예제 #1
파일: regproc.c 프로젝트: DeltaYang/wine
 * Removes the registry key with all subkeys. Parses full key name.
 * Parameters:
 * reg_key_name - full name of registry branch to delete. Ignored if is NULL,
 *      empty, points to register key class, does not exist.
void delete_registry_key(WCHAR *reg_key_name)
    WCHAR *key_name = NULL;
    HKEY key_class;

    if (!reg_key_name || !reg_key_name[0])

    if (!parseKeyName(reg_key_name, &key_class, &key_name)) {
        char* reg_key_nameA = GetMultiByteString(reg_key_name);
        fprintf(stderr,"%s: Incorrect registry class specification in '%s'\n",
                getAppName(), reg_key_nameA);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, reg_key_nameA);
    if (!*key_name) {
        char* reg_key_nameA = GetMultiByteString(reg_key_name);
        fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't delete registry class '%s'\n",
                getAppName(), reg_key_nameA);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, reg_key_nameA);

    RegDeleteTreeW(key_class, key_name);
예제 #2
파일: regproc.c 프로젝트: DeltaYang/wine
 * A helper function for processRegEntry() that opens the current key.
 * That key must be closed by calling closeKey().
static LONG openKeyW(WCHAR* stdInput)
    HKEY keyClass;
    WCHAR* keyPath;
    DWORD dwDisp;
    LONG res;

    /* Sanity checks */
    if (stdInput == NULL)

    /* Get the registry class */
    if (!parseKeyName(stdInput, &keyClass, &keyPath))

    res = RegCreateKeyExW(
               keyClass,                 /* Class     */
               keyPath,                  /* Sub Key   */
               0,                        /* MUST BE 0 */
               NULL,                     /* object type */
               REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,  /* option, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE ... */
               KEY_ALL_ACCESS,           /* access mask, KEY_ALL_ACCESS */
               NULL,                     /* security attribute */
               &currentKeyHandle,        /* result */
               &dwDisp);                 /* disposition, REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY or
                                                        REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY */

    if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        currentKeyName = GetMultiByteString(stdInput);
        currentKeyHandle = NULL;

    return res;

예제 #3
파일: regproc.c 프로젝트: DeltaYang/wine
 * Converts a hex comma separated values list into a binary string.
static BYTE* convertHexCSVToHex(WCHAR *str, DWORD *size)
    WCHAR *s;
    BYTE *d, *data;

    /* The worst case is 1 digit + 1 comma per byte */
    data=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *size);

    s = str;
    d = data;
    while (*s != '\0') {
        UINT wc;
        WCHAR *end;

        wc = strtoulW(s,&end,16);
        if (end == s || wc > 0xff || (*end && *end != ',')) {
            char* strA = GetMultiByteString(s);
            fprintf(stderr,"%s: ERROR converting CSV hex stream. Invalid value at '%s'\n",
                    getAppName(), strA);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strA);
            return NULL;
        *d++ =(BYTE)wc;
        if (*end) end++;
        s = end;

    return data;
예제 #4
파일: regproc.c 프로젝트: DeltaYang/wine
 * Open file in binary mode for export.
static FILE *REGPROC_open_export_file(WCHAR *file_name, BOOL unicode)
    FILE *file;
    WCHAR dash = '-';

    if (strncmpW(file_name,&dash,1)==0) {
        _setmode(_fileno(file), _O_BINARY);
    } else
        CHAR* file_nameA = GetMultiByteString(file_name);
        file = fopen(file_nameA, "wb");
        if (!file) {
            fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't open file \"%s\"\n", getAppName(), file_nameA);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, file_nameA);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, file_nameA);
        const BYTE unicode_seq[] = {0xff,0xfe};
        const WCHAR header[] = {'W','i','n','d','o','w','s',' ','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y',' ','E','d','i','t','o','r',' ','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',' ','5','.','0','0','\r','\n'};
        fwrite(unicode_seq, sizeof(BYTE), sizeof(unicode_seq)/sizeof(unicode_seq[0]), file);
        fwrite(header, sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(header)/sizeof(header[0]), file);
    } else
        fputs("REGEDIT4\r\n", file);

    return file;
예제 #5
파일: regproc.c 프로젝트: DeltaYang/wine
 * Writes the given line to a file, in multi-byte or wide characters
static void REGPROC_write_line(FILE *file, const WCHAR* str, BOOL unicode)
        fwrite(str, sizeof(WCHAR), lstrlenW(str), file);
    } else
        char* strA = GetMultiByteString(str);
        fputs(strA, file);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strA);
예제 #6
BOOL ExportRegistryFile(HWND hWnd)
    TCHAR ExportKeyPath[_MAX_PATH];
    TCHAR Caption[128];
    HKEY hKeyRoot;
    LPCTSTR pszKeyPath;

