예제 #1
void Canvas::set_zoom(int zoom, wxPoint center)
        /* Overpaint old image */
        wxClientDC dc(this);
        wxPen pen( *wxLIGHT_GREY );
        wxBrush brush( *wxLIGHT_GREY );
        dc.SetPen( pen );
        dc.SetBrush( brush );
        dc.DrawRectangle( canvas_coords(
            wxRect(0, 0, contents->GetWidth(), contents->GetHeight())) );

    if ( center == wxDefaultPosition ) {
        int xl, yl, xs, ys, xr, yr;
        GetViewStart( &xl, &yl );
        GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &xr, &yr );
        GetClientSize( &xs, &ys );
        center.x = xl*xr + xs / 2;
        center.y = yl*yr + ys / 2;
        center = image_coords( wxRect( center, wxSize(1,1) ) ).GetTopLeft();

    if ( zoom < 0 ) {
        zoom_out_level = -zoom+1;
        zoom_in_level = 1;
    } else {
        zoom_out_level = 1;
        zoom_in_level = zoom+1;
    if ( zcl )
        zcl->zoom_changed( zoom );
    wxSize new_size( contents->GetWidth(), contents->GetHeight() );
    SetVirtualSize( canvas_coords( new_size ).GetSize() );

    int xr, yr;
    GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &xr, &yr );
    wxRect viewport = get_visible_region();

    /* Transform center to new scroll coordinates. */
    wxPoint top_left = 
                canvas_coords( wxRect( center, wxSize(1,1) ) )
    Scroll( top_left.x / xr, top_left.y / yr );

    wxClientDC dc(this);
    DoPrepareDC( dc );

    wxRect canvas_region = get_visible_region();
    wxBitmap bitmap = zoomed_bitmap_for_canvas_region( canvas_region );
    dc.DrawBitmap( bitmap, canvas_region.GetTopLeft() );

예제 #2
/// Get the overall rect of the given item
bool InstanceCtrl::GetItemRect( VisualCoord item, wxRect& rect, bool view_relative )
	if (item.groupIndex < GetCount())
		int row, col;
		if (!GetRowCol(item, row, col))
			return false;
		GroupVisual & gv = m_groups[item.groupIndex];
		wxSize bsz = GetWindowBorderSize();
		int x = col * (m_itemWidth + m_spacing) + m_spacing + bsz.GetWidth() / 2;
		int y = gv.y_position + gv.row_ys[row] + m_spacing;
		if (view_relative)
			int startX, startY;
			int xppu, yppu;
			GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(& xppu, & yppu);
			GetViewStart(& startX, & startY);
			x = x - startX * xppu;
			y = y - startY * yppu;
		rect.x = x;
		rect.y = y;
		rect.width = m_itemWidth;
		rect.height = GetItemHeight(item);
		return true;
	return false;
예제 #3
void WinEDA_DrawPanel::SetBoundaryBox(void)
BASE_SCREEN * Screen = GetScreen();;
wxPoint org;
int ii, jj;

	Screen->m_SizeVisu = GetClientSize();
	GetViewStart(&org.x, &org.y);

	GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&ii, &jj);
	org.x *= ii; org.y *= jj;
	Screen->m_StartVisu = org;


#ifdef WX_ZOOM
	m_ClipBox.m_Pos.x *= GetZoom();
	m_ClipBox.m_Pos.y *= GetZoom();
	m_ClipBox.m_Size.x *= GetZoom();
	m_ClipBox.m_Size.y *= GetZoom();
	m_ClipBox.m_Pos.x -= GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.x;
	m_ClipBox.m_Pos.y -= GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.y;

	m_ScrollButt_unit = MIN( Screen->m_SizeVisu.x, Screen->m_SizeVisu.y ) / 4;
	if ( m_ScrollButt_unit < 2 ) m_ScrollButt_unit = 2;

