예제 #1
파일: main.c 프로젝트: yu88my/smartiny
void UpdateRTC(void)
	T_STRUCT time;

void DispatcherTask ( void * pvParameters )
	struct ADispatcherMessage *pxDispatcherMessage;
	struct ALCDMessage xLCDMessage, *pxLCDMessage = & xLCDMessage;

	UB_RTC_Init ( );
	LedInit ( );

	xDispatcherQueue = xQueueCreate ( 8, sizeof ( unsigned long ) );

	while ( 1 )
		SendTimeToLCD ( pxLCDMessage );

		if ( xQueueReceive ( xDispatcherQueue, & ( pxDispatcherMessage ), 250 / portTICK_RATE_MS ) )
			if ( !strnicmp ( pxDispatcherMessage->Domain, "HELP", 3 ) )
				PrintHelp ( );
			else if ( !strnicmp ( pxDispatcherMessage->Domain, "RTC", 3 ) )
				if ( !strnicmp ( pxDispatcherMessage->Command, "SET", 3 ) )
					SetRTCTime ( pxDispatcherMessage->Parameter );
				else if ( !strnicmp ( pxDispatcherMessage->Command, "GET", 3 ) )
					GetRTCTime ( );
			else if ( !strnicmp ( pxDispatcherMessage->Domain, "AUDIO", 5 ) )
				ForwardAudioMessage ( pxDispatcherMessage->Command, pxDispatcherMessage->Parameter );
			else if ( !strnicmp ( pxDispatcherMessage->Domain, "LED", 3 ) )
				if ( !strnicmp ( pxDispatcherMessage->Command, "SET", 3 ) )
					LedSet ( pxDispatcherMessage->Parameter );
				else if ( !strnicmp ( pxDispatcherMessage->Command, "GET", 3 ) )
					LedGet ( pxDispatcherMessage->Parameter );
예제 #3
void SetTimeWin(u8 param)
	T_STRUCT time;
		TFTShowString16(24,68,"/   /   :   :",BLACK,0);



bool RalTimeGetCurrent(struct tm* outCurrentTime)
    char	IS_Y2K = 1;
    short t_mdays[] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
    //double newTime;
    unsigned long newTime;
    double	tmpSec;
    signed short yy, mm, dd, h, m, s;

    bool ret;

    ret = TRUE;
    newTime = GetRTCTime();

    CONSOL_Printf("== Cur Second : %ld\n", newTime);

    if (newTime >= (double)SEC_1904_2K) {
        newTime -= (double)SEC_1904_2K;
        IS_Y2K = 1;
    } else
        IS_Y2K = 0;

    // year
    for (yy = IS_Y2K ? 2000 : 1904, tmpSec = (double)LEAP_YEAR_SEC; newTime >= tmpSec; ) {
        newTime -= tmpSec;

        tmpSec = (double)(yy%4 == 0) && (yy%100 != 0) || (yy%400 == 0) ? LEAP_YEAR_SEC : YEAR_SEC;

    // month
    for (mm = 1, tmpSec = (double)t_mdays[mm]*86400; newTime >= tmpSec; ) {
        newTime -= tmpSec;
        if (mm==2 && ((yy%4 == 0) && (yy%100 != 0) || (yy%400 == 0)))
            tmpSec = (double)2505600; //29*24*60*60
            tmpSec = (double)t_mdays[mm]*86400; /*24*60*60*/

    // day
    for (dd = 1; newTime >= (double)86400; dd++, newTime -= (double)86400);

    // hour
    for (h = 0; newTime >= (double)3600; h++, newTime -= (double)3600);

    // minute
    for (m = 0; newTime >= (double)60; m++, newTime -= (double)60);

    s = newTime; // by chc

    CONSOL_Printf("==-- s(%d)/NewTime(%d)\n", s, newTime );

    outCurrentTime->tm_sec = s;
    outCurrentTime->tm_min = m;
    outCurrentTime->tm_hour = h;
    outCurrentTime->tm_mday = dd;
    outCurrentTime->tm_mon = mm;
    outCurrentTime->tm_year = yy;
    outCurrentTime->tm_yday = 0;
    outCurrentTime->tm_wday = 1;
    outCurrentTime->tm_isdst = 0;