    /* Figure out which key path we are exporting */
    pszKeyPath = GetItemPath(g_pChildWnd->hTreeWnd, 0, &hKeyRoot);
    GetKeyName(ExportKeyPath, COUNT_OF(ExportKeyPath), hKeyRoot, pszKeyPath);

    InitOpenFileName(hWnd, &ofn);
    LoadString(hInst, IDS_EXPORT_REG_FILE, Caption, sizeof(Caption)/sizeof(TCHAR));
    ofn.lpstrTitle = Caption;

    /* Only set the path if a key (not the root node) is selected */
    if (hKeyRoot != 0)
        ofn.lCustData = (LPARAM) ExportKeyPath;
    ofn.lpfnHook = ExportRegistryFile_OFNHookProc;
    if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn))
        BOOL result;
        DWORD format;

        if (ofn.nFilterIndex == 1)
            format = REG_FORMAT_5;
            format = REG_FORMAT_4;
        result = export_registry_key(ofn.lpstrFile, ExportKeyPath, format);
        if (!result)
            LPSTR p = GetMultiByteString(ofn.lpstrFile);
            fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file \"%s\"\n", p);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, p);
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
예제 #7
파일: regproc.c 프로젝트: DeltaYang/wine
 * This function receives the currently read entry and performs the
 * corresponding action.
 * isUnicode affects parsing of REG_MULTI_SZ values
static void processRegEntry(WCHAR* stdInput, BOOL isUnicode)
     * We encountered the end of the file, make sure we
     * close the opened key and exit
    if (stdInput == NULL) {

    if      ( stdInput[0] == '[')      /* We are reading a new key */
        WCHAR* keyEnd;
        closeKey();                    /* Close the previous key */

        /* Get rid of the square brackets */
        keyEnd = strrchrW(stdInput, ']');
        if (keyEnd)

        /* delete the key if we encounter '-' at the start of reg key */
        if ( stdInput[0] == '-')
            delete_registry_key(stdInput + 1);
        } else if ( openKeyW(stdInput) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
            char* stdInputA = GetMultiByteString(stdInput);
            fprintf(stderr,"%s: setValue failed to open key %s\n",
                    getAppName(), stdInputA);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, stdInputA);
    } else if( currentKeyHandle &&
               (( stdInput[0] == '@') || /* reading a default @=data pair */
                ( stdInput[0] == '\"'))) /* reading a new value=data pair */
        processSetValue(stdInput, isUnicode);
    } else
        /* Since we are assuming that the file format is valid we must be
         * reading a blank line which indicates the end of this key processing
예제 #8
static BOOL ImportRegistryFile(HWND hWnd)
    TCHAR Caption[128], szTitle[256], szText[256];
    LPCTSTR pszKeyPath;
    HKEY hRootKey;

    InitOpenFileName(hWnd, &ofn);
    LoadString(hInst, IDS_IMPORT_REG_FILE, Caption, COUNT_OF(Caption));
    ofn.lpstrTitle = Caption;
    ofn.Flags |= OFN_ENABLESIZING;
    /*    ofn.lCustData = ;*/
    if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn))
        FILE *fp = _wfopen(ofn.lpstrFile, L"r");
        if (fp == NULL || !import_registry_file(fp))
            LPSTR p = GetMultiByteString(ofn.lpstrFile);
            fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file \"%s\"\n", p);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, p);
            if (fp != NULL)
            return FALSE;
        LoadString(hInst, IDS_APP_TITLE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle));
        LoadString(hInst, IDS_IMPORTED_OK, szText, sizeof(szTitle));
        /* show successful import */
        MessageBox(NULL, szText, szTitle, MB_OK);

