예제 #1
void CRoundSliderCtrl::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) 
	const int nMin = GetRangeMin();
	const int nMax = GetRangeMax()+1;

	case VK_LEFT:
	case VK_UP:
			int nNewPos = GetPos()-GetLineSize();
			while(nNewPos < nMin) nNewPos += (nMax - nMin);
	case VK_RIGHT:
	case VK_DOWN:
			int nNewPos = GetPos()+GetLineSize();
			while(nNewPos >= nMax) nNewPos -= (nMax - nMin);

	case VK_PRIOR:
			int nNewPos = GetPos()-GetPageSize();
			while(nNewPos < nMin) nNewPos += (nMax - nMin);

	case VK_NEXT:
			int nNewPos = GetPos()+GetPageSize();
			while(nNewPos >= nMax) nNewPos -= (nMax - nMin);

	case VK_HOME:
	case VK_END:
		// Do nothing (ignore keystroke)

		CSliderCtrl::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
예제 #2
파일: dib.cpp 프로젝트: BloodRedd/gamekit
bool wxDIB::Create(int width, int height, int depth)
    // we don't support formats using palettes right now so we only create
    // either 24bpp (RGB) or 32bpp (RGBA) bitmaps
    wxASSERT_MSG( depth, wxT("invalid image depth in wxDIB::Create()") );
    if ( depth < 24 )
        depth = 24;

    // allocate memory for bitmap structures
    BITMAPINFO info;

    info.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    info.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;

    // we use positive height here which corresponds to a DIB with normal, i.e.
    // bottom to top, order -- normally using negative height (which means
    // reversed for MS and hence natural for all the normal people top to
    // bottom line scan order) could be used to avoid the need for the image
    // reversal in Create(image) but this doesn't work under NT, only Win9x!
    info.bmiHeader.biHeight = height;

    info.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    info.bmiHeader.biBitCount = (WORD)depth;
    info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = GetLineSize(width, depth)*height;

    m_handle = ::CreateDIBSection
                    0,              // hdc (unused with DIB_RGB_COLORS)
                    &info,          // bitmap description
                    DIB_RGB_COLORS, // use RGB, not palette
                    &m_data,        // [out] DIB bits
                    NULL,           // don't use file mapping
                    0               // file mapping offset (not used here)

    if ( !m_handle )

        return false;

    m_width = width;
    m_height = height;
    m_depth = depth;

    return true;
예제 #3
파일: dib.cpp 프로젝트: BloodRedd/gamekit
wxImage wxDIB::ConvertToImage() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxNullImage,
                    wxT("can't convert invalid DIB to wxImage") );

    // create the wxImage object
    const int w = GetWidth();
    const int h = GetHeight();
    wxImage image(w, h, false /* don't bother clearing memory */);
    if ( !image.Ok() )
        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for image") );
        return wxNullImage;

    if ( m_hasAlpha )

    // this is the same loop as in Create() just above but with copy direction
    // reversed
    const int bpp = GetDepth();
    const int dstBytesPerLine = w * 3;
    const int srcBytesPerLine = GetLineSize(w, bpp);
    unsigned char *dst = image.GetData() + ((h - 1) * dstBytesPerLine);
    unsigned char *alpha = image.HasAlpha() ? image.GetAlpha() + (h - 1)*w
                                            : NULL;
    const bool is32bit = bpp == 32;
    const unsigned char *srcLineStart = (unsigned char *)GetData();
    for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
        // copy one DIB line
        const unsigned char *src = srcLineStart;
        for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
            dst[2] = *src++;
            dst[1] = *src++;
            dst[0] = *src++;

            if ( is32bit )
                if ( alpha )
                    // wxImage uses non premultiplied alpha so undo
                    // premultiplication done in Create() above
                    const unsigned char a = *src;
                    *alpha++ = a;
                    if ( a > 0 )
                        dst[0] = (dst[0] * 255) / a;
                        dst[1] = (dst[1] * 255) / a;
                        dst[2] = (dst[2] * 255) / a;


            dst += 3;

