fs::path GetPath(PathType path_type) { switch (path_type) { case PATH_BINARY: return GetBinDir(); case PATH_RESOURCE: return GetResourceDir(); case PATH_DATA_ROOT: return GetRootDataDir(); case PATH_DATA_USER: return GetUserDataDir(); case PATH_CONFIG: return GetUserConfigDir(); case PATH_SAVE: return GetSaveDir(); case PATH_TEMP: return fs::temp_directory_path(); case PATH_PYTHON: #if defined(FREEORION_MACOSX) || defined(FREEORION_WIN32) return GetPythonHome(); #endif case PATH_INVALID: default: ErrorLogger() << "Invalid path type " << path_type; return fs::temp_directory_path(); } }
bool HiScoreDb::Load(std::string filename) { // Load local hi score table m_hsVec.clear(); filename = GetSaveDir() + filename; File f(false, File::STD); if (!f.OpenRead(filename, false, false)) { f.ReportError("Failed to load hi scores!"); return false; } int n = 0; if (!f.GetInteger(&n)) { f.ReportError("Expected number of hi scores"); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Hi hi; if (!hi.Load(&f)) { f.ReportError("Failed to load hi score line"); return false; } int hash = MakeHash(hi); hi.m_hash = hash; m_hsVec.push_back(hi); } return true; }
bool SingleHiScoreTable::Save() { int check = 0; File f; std::string root = File::GetRoot(); File::SetRoot(GetSaveDir(APPLICATION_NAME), "/"); if (!f.OpenWrite("hiscores.cfg")) { File::SetRoot(root, "/"); return false; } for (HiScores::iterator it = m_hiScores.begin(); it != m_hiScores.end(); ++it) { check ^= it->first; f.WriteInteger(it->first); f.Write(it->second); } f.WriteInteger(check); File::SetRoot(root, "/"); // Send hi scores to web site. SendToUrl("www.amju.com/cgi-bin/hiscores1.pl"); return true; }
bool SavedataParam::IsSaveEncrypted(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, const std::string &saveDirName) { bool isCrypted = false; ParamSFOData sfoFile; std::string dirPath = GetSaveFilePath(param, GetSaveDir(param, saveDirName)); std::string sfopath = dirPath + "/" + SFO_FILENAME; PSPFileInfo sfoInfo = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(sfopath); if(sfoInfo.exists) // Read sfo { u8 *sfoData = new u8[(size_t)sfoInfo.size]; size_t sfoSize = (size_t)sfoInfo.size; if(ReadPSPFile(sfopath,&sfoData,sfoSize, NULL)) { sfoFile.ReadSFO(sfoData,sfoSize); // save created in PPSSPP and not encrypted has '0' in SAVEDATA_PARAMS u32 tmpDataSize = 0; u8* tmpDataOrig = sfoFile.GetValueData("SAVEDATA_PARAMS", &tmpDataSize); for(u32 i = 0; i < tmpDataSize; i++) { if(tmpDataOrig[i] != 0) { isCrypted = true; break; } } } delete[] sfoData; } return isCrypted; }
void LoadSaveGamePreviews(const fs::path& orig_path, const std::string& extension, std::vector<FullPreview>& previews) { FullPreview data; fs::directory_iterator end_it; fs::path path = orig_path; // Relative path relative to the save directory if (path.is_relative()) { path = GetSaveDir() / path; } if (!fs::exists(path)) { ErrorLogger() << "SaveFileListBox::LoadSaveGamePreviews: Save Game directory \"" << path << "\" not found"; return; } if (!fs::is_directory(path)) { ErrorLogger() << "SaveFileListBox::LoadSaveGamePreviews: Save Game directory \"" << path << "\" was not a directory"; return; } for (fs::directory_iterator it(path); it != end_it; ++it) { try { std::string filename = PathString(it->path().filename()); if (it->path().filename().extension() == extension & !fs::is_directory(it->path())) { if (LoadSaveGamePreviewData(*it, data)) { // Add preview entry to list previews.push_back(data); } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { ErrorLogger() << "SaveFileListBox::LoadSaveGamePreviews: Failed loading preview from " << it->path() << " because: " << e.what(); } } }
std::string SavedataParam::GetSaveFilePath(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId) { if (!param) { return ""; } return savePath + GetSaveDir(param,saveId); }
/** ** Save a game to file. ** ** @param filename File name to be stored. ** ** @note Later we want to store in a more compact binary format. */ void SaveGame(const std::string &filename) { time_t now; CFile file; char *s; char *s1; std::string fullpath; fullpath = GetSaveDir() + filename; if (file.open(fullpath.c_str(), CL_WRITE_GZ | CL_OPEN_WRITE) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't save to `%s'\n", filename.c_str()); return; } time(&now); s = ctime(&now); if ((s1 = strchr(s, '\n'))) { *s1 = '\0'; } // Parseable header file.printf("SavedGameInfo({\n"); file.printf("--- generator = \"Generated by Bos Wars Version " VERSION "\",\n"); file.printf("--- comment = \"Visit http://www.boswars.org for more informations\",\n"); file.printf("--- type = \"%s\",\n", "single-player"); file.printf("--- date = \"%s\",\n", s); file.printf("--- map = \"%s\",\n", Map.Info.Description.c_str()); file.printf("--- media-version = \"%s\",\n", "Undefined"); file.printf("--- engine = {%d, %d, %d},\n", StratagusMajorVersion, StratagusMinorVersion, StratagusPatchLevel); file.printf(" SyncHash = %d, \n", SyncHash); file.printf(" SyncRandSeed = %d, \n", SyncRandSeed); file.printf(" SaveFile = \"%s\"\n", CurrentMapPath); file.printf("} )\n\n"); // FIXME: probably not the right place for this file.printf("GameCycle = %lu\n", GameCycle); SaveCcl(&file); Map.Save(&file); SavePlayers(&file); SaveUpgrades(&file); SaveUnits(&file); SaveUserInterface(&file); SaveAi(&file); SaveSelections(&file); SaveGroups(&file); SaveMissiles(&file); SaveTriggers(&file); SaveReplayList(&file); // FIXME: find all state information which must be saved. s = SaveGlobal(Lua, true); if (s != NULL) { file.printf("-- Lua state\n\n%s\n", s); delete[] s; } file.close(); }
/** ** Delete save game ** ** @param filename Name of file to delete */ void DeleteSaveGame(const std::string &filename) { // Security check if (filename.find_first_of("/\\") != std::string::npos) { return; } std::string fullpath = GetSaveDir() + "/" + filename; if (unlink(fullpath.c_str()) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "delete failed for %s", fullpath.c_str()); } }
bool HiScoreDb::Save(std::string filename) { filename = GetSaveDir() + filename; File f(false, File::STD); if (!f.OpenWrite(filename, 0, false, false, true)) { f.ReportError("Failed to save hi scores!"); return false; } f.WriteInteger(static_cast<int>(m_hsVec.size())); for (const auto& hi : m_hsVec) { hi.Save(&f); } return true; }
void InitDirs(const std::string& argv0) { if (g_initialized) return; fs::path local_dir = GetUserDir(); if (!exists(local_dir)) fs::create_directories(local_dir); fs::path p(GetSaveDir()); if (!exists(p)) fs::create_directories(p); InitBinDir(argv0); g_initialized = true; }
bool SingleHiScoreTable::Load() { File f(true, File::STD); // yes has version info, no to glue file. std::string root = File::GetRoot(); File::SetRoot(GetSaveDir(APPLICATION_NAME), "/"); if (!f.OpenRead("hiscores.cfg")) { // Make default hi score table and return. MakeDefault(); File::SetRoot(root, "/"); return true; } File::SetRoot(root, "/"); int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) { int score = 0; std::string name; if (!f.GetInteger(&score)) { MakeDefault(); return true; } if (!f.GetDataLine(&name)) { MakeDefault(); return true; } c ^= score; m_hiScores.insert(std::make_pair(score, name)); } int check = 0; if (!f.GetInteger(&check)) { MakeDefault(); return true; } if (check != c) { MakeDefault(); return true; } return true; }
void InitDirs(const std::string& argv0) { if (g_initialized) return; fs::path local_dir = GetUserConfigDir(); if (!exists(local_dir)) fs::create_directories(local_dir); fs::path p(GetSaveDir()); if (!exists(p)) fs::create_directories(p); // Intentionally do not create the server save dir. // The server save dir is publically accessible and should not be // automatically created for the user. InitBinDir(argv0); g_initialized = true; }
void InGameMenu::Save() { Logger().debugStream() << "InGameMenu::Save"; HumanClientApp* app = HumanClientApp::GetApp(); if (!app) return; if (!app->CanSaveNow()) { Logger().errorStream() << "InGameMenu::Save aborting; Client app can't save now"; return; } const std::string SAVE_GAME_EXTENSION = HumanClientApp::GetApp()->SinglePlayerGame() ? SP_SAVE_FILE_EXTENSION : MP_SAVE_FILE_EXTENSION; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > save_file_types; save_file_types.push_back(std::make_pair(UserString("GAME_MENU_SAVE_FILES"), "*" + SAVE_GAME_EXTENSION)); try { Logger().debugStream() << "... getting save path string"; std::string path_string = PathString(GetSaveDir()); Logger().debugStream() << "... got save path string: " << path_string; Logger().debugStream() << "... running file dialog"; FileDlg dlg(path_string, "", true, false, save_file_types); dlg.Run(); if (!dlg.Result().empty()) { if (!app->CanSaveNow()) { Logger().errorStream() << "InGameMenu::Save aborting; Client app can't save now"; throw std::runtime_error(UserString("UNABLE_TO_SAVE_NOW_TRY_AGAIN")); } Logger().debugStream() << "... initiating save"; app->SaveGame(*dlg.Result().begin()); CloseClicked(); Logger().debugStream() << "... save done"; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { Logger().errorStream() << "Exception thrown attempting save: " << e.what(); ClientUI::MessageBox(e.what(), true); } }
