예제 #1
RelocInfo *
FindRelocOffset(long offset, short hunkNo)
    RelocInfo *r = RelOffCache;

    if (r == NULL)
	r = GetHead(&RelList);

    while (r && r->ri_SrcOffset >= offset)
	r = GetPred((Node *)&r->ri_Node);

    if (r == NULL)
	r = GetHead(&RelList);

    while (r && r->ri_SrcOffset < offset)
	r = GetSucc((Node *)&r->ri_Node);

    while (r && r->ri_SrcHunk != hunkNo)
	r = GetSucc((Node *)&r->ri_Node);

    if (r)
	RelOffCache = r;

예제 #2
void RadPattern::OutputPreds( const std::string& fname, const float norm_dis, const float Q ) const {
    if( grtM.size() == 0 ) return;

    std::ofstream fout( fname );
    if( ! fout ) throw ErrorRP::BadFile(FuncName, fname);

    for( auto &grtP : grtM ) {
        float per = grtP.first;
        float alpha = M_PI/(per*3.0*Q);
        auto &grtV = grtP.second;
        auto &phtV = phtM.at(per);
        auto &ampV = ampM.at(per);
        int iazi;
        float azi, grt, pht, amp;
        auto getPreds = norm_dis>0 ? std::function<bool()>([&]() {
            return GetPred(per, azi, grt, pht, amp, norm_dis, alpha);
        }) :
            [&]() {
            if(grt==RadPattern::NaN)return false;
            return true;
        for( iazi=0; iazi<nazi; iazi++ ) {
            azi = iazi*dazi;
            if( getPreds() ) fout<<azi<<" "<<grt<<" "<<pht<<" "<<amp<<" "<<per<<"\n";
예제 #3
bool RadPattern::GetPred( const float per, const float azi,
                          float& grt, float& pht, float& amp,
                          const float dis, const float alpha, const float recCAmp ) const {
    if( ! GetPred(per, azi, grt, pht, amp, 1.) ) return false;

    //if( U==NaN || J==NaN ) {	// compute amplitude at the source
    if( recCAmp == NaN ) {	// compute amplitude at the source
        // M0 = scalar seismic momentum
        // cAmp = source amp norm term: 1.0/( (phvel*grvel*I0) * sqrt(8 * pi) ) in sec^2/gram
        auto coefs = cAmp(per);	// cAmp and wavenumber
        //std::cerr<<"amp0 = "<<amp<<" ";
        amp *= 100. * coefs[0] / sqrt(coefs[1]);	// amplitude at 1km distance
        //std::cerr<<100.<<" "<<M0<<" "<<sqrt(coefs[0]*1.0e15/sqrt(8*M_PI))<<" "<<1.0e-6*sqrt(coefs[0]*1.0e15*sqrt(8*M_PI))/sqrt(coefs[1])*exp(-dis*alpha)<<" amp1 = "<<amp<<" ";
    } else { // propogate amp to the receiver if extra info is given
        // recCAmp = 1. / sqrt(J * U * C) in sqrt(sec^2/gram)
        // J = receiver mode energy integration (from eigen);
        // U = local group velocity at the receiver location
        // C = local phase velocity at the receiver location
        auto coefs = cAmp(per);	// cAmp and wavenumber
        amp *= 100. * sqrt( coefs[0] / (sqrt(8.*M_PI)) )
               * recCAmp / sqrt(coefs[1]);		// receiver norm term * second part of propogation
    if( dis>0 ) {	// attenuation and geometric spreading
        // dis = distance; alpha = average attenuation coeff
        amp /= sqrt(dis);
        if( alpha > 0 ) amp *= exp(-dis*alpha);		// anelastic propogation
        //std::cerr<<dis<<" "<<alpha<<" amp2 = "<<amp<<"  ";

    return true;
예제 #4
AddRelocInfo(short srcHunk, short dstHunk, long size, short flags, long offset, Symbol *sym)
    RelocInfo *ri = malloc(sizeof(RelocInfo));
    RelocInfo *r;

    if (ri == NULL)
	cerror(EFATAL, "malloc Failed");

    clrmem(ri, sizeof(RelocInfo));
    ri->ri_Sym = sym;
    ri->ri_SrcHunk = srcHunk;
    ri->ri_DstHunk = dstHunk;
    ri->ri_RelocSize = size;
    ri->ri_RelocFlags= flags;
    ri->ri_SrcOffset = offset;

    for (r = GetTail(&RelList); r; r = GetPred((Node *)&r->ri_Node)) {
	if (r->ri_SrcOffset < ri->ri_SrcOffset)
    Insert(&RelList, (Node *)&ri->ri_Node, (Node *)&r->ri_Node);