예제 #1
DTC::LiveStreamInfo *Content::AddRecordingLiveStream( int              nChanId,
                                                      const QDateTime &dtStartTime,
                                                      int              nMaxSegments,
                                                      int              nWidth,
                                                      int              nHeight,
                                                      int              nBitrate,
                                                      int              nAudioBitrate,
                                                      int              nSampleRate )
    if (!dtStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Read Recording From Database
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramInfo pginfo( (uint)nChanId, dtStartTime );

    if (!pginfo.GetChanID())
        LOG( VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, QString("AddRecordingLiveStream - for %1, %2 failed")
                                    .arg( nChanId )
                                    .arg( dtStartTime.toString() ));
        return NULL;

    if ( pginfo.GetHostname().toLower() != gCoreContext->GetHostName().toLower())
        // We only handle requests for local resources

        QString sMsg =
            QString("GetRecording: Wrong Host '%1' request from '%2'.")
                          .arg( gCoreContext->GetHostName())
                          .arg( pginfo.GetHostname() );

        LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, sMsg);

        throw HttpRedirectException( pginfo.GetHostname() );

    QString sFileName( GetPlaybackURL(&pginfo) );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // check to see if the file exists
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (!QFile::exists( sFileName ))
        LOG( VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, QString("AddRecordingLiveStream - for %1, %2 failed")
                                    .arg( nChanId )
                                    .arg( dtStartTime.toString() ));
        return NULL;

    QFileInfo fInfo( sFileName );

    return AddLiveStream( pginfo.GetStorageGroup(), fInfo.fileName(),
                          pginfo.GetHostname(), nMaxSegments, nWidth,
                          nHeight, nBitrate, nAudioBitrate, nSampleRate );
예제 #2
/// Checks if program is stored locally
bool EncoderLink::CheckFile(ProgramInfo *pginfo)
    if (HasSockAndIncrRef())
        ReferenceLocker rlocker(sock);
        return sock->CheckFile(pginfo);

    return pginfo->IsLocal();
예제 #3
QFileInfo Content::GetRecording( int              nRecordedId,
                                 int              nChanId,
                                 const QDateTime &recstarttsRaw )
    if ((nRecordedId <= 0) &&
        (nChanId <= 0 || !recstarttsRaw.isValid()))
        throw QString("Recorded ID or Channel ID and StartTime appears invalid.");

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Read Recording From Database
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    // TODO Should use RecordingInfo
    ProgramInfo pginfo;
    if (nRecordedId > 0)
        pginfo = ProgramInfo(nRecordedId);
        pginfo = ProgramInfo(nChanId, recstarttsRaw.toUTC());

    if (!pginfo.GetChanID())
        LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, QString("GetRecording - for '%1' failed")

        return QFileInfo();

    if (pginfo.GetHostname().toLower() != gCoreContext->GetHostName().toLower())
        // We only handle requests for local resources

        QString sMsg =
            QString("GetRecording: Wrong Host '%1' request from '%2'.")
                          .arg( gCoreContext->GetHostName())
                          .arg( pginfo.GetHostname() );

        LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, sMsg);

        throw HttpRedirectException( pginfo.GetHostname() );

    QString sFileName( GetPlaybackURL(&pginfo) );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // check to see if the file exists
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (QFile::exists( sFileName ))
        return QFileInfo( sFileName );

    return QFileInfo();
예제 #4
QFileInfo Content::GetRecording( int              nChanId,
                                 const QDateTime &recstarttsRaw )
    if (!recstarttsRaw.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Read Recording From Database
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    QDateTime recstartts = recstarttsRaw.toUTC();

    ProgramInfo pginfo((uint)nChanId, recstartts);

    if (!pginfo.GetChanID())
        LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, QString("GetRecording - for '%1' failed")
            .arg(ProgramInfo::MakeUniqueKey(nChanId, recstartts)));

        return QFileInfo();

    if (pginfo.GetHostname().toLower() != gCoreContext->GetHostName().toLower())
        // We only handle requests for local resources

        QString sMsg =
            QString("GetRecording: Wrong Host '%1' request from '%2'.")
                          .arg( gCoreContext->GetHostName())
                          .arg( pginfo.GetHostname() );

        LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, sMsg);

        throw HttpRedirectException( pginfo.GetHostname() );

    QString sFileName( GetPlaybackURL(&pginfo) );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // check to see if the file exists
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (QFile::exists( sFileName ))
        return QFileInfo( sFileName );

    return QFileInfo();
예제 #5
QString FileServerHandler::LocalFilePath(const QUrl &url,
                                           const QString &wantgroup)
    QString lpath = url.path();

    if (lpath.section('/', -2, -2) == "channels")
        // This must be an icon request. Check channel.icon to be safe.
        QString querytext;

        QString file = lpath.section('/', -1);
        lpath = "";

        MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
        query.prepare("SELECT icon FROM channel WHERE icon LIKE :FILENAME ;");
        query.bindValue(":FILENAME", QString("%/") + file);

        if (query.exec() && query.next())
            lpath = query.value(0).toString();
            MythDB::DBError("Icon path", query);
        lpath = lpath.section('/', -1);

        QString fpath = lpath;
        if (fpath.right(4) == ".png")
            fpath = fpath.left(fpath.length() - 4);

        ProgramInfo pginfo(fpath);
        if (pginfo.GetChanID())
            QString pburl = GetPlaybackURL(&pginfo);
            if (pburl.left(1) == "/")
                lpath = pburl.section('/', 0, -2) + "/" + lpath;
                LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_INFO,
                    QString("Local file path: %1").arg(lpath));
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR,
                        QString("LocalFilePath unable to find local "
                                "path for '%1', found '%2' instead.")
                lpath = "";
        else if (!lpath.isEmpty())
            // For securities sake, make sure filename is really the pathless.
            QString opath = lpath;
            StorageGroup sgroup;

            if (!wantgroup.isEmpty())
                lpath = url.toString();
                lpath = QFileInfo(lpath).fileName();

            QString tmpFile = sgroup.FindFile(lpath);
            if (!tmpFile.isEmpty())
                lpath = tmpFile;
                LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_INFO,
                        QString("LocalFilePath(%1 '%2'), found through "
                                "exhaustive search at '%3'")
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, QString("LocalFilePath unable to "
                                                 "find local path for '%1'.")
                lpath = "";

            lpath = "";

    return lpath;
예제 #6
QFileInfo Content::GetPreviewImage(        int        nChanId,
                                     const QDateTime &recstarttsRaw,
                                           int        nWidth,
                                           int        nHeight,
                                           int        nSecsIn )
    if (!recstarttsRaw.isValid())
        QString sMsg = QString("GetPreviewImage: bad start time '%1'")
            .arg(MythDate::toString(recstarttsRaw, MythDate::ISODate));

        LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, sMsg);

        throw sMsg;

    QDateTime recstartts = recstarttsRaw.toUTC();

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Read Recording From Database
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramInfo pginfo( (uint)nChanId, recstartts);

    if (!pginfo.GetChanID())
            QString("GetPreviewImage: No recording for '%1'")
            .arg(ProgramInfo::MakeUniqueKey(nChanId, recstartts)));
        return QFileInfo();

    if (pginfo.GetHostname().toLower() != gCoreContext->GetHostName().toLower())
        QString sMsg =
            QString("GetPreviewImage: Wrong Host '%1' request from '%2'")
                          .arg( gCoreContext->GetHostName())
                          .arg( pginfo.GetHostname() );

        LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, sMsg);

        throw HttpRedirectException( pginfo.GetHostname() );

    QString sFileName = GetPlaybackURL(&pginfo);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // check to see if default preview image is already created.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    QString sPreviewFileName;

    if (nSecsIn <= 0)
        nSecsIn = -1;
        sPreviewFileName = sFileName + ".png";
        sPreviewFileName = QString("%1.%2.png").arg(sFileName).arg(nSecsIn);

    if (!QFile::exists( sPreviewFileName ))
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Must generate Preview Image, Generate Image and save.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (!pginfo.IsLocal() && sFileName.startsWith("/"))

        if (!pginfo.IsLocal())
            return QFileInfo();