void Pi::HandleEvents() { PROFILE_SCOPED() SDL_Event event; // XXX for most keypresses SDL will generate KEYUP/KEYDOWN and TEXTINPUT // events. keybindings run off KEYUP/KEYDOWN. the console is opened/closed // via keybinding. the console TextInput widget uses TEXTINPUT events. thus // after switching the console, the stray TEXTINPUT event causes the // console key (backtick) to appear in the text entry field. we hack around // this by setting this flag if the console was switched. if its set, we // swallow the TEXTINPUT event this hack must remain until we have a // unified input system bool skipTextInput = false; Pi::mouseMotion[0] = Pi::mouseMotion[1] = 0; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { if (Pi::game) Pi::EndGame(); Pi::Quit(); } if (skipTextInput && event.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT) { skipTextInput = false; continue; } if (ui->DispatchSDLEvent(event)) continue; bool consoleActive = Pi::IsConsoleActive(); if (!consoleActive) KeyBindings::DispatchSDLEvent(&event); else KeyBindings::toggleLuaConsole.CheckSDLEventAndDispatch(&event); if (consoleActive != Pi::IsConsoleActive()) { skipTextInput = true; continue; } if (Pi::IsConsoleActive()) continue; Gui::HandleSDLEvent(&event); switch (event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { if (Pi::game) { // only accessible once game started if (currentView != 0) { if (currentView != Pi::game->GetSettingsView()) { Pi::game->SetTimeAccel(Game::TIMEACCEL_PAUSED); SetView(Pi::game->GetSettingsView()); } else { Pi::game->RequestTimeAccel(Game::TIMEACCEL_1X); SetView(Pi::player->IsDead() ? static_cast<View*>(Pi::game->GetDeathView()) : static_cast<View*>(Pi::game->GetWorldView())); } } } break; } // special keys. LCTRL+turd if ((KeyState(SDLK_LCTRL) || (KeyState(SDLK_RCTRL)))) { switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_q: // Quit if (Pi::game) Pi::EndGame(); Pi::Quit(); break; case SDLK_PRINTSCREEN: // print case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: // screen { char buf[256]; const time_t t = time(0); struct tm *_tm = localtime(&t); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "screenshot-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.png", _tm); Graphics::ScreendumpState sd; Pi::renderer->Screendump(sd); write_screenshot(sd, buf); break; } #if WITH_DEVKEYS case SDLK_i: // Toggle Debug info Pi::showDebugInfo = !Pi::showDebugInfo; break; #ifdef PIONEER_PROFILER case SDLK_p: // alert it that we want to profile if (KeyState(SDLK_LSHIFT) || KeyState(SDLK_RSHIFT)) Pi::doProfileOne = true; else { Pi::doProfileSlow = !Pi::doProfileSlow; Output("slow frame profiling %s\n", Pi::doProfileSlow ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } break; #endif case SDLK_F12: { if(Pi::game) { vector3d dir = -Pi::player->GetOrient().VectorZ(); /* add test object */ if (KeyState(SDLK_RSHIFT)) { Missile *missile = new Missile(ShipType::MISSILE_GUIDED, Pi::player); missile->SetOrient(Pi::player->GetOrient()); missile->SetFrame(Pi::player->GetFrame()); missile->SetPosition(Pi::player->GetPosition()+50.0*dir); missile->SetVelocity(Pi::player->GetVelocity()); game->GetSpace()->AddBody(missile); missile->AIKamikaze(Pi::player->GetCombatTarget()); } else if (KeyState(SDLK_LSHIFT)) { SpaceStation *s = static_cast<SpaceStation*>(Pi::player->GetNavTarget()); if (s) { Ship *ship = new Ship(ShipType::POLICE); int port = s->GetFreeDockingPort(ship); if (port != -1) { Output("Putting ship into station\n"); // Make police ship intent on killing the player ship->AIKill(Pi::player); ship->SetFrame(Pi::player->GetFrame()); ship->SetDockedWith(s, port); game->GetSpace()->AddBody(ship); } else { delete ship; Output("No docking ports free dude\n"); } } else { Output("Select a space station...\n"); } } else { Ship *ship = new Ship(ShipType::POLICE); if( KeyState(SDLK_LCTRL) ) ship->AIFlyTo(Pi::player); // a less lethal option else ship->AIKill(Pi::player); // a really lethal option! lua_State *l = Lua::manager->GetLuaState(); pi_lua_import(l, "Equipment"); LuaTable equip(l, -1); LuaObject<Ship>::CallMethod<>(ship, "AddEquip", equip.Sub("laser").Sub("pulsecannon_dual_1mw")); LuaObject<Ship>::CallMethod<>(ship, "AddEquip", equip.Sub("misc").Sub("laser_cooling_booster")); LuaObject<Ship>::CallMethod<>(ship, "AddEquip", equip.Sub("misc").Sub("atmospheric_shielding")); lua_pop(l, 5); ship->SetFrame(Pi::player->GetFrame()); ship->SetPosition(Pi::player->GetPosition()+100.0*dir); ship->SetVelocity(Pi::player->GetVelocity()); ship->UpdateEquipStats(); game->GetSpace()->AddBody(ship); } } break; } #endif /* DEVKEYS */ #if WITH_OBJECTVIEWER case SDLK_F10: Pi::SetView(Pi::game->GetObjectViewerView()); break; #endif case SDLK_F11: // XXX only works on X11 //SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(Pi::scrSurface); #if WITH_DEVKEYS renderer->ReloadShaders(); #endif break; case SDLK_F9: // Quicksave { if(Pi::game) { if (Pi::game->IsHyperspace()) Pi::game->log->Add(Lang::CANT_SAVE_IN_HYPERSPACE); else { const std::string name = "_quicksave"; const std::string path = FileSystem::JoinPath(GetSaveDir(), name); try { Game::SaveGame(name, Pi::game); Pi::game->log->Add(Lang::GAME_SAVED_TO + path); } catch (CouldNotOpenFileException) { Pi::game->log->Add(stringf(Lang::COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILENAME, formatarg("path", path))); } catch (CouldNotWriteToFileException) { Pi::game->log->Add(Lang::GAME_SAVE_CANNOT_WRITE); } } } break; } default: break; // This does nothing but it stops the compiler warnings } } Pi::keyState[event.key.keysym.sym] = true; Pi::keyModState = event.key.keysym.mod; Pi::onKeyPress.emit(&event.key.keysym); break; case SDL_KEYUP: Pi::keyState[event.key.keysym.sym] = false; Pi::keyModState = event.key.keysym.mod; Pi::onKeyRelease.emit(&event.key.keysym); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (event.button.button < COUNTOF(Pi::mouseButton)) { Pi::mouseButton[event.button.button] = 1; Pi::onMouseButtonDown.emit(event.button.button, event.button.x, event.button.y); } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (event.button.button < COUNTOF(Pi::mouseButton)) { Pi::mouseButton[event.button.button] = 0; Pi::onMouseButtonUp.emit(event.button.button, event.button.x, event.button.y); } break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: Pi::onMouseWheel.emit(event.wheel.y > 0); // true = up break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: Pi::mouseMotion[0] += event.motion.xrel; Pi::mouseMotion[1] += event.motion.yrel; // SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&Pi::mouseMotion[0], &Pi::mouseMotion[1]); break; case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: if (!joysticks[event.jaxis.which].joystick) break; if (event.jaxis.value == -32768) joysticks[event.jaxis.which].axes[event.jaxis.axis] = 1.f; else joysticks[event.jaxis.which].axes[event.jaxis.axis] = -event.jaxis.value / 32767.f; break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: if (!joysticks[event.jaxis.which].joystick) break; joysticks[event.jbutton.which].buttons[event.jbutton.button] = event.jbutton.state != 0; break; case SDL_JOYHATMOTION: if (!joysticks[event.jaxis.which].joystick) break; joysticks[event.jhat.which].hats[event.jhat.hat] = event.jhat.value; break; } } }
void SaveGame(const std::string& filename, const ServerSaveGameData& server_save_game_data, const std::vector<PlayerSaveGameData>& player_save_game_data, const Universe& universe, const EmpireManager& empire_manager, const SpeciesManager& species_manager, const CombatLogManager& combat_log_manager, const GalaxySetupData& galaxy_setup_data, bool multiplayer) { DebugLogger() << "SaveGame:: filename: " << filename; GetUniverse().EncodingEmpire() = ALL_EMPIRES; std::map<int, SaveGameEmpireData> empire_save_game_data = CompileSaveGameEmpireData(empire_manager); SaveGamePreviewData save_preview_data; CompileSaveGamePreviewData(server_save_game_data, player_save_game_data, empire_save_game_data, save_preview_data); try { fs::path path = FilenameToPath(filename); // A relative path should be relative to the save directory. if (path.is_relative()) { path = GetSaveDir()/path; DebugLogger() << "Made save path relative to save dir. Is now: " << path; } if (multiplayer) { // Make sure the path points into our save directory if (!IsInside(path, GetSaveDir())){ path = GetSaveDir() / path.filename(); } } fs::ofstream ofs(path, std::ios_base::binary); if (!ofs) throw std::runtime_error(UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE); if (GetOptionsDB().Get<bool>("binary-serialization")) { freeorion_bin_oarchive oa(ofs); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(save_preview_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(galaxy_setup_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(server_save_game_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(player_save_game_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(empire_save_game_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(empire_manager); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(species_manager); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(combat_log_manager); Serialize(oa, universe); } else { freeorion_xml_oarchive oa(ofs); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(save_preview_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(galaxy_setup_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(server_save_game_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(player_save_game_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(empire_save_game_data); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(empire_manager); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(species_manager); oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(combat_log_manager); Serialize(oa, universe); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { ErrorLogger() << UserString("UNABLE_TO_WRITE_SAVE_FILE") << " SaveGame exception: " << ": " << e.what(); throw e; } }
