예제 #1
AIMoveResult_t CAI_Motor::MoveClimbExecute( const Vector &climbDest, float yaw)
	const float climbSpeed = 100.0;

	Vector moveDir = climbDest - GetLocalOrigin();
	float flDist = VectorNormalize( moveDir );
	SetSmoothedVelocity( moveDir * climbSpeed );

	if ( flDist < climbSpeed * GetMoveInterval() )
		if (flDist <= 1e-2)
			flDist = 0;

		const float climbTime = flDist / climbSpeed;
		SetMoveInterval( GetMoveInterval() - climbTime );
		SetLocalOrigin( climbDest );

		SetMoveInterval( 0 );

	// --------------------------------------------
	// Turn to face the climb
	// --------------------------------------------
	SetIdealYawAndUpdate( yaw );

	return AIMR_OK;
예제 #2
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor::MoveGroundExecute( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	// --------------------------------------------
	// turn in the direction of movement
	// --------------------------------------------
	MoveFacing( move );

	// --------------------------------------------
	float flNewSpeed = GetIdealSpeed();

	// --------------------------------------------
	// calculate actual travel distance
	// --------------------------------------------

	// assuming linear acceleration, how far will I travel?
	float flTotal = 0.5 * (GetCurSpeed() + flNewSpeed) * GetMoveInterval();

	// can I move farther in this interval than I'm supposed to?
	if ( flTotal > move.maxDist )
		if ( !(move.flags & AILMG_CONSUME_INTERVAL) )
			// only use a portion of the time interval
			SetMoveInterval( GetMoveInterval() * (1 - move.maxDist / flTotal) );
			SetMoveInterval( 0 );
		flTotal = move.maxDist;
		// use all the time
		SetMoveInterval( 0 );

	SetMoveVel( move.dir * flNewSpeed );

	// --------------------------------------------
	// walk the distance
	// --------------------------------------------
	AIMotorMoveResult_t result = AIM_SUCCESS;
	if ( flTotal > 0.0 )
		Vector vecFrom = GetLocalOrigin();
		Vector vecTo = vecFrom + move.dir * flTotal;
		result = MoveGroundStep( vecTo, move.pMoveTarget, -1, true, pTraceResult );

		if ( result == AIM_FAILED )
	else if ( !OnMoveStalled( move ) )
		result = AIM_FAILED;

	return result;
예제 #3
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor::MoveFlyExecute( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	// turn in the direction of movement
	MoveFacing( move );

	// calc accel/decel rates
	float flNewSpeed = GetIdealSpeed();
	SetMoveVel( move.dir * flNewSpeed );

	float flTotal = 0.5 * (GetCurSpeed() + flNewSpeed) * GetMoveInterval();

	float distance = move.maxDist;

	// can I move farther in this interval than I'm supposed to?
	if (flTotal > distance)
		// only use a portion of the time interval
		SetMoveInterval( GetMoveInterval() * (1 - distance / flTotal) );
		flTotal = distance;
		// use all the time
		SetMoveInterval( 0 );

	Vector vecStart, vecEnd;
	vecStart = GetLocalOrigin();
	VectorMA( vecStart, flTotal, move.dir, vecEnd );

	AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace;
	GetMoveProbe()->MoveLimit( NAV_FLY, vecStart, vecEnd, MASK_NPCSOLID, NULL, &moveTrace );
	if ( pTraceResult )
		*pTraceResult = moveTrace;
	// Check for total blockage
	if (fabs(moveTrace.flDistObstructed - flTotal) <= 1e-1)
		// But if we bumped into our target, then we succeeded!
		if ( move.pMoveTarget && (moveTrace.pObstruction == move.pMoveTarget) )

		return AIM_FAILED;

	// The true argument here causes it to touch all triggers
	// in the volume swept from the previous position to the current position
	UTIL_SetOrigin(GetOuter(), moveTrace.vEndPosition, true);

	return (IsMoveBlocked(moveTrace.fStatus)) ? AIM_PARTIAL_HIT_WORLD : AIM_SUCCESS;
// Purpose: for the MoveInterval, interpolate desired speed, calc actual distance traveled
float CAI_BlendedMotor::GetMoveScriptDist( float &flNewSpeed )
	int i;
	float flTotalDist = 0;
	float t = GetMoveInterval();

	//Assert( m_scriptMove.Count() > 1);

	flNewSpeed = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < m_scriptMove.Count()-1; i++)
		if (t < m_scriptMove[i].flTime)
			// get new velocity
			float a = t / m_scriptMove[i].flTime;
			flNewSpeed = m_scriptMove[i].flMaxVelocity * (1 - a) + m_scriptMove[i+1].flMaxVelocity * a;
			// get distance traveled over this entry
			flTotalDist += (m_scriptMove[i].flMaxVelocity + flNewSpeed) * 0.5 * t; 
			// used all of entries time, get entries total movement
			flNewSpeed = m_scriptMove[i+1].flMaxVelocity;
			flTotalDist += m_scriptMove[i].flDist;
			t -= m_scriptMove[i].flTime;

	return flTotalDist;
float CAI_BlendedMotor::GetMoveScriptYaw( void )
	int i;

