예제 #1
static void CheckForPrimableJoins(
  void *theEnv,
  struct defrule *tempRule)
   struct joinNode *joinPtr;
   struct partialMatch *theList;
   /* Loop through each of the rule's joins. */

   for (joinPtr = tempRule->lastJoin;
        joinPtr != NULL;
        joinPtr = GetPreviousJoin(joinPtr))
      /* Update the join if necessary. */

      if ((joinPtr->initialize) && (! joinPtr->marked)) /* GDR 6.05 */
         if (joinPtr->firstJoin == TRUE)
            if (((struct patternNodeHeader *) GetPatternForJoin(joinPtr))->initialize == FALSE)
               joinPtr->marked = TRUE; /* GDR 6.05 */
         else if (joinPtr->lastLevel->initialize == FALSE)
            joinPtr->marked = TRUE; /* GDR 6.05 */

      /* If the join is associated with a rule activation (i.e. partial */
      /* matches that reach this join cause an activation to be placed  */
      /* on the agenda), then add activations to the agenda for the     */
      /* rule being  incrementally reset.                               */

      else if (joinPtr->ruleToActivate == tempRule)
         for (theList = joinPtr->beta;
              theList != NULL;
              theList = theList->next)
           { AddActivation(theEnv,tempRule,theList); }
예제 #2
파일: incrrset.c 프로젝트: atrniv/CLIPS
static void MarkJoinsForIncrementalReset(
  void *theEnv,
  struct joinNode *joinPtr,
  int value)
   struct patternNodeHeader *patternPtr;

   for (;
        joinPtr != NULL;
        joinPtr = joinPtr->lastLevel)
      if (joinPtr->ruleToActivate != NULL)
         joinPtr->marked = FALSE;
         joinPtr->initialize = value;
      if (joinPtr->joinFromTheRight)
        { MarkJoinsForIncrementalReset(theEnv,execStatus,(struct joinNode *) joinPtr->rightSideEntryStructure,value); }

      /* Mark the join. */

      joinPtr->marked = FALSE; /* GDR 6.05 */
      if (joinPtr->initialize) 
         joinPtr->initialize = value;
         if (joinPtr->joinFromTheRight == FALSE)
            patternPtr = (struct patternNodeHeader *) GetPatternForJoin(joinPtr);
            if (patternPtr != NULL)
              { MarkPatternForIncrementalReset(theEnv,execStatus,(int) joinPtr->rhsType,patternPtr,value); }
예제 #3
static void MarkNetworkForIncrementalReset(
  void *theEnv,
  struct defrule *tempRule,
  int value)
   struct joinNode *joinPtr;
   struct patternNodeHeader *patternPtr;

   /* Loop through each of the rule's disjuncts. */

   for (;
        tempRule != NULL;
        tempRule = tempRule->disjunct)
      /* Loop through each of the disjunct's joins. */

      for (joinPtr = tempRule->lastJoin;
           joinPtr != NULL;
           joinPtr = GetPreviousJoin(joinPtr))
         /* Mark the join. */

         joinPtr->marked = FALSE; /* GDR 6.05 */
         if ((joinPtr->initialize) && (joinPtr->joinFromTheRight == FALSE))
            joinPtr->initialize = value;
            patternPtr = (struct patternNodeHeader *) GetPatternForJoin(joinPtr);
            MarkPatternForIncrementalReset(theEnv,(int) joinPtr->rhsType,patternPtr,value);