfftw_plan plan; double *freq, *fft, *mag, *fft2, *mag2, fs, maxx, maxmag, ylim; multi = localax->nLines>1 ? true : false; if (gcf->nAxes==1) break; fs = (double)sig.GetFs(); for (; gcf->ax[1]->nLines>0;) deleteObj(gcf->ax[1]->m_ln[0]); GetIndicesInRange(localax, id1, id2); len = id2-id1+1; freq = new double[len]; fft = new double[len]; mag = new double[len/2]; for (i=0; i<len; i++) freq[i]=(double)i/(double)len*fs; plan = rfftw_create_plan(len, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE|FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE); rfftw_one(plan, &localax->m_ln[0]->ydata[id1], fft); if (multi) { fft2 = new double[len]; mag2 = new double[len/2]; rfftw_one(plan, &localax->m_ln[1]->ydata[id1], fft2); } rfftw_destroy_plan(plan); for (i=0; i<len/2; i++) mag[i] = 20.*log10(fabs(fft[len-i])); if (multi) for (i=0; i<len/2; i++) mag2[i] = 20.*log10(fabs(fft2[len-i])); maxmag = getMax(len/2,mag); maxx = 5.*(maxmag/5.+1); for (int j=0; j<len/2; j++) mag[j] -= maxx; if (multi) { maxmag = getMax(len/2,mag2); maxx = 5.*(maxmag/5.+1); for (int j=0; j<len/2; j++) mag2[j] -= maxx; } ylim = 10.*(maxmag/10.+1)-maxx; PlotDouble(gcf->ax[1], len/2, freq, mag); SetRange(gcf->ax[1], 'x', 0, fs/2); SetTick(gcf->ax[1], 'x', 0, 1000, 0, 0, "%2.0lfk", 0.001); SetRange(gcf->ax[1], 'y', getMean(len/2,mag)-40, ylim); SetTick(gcf->ax[1], 'y', 0, 10); gcf->ax[1]->m_ln[0]->color = gcf->ax[0]->m_ln[0]->color; if (multi) { PlotDouble(gcf->ax[1], len/2, freq, mag2); gcf->ax[1]->m_ln[1]->color = gcf->ax[0]->m_ln[1]->color; delete[] fft2; delete[] mag2; } delete[] freq; delete[] fft; delete[] mag; break; case IDM_WAVWRITE: char fname[MAX_PATH]; CFileDlg fileDlg; fileDlg.InitFileDlg(hDlg, hInst, ""); errstr[0]=0; if(!GetSignalInRange(signal,1)) { MessageBox (errStr); return; } if (fileDlg.FileSaveDlg(fullfname, fname, "Wav file (*.WAV)\0*.wav\0", "wav")) if (!signal.Wavwrite(fullfname, errstr)) {MessageBox (errstr);} else { CStdString str; if (GetLastError()!=0) { GetLastErrorStr(str); MessageBox (str.c_str(), "Filesave error");} } return; } InvalidateRect(NULL); }