예제 #1
파일: GLM_Test.cpp 프로젝트: xahgo/tama
void main ( void )
    HMODULE ahMods[ 250 ] ;
    DWORD   dwNumMods ;
    BOOL    bRet ;

    // Get the loaded modules for this process.
    memset ( &ahMods , NULL , sizeof ( ahMods ) ) ;
    _tprintf ( _T ( "About to call GetLoadedModules - 1\n" ) ) ;
    _flushall ( ) ;
    bRet = GetLoadedModules ( GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,
                              250                     ,
                              (HMODULE*)&ahMods       ,
                              &dwNumMods               ) ;
    if ( ( FALSE == bRet ) || ( 0 == dwNumMods ) )
        _tprintf ( _T ( "Failed getting loaded modules " )
                   _T ( "for this process!\n" ) ) ;
        return ;

    _tprintf ( _T ( "Modules for this process - \n" ) ) ;
    _flushall ( ) ;

    TCHAR szBuff[ MAX_PATH ] ;

    for ( UINT i = 0 ; i < dwNumMods ; i++ )
        GetModuleFileName ( ahMods[ i ] , szBuff , sizeof ( szBuff ) ) ;
        _tprintf ( _T ( "   0x%08X - %s\n" ) , ahMods[ i ] , szBuff ) ;

    // Now test passing in NULL values to get just the count.
    DWORD dwZeroTest = 0 ;
    _tprintf ( _T ( "About to call GetLoadedModules - 2\n" ) ) ;
    bRet = GetLoadedModules ( GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,
                              0                       ,
                              NULL                    ,
                              &dwZeroTest              ) ;
    if ( ( FALSE == bRet ) || ( dwZeroTest != dwNumMods ) )
        _tprintf ( _T ( "FAILED - test passing in NULL values to get " )
                   _T ( "just the count.\n" ) ) ;
        _flushall ( ) ;
        DebugBreak ( ) ;

    // Pass in an invalid process handle.
    _tprintf ( _T ( "About to call GetLoadedModules - 3\n" ) ) ;
    DWORD dwBadPID = 0 ;
    bRet = GetLoadedModules ( 1 , 250 , (HMODULE*)&ahMods , &dwBadPID );

    if ( ( TRUE == bRet ) || ( 0 != dwBadPID ) )
        _tprintf ( _T ( "FAILED - Pass in an invalid ) \
                   _T ( process handle.\n" )          ) ;
        _flushall ( ) ;
        DebugBreak ( ) ;
예제 #2
파일: Utility.cpp 프로젝트: yoichi/HeapStat
std::string GetNtDllName()
	if (!IsTarget64() && IsPtr64())
		// WOW64
		std::vector<ModuleInfo> modules = GetLoadedModules();
		for (std::vector<ModuleInfo>::iterator itr = modules.begin(); itr != modules.end(); ++itr)
			CHAR *ptr = strrchr(itr->FullDllName, '\\');
			if (ptr != NULL && strcmp(ptr + 1, "ntdll.dll") == 0)
				CHAR name[] = "ntdll_01234567";
				_snprintf_s(name, _TRUNCATE, "ntdll_%08x", (ULONG32)itr->DllBase);
				return name;
	return "ntdll";
예제 #3
VOID EnumModulesLoadSatellites()
	HMODULE hModules_PreAlloc[128];
	HMODULE *p_hModules;
	DWORD RetCount = 0;

	p_hModules = GetLoadedModules(hModules_PreAlloc, _countof(hModules_PreAlloc), &RetCount);
	if (p_hModules)
		DWORD i;

		for (i = 0; i < RetCount; i++)

		if (p_hModules != hModules_PreAlloc)
			HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, p_hModules);
예제 #4
DWORD  __stdcall
        BSUSymInitialize ( DWORD  dwPID          ,
                           HANDLE hProcess       ,
                           PSTR   UserSearchPath ,
                           BOOL   fInvadeProcess  )
    // If this is any flavor of NT or fInvadeProcess is FALSE, just call
    // SymInitialize itself
    if ( ( TRUE == IsNT ( ) ) || ( FALSE == fInvadeProcess ) )
        return ( ::SymInitialize ( hProcess       ,
                                   UserSearchPath ,
                                   fInvadeProcess  ) ) ;
        // This is Win9x and the user wants to invade!