	Screen->m_ScrollbarPos.x = GetScrollPos(wxHORIZONTAL);
	Screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y = GetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL);
예제 #4
void BrushIconBox::EnsureVisible(BrushButton* btn)
	int windowSizeX, windowSizeY;
	GetVirtualSize(&windowSizeX, &windowSizeY);

	int scrollUnitX;
	int scrollUnitY;
	GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&scrollUnitX, &scrollUnitY);

	wxRect rect = btn->GetRect();
	int y;
	CalcUnscrolledPosition(0, rect.y, nullptr, &y);

	int maxScrollPos = windowSizeY / scrollUnitY;
	int scrollPosY = std::min(maxScrollPos, (y / scrollUnitY));

	int startScrollPosY;
	GetViewStart(nullptr, &startScrollPosY);

	int clientSizeX, clientSizeY;
	GetClientSize(&clientSizeX, &clientSizeY);
	int endScrollPosY = startScrollPosY + clientSizeY / scrollUnitY;

	if(scrollPosY < startScrollPosY || scrollPosY > endScrollPosY){
		//only scroll if the button isnt visible
		Scroll(-1, scrollPosY);
예제 #5
void InstanceCtrl::EnsureRectVisible ( wxRect rect )
	int ppuX, ppuY;
	GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(& ppuX, & ppuY);
	if (ppuY == 0)
	int startX, startY;
	GetViewStart(& startX, & startY);
	startX = 0;
	startY = startY * ppuY;
	int sx, sy;
	GetVirtualSize(& sx, & sy);
	sx = 0;
	if (ppuY != 0)
		sy = sy / ppuY;
	wxSize clientSize = GetClientSize();
	if ((rect.y + rect.height) > (clientSize.y + startY))
		// Make it scroll so this item is at the bottom
		// of the window
		int y = rect.y - (clientSize.y - rect.height - m_spacing) ;
		SetScrollbars(ppuX, ppuY, sx, sy, 0, (int)(0.5 + y / ppuY));
	else if (rect.y < startY)
		// Make it scroll so this item is at the top
		// of the window
		int y = rect.y ;
		SetScrollbars(ppuX, ppuY, sx, sy, 0, (int)(0.5 + y / ppuY));
예제 #6
wxRect wxImageBox::getPaintRect()
  wxSize size = GetClientSize();
  wxRect paintRect(0, 0, size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight());
  GetViewStart(&paintRect.x, &paintRect.y);
  int xu,yu;
  GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&xu, &yu);
  paintRect.x *= xu; paintRect.y *= yu;
  return paintRect;
예제 #7
    //is always needed to make sure we know where the cursor is


    int x0,y0,x1,y1, dx, dy;

    // Calculate where the top of the visible area is:
    GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&dx, &dy);
    x0 *= dx; y0 *= dy;

    WXLO_DEBUG(("ScrollToCursor: GetViewStart is %d/%d", x0, y0));

    // Get the size of the visible window:
    GetClientSize(&x1, &y1);

    // Make sure that the scrollbars are at a position so that the cursor is
    // visible if we are editing
    WXLO_DEBUG(("m_ScrollToCursor = %d", (int) m_ScrollToCursor));
    wxPoint cc = m_llist->GetCursorScreenPos();

    // the cursor should be completely visible in both directions
    wxPoint cs(m_llist->GetCursorSize());
    int nx = -1,
        ny = -1;

    if ( cc.x < x0 || cc.x >= x0 + x1 - cs.x )
        nx = cc.x - x1/2;
        if ( nx < 0 )
            nx = 0;

    if ( cc.y < y0 || cc.y >= y0 + y1 - cs.y )
        ny = cc.y - y1/2;
        if ( ny < 0)
            ny = 0;

    if( nx != -1 || ny != -1 )
        // set new view start
        Scroll(nx == -1 ? -1 : (nx+dx-1)/dx, ny == -1 ? -1 : (ny+dy-1)/dy);
        // avoid recursion
        m_ScrollToCursor = false;
예제 #8
// Returns the current scroll position
wxPoint wxShapeCanvas::GetCurrentPixelScrollPosition()
	int pixelsPerUnitX, pixelsPerUnitY;
	GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(& pixelsPerUnitX, & pixelsPerUnitY);

	int posX, posY;
	GetViewStart(& posX, & posY);

	wxPoint pt(pixelsPerUnitX * posX, pixelsPerUnitY * posY);
	return pt;
예제 #9
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnPan( wxCommandEvent& event )
    int x, y;
    int ppux, ppuy;
    int unitsX, unitsY;
    int maxX, maxY;

