예제 #1
void NURBSCurve<Real>::translateTo( const Vector3 & newPos, int cpIDX )
    Vector3d cp = mCtrlPoint[cpIDX];
    Vector3d delta = newPos - cp;
    for(int i = 0; i < GetNumCtrlPoints(); i++)
        mCtrlPoint[i] += delta;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
	QCommandLineParser parser;
    parser.addPositionalArgument("file", QCoreApplication::translate("main", "The file to open."));
        { { "c", "curve" }, QString("Extract a curve.") },
        { { "s", "sheet" }, QString("Extract a sheet.") },
        { { "b", "box" }, QString("Uses bounding box.") },
		{ { "n", "nonmanifold" }, QString("Object is not clean.") },
		{ { "h", "concavehull" }, QString("Reconstruct using concavehull.") },
		{ { "v", "voxelize" }, QString("Reconstruct using voxels.") },
		{ { "r", "remesh" }, QString("Remesh to increase density.") },
		{ { "m", "medial" }, QString("Follow medial axis during skeletonization.") },
		{ { "f", "features" }, QString("Respect small features.") },
		{ { "V", "voxelparam" }, QString("Voxels size."), QString("voxel_param") },
		{ { "R", "remeshparam" }, QString("Remesh size."), QString("remesh_param") }

	if (!parser.parse(QCoreApplication::arguments())) {
        QString errorText = parser.errorText();
        std::cout << qPrintable(errorText);
        return CommandLineError;

    if(QCoreApplication::arguments().size() == 1)
        std::cout << qPrintable(parser.helpText());
        return CommandLineHelpRequested;

    // Perform operations
		double VoxelParam = 0.05, RemeshParam = 0.02;

		if (parser.isSet("voxelparam")) VoxelParam = parser.value("voxelparam").toDouble();
		if (parser.isSet("remeshparam")) RemeshParam = parser.value("remeshparam").toDouble();

        QString filename = parser.positionalArguments().at(0);
        nurbs_plugin plugin(filename, !parser.isSet("nonmanifold"), 
			parser.isSet("b"), parser.isSet("h"), parser.isSet("v"), 
			parser.isSet("r"), parser.isSet("m"), parser.isSet("f"),
			VoxelParam, RemeshParam);

		if (parser.isSet("curve"))
			auto c = plugin.toCurve();

			// Save control points
			QFile file("curve_output.points");
			if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return CommandLineError;
			QTextStream out(&file);
			out << QString("%1\n").arg(c.GetNumCtrlPoints());
			for (auto p : c.mCtrlPoint) out << QString("%1 %2 %3\n").arg(p.x()).arg(p.y()).arg(p.z());

		if (parser.isSet("sheet"))
			auto s = plugin.toSheet();

			// Save control points
			QFile file("sheet_output.points");
			if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return CommandLineError;
			QTextStream out(&file);
			out << QString("%1\n").arg(s.mNumUCtrlPoints);
			out << QString("%1\n").arg(s.mNumVCtrlPoints);
			for (auto row : s.mCtrlPoint) 
				for (auto p : row)
					out << QString("%1 %2 %3\n").arg(p.x()).arg(p.y()).arg(p.z());

    return CommandLineOk;