예제 #1
 * SelectLineMouseHandler - handle mouse events for line selector
bool SelectLineMouseHandler( window_id id, int win_x, int win_y )
    int x, y, i;

    if( LastMouseEvent != MOUSE_DRAG && LastMouseEvent != MOUSE_PRESS &&
        LastMouseEvent != MOUSE_DCLICK && LastMouseEvent != MOUSE_RELEASE &&
        LastMouseEvent != MOUSE_REPEAT && LastMouseEvent != MOUSE_PRESS_R ) {
        return( FALSE );
    mouseWin = id;
    mouseScroll = MS_NONE;

    if( !isMenu && (id == cWin) && (LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_REPEAT ||
                                    LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_PRESS ||
                                    LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_DCLICK ) ) {
        x = WindowAuxInfo( cWin, WIND_INFO_WIDTH );
        y = WindowAuxInfo( cWin, WIND_INFO_HEIGHT );
        if( win_x == x - 1 ) {
            if( win_y == 1 ) {
                mouseScroll = MS_EXPOSEUP;
                return( TRUE );
            } else if( win_y == y - 2 ) {
                mouseScroll = MS_EXPOSEDOWN;
                return( TRUE );
            } else if( win_y > 1 && win_y < y / 2 ) {
                mouseScroll = MS_PAGEUP;
                return( TRUE );
            } else if( win_y >= y / 2 && win_y < y - 1 ) {
                mouseScroll = MS_PAGEDOWN;
                return( TRUE );
    if( LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_REPEAT ) {
        if( id != cWin && !isMenu ) {
            y = WindowAuxInfo( cWin, WIND_INFO_Y1 );
            if( MouseRow < y ) {
                mouseScroll = MS_UP;
                return( TRUE );
            y = WindowAuxInfo( cWin, WIND_INFO_Y2 );
            if( MouseRow > y ) {
                mouseScroll = MS_DOWN;
                return( TRUE );
        return( FALSE );
    if( isMenu && EditFlags.Menus && id == MenuWindow &&
        LastMouseEvent != MOUSE_PRESS_R ) {
        i = GetMenuIdFromCoord( win_x );
        if( i >= 0 ) {
            rlMenuNum = i - GetCurrentMenuId();
            if( rlMenuNum != 0 ) {
                rlMenu = TRUE;
        return( TRUE );
    if( id != cWin && id != oWin ) {
        return( TRUE );

    if( !InsideWindow( id, win_x, win_y ) ) {
        return( FALSE );
    mouseLine = win_y - 1;
    return( TRUE );

} /* SelectLineMouseHandler */
예제 #2
 * HandleMouseEvent - handle main editor mouse events
vi_rc HandleMouseEvent( void )
    windim      win_x, win_y;
    window_id   wid;
    info        *cinfo;
    window      *w;
    int         i;
    bool        diff_word;
    vi_rc       rc;

    wid = GetMousePosInfo( &win_x, &win_y );
    if( BAD_ID( wid ) ) {
        return( ERR_NO_ERR );
    w = WINDOW_FROM_ID( wid );
    if( !w->has_border ) {
        win_x += 1;
        win_y += 1;

    if( dragThumb ) {
        if( LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_RELEASE ) {
            dragThumb = false;
        if( wid != current_window_id ) {
            return( ERR_NO_ERR );
        if( win_x == w->width - 1 ) {
            return( PositionToNewThumbPosition( w, win_y ) );
        return( ERR_NO_ERR );

    if( EditFlags.Dragging ) {
        if( LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_DRAG || LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_REPEAT ) {
            UpdateDrag( wid, win_x, win_y );
        } else {
            if( LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_PRESS_R || LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_PRESS ) {
                EditFlags.Dragging = false;
                if( LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_PRESS_R ) {
                    LastMouseEvent = MOUSE_RELEASE_R;

    if( LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_RELEASE_R || LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_DCLICK ) {
        if( wid == current_window_id && InsideWindow( wid, win_x, win_y ) ) {
            diff_word = (LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_DCLICK);
            if( GoToLineRelCurs( LeftTopPos.line + win_y - 1 ) ) {
                return( ERR_NO_ERR );
            win_x += LeftTopPos.column;
            win_x = RealColumnOnCurrentLine( win_x );
            GoToColumnOnCurrentLine( win_x );
            if( diff_word ) {
                InitWordSearch( EditVars.WordAltDefn );
            rc = DoSelectSelection( true );
            if( diff_word ) {
                InitWordSearch( EditVars.WordDefn );
            return( rc );

     * all kinds of stuff to do if the button was pressed
    if( LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_PRESS || LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_PRESS_R ) {
        if( wid != current_window_id ) {
             * swap to another window
            for( cinfo = InfoHead; cinfo != NULL; cinfo = cinfo->next ) {
                if( wid == cinfo->current_window_id ) {
                    BringUpFile( cinfo, true );
        if( wid == current_window_id ) {
            if( !ShiftDown() ) {
            if( w->has_border && LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_PRESS ) {
                 * clicked on menu for window
                if( win_x == 0 && win_y == 0 ) {
                    return( DoWindowGadgetMenu() );

                 * check for resize request
                if( win_x == w->width - 1 && win_y == w->height - 1 ) {
                    return( ResizeCurrentWindowWithMouse() );

                 * check for move request
                if( win_y == 0 ) {
                    return( MoveCurrentWindowWithMouse() );

             * check for locate cursor
            if( InsideWindow( wid, win_x, win_y ) ) {
                if( ShiftDown() ) {
                    EditFlags.Dragging = true;
                if( GoToLineRelCurs( LeftTopPos.line + win_y - 1 ) ) {
                    return( ERR_NO_ERR );
                win_x += LeftTopPos.column;
                win_x = RealColumnOnCurrentLine( win_x );
                GoToColumnOnCurrentLine( win_x );
                if( ShiftDown() ) {
                    EditFlags.Dragging = false;
                } else {
                return( ERR_NO_ERR );
        if( EditFlags.Menus && wid == menu_window_id ) {
            i = GetMenuIdFromCoord( win_x - 1 );
            if( i >= 0 ) {
                return( SetToMenuId( i ) );

     * allow double click to close window
    if( wid == current_window_id && LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_DCLICK ) {
        if( win_y == 0 && win_x == 0 ) {
            return( NextFile() );

     * try to scroll screen
    if( (LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_REPEAT || LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_DCLICK ||
         LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_PRESS) && w->has_border &&
        wid == current_window_id && win_x == w->width - 1 ) {
        if( win_y == w->height - 2 ) {
            return( MoveScreenDown() );
        if( win_y == 1 ) {
            return( MoveScreenUp() );
         * if we have gadgets, then scroll based on position of scroll
         * thumb. furthermore, if the thumb is selected, then begin
         * thumb dragging mode
        if( w->has_gadgets ) {
            if( win_y == w->vert_scroll_pos ) {
                dragThumb = true;
                return( ERR_NO_ERR );
            } else if( win_y < w->vert_scroll_pos ) {
                return( MovePageUp() );
            } else {
                return( MovePageDown() );
        } else {
            if( win_y < w->height / 2 ) {
                return( MovePageUp() );
            } else {
                return( MovePageDown() );

     * start dragging
    if( wid == current_window_id && (LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_DRAG ||
                                LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_DRAG_R ) &&
        InsideWindow( wid, win_x, win_y ) ) {
        EditFlags.Dragging = true;
        UpdateDrag( wid, win_x, win_y );

    return( ERR_NO_ERR );

} /* HandleMouseEvent */