    CONSOL_Printf("==-- curTSec(%d)\n", outCurrentTime->tm_sec);
    return ret;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int retVal, rtcFd, fifoFd;
	struct fifo_param fifo_data;
	struct rtc_time rtc_tm;
	char data_buf[30];

	// this part works well since then, so no need to notify server if open fifo failed
	// if we want to notify server, use other ipc tools, such as message, shared memory
	if ((fifoFd = open(FIFO_DEV, O_WRONLY)) < 0) {		// fifo's write-endian block until read-endian open 
		if (mkfifo(FIFO_DEV, 0666) < 0) {
			db_error("mkfifo failed(%s)\n", strerror(errno));
			return -1;
		} else {
			fifoFd = open(FIFO_DEV, O_WRONLY);
	if ((rtcFd = open(RTC_DEV, O_RDWR)) < 0) {
	//	db_error("open %s failed(%s)\n", RTC_DEV, strerror(errno));
	//	fifo_data.type = 'A';
	//	strlcpy(fifo_data.name, RTC, 10);
	//	fifo_data.result = 'F';
	//	write(fifoFd, &fifo_data, sizeof(fifo_param_t));

		// add notify-info to tell server(fifo's read-endian) that client will close fifo's write-endian
		// If not, the server should use other method to dectect wheather fifo's write-endian is closed
		// D--Detect fifo's state
		// write(fifoFd, "D[RTC] close fifo", 18);
		// write(fifoFd, &fifo_data, sizeof(fifo_param_t));
		strlcpy(data_buf, "F[RTC] fail", 30);
		write(fifoFd, data_buf, 30);
		return -1;
	} else {
//		fifo_data.type = 'A';
//		strlcpy(fifo_data.name, RTC, 10);
//		fifo_data.result = 'W';
//		write(fifoFd, &fifo_data, sizeof(fifo_param_t));
		strlcpy(data_buf, "W[RTC] waiting", 30);
		write(fifoFd, data_buf, 30);
	db_msg("open rtc dev OK\n");			// use debug level [db_msg] when open dev success, use [db_debug] for get data

	while (1) {
		retVal = GetRTCTime(rtcFd, &rtc_tm);
//		retVal = CheckRTCData(&rtc_tm);		// 0-OK; !0-Fail
		if (retVal == 0) {
//			fifo_data.type = 'A';
//			strlcpy(fifo_data.name, RTC, 10);
//			fifo_data.result = 'P';			// P-pass; F-fail
//			fifo_data.val.rtc = rtc_tm;
//			write(fifoFd, &fifo_data, sizeof(fifo_param_t));
			sprintf(data_buf, "P[RTC] %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", rtc_tm.tm_hour, rtc_tm.tm_min, rtc_tm.tm_sec);
			write(fifoFd, data_buf, 30);
		} else {
//			db_error("rtc data NOT correct\n");
//			fifo_data.type = 'A';
//			strlcpy(fifo_data.name, RTC, 10);
//			fifo_data.result = 'F';			// need finish the tester?(2015.01.06)
//			write(fifoFd, &fifo_data, sizeof(fifo_param_t));
			sprintf(data_buf, "F[RTC] rtc data err");
			write(fifoFd, data_buf, 30);
//		memset(&fifo_data, 0, sizeof(fifo_param_t));

	puts("test rtc...");
	rtcFd = open(RTC_DEV, O_RDONLY);
	if (rtcFd < 0) {
		perror("can NOT open rtc dev");
	} else {
		printf("rtcFd = %d\n", rtcFd);
	while (1) {
		retVal = ioctl(rtcFd, RTC_RD_TIME, &rtc_tm);
		if (retVal < 0) {
			perror("ioctl failed");
			return -1;
		} else {
			printf("retVal: %d\n", retVal);
			printf("data: %d-%d-%d, time: %d:%d:%d\n", rtc_tm.tm_mon, rtc_tm.tm_mday, rtc_tm.tm_year+1900, rtc_tm.tm_hour, rtc_tm.tm_min, rtc_tm.tm_sec);


