예제 #1
void AwtList::SetDragCapture(UINT flags)
    // don't want to interfere with other controls
    if (::GetCapture() == NULL) {
예제 #2
AwtList::WmCtlColor(HDC hDC, HWND hCtrl, UINT ctlColor, HBRUSH& retBrush)
    DASSERT(hCtrl == GetListHandle());
    ::SetBkColor(hDC, GetBackgroundColor());
    ::SetTextColor(hDC, GetColor());
    retBrush = GetBackgroundBrush();
    return mrConsume;
예제 #3
// Every time something gets added to the list, we increase the max width
// of items that have ever been added.  If it surpasses the width of the
// listbox, we show the scrollbar.  When things get deleted, we shrink
// the scroll region back down and hide the scrollbar, if needed.
void AwtList::AdjustHorizontalScrollbar()
    // The border width is added to the horizontal extent to ensure that we
    // can view all of the text when we move the horz. scrollbar to the end.
    int  cxBorders = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXBORDER ) * 2;
    RECT rect;
    VERIFY(::GetClientRect(GetListHandle(), &rect));
    LRESULT iHorzExt = SendListMessage(LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT, 0, 0L ) - cxBorders;
    if ( (m_nMaxWidth > rect.left)  // if strings wider than listbox
      || (iHorzExt != m_nMaxWidth) ) //   or scrollbar not needed anymore.
        SendListMessage(LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, m_nMaxWidth + cxBorders, 0L);
예제 #4
AwtList::WmMouseUp(UINT flags, int x, int y, int button)
    MsgRouting result = mrDoDefault;
    // if this list is in the modal blocked window, this message should be consumed,
    // however AwtComponent::WmMouseUp must be called anyway
    if (::IsWindow(AwtWindow::GetModalBlocker(AwtComponent::GetTopLevelParentForWindow(GetHWnd())))) {
        result = mrConsume;
    } else {
        if (button == LEFT_BUTTON) {
            WmCommand(0, GetListHandle(), LBN_SELCHANGE);
    MsgRouting compResult = AwtComponent::WmMouseUp(flags, x, y, button);
    return (result == mrConsume) ? result : compResult;
예제 #5
AwtList::WmMouseDown(UINT flags, int x, int y, int button)
    MsgRouting mrResult = AwtComponent::WmMouseDown(flags, x, y, button);

    if (::IsWindow(AwtWindow::GetModalBlocker(AwtComponent::GetTopLevelParentForWindow(GetHWnd()))))
        return mrConsume;

     * As we consume WM_LBUTONDOWN the list won't trigger ActionEvent by double click.
     * We trigger it ourselves. (see also 6240202)
    int clickCount = GetClickCount();
    if (button == LEFT_BUTTON && clickCount >= 2 && clickCount % 2 == 0) {
        WmCommand(0, GetListHandle(), LBN_DBLCLK);
    return mrResult;
예제 #6
파일: replace.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
/*** doreplace - perform search-replace
*  Performs the actual search and replace argument verification, set up and
*  high level control.
* Input:
*  fQuery	= TRUE if a query replace
*  pArg 	= pArg of parent function
*  fMeta	= fMeta of parent function
*  fFiles	= TRUE is multiple file search and replace.
* Output:
*  Returns .....
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
doreplace (
    flagType fQuery,
    ARG * pArg,
    flagType fMeta,
    flagType fFiles
    buffer  bufFn;                          /* filename buffer              */
    fl      flStart;
    char    *p;
    PCMD    pCmd;
    PFILE   pFileSave;                      /* file to save as top of heap  */

    p = "Query Search string: ";
    if (!fQuery) {
        p += 6;

    fQrpl = fQuery;
    fSrchCasePrev = fMeta ? (flagType)!fSrchCaseSwit : fSrchCaseSwit;
    Display ();
    cRepl = 0;

     * If not menu-driven, ask the user for a search string. If none is entered,
     * we're done.
    if ((pCmd = getstring (srcbuf, sizeof(srcbuf), p, NULL, GS_NEWLINE | GS_INITIAL)) == NULL || (PVOID)pCmd->func == (PVOID)cancel) {
        return FALSE;

    if (srcbuf[0] == '\0') {
        return FALSE;

     * If RE search to take place, the compile the expression.
    if (pArg->arg.nullarg.cArg == 2) {
	if (patBuf != NULL) {
            FREE ((char *) patBuf);
	    patBuf = NULL;
	patBuf = RECompile (srcbuf, fSrchCaseSwit, (flagType)!fUnixRE);
	if (patBuf == NULL) {
	    printerror ((RESize == -1) ?
			"Invalid pattern" :
			"Not enough memory for pattern");
	    return FALSE;
	fRplRePrev = TRUE;
    } else {
        fRplRePrev = FALSE;