        // The first step is to initialize the symbol engine.  If it
        // fails, there is not much I can do.
        BOOL bSymInit = ::SymInitialize ( hProcess       ,
                                          UserSearchPath ,
                                          fInvadeProcess  ) ;
        ASSERT ( FALSE != bSymInit ) ;
        if ( FALSE == bSymInit )
            return ( FALSE ) ;

        DWORD dwCount ;
        // Find out how many modules there are.  This is a BSU function.
        if ( FALSE == GetLoadedModules ( dwPID    ,
                                         0        ,
                                         NULL     ,
                                         &dwCount  ) )
            ASSERT ( !"GetLoadedModules failed" ) ;
            // Clean up the symbol engine and leave.
            VERIFY ( ::SymCleanup ( hProcess ) ) ;
            return ( FALSE ) ;
        // Allocate something big enough to hold the list.
        HMODULE * paMods = new HMODULE[ dwCount ] ;

        // Get the list for real.
        if ( FALSE == GetLoadedModules ( dwPID    ,
                                         dwCount  ,
                                         paMods   ,
                                         &dwCount  ) )
            ASSERT ( !"GetLoadedModules failed" ) ;
            // Clean up the symbol engine and leave.
            VERIFY ( ::SymCleanup ( hProcess ) ) ;
            // Free the memory that I allocated earlier.
            delete [] paMods ;
            return ( FALSE ) ;
        // The module filename.
        TCHAR szModName [ MAX_PATH ] ;
        for ( UINT uiCurr = 0 ; uiCurr < dwCount ; uiCurr++ )
            // Get the module's filename.
            if ( FALSE == GetModuleFileName ( paMods[ uiCurr ]     ,
                                              szModName            ,
                                              sizeof ( szModName )  ) )
                ASSERT ( !"GetModuleFileName failed!" ) ;
                // Clean up the symbol engine and leave.
                VERIFY ( ::SymCleanup ( hProcess ) ) ;
                // Free the memory that I allocated earlier.
                delete [] paMods ;
                return ( FALSE ) ;

            // In order to get the symbol engine to work outside a
            // debugger, it needs a handle to the image.  Yes, this
            // will leak but the OS will close it down when the process
            // ends.
            HANDLE hFile = CreateFile ( szModName       ,
                                        GENERIC_READ    ,
                                        FILE_SHARE_READ ,
                                        NULL            ,
                                        OPEN_EXISTING   ,
                                        0               ,
                                        0                ) ;

            // For whatever reason, SymLoadModule can return zero, but
            // it still loads the modules.  Sheez.
            if ( FALSE == SymLoadModule ( hProcess               ,
                                          hFile                  ,
                                          szModName              ,
                                          NULL                   ,
                                         (DWORD)paMods[ uiCurr ] ,
                                          0                       ) )
                // Check the last error value.  If it is zero, then all
                // I can assume is that it worked.
                DWORD dwLastErr = GetLastError ( ) ;
                ASSERT ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwLastErr ) ;
                if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwLastErr )
                    // Clean up the symbol engine and leave.
                    VERIFY ( ::SymCleanup ( hProcess ) ) ;
                    // Free the memory that I allocated earlier.
                    delete [] paMods ;
                    return ( FALSE ) ;
        delete [] paMods ;
    return ( TRUE ) ;
예제 #5
// ldr hook
NTAPI Hook_LdrLoadDll(
  IN PWCHAR               PathToFile OPTIONAL,
  IN ULONG                Flags OPTIONAL,
  IN PUNICODE_STRING      ModuleFileName,
  OUT PHANDLE             ModuleHandle)
	NTSTATUS ntStatus;
	DWORD nModulesPre = 0, nModulesPost = 0;
	HMODULE ModulesPre[128];
	HMODULE ModulesPost[128];
	HMODULE* pModulesPre = NULL;
	HMODULE* pModulesPost = NULL;
	BOOL bNewDll;
	WCHAR wsModuleFileName[MAX_PATH];
	DWORD Count = min(ModuleFileName->Length, sizeof(wsModuleFileName)-sizeof(WCHAR));
	ULONG_PTR LdrLoadDllRecursion = 0L;


//	DbPrint("r3hook64::Hook_LdrLoadDll - entering Hook_LdrLoadDll on thread %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId());

	memcpy(wsModuleFileName, ModuleFileName->Buffer, Count);
	wsModuleFileName[Count/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;

	LdrLoadDllRecursion = (ULONG_PTR)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiLdrLoadDllRecursion);

	bNewDll = !LdrLoadDllRecursion /*&& !GetModuleHandleW(wsModuleFileName)*/;  // fix bug
	if (bNewDll)
		pModulesPre = GetLoadedModules(ModulesPre, _countof(ModulesPre), &nModulesPre);