void HumanClientApp::Autosave() { // autosave only on appropriate turn numbers, and when enabled for current // game type (single vs. multiplayer) int autosave_turns = GetOptionsDB().Get<int>("autosave.turns"); if (autosave_turns < 1) return; // avoid divide by zero if (CurrentTurn() % autosave_turns != 0 && CurrentTurn() != 1) return; // turns divisible by autosave_turns, and first turn, have autosaves done if (m_single_player_game && !GetOptionsDB().Get<bool>("autosave.single-player")) return; if (!m_single_player_game && !GetOptionsDB().Get<bool>("autosave.multiplayer")) return; const char* legal_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_-"; // get empire name, filtered for filename acceptability int client_empire_id = EmpireID(); const Empire* empire = GetEmpire(client_empire_id); std::string empire_name; if (empire) empire_name = empire->Name(); else empire_name = UserString("OBSERVER"); std::string::size_type first_good_empire_char = empire_name.find_first_of(legal_chars); if (first_good_empire_char == std::string::npos) { empire_name.clear(); } else { std::string::size_type first_bad_empire_char = empire_name.find_first_not_of(legal_chars, first_good_empire_char); empire_name = empire_name.substr(first_good_empire_char, first_bad_empire_char - first_good_empire_char); } // get player name, also filtered std::string player_name; if (empire) player_name = empire->PlayerName(); std::string::size_type first_good_player_char = player_name.find_first_of(legal_chars); if (first_good_player_char == std::string::npos) { player_name.clear(); } else { std::string::size_type first_bad_player_char = player_name.find_first_not_of(legal_chars, first_good_player_char); player_name = player_name.substr(first_good_player_char, first_bad_player_char - first_good_player_char); } // select filename extension std::string extension; if (m_single_player_game) extension = SP_SAVE_FILE_EXTENSION; else extension = MP_SAVE_FILE_EXTENSION; // Add timestamp to autosave generated files std::string datetime_str = FilenameTimestamp(); boost::filesystem::path autosave_dir_path(GetSaveDir() / "auto"); std::string save_filename = boost::io::str(boost::format("FreeOrion_%s_%s_%04d_%s%s") % player_name % empire_name % CurrentTurn() % datetime_str % extension); boost::filesystem::path save_path(autosave_dir_path / save_filename); std::string path_string = PathString(save_path); try { // ensure autosave directory exists if (!exists(autosave_dir_path)) boost::filesystem::create_directories(autosave_dir_path); } catch (const std::exception& e) { ErrorLogger() << "Autosave unable to check / create autosave directory: " << e.what(); std::cerr << "Autosave unable to check / create autosave directory: " << e.what() << std::endl; } // check for and remove excess oldest autosaves int max_autosaves = GetOptionsDB().Get<int>("autosave.limit"); RemoveOldestFiles(max_autosaves, autosave_dir_path); // create new save DebugLogger() << "Autosaving to: " << path_string; try { SaveGame(path_string); } catch (const std::exception& e) { ErrorLogger() << "Autosave failed: " << e.what(); std::cerr << "Autosave failed: " << e.what() << std::endl; } }
void SaveGame(const std::string& filename, const ServerSaveGameData& server_save_game_data, const std::vector<PlayerSaveGameData>& player_save_game_data, const Universe& universe, const EmpireManager& empire_manager, const SpeciesManager& species_manager, const CombatLogManager& combat_log_manager, const GalaxySetupData& galaxy_setup_data, bool multiplayer) { ScopedTimer timer("SaveGame: " + filename, true); bool use_binary = GetOptionsDB().Get<bool>("binary-serialization"); DebugLogger() << "SaveGame(" << (use_binary ? "binary" : "zlib-xml") << ") filename: " << filename; GetUniverse().EncodingEmpire() = ALL_EMPIRES; DebugLogger() << "Compiling save empire and preview data"; std::map<int, SaveGameEmpireData> empire_save_game_data = CompileSaveGameEmpireData(empire_manager); SaveGamePreviewData save_preview_data; CompileSaveGamePreviewData(server_save_game_data, player_save_game_data, empire_save_game_data, save_preview_data); // reinterpret save game data as header data for uncompressed header std::vector<PlayerSaveHeaderData> player_save_header_data; for (std::vector<PlayerSaveGameData>::const_iterator it = player_save_game_data.begin(); it != player_save_game_data.end(); ++it) { player_save_header_data.push_back(*it); } try { fs::path path = FilenameToPath(filename); // A relative path should be relative to the save directory. if (path.is_relative()) { path = GetSaveDir()/path; DebugLogger() << "Made save path relative to save dir. Is now: " << path; } if (multiplayer) { // Make sure the path points into our save directory if (!IsInside(path, GetSaveDir())) { path = GetSaveDir() / path.filename(); } } // set up output archive / stream for saving fs::ofstream ofs(path, std::ios_base::binary); if (!ofs) throw std::runtime_error(UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE); if (use_binary) { DebugLogger() << "Creating binary oarchive"; freeorion_bin_oarchive boa(ofs); boa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(save_preview_data); boa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(galaxy_setup_data); boa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(server_save_game_data); boa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(player_save_header_data); boa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(empire_save_game_data); boa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(player_save_game_data); boa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(empire_manager); boa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(species_manager); boa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(combat_log_manager); Serialize(boa, universe); DebugLogger() << "Done serializing"; } else { // Two-tier serialization: // main archive is uncompressed serialized header data first // then contains a string for compressed second archive // that contains the main gamestate info // allocate buffers for serialized gamestate DebugLogger() << "Allocating buffers for XML serialization..."; std::string serial_str, compressed_str; try { serial_str.reserve( std::pow(2.0, 29.0)); compressed_str.reserve(std::pow(2.0, 26.0)); } catch (...) { DebugLogger() << "Unable to preallocate full serialization buffers. Attempting serialization with dynamic buffer allocation."; } // wrap buffer string in iostream::stream to receive serialized data typedef boost::iostreams::back_insert_device<std::string> InsertDevice; InsertDevice serial_inserter(serial_str); boost::iostreams::stream<InsertDevice> s_sink(serial_inserter); // create archive with (preallocated) buffer... freeorion_xml_oarchive xoa(s_sink); // serialize main gamestate info xoa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(player_save_game_data); xoa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(empire_manager); xoa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(species_manager); xoa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(combat_log_manager); Serialize(xoa, universe); s_sink.flush(); // wrap gamestate string in iostream::stream to extract serialized data typedef boost::iostreams::basic_array_source<char> SourceDevice; SourceDevice source(serial_str.data(), serial_str.size()); boost::iostreams::stream<SourceDevice> s_source(source); // wrap compresed buffer string in iostream::streams to receive compressed string InsertDevice compressed_inserter(compressed_str); boost::iostreams::stream<InsertDevice> c_sink(compressed_inserter); // compression-filter gamestate into compressed string boost::iostreams::filtering_ostreambuf o; o.push(boost::iostreams::zlib_compressor()); o.push(c_sink); boost::iostreams::copy(s_source, o); c_sink.flush(); // write to save file: uncompressed header serialized data, with compressed main archive string at end... freeorion_xml_oarchive xoa2(ofs); // serialize uncompressed save header info xoa2 << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(save_preview_data); xoa2 << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(galaxy_setup_data); xoa2 << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(server_save_game_data); xoa2 << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(player_save_header_data); xoa2 << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(empire_save_game_data); // append compressed gamestate info xoa2 << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(compressed_str); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { ErrorLogger() << UserString("UNABLE_TO_WRITE_SAVE_FILE") << " SaveGame exception: " << ": " << e.what(); throw e; } DebugLogger() << "SaveGame : Successfully wrote save file"; }