     * If not menu driven, ask the user for a replacement string. Confirm the
     * entry of a null string. Error check the replacement if an RE search.
    if ((pCmd = getstring (rplbuf, sizeof(rplbuf), "Replace string: ", NULL, GS_NEWLINE | GS_INITIAL)) == NULL ||
        (PVOID)pCmd->func == (PVOID)cancel) {
        return FALSE;

    if (rplbuf[0] == 0) {
        if (!confirm ("Empty replacement string, confirm: ", NULL)) {
            return FALSE;

    if (fRplRePrev && !RETranslate (patBuf, rplbuf, scanreal)) {
	printerror ("Invalid replacement pattern");
	return FALSE;

    srchlen = strlen (srcbuf);

    switch (pArg->argType) {

    case NOARG:
    case NULLARG:
	setAllScan (TRUE);

    case LINEARG:
	rnScan.flFirst.col = 0;
        rnScan.flLast.col  = sizeof(linebuf)-1;
	rnScan.flFirst.lin = pArg->arg.linearg.yStart;
        rnScan.flLast.lin  = pArg->arg.linearg.yEnd;

    case BOXARG:
	rnScan.flFirst.col = pArg->arg.boxarg.xLeft;
        rnScan.flLast.col  = pArg->arg.boxarg.xRight;
	rnScan.flFirst.lin = pArg->arg.boxarg.yTop;
        rnScan.flLast.lin  = pArg->arg.boxarg.yBottom;

    case STREAMARG:
	if (pArg->arg.streamarg.yStart == pArg->arg.streamarg.yEnd) {
	    rnScan.flFirst.col = pArg->arg.streamarg.xStart;
            rnScan.flLast.col  = pArg->arg.streamarg.xEnd;
	    rnScan.flFirst.lin = pArg->arg.streamarg.yStart;
            rnScan.flLast.lin  = pArg->arg.streamarg.yEnd;
        } else {
	    rnScan.flFirst.col = 0;   /* Do all but last line first */
            rnScan.flLast.col  = sizeof(linebuf)-1;
	    rnScan.flFirst.lin = pArg->arg.streamarg.yStart;
            rnScan.flLast.lin  = pArg->arg.streamarg.yEnd - 1;
	    flStart.col = pArg->arg.streamarg.xStart - 1;
	    flStart.lin = rnScan.flFirst.lin;
	    fScan (flStart, fDoReplace , TRUE, fSrchWrapSwit);

            rnScan.flLast.col   = pArg->arg.streamarg.xEnd;
	    rnScan.flFirst.lin	= ++rnScan.flLast.lin;

    flStart.col = rnScan.flFirst.col-1;
    flStart.lin = rnScan.flFirst.lin;
    if (fRplRePrev) {
	MaxREStack = 512;
        REStack = (RE_OPCODE **)ZEROMALLOC (MaxREStack * sizeof(*REStack));

    if (fFiles) {
         * Get the list handle, and initialize to start at the head of the list.
         * Attempt to read each file.
	if (pCmd = GetListHandle ("mgreplist", TRUE)) {
	    pFileSave = pFileHead;
	    p = ScanList (pCmd, TRUE);
	    while (p) {
		CanonFilename (p, bufFn);
		forfile (bufFn, A_ALL, mrepl1file, &p);
		p = ScanList (NULL, TRUE);
                if (fCtrlc) {
                    return FALSE;
	    pFileToTop (pFileSave);
            dispmsg (0);
    } else {
        fScan (flStart, fDoReplace , TRUE, fSrchWrapSwit);

    if (fRplRePrev) {
        FREE (REStack);
    domessage ("%d occurrences replaced", cRepl);
    return (flagType)(cRepl != 0);
예제 #7
void AwtList::SetMultiSelect(BOOL ms) {
    if (ms == isMultiSelect) {

    JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);

    /* Copy current box's contents to string array */
    const int nCount = GetCount();
    LPTSTR * strings = new LPTSTR[nCount];
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {
        LRESULT len = SendListMessage(LB_GETTEXTLEN, i);
        LPTSTR text = NULL;
        try {
            text = new TCHAR[len + 1];
        } catch (std::bad_alloc&) {
            // free char * already allocated
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
                delete [] strings[j];
            delete [] strings;

        VERIFY(SendListMessage(LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)text) != LB_ERR);
        strings[i] = text;

    // index for selected item after multi-select mode change
    int toSelect = SendListMessage(LB_GETCURSEL);
    if (!isMultiSelect)
        // MSDN: for single-select lists LB_GETCURSEL returns
        // index of selected item or LB_ERR if no item is selected
        if (toSelect == LB_ERR)
            toSelect = -1;
        // MSDN: for multi-select lists LB_GETCURSEL returns index
        // of the focused item or 0 if no items are selected; if
        // some item has focus and is not selected then LB_GETCURSEL
        // return its index, so we need IsItemSelected too
        if ((toSelect == LB_ERR) ||
            (SendListMessage(LB_GETSELCOUNT) == 0) ||
            (IsItemSelected(toSelect) == 0))
            toSelect = -1;

    isMultiSelect = ms;

    HWND parentHWnd = GetParent()->GetHWnd();

    /* Save old list box's attributes */
    RECT rect;
    GetWindowRect(GetListHandle(), &rect);
    MapWindowPoints(0, parentHWnd, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2);

    HANDLE font = (HANDLE)SendListMessage(WM_GETFONT);
    LRESULT itemHeight = SendListMessage(LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0);
    DWORD style = ::GetWindowLong(GetListHandle(), GWL_STYLE) | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL;
    if (isMultiSelect) {
        style |= LBS_MULTIPLESEL;
    } else {
        style &= ~LBS_MULTIPLESEL;
    DWORD exStyle = ::GetWindowLong(GetListHandle(), GWL_EXSTYLE);

    jobject peer = GetPeer(env);

    CreateHWnd(env, L"", style, exStyle,
               rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top,

    SendListMessage(WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)font, (LPARAM)FALSE);
    SendListMessage(LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM(itemHeight, 0));
    for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) {
        InsertString(i, strings[i]);
        delete [] strings[i];
    delete[] strings;
    if (toSelect != -1) {

예제 #8
void AwtList::ReleaseDragCapture(UINT flags)
    if ((::GetCapture() == GetListHandle()) && ((flags & ALL_MK_BUTTONS) == 0)) {