        // pass to the previous line in the image
        dst -= 2*dstBytesPerLine;
        if ( alpha )
            alpha -= 2*w;

        // and to the next one in the DIB
        srcLineStart += srcBytesPerLine;

    return image;
예제 #4
파일: dib.cpp 프로젝트: BloodRedd/gamekit
bool wxDIB::Create(const wxImage& image)
    wxCHECK_MSG( image.Ok(), false, wxT("invalid wxImage in wxDIB ctor") );

    const int h = image.GetHeight();
    const int w = image.GetWidth();

    // if we have alpha channel, we need to create a 32bpp RGBA DIB, otherwise
    // a 24bpp RGB is sufficient
    m_hasAlpha = image.HasAlpha();
    const int bpp = m_hasAlpha ? 32 : 24;

    if ( !Create(w, h, bpp) )
        return false;

    // DIBs are stored in bottom to top order (see also the comment above in
    // Create()) so we need to copy bits line by line and starting from the end
    const int srcBytesPerLine = w * 3;
    const int dstBytesPerLine = GetLineSize(w, bpp);
    const unsigned char *src = image.GetData() + ((h - 1) * srcBytesPerLine);
    const unsigned char *alpha = m_hasAlpha ? image.GetAlpha() + (h - 1)*w
                                            : NULL;
    unsigned char *dstLineStart = (unsigned char *)m_data;
    for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
        // copy one DIB line
        unsigned char *dst = dstLineStart;
        if ( alpha )
            for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
                // RGB order is reversed, and we need to premultiply
                // all channels by alpha value for use with ::AlphaBlend.
                const unsigned char a = *alpha++;
                *dst++ = (unsigned char)((src[2] * a + 127) / 255);
                *dst++ = (unsigned char)((src[1] * a + 127) / 255);
                *dst++ = (unsigned char)((src[0] * a + 127) / 255);
                *dst++ = a;
                src += 3;
        else // no alpha channel
            for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
                // RGB order is reversed.
                *dst++ = src[2];
                *dst++ = src[1];
                *dst++ = src[0];
                src += 3;

        // pass to the previous line in the image
        src -= 2*srcBytesPerLine;
        if ( alpha )
            alpha -= 2*w;

        // and to the next one in the DIB
        dstLineStart += dstBytesPerLine;

    return true;
예제 #5
void wxSlider::SetPageSize( int pageSize )
    gtk_range_set_increments(GTK_RANGE (m_scale), GetLineSize(), pageSize);
예제 #6
wxImage wxDIB::ConvertToImage() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxNullImage,
                    wxT("can't convert invalid DIB to wxImage") );

    // create the wxImage object
    const int w = GetWidth();
    const int h = GetHeight();
    wxImage image(w, h, false /* don't bother clearing memory */);
    if ( !image.IsOk() )
        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for image") );
        return wxNullImage;

    const int bpp = GetDepth();

    // Remember if we have any "real" transparency, i.e. either any partially
    // transparent pixels or not all pixels are fully opaque or fully
    // transparent.
    bool hasAlpha = false;
    bool hasOpaque = false;
    bool hasTransparent = false;

    if ( bpp == 32 )
        // 32 bit bitmaps may be either 0RGB or ARGB and we don't know in
        // advance which one do we have so suppose we have alpha of them and
        // get rid of it later if it turns out we didn't.