bool SavedataParam::Load(SceUtilitySavedataParam *param, const std::string &saveDirName, int saveId, bool secureMode) { if (!param) { return false; } u8 *data_ = param->dataBuf; std::string dirPath = GetSaveFilePath(param, GetSaveDir(param, saveDirName)); if (saveId >= 0 && saveNameListDataCount > 0) // if user selection, use it { if (saveDataList[saveId].size == 0) // don't read no existing file { return false; } } std::string filePath = dirPath+"/"+GetFileName(param); s64 readSize; INFO_LOG(HLE,"Loading file with size %u in %s",param->dataBufSize,filePath.c_str()); u8* saveData = 0; int saveSize = -1; if (!ReadPSPFile(filePath, &saveData, saveSize, &readSize)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Error reading file %s",filePath.c_str()); return false; } saveSize = (int)readSize; // copy back save name in request strncpy(param->saveName, saveDirName.c_str(), 20); ParamSFOData sfoFile; std::string sfopath = dirPath+"/" + SFO_FILENAME; PSPFileInfo sfoInfo = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(sfopath); if(sfoInfo.exists) // Read sfo { u8 *sfoData = new u8[(size_t)sfoInfo.size]; size_t sfoSize = (size_t)sfoInfo.size; if(ReadPSPFile(sfopath,&sfoData,sfoSize, NULL)) { sfoFile.ReadSFO(sfoData,sfoSize); // copy back info in request strncpy(param->sfoParam.title,sfoFile.GetValueString("TITLE").c_str(),128); strncpy(param->sfoParam.savedataTitle,sfoFile.GetValueString("SAVEDATA_TITLE").c_str(),128); strncpy(param->sfoParam.detail,sfoFile.GetValueString("SAVEDATA_DETAIL").c_str(),1024); param->sfoParam.parentalLevel = sfoFile.GetValueInt("PARENTAL_LEVEL"); } delete[] sfoData; } // Don't know what it is, but PSP always respond this and this unlock some game param->bind = 1021; bool isCrypted = IsSaveEncrypted(param, saveDirName) && secureMode; bool saveDone = false; if(isCrypted)// Try to decrypt { int align_len = align16(saveSize); u8* data_base = new u8[align_len]; u8* cryptKey = new u8[0x10]; memset(cryptKey,0,0x10); if(param->key[0] != 0) { memcpy(cryptKey, param->key, 0x10); } memset(data_base + saveSize, 0, align_len - saveSize); memcpy(data_base, saveData, saveSize); int decryptMode = 1; if(param->key[0] != 0) { decryptMode = (GetSDKMainVersion(sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion()) >= 4 ? 5 : 3); } if(DecryptSave(decryptMode, data_base, &saveSize, &align_len, ((param->key[0] != 0)?cryptKey:0)) == 0) { memcpy(data_, data_base, saveSize); saveDone = true; } delete[] data_base; delete[] cryptKey; } if(!saveDone) // not crypted or decrypt fail { memcpy(data_, saveData, saveSize); } param->dataSize = (SceSize)saveSize; delete[] saveData; return true; }
std::string SavedataParam::GetSaveFilePath(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId) { return GetSaveFilePath(param, GetSaveDir(param, saveId)); }
SaveFileDialog::SaveFileDialog (const std::string& extension, bool load ) : CUIWnd ( UserString ( "GAME_MENU_SAVE_FILES" ), ( GG::GUI::GetGUI()->AppWidth() - SAVE_FILE_DIALOG_WIDTH ) / 2, ( GG::GUI::GetGUI()->AppHeight() - SAVE_FILE_DIALOG_HEIGHT ) / 2, SAVE_FILE_DIALOG_WIDTH, SAVE_FILE_DIALOG_HEIGHT, GG::INTERACTIVE | GG::DRAGABLE | GG::MODAL | GG::RESIZABLE ) { m_extension = extension; m_load_only = load; boost::shared_ptr<GG::Font> font = ClientUI::GetFont(); SetMinSize ( GG::Pt ( 2*SAVE_FILE_DIALOG_MIN_WIDTH, 2*SAVE_FILE_DIALOG_MIN_HEIGHT ) ); m_layout = new GG::Layout ( GG::X0, GG::Y0, SAVE_FILE_DIALOG_WIDTH - LeftBorder() - RightBorder(), SAVE_FILE_DIALOG_HEIGHT - TopBorder() - BottomBorder(), 3, 4 ); m_layout->SetCellMargin ( SAVE_FILE_CELL_MARGIN ); m_layout->SetBorderMargin ( SAVE_FILE_CELL_MARGIN*2 ); m_file_list = new SaveFileListBox(); m_file_list->SetStyle ( GG::LIST_SINGLESEL | GG::LIST_SORTDESCENDING ); m_file_list->SetColHeaders ( new SaveFileRow() ); m_confirm_btn = new CUIButton ( UserString ( "OK" ) ); CUIButton* cancel_btn = new CUIButton ( UserString ( "CANCEL" ) ); m_name_edit = new CUIEdit ( GG::X0, GG::Y0, GG::X1, "", font ); GG::TextControl* filename_label = new GG::TextControl ( GG::X0, GG::Y0, UserString ( "SAVE_FILENAME" ), font, ClientUI::TextColor() ); GG::TextControl* directory_label = new GG::TextControl ( GG::X0, GG::Y0, UserString ( "SAVE_DIRECTORY" ), font, ClientUI::TextColor() ); m_current_dir_edit = new CUIEdit ( GG::X0, GG::Y0, GG::X1, PathString ( GetSaveDir() ), font ); m_browse_dir_btn = new CUIButton ( "..." ); m_layout->Add ( m_file_list, 0, 0, 1, 4 ); m_layout->Add ( filename_label, 1, 0, 1, 1 ); m_layout->Add ( m_name_edit, 1, 1, 1, 2 ); m_layout->Add ( m_confirm_btn, 1, 3 ); m_layout->Add ( directory_label,2, 0 ); m_layout->Add ( m_current_dir_edit, 2, 1 ); m_layout->Add ( m_browse_dir_btn, 2, 2 ); m_layout->Add ( cancel_btn, 2, 3 ); m_layout->SetRowStretch ( 0, 1.0 ); m_layout->SetMinimumRowHeight ( 1, font->TextExtent ( m_confirm_btn->Text() ).y ); m_layout->SetMinimumRowHeight ( 2, font->TextExtent ( cancel_btn->Text() ).y ); m_layout->SetMinimumColumnWidth ( 0, std::max ( font->TextExtent ( filename_label->Text() ).x, font->TextExtent ( directory_label->Text() ).x ) ); m_layout->SetColumnStretch ( 1, 1.0 ); m_layout->SetMinimumColumnWidth ( 2, m_browse_dir_btn->MinUsableSize().x + SAVE_FILE_BUTTON_MARGIN*2 ); m_layout->SetMinimumColumnWidth ( 3, std::max ( m_confirm_btn->MinUsableSize().x, cancel_btn->MinUsableSize().x ) + SAVE_FILE_BUTTON_MARGIN ); SetLayout ( m_layout ); GG::Connect ( m_confirm_btn->LeftClickedSignal, &SaveFileDialog::Confirm, this ); GG::Connect ( cancel_btn->LeftClickedSignal, &SaveFileDialog::Cancel, this ); GG::Connect ( m_file_list->SelChangedSignal, &SaveFileDialog::SelectionChanged, this ); GG::Connect ( m_file_list->DoubleClickedSignal, &SaveFileDialog::DoubleClickRow, this ); GG::Connect ( m_browse_dir_btn->LeftClickedSignal, &SaveFileDialog::BrowseDirectories, this ); GG::Connect ( m_name_edit->EditedSignal, &SaveFileDialog::FileNameEdited, this ); UpdatePreviewList(); if(!m_load_only){ m_name_edit->SetText(std::string("save-") + FilenameTimestamp()); m_name_edit->SelectAll(); } }
bool SavedataParam::Save(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId) { if (!param) { return false; } std::string dirPath = GetSaveFilePath(param, saveId); if (!pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(dirPath).exists) pspFileSystem.MkDir(dirPath); if(param->dataBuf != 0) // Can launch save without save data in mode 13 { std::string filePath = dirPath+"/"+GetFileName(param); SceSize saveSize = param->dataSize; if(saveSize == 0 || saveSize > param->dataBufSize) saveSize = param->dataBufSize; // fallback, should never use this INFO_LOG(HLE,"Saving file with size %u in %s",saveSize,filePath.c_str()); u8 *data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->dataBuf); // copy back save name in request strncpy(param->saveName,GetSaveDirName(param, saveId).c_str(),20); if (!WritePSPFile(filePath, data_, saveSize)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Error writing file %s",filePath.c_str()); return false; } } // SAVE PARAM.SFO ParamSFOData sfoFile; std::string sfopath = dirPath+"/"+sfoName; PSPFileInfo sfoInfo = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(sfopath); if(sfoInfo.exists) // Read old sfo if exist { u8 *sfoData = new u8[(size_t)sfoInfo.size]; size_t sfoSize = (size_t)sfoInfo.size; if(ReadPSPFile(sfopath,sfoData,sfoSize, NULL)) { sfoFile.ReadSFO(sfoData,sfoSize); delete[] sfoData; } } // Update values sfoFile.SetValue("TITLE",param->sfoParam.title,128); sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_TITLE",param->sfoParam.savedataTitle,128); sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_DETAIL",param->sfoParam.detail,1024); sfoFile.SetValue("PARENTAL_LEVEL",param->sfoParam.parentalLevel,4); sfoFile.SetValue("CATEGORY","MS",4); sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY",GetSaveDir(param,saveId),64); // For each file, 13 bytes for filename, 16 bytes for file hash (0 in PPSSPP), 3 byte for padding const int FILE_LIST_ITEM_SIZE = 13 + 16 + 3; const int FILE_LIST_COUNT_MAX = 99; const int FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE = FILE_LIST_ITEM_SIZE * FILE_LIST_COUNT_MAX; u32 tmpDataSize = 0; u8* tmpDataOrig = sfoFile.GetValueData("SAVEDATA_FILE_LIST", &tmpDataSize); u8* tmpData = new u8[FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE]; if (tmpDataOrig != NULL) memcpy(tmpData, tmpDataOrig, tmpDataSize > FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE ? FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE : tmpDataSize); else memset(tmpData, 0, FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE); if (param->dataBuf != 0) { char *fName = (char*)tmpData; for(int i = 0; i < FILE_LIST_COUNT_MAX; i++) { if(fName[0] == 0) break; // End of list if(strncmp(fName,GetFileName(param).c_str(),20) == 0) break; // File already in SFO fName += FILE_LIST_ITEM_SIZE; } if (fName + 20 <= (char*)tmpData + FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE) snprintf(fName, 20, "%s",GetFileName(param).c_str()); } sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_FILE_LIST", tmpData, FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE, FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE); delete[] tmpData; // No crypted save, so fill with 0 tmpData = new u8[128]; memset(tmpData, 0, 128); sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_PARAMS", tmpData, 128, 128); delete[] tmpData; u8 *sfoData; size_t sfoSize; sfoFile.WriteSFO(&sfoData,&sfoSize); WritePSPFile(sfopath, sfoData, (SceSize)sfoSize); delete[] sfoData; // SAVE ICON0 if (param->icon0FileData.buf) { u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->icon0FileData.buf); std::string icon0path = dirPath+"/"+icon0Name; WritePSPFile(icon0path, data_, param->icon0FileData.bufSize); } // SAVE ICON1 if (param->icon1FileData.buf) { u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->icon1FileData.buf); std::string icon1path = dirPath+"/"+icon1Name; WritePSPFile(icon1path, data_, param->icon1FileData.bufSize); } // SAVE PIC1 if (param->pic1FileData.buf) { u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->pic1FileData.buf); std::string pic1path = dirPath+"/"+pic1Name; WritePSPFile(pic1path, data_, param->pic1FileData.bufSize); } // Save SND if (param->snd0FileData.buf) { u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->snd0FileData.buf); std::string snd0path = dirPath+"/"+snd0Name; WritePSPFile(snd0path, data_, param->snd0FileData.bufSize); } // Save Encryption Data { EncryptFileInfo encryptInfo; SceSize dataSize = sizeof(encryptInfo); // version + key + sdkVersion memset(&encryptInfo,0,dataSize); encryptInfo.fileVersion = 1; encryptInfo.sdkVersion = sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion(); if(param->size > 1500) memcpy(encryptInfo.key,param->key,16); std::string encryptInfoPath = dirPath+"/"+"ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN"; WritePSPFile(encryptInfoPath, (u8*)&encryptInfo, dataSize); } return true; }