        PreviewGenerator *previewgen = new PreviewGenerator( &pginfo, 
        previewgen->SetPreviewTimeAsSeconds( nSecsIn          );
        previewgen->SetOutputFilename      ( sPreviewFileName );

        bool ok = previewgen->Run();


        if (!ok)
            return QFileInfo();

    float fAspect = 0.0;

    QImage *pImage = new QImage(sPreviewFileName);

    if (!pImage)
        return QFileInfo();

    if (fAspect <= 0)
        fAspect = (float)(pImage->width()) / pImage->height();

    if (fAspect == 0)
        delete pImage;
        return QFileInfo();

    bool bDefaultPixmap = (nWidth == 0) && (nHeight == 0);

    if ( nWidth == 0 )
        nWidth = (int)rint(nHeight * fAspect);

    if ( nHeight == 0 )
        nHeight = (int)rint(nWidth / fAspect);

    QString sNewFileName;

    if (bDefaultPixmap)
        sNewFileName = sPreviewFileName;
        sNewFileName = QString( "%1.%2.%3x%4.png" )
                          .arg( sFileName )
                          .arg( nSecsIn   )
                          .arg( nWidth    )
                          .arg( nHeight   );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // check to see if scaled preview image is already created.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (QFile::exists( sNewFileName ))
        delete pImage;
        return QFileInfo( sNewFileName );

    PreviewGenerator *previewgen = new PreviewGenerator( &pginfo,
    previewgen->SetPreviewTimeAsSeconds( nSecsIn             );
    previewgen->SetOutputFilename      ( sNewFileName        );
    previewgen->SetOutputSize          (QSize(nWidth,nHeight));

    bool ok = previewgen->Run();


    if (!ok)
        return QFileInfo();

    delete pImage;

    return QFileInfo( sNewFileName );
예제 #7
QFileInfo Content::GetPreviewImage(        int        nRecordedId,
                                           int        nChanId,
                                     const QDateTime &recstarttsRaw,
                                           int        nWidth,
                                           int        nHeight,
                                           int        nSecsIn,
                                     const QString   &sFormat )
    if ((nRecordedId <= 0) &&
        (nChanId <= 0 || !recstarttsRaw.isValid()))
        throw QString("Recorded ID or Channel ID and StartTime appears invalid.");

    if (!sFormat.isEmpty()
        && !QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats().contains(sFormat.toLower().toLocal8Bit()))
        throw "GetPreviewImage: Specified 'Format' is not supported.";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Read Recording From Database
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // TODO Should use RecordingInfo
    ProgramInfo pginfo;
    if (nRecordedId > 0)
        pginfo = ProgramInfo(nRecordedId);
        pginfo = ProgramInfo(nChanId, recstarttsRaw.toUTC());

    if (!pginfo.GetChanID())
            QString("GetPreviewImage: No recording for '%1'")
        return QFileInfo();

    if (pginfo.GetHostname().toLower() != gCoreContext->GetHostName().toLower())
        QString sMsg =
            QString("GetPreviewImage: Wrong Host '%1' request from '%2'")
                          .arg( gCoreContext->GetHostName())
                          .arg( pginfo.GetHostname() );

        LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, sMsg);

        throw HttpRedirectException( pginfo.GetHostname() );

    QString sImageFormat = sFormat;
    if (sImageFormat.isEmpty())
        sImageFormat = "PNG";

    QString sFileName = GetPlaybackURL(&pginfo);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // check to see if default preview image is already created.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    QString sPreviewFileName;

    if (nSecsIn <= 0)
        nSecsIn = -1;
        sPreviewFileName = QString("%1.png").arg(sFileName);
        sPreviewFileName = QString("%1.%2.png").arg(sFileName).arg(nSecsIn);

    if (!QFile::exists( sPreviewFileName ))
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Must generate Preview Image, Generate Image and save.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (!pginfo.IsLocal() && sFileName.startsWith("/"))

        if (!pginfo.IsLocal())
            return QFileInfo();