	// interpolate desired angle
	float flNewYaw = GetAbsAngles().y;
	float t = GetMoveInterval();
	for (i = 0; i < m_scriptTurn.Count()-1; i++)
		if (t < m_scriptTurn[i].flTime)
			// get new direction
			float a = t / m_scriptTurn[i].flTime;
			float deltaYaw = UTIL_AngleDiff( m_scriptTurn[i+1].flYaw, m_scriptTurn[i].flYaw );
			flNewYaw = UTIL_AngleMod( m_scriptTurn[i].flYaw + a * deltaYaw );
			t -= m_scriptTurn[i].flTime;

	return flNewYaw;
예제 #6
// Purpose: Look ahead my stopping distance, or at least my hull width
float CAI_Motor::MinCheckDist( void )
	// Take the groundspeed into account
	float flMoveDist = GetMoveInterval() * GetIdealSpeed();
	float flMinDist = max( MinStoppingDist(), flMoveDist);
	if ( flMinDist < GetHullWidth() )
		flMinDist = GetHullWidth();
	return flMinDist;
예제 #7
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor::MoveGroundExecuteWalk( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, float speed, float dist, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	bool bReachingLocalGoal = ( dist > move.maxDist );

	// can I move farther in this interval than I'm supposed to?
	if ( bReachingLocalGoal )
		if ( !(move.flags & AILMG_CONSUME_INTERVAL) )
			// only use a portion of the time interval
			SetMoveInterval( GetMoveInterval() * (1 - move.maxDist / dist) );
			SetMoveInterval( 0 );
		dist = move.maxDist;
		// use all the time
		SetMoveInterval( 0 );

	SetMoveVel( move.dir * speed );

	// --------------------------------------------
	// walk the distance
	// --------------------------------------------
	AIMotorMoveResult_t result = AIM_SUCCESS;
	if ( dist > 0.0 )
		Vector vecFrom = GetLocalOrigin();
		Vector vecTo = vecFrom + move.dir * dist;

		if ( move.navType == NAV_CRAWL )
			char *pchHackBoolToInt = (char*)(&bReachingLocalGoal);
			*pchHackBoolToInt = 2;
		result = MoveGroundStep( vecTo, move.pMoveTarget, -1, true, bReachingLocalGoal, pTraceResult );

		if ( result == AIM_FAILED )
	else if ( !OnMoveStalled( move ) )
		result = AIM_FAILED;

	return result;
예제 #8
void CAI_Motor::MoveFacing( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move )
	if ( GetOuter()->OverrideMoveFacing( move, GetMoveInterval() ) )

	// required movement direction
	float flMoveYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( move.dir );

	int nSequence = GetSequence();
	float fSequenceMoveYaw = GetSequenceMoveYaw( nSequence );
	if ( fSequenceMoveYaw == NOMOTION )
		fSequenceMoveYaw = 0;

	if (!HasPoseParameter( nSequence, "move_yaw" ))
		SetIdealYawAndUpdate( UTIL_AngleMod( flMoveYaw - fSequenceMoveYaw ) );
		// FIXME: move this up to navigator so that path goals can ignore these overrides.
		Vector dir;
		float flInfluence = GetFacingDirection( dir );
		dir = move.facing * (1 - flInfluence) + dir * flInfluence;
		VectorNormalize( dir );

		// ideal facing direction
		float idealYaw = UTIL_AngleMod( UTIL_VecToYaw( dir ) );
		// FIXME: facing has important max velocity issues
		SetIdealYawAndUpdate( idealYaw );	

		// find movement direction to compensate for not being turned far enough
		float flDiff = UTIL_AngleDiff( flMoveYaw, GetLocalAngles().y );
		SetPoseParameter( "move_yaw", flDiff );
		if ((GetOuter()->m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_NPC_SELECTED_BIT))
			Msg( "move %.1f : diff %.1f  : ideal %.1f\n", flMoveYaw, flDiff, m_IdealYaw );
예제 #9
float CAI_Motor::CalcIntervalMove()
	// assuming linear acceleration, how far will I travel?
	return 0.5 * (GetCurSpeed() + GetIdealSpeed()) * GetMoveInterval();
예제 #10
AIMoveResult_t CAI_Motor::MoveClimbExecute( const Vector &climbDest, const Vector &climbDir, float climbDist, float yaw, int climbNodesLeft )
	if ( fabsf( climbDir.z ) > .1 )
		if ( GetActivity() != ACT_CLIMB_DISMOUNT )
			Activity desiredActivity = (climbDir.z > -0.01 ) ? ACT_CLIMB_UP : ACT_CLIMB_DOWN;
			if ( GetActivity() != desiredActivity )
				SetActivity( desiredActivity );