	return 0;
예제 #6
void parseAlarmJson(char* content){
    int r;
    int i = 2;
	int startidx = 0;
	int charAmount = 0;

    int usedAlarms[maxAlarms()];
    int j;
    jsmn_parser p;
    jsmntok_t token[160]; /* We expect no more than 128 tokens */

    r = jsmn_parse(&p, content, strlen(content), token, sizeof(token)/sizeof(token[0]));
    if (r <= 0) {
        printf("Failed to parse JSON: %d \n", r);
        printf("Aantal tokens found: %d \n", r);

    struct _tm time = GetRTCTime();
    for(j = 0; j < maxAlarms(); j++){
        usedAlarms[j] = 0;
    for(i = 2; i < r; i++)
        int id = 0;
        u_short port = 0;
        char url[24];
        char ip[24];
        char name[17];
        char str2[16];
        char st = -1;
        char oo = -1;
        memset(url, 0, 24);
        memset(ip, 0, 24);
        memset(name, 0, 17);

        for (i = i; (st == -1 && i < r); i+=2) {                                //Zodra ST is gevonden, betekent dit de laatste token van een alarm.
            if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "YYYY") == 0) {
                time.tm_year= getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]) - 1900;
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "MM") == 0) {
                time.tm_mon=  getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]) - 1;
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "DD") == 0) {
                time.tm_mday =  getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "hh") == 0) {
                time.tm_hour = 	getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "mm") == 0) {
                time.tm_min = getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "ss") == 0) {
                time.tm_sec = getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "id") == 0) {
                id = getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "port") == 0) {
                port = getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "ip") == 0) {
                getStringToken(content, &token[i + 1], ip, 24);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "url") == 0) {
                getStringToken(content, &token[i + 1], url, 24);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "name") == 0) {
                getStringToken(content, &token[i + 1], name, 18);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "oo") == 0) {
                oo = getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]);
            }else if (jsoneq(content, &token[i], "st") == 0) {
                st = getIntegerToken(content, &token[i + 1]);

        int idx = alarmExist(id);
        if(idx == -1){
            printf("New alarm found!\n");
            printf("Alarm time is: %02d:%02d:%02d\n", time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec);
            printf("Alarm date is: %02d.%02d.%02d\n", time.tm_mday, (time.tm_mon + 1), (time.tm_year + 1900));
            printf("Alarm stream data is: %s:%d%s\n", ip, port, url);
            printf("Alarm id and name and st is: %d %s %d\n\n", id, name, st);
			charAmount = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < 16;i++){
				if (name[i] != 0){
					charAmount = charAmount + 1;
			startidx = (8-(charAmount/2));
			charAmount = 0;
			for(i = 0; i < 16; i++){
				if (i >= startidx){
					if (name[charAmount] != 0){
						str2[i] = name[charAmount];
					} else {
						str2[i] = ' ';
				} else {
					str2[i] = ' ';

            //zoek naar een vrije plaats in de alarm array
            for(j = 0; j < maxAlarms(); j++){
                if(usedAlarms[j] == 0){ //Dit is een lege plaats, hier kunnen we ons nieuwe alarm plaatsen
					if (oo == 1){
					} else {
						setAlarm(time, str2, ip, port, url, st, id, j);
                    usedAlarms[j] = 1;
                    j = 10;             //Uit de for loop
            usedAlarms[idx] = 1; //Alarm bestaat al, dus we houden deze plaats vrij voor dat alarm
    for(j = 0; j < maxAlarms(); j++){ //Alle overige plaatsen, die wij niet gezet hebben, verwijderen.
        if(usedAlarms[j] == 0){