    pszKeyPath = GetItemPath(g_pChildWnd->hTreeWnd, 0, &hRootKey);
    RefreshListView(g_pChildWnd->hListWnd, hRootKey, pszKeyPath);

    return TRUE;
예제 #9
파일: regproc.c 프로젝트: DeltaYang/wine
 * This function is a wrapper for the setValue function.  It prepares the
 * land and cleans the area once completed.
 * Note: this function modifies the line parameter.
 * line - registry file unwrapped line. Should have the registry value name and
 *      complete registry value data.
static void processSetValue(WCHAR* line, BOOL is_unicode)
    WCHAR* val_name;                   /* registry value name   */
    WCHAR* val_data;                   /* registry value data   */
    int line_idx = 0;                 /* current character under analysis */
    LONG res;

    /* get value name */
    while ( isspaceW(line[line_idx]) ) line_idx++;
    if (line[line_idx] == '@' && line[line_idx + 1] == '=') {
        line[line_idx] = '\0';
        val_name = line;
    } else if (line[line_idx] == '\"') {
        val_name = line + line_idx;
        while (line[line_idx]) {
            if (line[line_idx] == '\\')   /* skip escaped character */
                line_idx += 2;
            } else {
                if (line[line_idx] == '\"') {
                    line[line_idx] = '\0';
                } else {
        while ( isspaceW(line[line_idx]) ) line_idx++;
        if (!line[line_idx]) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: unexpected EOL\n", getAppName());
        if (line[line_idx] != '=') {
            char* lineA;
            line[line_idx] = '\"';
            lineA = GetMultiByteString(line);
            fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning: unrecognized line: '%s'\n", getAppName(), lineA);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lineA);

    } else {
        char* lineA = GetMultiByteString(line);
        fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning: unrecognized line: '%s'\n", getAppName(), lineA);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lineA);
    line_idx++;                   /* skip the '=' character */

    while ( isspaceW(line[line_idx]) ) line_idx++;
    val_data = line + line_idx;
    /* trim trailing blanks */
    line_idx = strlenW(val_data);
    while (line_idx > 0 && isspaceW(val_data[line_idx-1])) line_idx--;
    val_data[line_idx] = '\0';

    res = setValue(val_name, val_data, is_unicode);
    if ( res != ERROR_SUCCESS )
        char* val_nameA = GetMultiByteString(val_name);
        char* val_dataA = GetMultiByteString(val_data);
        fprintf(stderr,"%s: ERROR Key %s not created. Value: %s, Data: %s\n",
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, val_nameA);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, val_dataA);
예제 #10
파일: regproc.c 프로젝트: DeltaYang/wine
 * Writes contents of the registry key to the specified file stream.
 * Parameters:
 * file_name - name of a file to export registry branch to.
 * reg_key_name - registry branch to export. The whole registry is exported if
 *      reg_key_name is NULL or contains an empty string.
BOOL export_registry_key(WCHAR *file_name, WCHAR *reg_key_name, DWORD format)
    WCHAR *reg_key_name_buf;
    WCHAR *val_name_buf;
    BYTE *val_buf;
    WCHAR *line_buf;
    DWORD reg_key_name_size = KEY_MAX_LEN;
    DWORD val_name_size = KEY_MAX_LEN;
    DWORD val_size = REG_VAL_BUF_SIZE;
    DWORD line_buf_size = KEY_MAX_LEN + REG_VAL_BUF_SIZE;
    FILE *file = NULL;
    BOOL unicode = (format == REG_FORMAT_5);

    reg_key_name_buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
                                 reg_key_name_size  * sizeof(*reg_key_name_buf));
    val_name_buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
                             val_name_size * sizeof(*val_name_buf));
    val_buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, val_size);
    line_buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, line_buf_size * sizeof(*line_buf));
    CHECK_ENOUGH_MEMORY(reg_key_name_buf && val_name_buf && val_buf && line_buf);

    if (reg_key_name && reg_key_name[0]) {
        HKEY reg_key_class;
        WCHAR *branch_name = NULL;
        HKEY key;

        REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(&reg_key_name_buf, &reg_key_name_size,
        lstrcpyW(reg_key_name_buf, reg_key_name);