	TlsSetValue(g_tlsiLdrLoadDllRecursion, (PVOID)(LdrLoadDllRecursion+1));
	ntStatus = ((fLdrLoadDll)g_pLdrLoadDll_Context->m_Thunk)(PathToFile, Flags, ModuleFileName, ModuleHandle);
	TlsSetValue(g_tlsiLdrLoadDllRecursion, (PVOID)LdrLoadDllRecursion);

	if (ntStatus == 0L)
		if (pModulesPre)
			pModulesPost = GetLoadedModules(ModulesPost, _countof(ModulesPost), &nModulesPost);
			if (pModulesPost)
				DWORD i,j;

				for (i = 0; i < nModulesPost; i++)
					if (i < nModulesPre && pModulesPre[i] == pModulesPost[i])

					for (j = 0; j < nModulesPre; j++)
						if (pModulesPre[j] == pModulesPost[i])

					if (j == nModulesPre) // not found in pre modules - new dll

	if (pModulesPre && pModulesPre != ModulesPre)
		HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pModulesPre);
	if (pModulesPost && pModulesPost != ModulesPost)
		HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pModulesPost);

//	DbPrint("r3hook64::Hook_LdrLoadDll - exiting Hook_LdrLoadDll on thread %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId());


	return ntStatus;
예제 #6
HMODULE * __stdcall AllocAndFillProcessModuleList ( HANDLE hHeap    ,
                                                    LPDWORD pdwCount )

    ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadWritePtr ( pdwCount , sizeof ( LPDWORD ) ) ) ;
    if ( TRUE == IsBadWritePtr ( pdwCount , sizeof ( LPDWORD ) ) )
        SetLastError ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) ;
        return ( NULL ) ;

    ASSERT ( NULL != hHeap ) ;
    if ( NULL == hHeap )
        SetLastError ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) ;
        return ( NULL ) ;

    // First, ask how many modules are really loaded.
    DWORD dwQueryCount ;

    BOOL bRet = GetLoadedModules ( GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,
                                   0                       ,
                                   NULL                    ,
                                   &dwQueryCount            ) ;
    ASSERT ( TRUE == bRet ) ;
    ASSERT ( 0 != dwQueryCount ) ;

    if ( ( FALSE == bRet ) || ( 0 == dwQueryCount ) )
        return ( NULL ) ;

    // The HMODULE array.
    HMODULE * pModArray ;

    // Allocate the buffer to hold the returned array.
    pModArray = (HMODULE*)HeapAlloc ( hHeap             ,
                                      HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY  ,
                                      dwQueryCount *
                                                   sizeof ( HMODULE ) );

    ASSERT ( NULL != pModArray ) ;
    if ( NULL == pModArray )
        return ( NULL ) ;

    // bRet holds BOOLEAN return values.
    bRet = GetLoadedModules ( GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,
                              dwQueryCount            ,
                              pModArray               ,
                              pdwCount                 ) ;
    // Save off the last error so that the assert can still fire and
    //  not change the value.
    DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError ( ) ;
    ASSERT ( TRUE == bRet ) ;

    if ( FALSE == bRet )
        // Get rid of the last buffer.
        free ( pModArray ) ;
        pModArray = NULL ;
        SetLastError ( dwLastError ) ;
        SetLastError ( ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;
    // All OK, Jumpmaster!
    return ( pModArray ) ;
예제 #7
파일: GLM_Test.cpp 프로젝트: xahgo/tama
    DWORD dwBadPID = 0 ;
    bRet = GetLoadedModules ( 1 , 250 , (HMODULE*)&ahMods , &dwBadPID );

    if ( ( TRUE == bRet ) || ( 0 != dwBadPID ) )
        _tprintf ( _T ( "FAILED - Pass in an invalid ) \
                   _T ( process handle.\n" )          ) ;
        _flushall ( ) ;
        DebugBreak ( ) ;

    // Check a bad parameter as the module array.
    DWORD dwBadParam = 0 ;
    _tprintf ( _T ( "About to call GetLoadedModules - 4\n" ) ) ;
    bRet = GetLoadedModules ( GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,
                               250                    ,
                               NULL                   ,
                               &dwBadParam             ) ;

    if ( ( TRUE == bRet                                ) ||
         ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER != GetLastError ( ) )    )
        _tprintf ( _T ( "FAILED - Check a bad parameter as " )
                   _T ( "the module array.\n" ) ) ;
        _flushall ( ) ;
        DebugBreak ( ) ;

    // Pass in a bad real count value.
    dwBadParam = 0 ;
    _tprintf ( _T ( "About to call GetLoadedModules - 7\n" ) ) ;
    bRet = GetLoadedModules ( GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,