        PreviewGenerator *previewgen = new PreviewGenerator( &pginfo, 
        previewgen->SetPreviewTimeAsSeconds( nSecsIn          );
        previewgen->SetOutputFilename      ( sPreviewFileName );

        bool ok = previewgen->Run();


        if (!ok)
            return QFileInfo();

    bool bDefaultPixmap = (nWidth == 0) && (nHeight == 0);

    QString sNewFileName;

    if (bDefaultPixmap)
        sNewFileName = sPreviewFileName;
        sNewFileName = QString( "%1.%2.%3x%4.%5" )
                          .arg( sFileName )
                          .arg( nSecsIn   )
                          .arg( nWidth == 0 ? -1 : nWidth )
                          .arg( nHeight == 0 ? -1 : nHeight )
                          .arg( sImageFormat.toLower() );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // check to see if scaled preview image is already created and isn't
        // out of date
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (QFile::exists( sNewFileName ))
            if (QFileInfo(sPreviewFileName).lastModified() <=
                return QFileInfo( sNewFileName );

        QImage image = QImage(sPreviewFileName);

        if (image.isNull())
            return QFileInfo();

        // We can just re-scale the default (full-size version) to avoid
        // a preview generator run
        if ( nWidth <= 0 )
            image = image.scaledToHeight(nHeight, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
        else if ( nHeight <= 0 )
            image = image.scaledToWidth(nWidth, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
            image = image.scaled(nWidth, nHeight, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio,

        image.save(sNewFileName, sImageFormat.toUpper().toLocal8Bit());

        // Let anybody update it
        bool ret = makeFileAccessible(sNewFileName.toLocal8Bit().constData());
        if (!ret)
            LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "Unable to change permissions on "
                                     "preview image. Backends and frontends "
                                     "running under different users will be "
                                     "unable to access it");

    if (QFile::exists( sNewFileName ))
        return QFileInfo( sNewFileName );

    PreviewGenerator *previewgen = new PreviewGenerator( &pginfo,
    previewgen->SetPreviewTimeAsSeconds( nSecsIn             );
    previewgen->SetOutputFilename      ( sNewFileName        );
    previewgen->SetOutputSize          (QSize(nWidth,nHeight));

    bool ok = previewgen->Run();


    if (!ok)
        return QFileInfo();

    return QFileInfo( sNewFileName );
예제 #8
DTC::LiveStreamInfo *Content::AddRecordingLiveStream(
    int              nRecordedId,
    int              nChanId,
    const QDateTime &recstarttsRaw,
    int              nMaxSegments,
    int              nWidth,
    int              nHeight,
    int              nBitrate,
    int              nAudioBitrate,
    int              nSampleRate )
    if ((nRecordedId <= 0) &&
        (nChanId <= 0 || !recstarttsRaw.isValid()))
        throw QString("Recorded ID or Channel ID and StartTime appears invalid.");

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Read Recording From Database
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    // TODO Should use RecordingInfo
    ProgramInfo pginfo;
    if (nRecordedId > 0)
        pginfo = ProgramInfo(nRecordedId);
        pginfo = ProgramInfo(nChanId, recstarttsRaw.toUTC());

    if (!pginfo.GetChanID())
            QString("AddRecordingLiveStream - for %1, %2 failed")
        return NULL;

    if (pginfo.GetHostname().toLower() != gCoreContext->GetHostName().toLower())
        // We only handle requests for local resources

        QString sMsg =
            QString("GetRecording: Wrong Host '%1' request from '%2'.")
                          .arg( gCoreContext->GetHostName())
                          .arg( pginfo.GetHostname() );

        LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, sMsg);

        throw HttpRedirectException( pginfo.GetHostname() );

    QString sFileName( GetPlaybackURL(&pginfo) );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // check to see if the file exists
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (!QFile::exists( sFileName ))
        LOG( VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, QString("AddRecordingLiveStream - for %1, %2 failed")
                                    .arg( nChanId )
                                    .arg( recstarttsRaw.toUTC().toString() ));
        return NULL;

    QFileInfo fInfo( sFileName );

    return AddLiveStream( pginfo.GetStorageGroup(), fInfo.fileName(),
                          pginfo.GetHostname(), nMaxSegments, nWidth,
                          nHeight, nBitrate, nAudioBitrate, nSampleRate );