void Pi::HandleKeyDown(SDL_Keysym *key) { if (key->sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { if (Pi::game) { // only accessible once game started HandleEscKey(); } return; } const bool CTRL = input.KeyState(SDLK_LCTRL) || input.KeyState(SDLK_RCTRL); // special keys. if (CTRL) { switch (key->sym) { case SDLK_q: // Quit Pi::RequestQuit(); break; case SDLK_PRINTSCREEN: // print case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: // screen { char buf[256]; const time_t t = time(0); struct tm *_tm = localtime(&t); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "screenshot-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.png", _tm); Graphics::ScreendumpState sd; Pi::renderer->Screendump(sd); write_screenshot(sd, buf); break; } case SDLK_SCROLLLOCK: // toggle video recording Pi::isRecordingVideo = !Pi::isRecordingVideo; if (Pi::isRecordingVideo) { char videoName[256]; const time_t t = time(0); struct tm *_tm = localtime(&t); strftime(videoName, sizeof(videoName), "pioneer-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", _tm); const std::string dir = "videos"; FileSystem::userFiles.MakeDirectory(dir); const std::string fname = FileSystem::JoinPathBelow(FileSystem::userFiles.GetRoot() + "/" + dir, videoName); Output("Video Recording started to %s.\n", fname.c_str()); // start ffmpeg telling it to expect raw rgba 720p-60hz frames // -i - tells it to read frames from stdin // if given no frame rate (-r 60), it will just use vfr char cmd[256] = { 0 }; snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgba -s %dx%d -i - -threads 0 -preset fast -y -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 21 -vf vflip %s.mp4", config->Int("ScrWidth"), config->Int("ScrHeight"), fname.c_str()); // open pipe to ffmpeg's stdin in binary write mode #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) Pi::ffmpegFile = _popen(cmd, "wb"); #else Pi::ffmpegFile = _popen(cmd, "w"); #endif } else { Output("Video Recording ended.\n"); if (Pi::ffmpegFile != nullptr) { _pclose(Pi::ffmpegFile); Pi::ffmpegFile = nullptr; } } break; #if WITH_DEVKEYS case SDLK_i: // Toggle Debug info Pi::showDebugInfo = !Pi::showDebugInfo; break; #ifdef PIONEER_PROFILER case SDLK_p: // alert it that we want to profile if (input.KeyState(SDLK_LSHIFT) || input.KeyState(SDLK_RSHIFT)) Pi::doProfileOne = true; else { Pi::doProfileSlow = !Pi::doProfileSlow; Output("slow frame profiling %s\n", Pi::doProfileSlow ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } break; #endif case SDLK_F12: { if (Pi::game) { vector3d dir = -Pi::player->GetOrient().VectorZ(); /* add test object */ if (input.KeyState(SDLK_RSHIFT)) { Missile *missile = new Missile(ShipType::MISSILE_GUIDED, Pi::player); missile->SetOrient(Pi::player->GetOrient()); missile->SetFrame(Pi::player->GetFrame()); missile->SetPosition(Pi::player->GetPosition() + 50.0 * dir); missile->SetVelocity(Pi::player->GetVelocity()); game->GetSpace()->AddBody(missile); missile->AIKamikaze(Pi::player->GetCombatTarget()); } else if (input.KeyState(SDLK_LSHIFT)) { SpaceStation *s = static_cast<SpaceStation *>(Pi::player->GetNavTarget()); if (s) { Ship *ship = new Ship(ShipType::POLICE); int port = s->GetFreeDockingPort(ship); if (port != -1) { Output("Putting ship into station\n"); // Make police ship intent on killing the player ship->AIKill(Pi::player); ship->SetFrame(Pi::player->GetFrame()); ship->SetDockedWith(s, port); game->GetSpace()->AddBody(ship); } else { delete ship; Output("No docking ports free dude\n"); } } else { Output("Select a space station...\n"); } } else { Ship *ship = new Ship(ShipType::POLICE); if (!input.KeyState(SDLK_LALT)) { //Left ALT = no AI if (!input.KeyState(SDLK_LCTRL)) ship->AIFlyTo(Pi::player); // a less lethal option else ship->AIKill(Pi::player); // a really lethal option! } lua_State *l = Lua::manager->GetLuaState(); pi_lua_import(l, "Equipment"); LuaTable equip(l, -1); LuaObject<Ship>::CallMethod<>(ship, "AddEquip", equip.Sub("laser").Sub("pulsecannon_dual_1mw")); LuaObject<Ship>::CallMethod<>(ship, "AddEquip", equip.Sub("misc").Sub("laser_cooling_booster")); LuaObject<Ship>::CallMethod<>(ship, "AddEquip", equip.Sub("misc").Sub("atmospheric_shielding")); lua_pop(l, 5); ship->SetFrame(Pi::player->GetFrame()); ship->SetPosition(Pi::player->GetPosition() + 100.0 * dir); ship->SetVelocity(Pi::player->GetVelocity()); ship->UpdateEquipStats(); game->GetSpace()->AddBody(ship); } } break; } #endif /* DEVKEYS */ #if WITH_OBJECTVIEWER case SDLK_F10: Pi::SetView(Pi::game->GetObjectViewerView()); break; #endif case SDLK_F11: // XXX only works on X11 //SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(Pi::scrSurface); #if WITH_DEVKEYS renderer->ReloadShaders(); #endif break; case SDLK_F9: // Quicksave { if (Pi::game) { if (Pi::game->IsHyperspace()) Pi::game->log->Add(Lang::CANT_SAVE_IN_HYPERSPACE); else { const std::string name = "_quicksave"; const std::string path = FileSystem::JoinPath(GetSaveDir(), name); try { Game::SaveGame(name, Pi::game); Pi::game->log->Add(Lang::GAME_SAVED_TO + path); } catch (CouldNotOpenFileException) { Pi::game->log->Add(stringf(Lang::COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILENAME, formatarg("path", path))); } catch (CouldNotWriteToFileException) { Pi::game->log->Add(Lang::GAME_SAVE_CANNOT_WRITE); } } } break; } default: break; // This does nothing but it stops the compiler warnings } } }
void render_window() { game_config = GetGameConfig(); game_levels = GetGameLevels(); game_levels_count = GetGameLevelsCount(); arguments = GetArguments(); user_set = GetUserSettings(); int start_level = get_start_level(); save_dir_full = GetSaveDir(); cache_dir_full = GetCacheDir(); can_cache = (save_dir_full && cache_dir_full); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ApplyArguments(); const SDL_VideoInfo *video_info = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); if (user_set->geom_x > 0 && user_set->geom_y > 0) { disp_x = user_set->geom_x; disp_y = user_set->geom_y; } else { disp_x = video_info->current_w; disp_y = video_info->current_h; } int probe_bpp = (user_set->bpp == 0 ? video_info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel : user_set->bpp); disp_bpp = (probe_bpp == 32 ? probe_bpp : 16); bool rot = TransformGeom(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define BTN_SPACE_KOEF 4.5 int btn_side = disp_y / 7; int btn_space = btn_side / BTN_SPACE_KOEF; int btns_padded_width = btn_side * 4 + btn_space * 5; if (btns_padded_width > disp_x) { //btn_side = ( wnd_w - 5 * ( btn_side / BTN_SPACE_KOEF ) ) / 4 btn_side = (int)(disp_x / (4 + 5 / BTN_SPACE_KOEF)); btn_space = btn_side / BTN_SPACE_KOEF; } int btns_width = btn_side * 4 + btn_space * 3; int font_height = btn_side / 3; int font_padding = font_height / 2; //-- font and labels ----------------------------------------------------------- TTF_Font *font = TTF_OpenFont(DEFAULT_FONT_FILE, font_height); if (!font) { log_error("Can't load font '%s'. Exiting.", DEFAULT_FONT_FILE); return; } SDL_Surface *levelTextSurface = NULL; SDL_Rect levelTextLocation; levelTextLocation.y = font_padding; SDL_Color fontColor = {0}; #ifndef RGBSWAP fontColor.r = 231; fontColor.g = 190; fontColor.b = 114; #else //--enable-rgb-swap fontColor.r = 114; fontColor.g = 190; fontColor.b = 231; #endif /* Window initialization */ ingame = true; Uint32 sdl_flags = SDL_SWSURFACE; if (user_set->fullscreen_mode != FULLSCREEN_NONE) sdl_flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; SDL_Surface *disp = SDL_SetVideoMode(disp_x, disp_y, disp_bpp, sdl_flags); if (disp == NULL) { log_error("Can't set video mode %dx%dx%dbpp. Exiting.", disp_x, disp_y, disp_bpp); return; } screen = disp; SDL_Surface *gui_surface = disp; SDL_WM_SetCaption("Mokomaze", "Mokomaze"); /* Draw loading screen */ SDL_Color whiteColor = {0}; whiteColor.r = whiteColor.g = whiteColor.b = 255; SDL_Surface *titleSurface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, "Loading...", whiteColor); SDL_Rect title_rect; title_rect.x = (disp_x - titleSurface->w) / 2; title_rect.y = (disp_y - titleSurface->h) / 2; title_rect.w = titleSurface->w; title_rect.h = titleSurface->h; SDL_BlitSurface(titleSurface, NULL, screen, &title_rect); SDL_UpdateRect(screen, title_rect.x, title_rect.y, title_rect.w, title_rect.h); SDL_FreeSurface(titleSurface); //-- load pictures ------------------------------------------------------------- SDL_Surface *back_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "prev-main.svg", btn_side, btn_side, false, false); SDL_Surface *forward_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "next-main.svg", btn_side, btn_side, false, false); SDL_Surface *settings_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "settings-main.svg", btn_side, btn_side, false, false); SDL_Surface *exit_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "close-main.svg", btn_side, btn_side, false, false); SDL_Surface *back_i_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "prev-grey.svg", btn_side, btn_side, false, false); SDL_Surface *forward_i_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "next-grey.svg", btn_side, btn_side, false, false); SDL_Surface *back_p_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "prev-light.svg", btn_side, btn_side, false, false); SDL_Surface *forward_p_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "next-light.svg", btn_side, btn_side, false, false); int tmpx = (rot ? game_config.wnd_h : game_config.wnd_w); int tmpy = (rot ? game_config.wnd_w : game_config.wnd_h); desk_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "desk.svg", tmpx, tmpy, rot, true); wall_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "wall.svg", tmpx, tmpy, rot, true); int hole_d = game_config.hole_r * 2; fin_pic = LoadSvg(MDIR "openmoko.svg", hole_d, hole_d, rot, false); if (LoadImgErrors > 0) { log_error("Some images were not loaded. Exiting."); return; } //-- positions of buttons ------------------------------------------------------ SDL_Rect gui_rect_1, gui_rect_2, gui_rect_3, gui_rect_4; gui_rect_1.y = gui_rect_2.y = gui_rect_3.y = gui_rect_4.y = levelTextLocation.y + font_height + font_padding; gui_rect_1.x = (disp_x - btns_width) / 2; gui_rect_2.x = gui_rect_1.x + btn_side + btn_space; gui_rect_3.x = gui_rect_2.x + btn_side + btn_space; gui_rect_4.x = gui_rect_3.x + btn_side + btn_space; //-- for click detection ------------------------------------------------------- Box gui_box_1, gui_box_2, gui_box_3, gui_box_4; gui_box_1.x1 = gui_rect_1.x; gui_box_1.y1 = gui_rect_1.y; gui_box_1.x2 = gui_rect_1.x + btn_side; gui_box_1.y2 = gui_rect_1.y + btn_side; gui_box_2.x1 = gui_rect_2.x; gui_box_2.y1 = gui_rect_2.y; gui_box_2.x2 = gui_rect_2.x + btn_side; gui_box_2.y2 = gui_rect_2.y + btn_side; gui_box_3.x1 = gui_rect_3.x; gui_box_3.y1 = gui_rect_3.y; gui_box_3.x2 = gui_rect_3.x + btn_side; gui_box_3.y2 = gui_rect_3.y + btn_side; gui_box_4.x1 = gui_rect_4.x; gui_box_4.y1 = gui_rect_4.y; gui_box_4.x2 = gui_rect_4.x + btn_side; gui_box_4.y2 = gui_rect_4.y + btn_side; //create surface for rendering the level render_pic = CreateSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, game_config.wnd_w, game_config.wnd_h, disp); if (user_set->scrolling) screen = CreateSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, game_config.wnd_w, game_config.wnd_h, disp); if (user_set->fullscreen_mode != FULLSCREEN_NONE) SDL_ShowCursor(!ingame); desk_rect.x = 0; desk_rect.y = 0; desk_rect.w = game_config.wnd_w; desk_rect.h = game_config.wnd_h; SDL_Rect ball_rect; int disp_scroll_border = min(disp_x, disp_y) * 0.27; SDL_Rect screen_rect; screen_rect.x = 0; screen_rect.y = 0; screen_rect.w = disp_x; screen_rect.h = disp_y; SDL_Rect disp_rect; disp_rect = screen_rect; SDL_Color ballColor = {0}; ballColor.r = 255; ballColor.g = 127; ballColor.b = 0; User user_set_new = *user_set; bool video_set_modified = false; /* Settings window initialization */ settings_init(disp, font_height, user_set, &user_set_new); /* Render initialization */ InitRender(); /* Input system initialization */ input_get_dummy(&input); SetInput(); /* Vibro system initialization */ vibro_get_dummy(&vibro); SetVibro(); /* MazeCore initialization */ maze_init(); maze_set_config(game_config); maze_set_vibro_callback(BumpVibrate); maze_set_levels_data(game_levels, game_levels_count); cur_level = start_level; RenderLevel(); RedrawDesk(); maze_set_level(cur_level); ResetPrevPos(); SDL_Event event; bool done = false; bool redraw_all = true; bool ingame_changed = false; int prev_ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); Point mouse = {0}; //== Game Loop ================================================================= while (!done) { bool wasclick = false; bool show_settings = false; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { bool btndown = false; bool btnesc = false; if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { done = true; } else if (event.type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT) { int g = event.active.gain; int s = event.active.state; if (ingame && !g && ((s & SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS) || (s & SDL_APPACTIVE))) { btndown = true; } } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { mouse.x = event.motion.x; mouse.y = event.motion.y; } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { StopFastChange(); } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { btndown = true; } else if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { switch(event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_q: case SDLK_ESCAPE: btnesc = true; case SDLK_SPACE: case SDLK_p: case SDLK_PAUSE: btndown = true; break; default: break; } } else if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP) { switch(event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_q: case SDLK_ESCAPE: if( !wasclick || ingame || show_settings ) StopFastChange(); else done = true; break; case SDLK_SPACE: case SDLK_p: case SDLK_PAUSE: StopFastChange(); break; default: break; } } if (btndown) { if (!ingame) { if (inbox(mouse.x, mouse.y, gui_box_1) && !btnesc) { if (cur_level > 0) { SDL_BlitSurface(back_p_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_1); SDL_UpdateRect(gui_surface, gui_rect_1.x, gui_rect_1.y, gui_rect_1.w, gui_rect_1.h); ChangeLevel(cur_level-1, &redraw_all, &wasclick); fastchange_step = -10; StopFastChange(); fastchange_timer = SDL_AddTimer(FASTCHANGE_INTERVAL, fastchange_callback, NULL); } continue; } else if (inbox(mouse.x, mouse.y, gui_box_2) && !btnesc) { if (cur_level < game_levels_count - 1) { SDL_BlitSurface(forward_p_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_2); SDL_UpdateRect(gui_surface, gui_rect_2.x, gui_rect_2.y, gui_rect_2.w, gui_rect_2.h); ChangeLevel(cur_level+1, &redraw_all, &wasclick); fastchange_step = +10; StopFastChange(); fastchange_timer = SDL_AddTimer(FASTCHANGE_INTERVAL, fastchange_callback, NULL); } continue; } else if (inbox(mouse.x, mouse.y, gui_box_3) && !btnesc) { show_settings = true; RedrawDesk(); redraw_all = true; wasclick = true; continue; } else if (inbox(mouse.x, mouse.y, gui_box_4) || btnesc) { done = true; continue; } } ingame_changed = true; } //if (btndown) } if (ingame_changed) { ingame = !ingame; if (!ingame) { wasclick = true; } else { RedrawDesk(); redraw_all = true; } if (user_set->fullscreen_mode == FULLSCREEN_INGAME) SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(disp); if (user_set->fullscreen_mode != FULLSCREEN_NONE) SDL_ShowCursor(!ingame); prev_ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); ingame_changed = false; } if ((!ingame) && (!wasclick) && (must_fastchange)) { int new_cur_level = cur_level + fastchange_dostep; clamp_max(new_cur_level, game_levels_count - 1); clamp_min(new_cur_level, 0); if (new_cur_level != cur_level) { if (fastchange_dostep < 0) { SDL_BlitSurface(back_p_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_1); SDL_UpdateRect(gui_surface, gui_rect_1.x, gui_rect_1.y, gui_rect_1.w, gui_rect_1.h); } else { SDL_BlitSurface(forward_p_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_2); SDL_UpdateRect(gui_surface, gui_rect_2.x, gui_rect_2.y, gui_rect_2.w, gui_rect_2.h); } ChangeLevel(new_cur_level, &redraw_all, &wasclick); } must_fastchange = false; } if (!ingame && !wasclick) { SDL_Delay(user_set->frame_delay); continue; } //-- physics step -------------------------------------------------------------- int ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); int delta_ticks = ticks - prev_ticks; prev_ticks = ticks; clamp_min(delta_ticks, 1); clamp_max(delta_ticks, 1000 / 15); float acx = 0, acy = 0; input.read(&acx, &acy, NULL); if (input_cal_cycle) input_cal_cycle = (input_calibration_sample(&user_set->input_calibration_data, &acx, &acy, NULL) < MAX_CALIBRATION_SAMPLES); input_calibration_adjust(&user_set->input_calibration_data, &acx, &acy, NULL); maze_set_speed(user_set->ball_speed); maze_set_tilt(acx, acy, 0); GameState game_state = maze_step(delta_ticks); const dReal *R; int tk_px, tk_py, tk_pz; maze_get_ball(&tk_px, &tk_py, &tk_pz, &R); maze_get_animations(&keys_anim, &final_anim); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //restore the background ball_rect.w = game_config.ball_r * 2; ball_rect.h = game_config.ball_r * 2; // ball_rect.x = prev_px - game_config.ball_r; ball_rect.y = prev_py - game_config.ball_r; SDL_BlitSurface(render_pic, &ball_rect, screen, &ball_rect); UpdateBufAnimation(); DrawBall(tk_px, tk_py, tk_pz, R, ballColor); //update the screen if (!redraw_all && !user_set->scrolling) { int min_px, max_px; int min_py, max_py; if (prev_px <= tk_px) { min_px = prev_px; max_px = tk_px; } else { min_px = tk_px; max_px = prev_px; } if (prev_py <= tk_py) { min_py = prev_py; max_py = tk_py; } else { min_py = tk_py; max_py = prev_py; } min_px -= game_config.ball_r; max_px += game_config.ball_r; min_py -= game_config.ball_r; max_py += game_config.ball_r; clamp_min(min_px, 0); clamp_max(max_px, game_config.wnd_w - 1); clamp_min(min_py, 0); clamp_max(max_py, game_config.wnd_h - 1); SDL_UpdateRect(screen, min_px, min_py, max_px - min_px, max_py - min_py); UpdateScreenAnimation(); } if (user_set->scrolling) { clamp_min(screen_rect.x, tk_px - disp_x + disp_scroll_border); clamp_max(screen_rect.x, tk_px - disp_scroll_border); clamp_min(screen_rect.y, tk_py - disp_y + disp_scroll_border); clamp_max(screen_rect.y, tk_py - disp_scroll_border); clamp(screen_rect.x, 0, game_config.wnd_w - disp_x); clamp(screen_rect.y, 0, game_config.wnd_h - disp_y); SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &screen_rect, disp, &disp_rect); } prev_px = tk_px; prev_py = tk_py; //-- GUI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wasclick && !ingame && !show_settings) { char txt[32]; sprintf(txt, "Level %d/%d", cur_level + 1, game_levels_count); SDL_FreeSurface(levelTextSurface); levelTextSurface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, txt, fontColor); levelTextLocation.x = (disp_x - levelTextSurface->w) / 2; SDL_BlitSurface(levelTextSurface, NULL, gui_surface, &levelTextLocation); if (cur_level > 0) SDL_BlitSurface(back_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_1); else SDL_BlitSurface(back_i_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_1); if (cur_level < game_levels_count - 1) SDL_BlitSurface(forward_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_2); else SDL_BlitSurface(forward_i_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_2); SDL_BlitSurface(settings_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_3); SDL_BlitSurface(exit_pic, NULL, gui_surface, &gui_rect_4); redraw_all = true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //update the whole screen if needed if (user_set->scrolling) { SDL_Flip(disp); } else if (redraw_all) { SDL_Flip(screen); } redraw_all = false; if (show_settings) { bool _video_set_modified = false; bool _input_set_modified = false; bool _vibro_set_modified = false; settings_show(&input_cal_cycle, &_video_set_modified, &_input_set_modified, &_vibro_set_modified); if (input_cal_cycle) input_calibration_reset(); if (_video_set_modified) video_set_modified = true; if (_input_set_modified) SetInput(); if (_vibro_set_modified) SetVibro(); SDL_GetMouseState(&mouse.x, &mouse.y); ingame_changed = true; } switch (game_state) { case GAME_STATE_FAILED: RedrawDesk(); maze_restart_level(); ResetPrevPos(); redraw_all = true; break; case GAME_STATE_SAVED: RedrawDesk(); maze_reload_level(); ResetPrevPos(); redraw_all = true; break; case GAME_STATE_WIN: if (++cur_level >= game_levels_count) cur_level=0; RenderLevel(); RedrawDesk(); maze_set_level(cur_level); ResetPrevPos(); redraw_all = true; break; default: break; } SDL_Delay(user_set->frame_delay); } //============================================================================== if (video_set_modified) { user_set->scrolling = user_set_new.scrolling; user_set->geom_x = user_set_new.geom_x; user_set->geom_y = user_set_new.geom_y; user_set->bpp = user_set_new.bpp; user_set->fullscreen_mode = user_set_new.fullscreen_mode; user_set->frame_delay = user_set_new.frame_delay; } user_set->level = cur_level + 1; SaveUserSettings(); settings_shutdown(); SDL_FreeSurface(levelTextSurface); TTF_CloseFont(font); vibro.shutdown(); input.shutdown(); }
bool SavedataParam::Save(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId) { if (!param) { return false; } std::string dirPath = GetSaveFilePath(param, saveId); if (!pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(dirPath).exists) pspFileSystem.MkDir(dirPath); u8* cryptedData = 0; int cryptedSize = 0; u8 cryptedHash[0x10]; memset(cryptedHash,0,0x10); // Encrypt save. if(param->dataBuf != 0 && g_Config.bEncryptSave) { cryptedSize = param->dataSize; if(cryptedSize == 0 || (SceSize)cryptedSize > param->dataBufSize) cryptedSize = param->dataBufSize; // fallback, should never use this u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->dataBuf); int aligned_len = align16(cryptedSize); cryptedData = new u8[aligned_len + 0x10]; memcpy(cryptedData, data_, cryptedSize); int decryptMode = 1; if(param->key[0] != 0) { decryptMode = (GetSDKMainVersion(sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion()) >= 4 ? 5 : 3); } if(EncryptData(decryptMode, cryptedData, &cryptedSize, &aligned_len, cryptedHash, ((param->key[0] != 0)?param->key:0)) == 0) { } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Save encryption failed. This save won't work on real PSP"); delete[] cryptedData; cryptedData = 0; } } // SAVE PARAM.SFO ParamSFOData sfoFile; std::string sfopath = dirPath+"/"+sfoName; PSPFileInfo sfoInfo = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(sfopath); if(sfoInfo.exists) // Read old sfo if exist { u8 *sfoData = new u8[(size_t)sfoInfo.size]; size_t sfoSize = (size_t)sfoInfo.size; if(ReadPSPFile(sfopath,&sfoData,sfoSize, NULL)) { sfoFile.ReadSFO(sfoData,sfoSize); delete[] sfoData; } } // Update values sfoFile.SetValue("TITLE",param->sfoParam.title,128); sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_TITLE",param->sfoParam.savedataTitle,128); sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_DETAIL",param->sfoParam.detail,1024); sfoFile.SetValue("PARENTAL_LEVEL",param->sfoParam.parentalLevel,4); sfoFile.SetValue("CATEGORY","MS",4); sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY",GetSaveDir(param,saveId),64); // For each file, 13 bytes for filename, 16 bytes for file hash (0 in PPSSPP), 3 byte for padding const int FILE_LIST_ITEM_SIZE = 13 + 16 + 3; const int FILE_LIST_COUNT_MAX = 99; const int FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE = FILE_LIST_ITEM_SIZE * FILE_LIST_COUNT_MAX; u32 tmpDataSize = 0; u8* tmpDataOrig = sfoFile.GetValueData("SAVEDATA_FILE_LIST", &tmpDataSize); u8* tmpData = new u8[FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE]; if (tmpDataOrig != NULL) memcpy(tmpData, tmpDataOrig, tmpDataSize > FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE ? FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE : tmpDataSize); else memset(tmpData, 0, FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE); if (param->dataBuf != 0) { char *fName = (char*)tmpData; for(int i = 0; i < FILE_LIST_COUNT_MAX; i++) { if(fName[0] == 0) break; // End of list if(strncmp(fName,GetFileName(param).c_str(),20) == 0) break; fName += FILE_LIST_ITEM_SIZE; } if (fName + 13 <= (char*)tmpData + FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE) snprintf(fName, 13, "%s",GetFileName(param).c_str()); if (fName + 13 + 16 <= (char*)tmpData + FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE) memcpy(fName+13, cryptedHash, 16); } sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_FILE_LIST", tmpData, FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE, FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE); delete[] tmpData; // Init param with 0. This will be used to detect crypted save or not on loading tmpData = new u8[128]; memset(tmpData, 0, 128); sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_PARAMS", tmpData, 128, 128); delete[] tmpData; u8 *sfoData; size_t sfoSize; sfoFile.WriteSFO(&sfoData,&sfoSize); // Calc SFO hash for PSP. if(cryptedData != 0) { int offset = sfoFile.GetDataOffset(sfoData,"SAVEDATA_PARAMS"); if(offset >= 0) UpdateHash(sfoData, sfoSize, offset, (param->key[0]?3:1)); } WritePSPFile(sfopath, sfoData, (SceSize)sfoSize); delete[] sfoData; if(param->dataBuf != 0) // Can launch save without save data in mode 13 { std::string filePath = dirPath+"/"+GetFileName(param); u8* data_ = 0; SceSize saveSize = 0; if(cryptedData == 0) // Save decrypted data { saveSize = param->dataSize; if(saveSize == 0 || saveSize > param->dataBufSize) saveSize = param->dataBufSize; // fallback, should never use this data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->dataBuf); } else { data_ = cryptedData; saveSize = cryptedSize; } INFO_LOG(HLE,"Saving file with size %u in %s",saveSize,filePath.c_str()); // copy back save name in request strncpy(param->saveName,GetSaveDirName(param, saveId).c_str(),20); if (!WritePSPFile(filePath, data_, saveSize)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Error writing file %s",filePath.c_str()); if(cryptedData != 0) { delete[] cryptedData; } return false; } delete[] cryptedData; } // SAVE ICON0 if (param->icon0FileData.buf) { u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->icon0FileData.buf); std::string icon0path = dirPath+"/"+icon0Name; WritePSPFile(icon0path, data_, param->icon0FileData.bufSize); } // SAVE ICON1 if (param->icon1FileData.buf) { u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->icon1FileData.buf); std::string icon1path = dirPath+"/"+icon1Name; WritePSPFile(icon1path, data_, param->icon1FileData.bufSize); } // SAVE PIC1 if (param->pic1FileData.buf) { u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->pic1FileData.buf); std::string pic1path = dirPath+"/"+pic1Name; WritePSPFile(pic1path, data_, param->pic1FileData.bufSize); } // Save SND if (param->snd0FileData.buf) { u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->snd0FileData.buf); std::string snd0path = dirPath+"/"+snd0Name; WritePSPFile(snd0path, data_, param->snd0FileData.bufSize); } // Save Encryption Data { EncryptFileInfo encryptInfo; SceSize dataSize = sizeof(encryptInfo); // version + key + sdkVersion memset(&encryptInfo,0,dataSize); encryptInfo.fileVersion = 1; encryptInfo.sdkVersion = sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion(); if(param->size > 1500) memcpy(encryptInfo.key,param->key,16); std::string encryptInfoPath = dirPath+"/"+"ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN"; WritePSPFile(encryptInfoPath, (u8*)&encryptInfo, dataSize); } return true; }