        /* open the specified key */
        if (!parseKeyName(reg_key_name, &reg_key_class, &branch_name)) {
            CHAR* key_nameA = GetMultiByteString(reg_key_name);
            fprintf(stderr,"%s: Incorrect registry class specification in '%s'\n",
                    getAppName(), key_nameA);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, key_nameA);
        if (!branch_name[0]) {
            /* no branch - registry class is specified */
            file = REGPROC_open_export_file(file_name, unicode);
            export_hkey(file, reg_key_class,
                        &reg_key_name_buf, &reg_key_name_size,
                        &val_name_buf, &val_name_size,
                        &val_buf, &val_size, &line_buf,
                        &line_buf_size, unicode);
        } else if (RegOpenKeyW(reg_key_class, branch_name, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            file = REGPROC_open_export_file(file_name, unicode);
            export_hkey(file, key,
                        &reg_key_name_buf, &reg_key_name_size,
                        &val_name_buf, &val_name_size,
                        &val_buf, &val_size, &line_buf,
                        &line_buf_size, unicode);
        } else {
            CHAR* key_nameA = GetMultiByteString(reg_key_name);
            fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't export. Registry key '%s' does not exist!\n",
                    getAppName(), key_nameA);
            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, key_nameA);
    } else {
        unsigned int i;

        /* export all registry classes */
        file = REGPROC_open_export_file(file_name, unicode);
        for (i = 0; i < REG_CLASS_NUMBER; i++) {
            /* do not export HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT */
            if (reg_class_keys[i] != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT &&
                    reg_class_keys[i] != HKEY_CURRENT_USER &&
                    reg_class_keys[i] != HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG &&
                    reg_class_keys[i] != HKEY_DYN_DATA) {
                lstrcpyW(reg_key_name_buf, reg_class_namesW[i]);
                export_hkey(file, reg_class_keys[i],
                            &reg_key_name_buf, &reg_key_name_size,
                            &val_name_buf, &val_name_size,
                            &val_buf, &val_size, &line_buf,
                            &line_buf_size, unicode);

    if (file) {
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, reg_key_name);
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, val_name_buf);
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, val_buf);
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, line_buf);
    return TRUE;
예제 #11
파일: regproc.c 프로젝트: DeltaYang/wine
 * Writes contents of the registry key to the specified file stream.
 * Parameters:
 * file - writable file stream to export registry branch to.
 * key - registry branch to export.
 * reg_key_name_buf - name of the key with registry class.
 *      Is resized if necessary.
 * reg_key_name_size - length of the buffer for the registry class in characters.
 * val_name_buf - buffer for storing value name.
 *      Is resized if necessary.
 * val_name_size - length of the buffer for storing value names in characters.
 * val_buf - buffer for storing values while extracting.
 *      Is resized if necessary.
 * val_size - size of the buffer for storing values in bytes.
static void export_hkey(FILE *file, HKEY key,
                 WCHAR **reg_key_name_buf, DWORD *reg_key_name_size,
                 WCHAR **val_name_buf, DWORD *val_name_size,
                 BYTE **val_buf, DWORD *val_size,
                 WCHAR **line_buf, DWORD *line_buf_size,
                 BOOL unicode)
    DWORD max_sub_key_len;
    DWORD max_val_name_len;
    DWORD max_val_size;
    DWORD curr_len;
    DWORD i;
    BOOL more_data;
    LONG ret;
    WCHAR key_format[] = {'\r','\n','[','%','s',']','\r','\n',0};

    /* get size information and resize the buffers if necessary */
    if (RegQueryInfoKeyW(key, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                        &max_sub_key_len, NULL,
                        NULL, &max_val_name_len, &max_val_size, NULL, NULL
                       ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
    curr_len = strlenW(*reg_key_name_buf);
    REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(reg_key_name_buf, reg_key_name_size,
                               max_sub_key_len + curr_len + 1);
    REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(val_name_buf, val_name_size,
    REGPROC_resize_binary_buffer(val_buf, val_size, max_val_size);
    REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(line_buf, line_buf_size, lstrlenW(*reg_key_name_buf) + 4);
    /* output data for the current key */
    sprintfW(*line_buf, key_format, *reg_key_name_buf);
    REGPROC_write_line(file, *line_buf, unicode);

