예제 #1
/**\brief SpriteManager update function.
void SpriteManager::Update() {
	// Update the sprites inside each quadrant
	// TODO: Update only the sprites that are in nearby Quadrants
	list<Sprite *> all_oob;
	list<QuadTree*> nearby = GetQuadrantsNear( Camera::Instance()->GetFocusCoordinate(), QUADRANTSIZE*4 );
	list<QuadTree*>::iterator iter;
	for ( iter = nearby.begin(); iter != nearby.end(); ++iter ) {
		list<Sprite *>* oob = (*iter)->FixOutOfBounds();
		all_oob.splice(all_oob.end(), *oob );
		delete oob;

	// Move sprites to adjacent Quadrants as they cross boundaries
	list<Sprite *>::iterator i;
	for( i = all_oob.begin(); i != all_oob.end(); ++i ) {
		GetQuadrant( (*i)->GetWorldPosition() )->Insert( *i );

	//Delete all sprites queued to be deleted
	if (!spritesToDelete.empty()) {
		for( i = spritesToDelete.begin(); i != spritesToDelete.end(); ++i ) {

	for ( iter = nearby.begin(); iter != nearby.end(); ++iter ) {

예제 #2
/**\brief Returns a list of sprites that are near coordinate.
 * \param c Coordinate
 * \param r Radius
 * \return std::list of Sprite pointers.
list<Sprite*> *SpriteManager::GetSpritesNear(Coordinate c, float r, int type) {
	list<Sprite*> *sprites = new list<Sprite*>();
	// Search the possible quadrants
	list<QuadTree*> nearbyQuadrants = GetQuadrantsNear(c,r);
	list<QuadTree*>::iterator it;
	for(it = nearbyQuadrants.begin(); it != nearbyQuadrants.end(); ++it) {
			list<Sprite *>* nearby = new list<Sprite*>;
			sprites->splice(sprites->end(), *nearby);
			delete nearby;

	// Sort sprites by their distance from the coordinate c
	return( sprites );
예제 #3
/**\brief Get a Sprite nearest to another Sprite.
 * \details Rather than just accept a Coordinate, this requires another Sprite
 *          because the common usage is to look for a nearby enemy or
 *          collision.  Since a Sprite is by definition the closest thing to
 *          its own position, this function needs to know what sprite to ignore.
 *          The Usual use for this is to find the nearest sprite of a certain type.
 	Sprite* found = GetNearestSprite(mySprite, 1000, DRAW_ORDER_SHIP);
 *          Rather than re-implement this code for when the caller truely
 *          doesn't care about a Sprite, the caller can supply a dummy Sprite like:
 	Sprite* found = GetNearestSprite(Effect( Coordinate(0,0),"",0), 1000);
 * \todo Build the Dummy example above into the SpriteManager.
Sprite* SpriteManager::GetNearestSprite(Sprite* obj, float r, int type) {
	float tmpdist;
	Sprite* closest=NULL;
	Sprite* possible=NULL;
		return (Sprite*)NULL;
	list<QuadTree*> nearbyQuadrants = GetQuadrantsNear(obj->GetWorldPosition(),r);
	list<QuadTree*>::iterator it;
	for(it = nearbyQuadrants.begin(); it != nearbyQuadrants.end(); ++it) {
		possible = (*it)->GetNearestSprite(obj,r, type);
		if(possible!=NULL) {
			tmpdist = (obj->GetWorldPosition()-possible->GetWorldPosition()).GetMagnitude();
			if(tmpdist<r) {
				r = tmpdist;
				closest = possible;
	return closest;