void Pi::HandleEvents() { SDL_Event event; Pi::mouseMotion[0] = Pi::mouseMotion[1] = 0; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { if (Pi::game) Pi::EndGame(); Pi::Quit(); } else if (ui->DispatchSDLEvent(event)) continue; Gui::HandleSDLEvent(&event); if (!Pi::IsConsoleActive()) KeyBindings::DispatchSDLEvent(&event); else KeyBindings::toggleLuaConsole.CheckSDLEventAndDispatch(&event); switch (event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { if (Pi::game) { // only accessible once game started if (currentView != 0) { if (currentView != gameMenuView) { Pi::game->SetTimeAccel(Game::TIMEACCEL_PAUSED); SetView(gameMenuView); } else { Pi::game->RequestTimeAccel(Game::TIMEACCEL_1X); SetView(Pi::player->IsDead() ? static_cast<View*>(deathView) : static_cast<View*>(worldView)); } } } break; } // special keys. LCTRL+turd if ((KeyState(SDLK_LCTRL) || (KeyState(SDLK_RCTRL)))) { switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_q: // Quit if (Pi::game) Pi::EndGame(); Pi::Quit(); break; case SDLK_PRINT: // print case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: // screen { char buf[256]; const time_t t = time(0); struct tm *_tm = localtime(&t); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "screenshot-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.png", _tm); Screendump(buf, Graphics::GetScreenWidth(), Graphics::GetScreenHeight()); break; } #if WITH_DEVKEYS case SDLK_i: // Toggle Debug info Pi::showDebugInfo = !Pi::showDebugInfo; break; case SDLK_m: // Gimme money! if(Pi::game) { Pi::player->SetMoney(Pi::player->GetMoney() + 10000000); } break; case SDLK_F12: { if(Pi::game) { vector3d dir = -Pi::player->GetOrient().VectorZ(); /* add test object */ if (KeyState(SDLK_RSHIFT)) { Missile *missile = new Missile(ShipType::MISSILE_GUIDED, Pi::player, Pi::player->GetCombatTarget()); missile->SetOrient(Pi::player->GetOrient()); missile->SetFrame(Pi::player->GetFrame()); missile->SetPosition(Pi::player->GetPosition()+50.0*dir); missile->SetVelocity(Pi::player->GetVelocity()); game->GetSpace()->AddBody(missile); } else if (KeyState(SDLK_LSHIFT)) { SpaceStation *s = static_cast<SpaceStation*>(Pi::player->GetNavTarget()); if (s) { int port = s->GetFreeDockingPort(); if (port != -1) { printf("Putting ship into station\n"); // Make police ship intent on killing the player Ship *ship = new Ship(ShipType::LADYBIRD); ship->AIKill(Pi::player); ship->SetFrame(Pi::player->GetFrame()); ship->SetDockedWith(s, port); game->GetSpace()->AddBody(ship); } else { printf("No docking ports free dude\n"); } } else { printf("Select a space station...\n"); } } else { Ship *ship = new Ship(ShipType::LADYBIRD); ship->m_equipment.Set(Equip::SLOT_LASER, 0, Equip::PULSECANNON_1MW); ship->AIKill(Pi::player); ship->SetFrame(Pi::player->GetFrame()); ship->SetPosition(Pi::player->GetPosition()+100.0*dir); ship->SetVelocity(Pi::player->GetVelocity()); ship->m_equipment.Add(Equip::DRIVE_CLASS2); ship->m_equipment.Add(Equip::RADAR_MAPPER); ship->m_equipment.Add(Equip::SCANNER); ship->m_equipment.Add(Equip::SHIELD_GENERATOR); ship->m_equipment.Add(Equip::HYDROGEN, 10); ship->UpdateStats(); game->GetSpace()->AddBody(ship); } } break; } #endif /* DEVKEYS */ #if WITH_OBJECTVIEWER case SDLK_F10: Pi::SetView(Pi::objectViewerView); break; #endif case SDLK_F11: // XXX only works on X11 //SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(Pi::scrSurface); #if WITH_DEVKEYS renderer->ReloadShaders(); #endif break; case SDLK_F9: // Quicksave { if(Pi::game) { if (Pi::game->IsHyperspace()) Pi::cpan->MsgLog()->Message("", Lang::CANT_SAVE_IN_HYPERSPACE); else { const std::string name = "_quicksave"; const std::string path = FileSystem::JoinPath(GetSaveDir(), name); try { Game::SaveGame(name, Pi::game); Pi::cpan->MsgLog()->Message("", Lang::GAME_SAVED_TO + path); } catch (CouldNotOpenFileException) { Pi::cpan->MsgLog()->Message("", stringf(Lang::COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILENAME, formatarg("path", path))); } catch (CouldNotWriteToFileException) { Pi::cpan->MsgLog()->Message("", Lang::GAME_SAVE_CANNOT_WRITE); } } } break; } default: break; // This does nothing but it stops the compiler warnings } } Pi::keyState[event.key.keysym.sym] = 1; Pi::keyModState = event.key.keysym.mod; Pi::onKeyPress.emit(&event.key.keysym); break; case SDL_KEYUP: Pi::keyState[event.key.keysym.sym] = 0; Pi::keyModState = event.key.keysym.mod; Pi::onKeyRelease.emit(&event.key.keysym); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (event.button.button < COUNTOF(Pi::mouseButton)) { Pi::mouseButton[event.button.button] = 1; Pi::onMouseButtonDown.emit(event.button.button, event.button.x, event.button.y); } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (event.button.button < COUNTOF(Pi::mouseButton)) { Pi::mouseButton[event.button.button] = 0; Pi::onMouseButtonUp.emit(event.button.button, event.button.x, event.button.y); } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: Pi::mouseMotion[0] += event.motion.xrel; Pi::mouseMotion[1] += event.motion.yrel; // SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&Pi::mouseMotion[0], &Pi::mouseMotion[1]); break; case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: if (joysticks[event.jaxis.which].joystick == NULL) break; if (event.jaxis.value == -32768) joysticks[event.jaxis.which].axes[event.jaxis.axis] = 1.f; else joysticks[event.jaxis.which].axes[event.jaxis.axis] = -event.jaxis.value / 32767.f; break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: if (joysticks[event.jaxis.which].joystick == NULL) break; joysticks[event.jbutton.which].buttons[event.jbutton.button] = event.jbutton.state != 0; break; case SDL_JOYHATMOTION: if (joysticks[event.jaxis.which].joystick == NULL) break; joysticks[event.jhat.which].hats[event.jhat.hat] = event.jhat.value; break; } } }
/** ** Save a game to file. ** ** @param filename File name to be stored. ** @return -1 if saving failed, 0 if all OK ** ** @note Later we want to store in a more compact binary format. */ int SaveGame(const std::string &filename) { CFile file; std::string fullpath(GetSaveDir()); fullpath += "/"; fullpath += filename; if (file.open(fullpath.c_str(), CL_WRITE_GZ | CL_OPEN_WRITE) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't save to `%s'\n", filename.c_str()); return -1; } time_t now; char dateStr[64]; time(&now); const struct tm *timeinfo = localtime(&now); strftime(dateStr, sizeof(dateStr), "%c", timeinfo); // Load initial level // Without units file.printf("local oldCreateUnit = CreateUnit\n"); file.printf("local oldSetResourcesHeld = SetResourcesHeld\n"); file.printf("local oldSetTile = SetTile\n"); file.printf("function CreateUnit() end\n"); file.printf("function SetResourcesHeld() end\n"); file.printf("function SetTile() end\n"); file.printf("Load(\"%s\")\n", Map.Info.Filename.c_str()); file.printf("CreateUnit = oldCreateUnit\n"); file.printf("SetResourcesHeld = oldSetResourcesHeld\n"); file.printf("SetTile = oldSetTile\n"); // // Parseable header // file.printf("SavedGameInfo({\n"); file.printf("--- \"comment\", \"Generated by Stratagus Version " VERSION "\",\n"); file.printf("--- \"comment\", \"Visit https://launchpad.net/stratagus for more informations\",\n"); file.printf("--- \"type\", \"%s\",\n", "single-player"); file.printf("--- \"date\", \"%s\",\n", dateStr); file.printf("--- \"map\", \"%s\",\n", Map.Info.Description.c_str()); file.printf("--- \"media-version\", \"%s\"", "Undefined"); file.printf("--- \"engine\", {%d, %d, %d},\n", StratagusMajorVersion, StratagusMinorVersion, StratagusPatchLevel); file.printf(" SyncHash = %d, \n", SyncHash); file.printf(" SyncRandSeed = %d, \n", SyncRandSeed); file.printf(" SaveFile = \"%s\"\n", CurrentMapPath); file.printf("\n--- \"preview\", \"%s.pam\",\n", filename.c_str()); file.printf("} )\n\n"); // FIXME: probably not the right place for this file.printf("GameCycle = %lu\n", GameCycle); file.printf("SetGodMode(%s)\n", GodMode ? "true" : "false"); SaveUnitTypes(file); SaveUpgrades(file); SavePlayers(file); Map.Save(file); UnitManager.Save(file); SaveUserInterface(file); SaveAi(file); SaveSelections(file); SaveGroups(file); SaveMissiles(file); SaveReplayList(file); // FIXME: find all state information which must be saved. const std::string s = SaveGlobal(Lua); if (!s.empty()) { file.printf("-- Lua state\n\n %s\n", s.c_str()); } SaveTriggers(file); //Triggers are saved in SaveGlobal, so load it after Global file.close(); return 0; }