    /* print all the values */
    i = 0;
    more_data = TRUE;
    while(more_data) {
        DWORD value_type;
        DWORD val_name_size1 = *val_name_size;
        DWORD val_size1 = *val_size;
        ret = RegEnumValueW(key, i, *val_name_buf, &val_name_size1, NULL,
                           &value_type, *val_buf, &val_size1);
        if (ret == ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
            /* Increase the size of the buffers and retry */
            REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(val_name_buf, val_name_size, val_name_size1);
            REGPROC_resize_binary_buffer(val_buf, val_size, val_size1);
        } else if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            more_data = FALSE;
            if (ret != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
        } else {
            DWORD line_len;

            if ((*val_name_buf)[0]) {
                const WCHAR val_start[] = {'"','%','s','"','=',0};

                line_len = 0;
                REGPROC_export_string(line_buf, line_buf_size, &line_len, *val_name_buf, lstrlenW(*val_name_buf));
                REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(val_name_buf, val_name_size, lstrlenW(*line_buf) + 1);
                lstrcpyW(*val_name_buf, *line_buf);

                line_len = 3 + lstrlenW(*val_name_buf);
                REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(line_buf, line_buf_size, line_len);
                sprintfW(*line_buf, val_start, *val_name_buf);
            } else {
                const WCHAR std_val[] = {'@','=',0};
                line_len = 2;
                REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(line_buf, line_buf_size, line_len);
                lstrcpyW(*line_buf, std_val);

            switch (value_type) {
            case REG_SZ:
                WCHAR* wstr = (WCHAR*)*val_buf;

                if (val_size1 < sizeof(WCHAR) || val_size1 % sizeof(WCHAR) ||
                    wstr[val_size1 / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1]) {
                    REGPROC_export_binary(line_buf, line_buf_size, &line_len, value_type, *val_buf, val_size1, unicode);
                } else {
                    const WCHAR start[] = {'"',0};
                    const WCHAR end[] = {'"','\r','\n',0};
                    DWORD len;

                    len = lstrlenW(start);
                    REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(line_buf, line_buf_size, line_len + len);
                    lstrcpyW(*line_buf + line_len, start);
                    line_len += len;

                    /* At this point we know wstr is '\0'-terminated
                     * so we can subtract 1 from the size
                    REGPROC_export_string(line_buf, line_buf_size, &line_len, wstr, val_size1 / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1);

                    REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(line_buf, line_buf_size, line_len + lstrlenW(end));
                    lstrcpyW(*line_buf + line_len, end);

            case REG_DWORD:
                WCHAR format[] = {'d','w','o','r','d',':','%','0','8','x','\r','\n',0};

                REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(line_buf, line_buf_size, line_len + 15);
                sprintfW(*line_buf + line_len, format, *((DWORD *)*val_buf));

                char* key_nameA = GetMultiByteString(*reg_key_name_buf);
                char* value_nameA = GetMultiByteString(*val_name_buf);
                fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning - unsupported registry format '%d', "
                        "treat as binary\n",
                        getAppName(), value_type);
                fprintf(stderr,"key name: \"%s\"\n", key_nameA);
                fprintf(stderr,"value name:\"%s\"\n\n", value_nameA);
                HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, key_nameA);
                HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, value_nameA);
                /* falls through */
            case REG_EXPAND_SZ:
            case REG_MULTI_SZ:
                /* falls through */
            case REG_BINARY:
                REGPROC_export_binary(line_buf, line_buf_size, &line_len, value_type, *val_buf, val_size1, unicode);
            REGPROC_write_line(file, *line_buf, unicode);

    i = 0;
    more_data = TRUE;
    (*reg_key_name_buf)[curr_len] = '\\';
    while(more_data) {
        DWORD buf_size = *reg_key_name_size - curr_len - 1;

        ret = RegEnumKeyExW(key, i, *reg_key_name_buf + curr_len + 1, &buf_size,
                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (ret == ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
            /* Increase the size of the buffer and retry */
            REGPROC_resize_char_buffer(reg_key_name_buf, reg_key_name_size, curr_len + 1 + buf_size);
        } else if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            more_data = FALSE;
            if (ret != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
        } else {
            HKEY subkey;

