예제 #1
파일: OpenFileDlg.cpp 프로젝트: IMSoP/CDex
CUString COpenFileDlg::GetSubPath( POSITION pos ) 

	if ( !m_bKeepDirLayout )
		return _T( "" );

	CUString strRet = GetNextPathName( pos );

	int nStartPos = strRet.Find( m_strDir );
	int nLength = strRet.ReverseFind( _T( '\\' ) ) + 1;

	if ( nStartPos >= 0 )
		nStartPos += 1 + m_strDir.GetLength();

	nLength -= nStartPos;

	if ( nLength < 0 )
		nLength = 0;

	strRet = strRet.Mid( nStartPos, nLength );

	return strRet;
예제 #2
파일: OpenFileDlg.cpp 프로젝트: IMSoP/CDex
CUString COpenFileDlg::GetFileName( POSITION pos ) 
	CUString strRet = GetNextPathName( pos );

	int nPos = strRet.ReverseFind('\\');

	if ( nPos >= 0 )
		strRet = strRet.Mid( nPos + 1 );

	return strRet;
예제 #3
BOOL CFileEditCtrl::FECBrowseForFolder()
	// Set up and call SHBrowseForFolder().
	// return TRUE if user clicks OK, return FALSE otherwise
	BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE;
	BOOL bProcedure = TRUE;		// assume user of this class has set a callback procedure
	BOOL bDisplay = TRUE;		// assume user of this class has set a DisplayName
	TCHAR lpstrDisplay[_MAX_PATH];
	if (!m_pBROWSEINFO->pszDisplayName)			// user has not set a display name
	{											// flag it, and use our own buffer
		bDisplay = FALSE;
		m_pBROWSEINFO->pszDisplayName = lpstrDisplay;
	CString szPath;
	LPARAM oldLP = m_pBROWSEINFO->lParam;
	if (!m_pBROWSEINFO->lpfn)					// user has not set a callback procedure
	{											// flag it, and use the default procedure
		bProcedure = FALSE;
		POSITION pos = GetStartPosition();
		if (pos)
			szPath = GetNextPathName(pos);		// get the path in the edit control
		m_pBROWSEINFO->lParam = (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)szPath;	// set lParam to point to szPath
		m_pBROWSEINFO->lpfn = FECFolderProc;	// set the callback procedure
	ITEMIDLIST *idl = SHBrowseForFolder (m_pBROWSEINFO);
	if (idl)
		if(SHGetPathFromIDList (idl, lpstrDisplay))	// get path string from ITEMIDLIST
			SetWindowText(lpstrDisplay);		// update edit control
			bReturnValue = TRUE;
		if (SHGetMalloc (&lpm) == NOERROR)
			lpm->Free(idl);						// free memory returned by SHBrowseForFolder
	if (!bDisplay)								// reset m_pBROWSEINFO to clear the DisplayName
		m_pBROWSEINFO->pszDisplayName = NULL;
	if (!bProcedure)							// reset m_pBROWSEINFO to clear the default callback proc.
		m_pBROWSEINFO->lpfn = NULL;
		m_pBROWSEINFO->lParam = oldLP;
	SetFocus();									// ensure focus returns to this control
	return bReturnValue;
예제 #4
BOOL CFileEditCtrl::FECOpenFile()
	// Set up the CFileDialog and call CFileDialog::DoModal().
	// return TRUE if the user clicked the OK button, return FALSE otherwise
	BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE;
	BOOL bDirectory = TRUE;						// assume user of this class has set the initial directory
	TCHAR lpstrDirectory[_MAX_PATH] = _T("");
	if (m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir == NULL)	// user has not set the initial directory
	{											// flag it, set initial directory to
		bDirectory = FALSE;						// directory in edit control
		POSITION pos = GetStartPosition();
		if (pos)
			_tcscpy(lpstrDirectory, GetNextPathName(pos));
		m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = lpstrDirectory;
	if (m_pCFileDialog->DoModal() == IDOK)		// Start the CFileDialog
	{											// user clicked OK, enter files selected into edit control
		CString szFileSeperator;
		szFileSeperator = (CString)FEC_IDS_SEPERATOR;
		ASSERT (_tcslen(szFileSeperator) == 1);	// must be one character only
		szFileSeperator += _T(" ");
		CString szPath;
		POSITION pos = m_pCFileDialog->GetStartPosition();
		if (pos)
			szPath = m_pCFileDialog->GetNextPathName(pos);	// first file has complete path
		while (pos)
			CString szTempPath = m_pCFileDialog->GetNextPathName(pos);
			TCHAR lpstrName[_MAX_PATH];			// remaining files are name and extension only
			TCHAR lpstrExt[_MAX_PATH];
			_tsplitpath(szTempPath, NULL, NULL, lpstrName, lpstrExt);
			szPath += szFileSeperator + lpstrName + lpstrExt;
		SetWindowText (szPath);
		bReturnValue = TRUE;
	if (!bDirectory)							// reset OPENFILENAME
		m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
	SetFocus();									// ensure focus returns to this control
	return bReturnValue;
예제 #5
void CPictureCatalogDialog::do_print()
	// Set our title so that the user will know what is being printed.
   m_pDoc->SetTitle(GET_PMWAPP()->GetResourceStringPointer (IDS_PICTURES));

	CPrintInfo pInfo;

	CPrintDialog *dlg_save = pInfo.m_pPD;

	CCatalogPrint pdlg(m_pDoc);

	pInfo.m_pPD = &pdlg;

	// Bring over the list.
	if (AfxGetApp()->DoPrintDialog(&pdlg) == IDOK)
		// get all the filenames they selected
		POSITION pos = GetStartPosition();
		CStringArray files;
		while (pos != NULL)
			CString file = GetNextPathName(pos);

		CString strDir = GetPathName();
		CCatalogView view(files, strDir);

		m_pDoc->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;  // don't destroy document while closing views

		// Hook the view into the document.
		((CCatalogDoc *)m_pDoc)->add_hidden_view(&view);

		// Print the project.

		// Remove the view before its destructor happens.

	pInfo.m_pPD = dlg_save;
예제 #6
W64INT CMultiFileDlg::DoModal()
	m_OwnTemplate = m_ExStyle & ES_SHOWPREVIEW;
	if (m_OwnTemplate) {
		m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE;
		m_ofn.hInstance = AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance;
	CString	Buffer;
	if (m_ofn.Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) {
		const int	BUFSIZE = 0x7fff;
		LPTSTR	FileBuf = Buffer.GetBufferSetLength(BUFSIZE);
		ZeroMemory(FileBuf, BUFSIZE);
		m_ofn.lpstrFile = FileBuf;
		m_ofn.nMaxFile = BUFSIZE;
		m_ofn.nFileOffset = 0;
	if (!m_Title.IsEmpty())
		m_ofn.lpstrTitle = m_Title;
	if (m_psFolder != NULL) {
		m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = *m_psFolder;
		m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_NOCHANGEDIR;	// otherwise folder stays locked
	W64INT	retc = CFileDialog::DoModal();
	if (retc == IDOK) {
		if (m_ofn.Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) {
			POSITION	FilePos = GetStartPosition();
			while (FilePos != NULL)
		} else
		if (m_psFolder != NULL)