		if ( GetActivity() != ACT_CLIMB_UP && GetActivity() != ACT_CLIMB_DOWN && GetActivity() != ACT_CLIMB_DISMOUNT )
			DevMsg( "Climber not in a climb activity!\n" );
			return AIMR_ILLEGAL;

		if (m_nDismountSequence != ACT_INVALID)
			if (GetActivity() == ACT_CLIMB_UP )
				if (climbNodesLeft <= 2 && climbDist < fabs( m_vecDismount.z ))
					// fixme: No other way to force m_nIdealSequence?
					GetOuter()->SetActivity( ACT_CLIMB_DISMOUNT );
					GetOuter()->SetCycle( GetOuter()->GetMovementFrame( m_vecDismount.z - climbDist ) );

	float climbSpeed = GetOuter()->GetInstantaneousVelocity();

	if (m_nDismountSequence != ACT_INVALID)
		// catch situations where the climb mount/dismount finished before reaching goal
		climbSpeed = MAX( climbSpeed, 30.0 );
		// FIXME: assume if they don't have a dismount animation then they probably don't really support climbing.
		climbSpeed = 100.0;

	SetSmoothedVelocity( climbDir * climbSpeed );

	if ( climbDist < climbSpeed * GetMoveInterval() )
		if (climbDist <= 1e-2)
			climbDist = 0;

		const float climbTime = climbDist / climbSpeed;
		SetMoveInterval( GetMoveInterval() - climbTime );
		SetLocalOrigin( climbDest );

		SetMoveInterval( 0 );

	// --------------------------------------------
	// Turn to face the climb
	// --------------------------------------------
	SetIdealYawAndUpdate( yaw );

	return AIMR_OK;
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_BlendedMotor::MoveFlyExecute( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	if ( move.curExpectedDist < 0.001 )
		return BaseClass::MoveFlyExecute( move, pTraceResult );

	BuildMoveScript( move, pTraceResult );

	float flNewSpeed = GetCurSpeed();
	float flTotalDist = GetMoveScriptDist( flNewSpeed );

	Assert( move.maxDist < 0.01 || flTotalDist > 0.0 );

	// --------------------------------------------
	// turn in the direction of movement
	// --------------------------------------------
	float flNewYaw = GetMoveScriptYaw( );

	// get facing based on movement yaw
	AILocalMoveGoal_t move2 = move;
	move2.facing = UTIL_YawToVector( flNewYaw );

	// turn in the direction needed
	MoveFacing( move2 );

	GetOuter()->m_flGroundSpeed = GetSequenceGroundSpeed( GetSequence());

	SetMoveScriptAnim( flNewSpeed );

	// DevMsg( "%6.2f : Speed %.1f : %.1f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flNewSpeed, GetIdealSpeed() );

	// reset actual "sequence" ground speed based current movement sequence, orientation

	// FIXME: the above is redundant with MoveGroundExecute, and the below is a mix of MoveGroundExecuteWalk and MoveFlyExecute

	bool bReachingLocalGoal = ( flTotalDist > move.maxDist );

	// can I move farther in this interval than I'm supposed to?
	if ( bReachingLocalGoal )
		if ( !(move.flags & AILMG_CONSUME_INTERVAL) )
			// only use a portion of the time interval
			SetMoveInterval( GetMoveInterval() * (1 - move.maxDist / flTotalDist) );
			SetMoveInterval( 0 );
		flTotalDist = move.maxDist;
		// use all the time
		SetMoveInterval( 0 );

	SetMoveVel( move.dir * flNewSpeed );

	// orig
	Vector vecStart, vecEnd;
	vecStart = GetLocalOrigin();
	VectorMA( vecStart, flTotalDist, move.dir, vecEnd );

	AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace;
	GetMoveProbe()->MoveLimit( NAV_FLY, vecStart, vecEnd, MASK_NPCSOLID, NULL, &moveTrace );
	if ( pTraceResult )
		*pTraceResult = moveTrace;
	// Check for total blockage
	if (fabs(moveTrace.flDistObstructed - flTotalDist) <= 1e-1)
		// But if we bumped into our target, then we succeeded!
		if ( move.pMoveTarget && (moveTrace.pObstruction == move.pMoveTarget) )

		return AIM_FAILED;

	// The true argument here causes it to touch all triggers
	// in the volume swept from the previous position to the current position
	UTIL_SetOrigin(GetOuter(), moveTrace.vEndPosition, true);

	return (IsMoveBlocked(moveTrace.fStatus)) ? AIM_PARTIAL_HIT_WORLD : AIM_SUCCESS;