    // this is the same loop as in Create() just above but with copy direction
    // reversed
    const int dstBytesPerLine = w * 3;
    const int srcBytesPerLine = GetLineSize(w, bpp);
    unsigned char *dst = image.GetData() + ((h - 1) * dstBytesPerLine);
    unsigned char *alpha = image.HasAlpha() ? image.GetAlpha() + (h - 1)*w
                                            : NULL;
    const unsigned char *srcLineStart = (unsigned char *)GetData();
    for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
        // copy one DIB line
        const unsigned char *src = srcLineStart;
        for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
            dst[2] = *src++;
            dst[1] = *src++;
            dst[0] = *src++;

            if ( bpp == 32 )
                // wxImage uses non premultiplied alpha so undo
                // premultiplication done in Create() above
                const unsigned char a = *src;
                *alpha++ = a;

                // Check what kind of alpha do we have.
                switch ( a )
                    case 0:
                        hasTransparent = true;

                        // Anything in between means we have real transparency
                        // and must use alpha channel.
                        hasAlpha = true;

                    case 255:
                        hasOpaque = true;

                if ( a > 0 )
                    dst[0] = (dst[0] * 255) / a;
                    dst[1] = (dst[1] * 255) / a;
                    dst[2] = (dst[2] * 255) / a;


            dst += 3;

        // pass to the previous line in the image
        dst -= 2*dstBytesPerLine;
        if ( alpha )
            alpha -= 2*w;

        // and to the next one in the DIB
        srcLineStart += srcBytesPerLine;

    if ( hasOpaque && hasTransparent )
        hasAlpha = true;

    if ( !hasAlpha && image.HasAlpha() )

    return image;
예제 #7
bool wxDIB::Create(const wxImage& image, PixelFormat pf)
    wxCHECK_MSG( image.IsOk(), false, wxT("invalid wxImage in wxDIB ctor") );

    const int h = image.GetHeight();
    const int w = image.GetWidth();

    // if we have alpha channel, we need to create a 32bpp RGBA DIB, otherwise
    // a 24bpp RGB is sufficient
    const bool hasAlpha = image.HasAlpha();
    const int bpp = hasAlpha ? 32 : 24;

    if ( !Create(w, h, bpp) )
        return false;

    // DIBs are stored in bottom to top order (see also the comment above in
    // Create()) so we need to copy bits line by line and starting from the end
    const int srcBytesPerLine = w * 3;
    const int dstBytesPerLine = GetLineSize(w, bpp);
    const unsigned char *src = image.GetData() + ((h - 1) * srcBytesPerLine);
    const unsigned char *alpha = hasAlpha ? image.GetAlpha() + (h - 1)*w
                                          : NULL;
    unsigned char *dstLineStart = (unsigned char *)m_data;
    for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
        // Copy one DIB line. Note that RGB components order is reversed in
        // Windows bitmaps compared to wxImage and is actually BGR.
        unsigned char *dst = dstLineStart;
        if ( alpha )
            int x;

            switch ( pf )
                case PixelFormat_PreMultiplied:
                    // Pre-multiply pixel values so that the DIB could be used
                    // with ::AlphaBlend().
                    for ( x = 0; x < w; x++ )
                        const unsigned char a = *alpha++;
                        *dst++ = (unsigned char)((src[2] * a + 127) / 255);
                        *dst++ = (unsigned char)((src[1] * a + 127) / 255);
                        *dst++ = (unsigned char)((src[0] * a + 127) / 255);
                        *dst++ = a;
                        src += 3;

                case PixelFormat_NotPreMultiplied:
                    // Just copy pixel data without changing it.
                    for ( x = 0; x < w; x++ )
                        *dst++ = src[2];
                        *dst++ = src[1];
                        *dst++ = src[0];

                        *dst++ = *alpha++;
                        src += 3;

        else // no alpha channel
            for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
                *dst++ = src[2];
                *dst++ = src[1];
                *dst++ = src[0];
                src += 3;

        // pass to the previous line in the image
        src -= 2*srcBytesPerLine;
        if ( alpha )
            alpha -= 2*w;

        // and to the next one in the DIB
        dstLineStart += dstBytesPerLine;

    return true;
예제 #8
파일: slider.cpp 프로젝트: EdgarTx/wx
void wxSlider::SetPageSize( int pageSize )
    gtk_range_set_increments(GTK_RANGE (m_widget), GetLineSize(), pageSize);