            if (RegOpenKeyW(key, *reg_key_name_buf + curr_len + 1,
                           &subkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                export_hkey(file, subkey, reg_key_name_buf, reg_key_name_size,
                            val_name_buf, val_name_size, val_buf, val_size,
                            line_buf, line_buf_size, unicode);
            } else {
    (*reg_key_name_buf)[curr_len] = '\0';
예제 #12
파일: edit.c 프로젝트: AlexSteel/wine
BOOL ModifyValue(HWND hwnd, HKEY hKeyRoot, LPCWSTR keyPath, LPCWSTR valueName)
    BOOL result = FALSE;
    DWORD type;
    LONG lRet;
    HKEY hKey;
    LONG len;

    lRet = RegOpenKeyExW(hKeyRoot, keyPath, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey);
    if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
	error_code_messagebox(hwnd, lRet);
	return FALSE;

    editValueName = valueName ? valueName : g_pszDefaultValueName;
    if(!(stringValueData = read_value(hwnd, hKey, valueName, &type, &len))) goto done;

    if ( (type == REG_SZ) || (type == REG_EXPAND_SZ) ) {
        if (DialogBoxW(0, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDD_EDIT_STRING), hwnd, modify_dlgproc) == IDOK) {
            lRet = RegSetValueExW(hKey, valueName, 0, type, (LPBYTE)stringValueData, (lstrlenW(stringValueData) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
            if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) result = TRUE;
            else error_code_messagebox(hwnd, lRet);
    } else if ( type == REG_DWORD ) {
	const WCHAR u[] = {'%','u',0};
	const WCHAR x[] = {'%','x',0};
	wsprintfW(stringValueData, isDecimal ? u : x, *((DWORD*)stringValueData));
	if (DialogBoxW(0, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDD_EDIT_DWORD), hwnd, modify_dlgproc) == IDOK) {
	    DWORD val;
	    CHAR* valueA = GetMultiByteString(stringValueData);
	    if (sscanf(valueA, isDecimal ? "%u" : "%x", &val)) {
		lRet = RegSetValueExW(hKey, valueName, 0, type, (BYTE*)&val, sizeof(val));
		if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) result = TRUE;
		else error_code_messagebox(hwnd, lRet);
	    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, valueA);
    } else if ( type == REG_BINARY ) {
        struct edit_params params;
        params.hKey = hKey;
        params.lpszValueName = valueName;
        params.pData = stringValueData;
        params.cbData = len;
        result = DialogBoxParamW(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDD_EDIT_BINARY), hwnd,
            bin_modify_dlgproc, (LPARAM)&params);
    } else if ( type == REG_MULTI_SZ ) {
        WCHAR char1 = '\r', char2 = '\n';
        WCHAR *tmpValueData = NULL;
        INT i, j, count;

        for ( i = 0, count = 0; i < len - 1; i++)
            if ( !stringValueData[i] && stringValueData[i + 1] )
        tmpValueData = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, ( len + count ) * sizeof(WCHAR));
        if ( !tmpValueData ) goto done;

        for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < len - 1; i++)
            if ( !stringValueData[i] && stringValueData[i + 1])
                tmpValueData[j++] = char1;
                tmpValueData[j++] = char2;
                tmpValueData[j++] = stringValueData[i];
        tmpValueData[j] = stringValueData[i];
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, stringValueData);
        stringValueData = tmpValueData;
        tmpValueData = NULL;

        if (DialogBoxW(0, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDD_EDIT_MULTI_STRING), hwnd, modify_dlgproc) == IDOK)
            len = lstrlenW( stringValueData );
            tmpValueData = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (len + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR));
            if ( !tmpValueData ) goto done;

            for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < len - 1; i++)
                if ( stringValueData[i] == char1 && stringValueData[i + 1] == char2)
                    if ( tmpValueData[j - 1] != 0)
                        tmpValueData[j++] = 0;
                    tmpValueData[j++] = stringValueData[i];
            tmpValueData[j++] = stringValueData[i];
            tmpValueData[j++] = 0;
            tmpValueData[j++] = 0;
            HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, stringValueData);
            stringValueData = tmpValueData;

            lRet = RegSetValueExW(hKey, valueName, 0, type, (LPBYTE)stringValueData, j * sizeof(WCHAR));
            if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) result = TRUE;
            else error_code_messagebox(hwnd, lRet);
    } else {
        error(hwnd, IDS_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE, type);

    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, stringValueData);
    stringValueData = NULL;
    return result;