    GetViewStart( &x, &y );
    GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
    GetVirtualSize( &unitsX, &unitsY );
    maxX = unitsX;
    maxY = unitsY;
    unitsX /= ppux;
    unitsY /= ppuy;

    switch( event.GetId() )
    case ID_PAN_UP:
        y -= m_scrollIncrementY;

    case ID_PAN_DOWN:
        y += m_scrollIncrementY;

    case ID_PAN_LEFT:
        x -= m_scrollIncrementX;

    case ID_PAN_RIGHT:
        x += m_scrollIncrementX;

        wxLogDebug( wxT( "Unknown ID %d in EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnPan()." ), event.GetId() );

    if( x < 0 )
        x = 0;

    if( y < 0 )
        y = 0;

    if( x > maxX )
        x = maxX;

    if( y > maxY )
        y = maxY;

    Scroll( x/ppux, y/ppuy );
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::MoveCursor( const wxPoint& aPosition )
    if( GetParent()->IsGalCanvasActive() )

    int     x, y, xPpu, yPpu;
    wxPoint screenPos, drawingPos;
    wxRect  clientRect( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GetClientSize() );

    INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, this );
    screenPos.x = dc.LogicalToDeviceX( aPosition.x );
    screenPos.y = dc.LogicalToDeviceY( aPosition.y );

    // Scroll if the requested mouse position cursor is outside the drawing area.
    if( !clientRect.Contains( screenPos ) )
        GetViewStart( &x, &y );
        GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &xPpu, &yPpu );
        CalcUnscrolledPosition( screenPos.x, screenPos.y, &drawingPos.x, &drawingPos.y );

        wxLogTrace( kicadTraceCoords,
                    wxT( "MoveCursor() initial screen position(%d, %d) " ) \
                    wxT( "rectangle(%d, %d, %d, %d) view(%d, %d)" ),
                    screenPos.x, screenPos.y, clientRect.x, clientRect.y,
                    clientRect.width, clientRect.height, x, y );

        if( screenPos.y < clientRect.GetTop() )
            y -= m_scrollIncrementY * yPpu;
        else if( screenPos.y > clientRect.GetBottom() )
            y += m_scrollIncrementY * yPpu;
        else if( clientRect.GetRight() < screenPos.x )
            x += m_scrollIncrementX * xPpu;
            x -= m_scrollIncrementX * xPpu;

        Scroll( x, y );
        CalcScrolledPosition( drawingPos.x, drawingPos.y, &screenPos.x, &screenPos.y );

        wxLogTrace( kicadTraceCoords,
                    wxT( "MoveCursor() scrolled screen position(%d, %d) view(%d, %d)" ),
                    screenPos.x, screenPos.y, x, y );

    WarpPointer( screenPos.x, screenPos.y );
예제 #11
wxPoint WinEDA_DrawPanel::CalcAbsolutePosition(const wxPoint & rel_pos)
/* retourne la position absolue en pixels de la position rel_pos,
donnée en position relative scrollée (en pixel)
wxPoint pos;

#ifdef WX_ZOOM
	CalcUnscrolledPosition( rel_pos.x, rel_pos.y, &pos.x, &pos.y );
int ii, jj;
	GetViewStart(&pos.x, &pos.y);
	GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&ii, &jj);
	pos.x *= ii; pos.y *= jj;
	pos.x += rel_pos.x;
	pos.y += rel_pos.y;
	return pos;
예제 #12
wxSize MultiDimGridGrid::DoGetBestSize() const
    // 100 is the default minimal size of a widget - taken from wx headers.
    int width  = std::max(GetRowLabelSize() + GetColSize(0), 100);
    int height = std::max(GetColLabelSize() + GetRowSize(0), 100);

    // The following is from the wx header file for wxScrollWindow:
    // Round up to a multiple the scroll rate NOTE: this still doesn't get rid
    // of the scrollbars, is there any magic incantaion for that?
    int xpu, ypu;
    GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&xpu, &ypu);
        width  += 1 + xpu - (width  % xpu);
        height += 1 + ypu - (height % ypu);

    return wxSize(width, height);
예제 #13
// return the size best suited for the current window
// (this isn't a virtual size, this is a sensible size for the window)
wxSize wxScrolledWindow::DoGetBestSize() const
    wxSize best;

    if ( GetSizer() )
        wxSize b = GetSizer()->GetMinSize();

        // Only use the content to set the window size in the direction
        // where there's no scrolling; otherwise we're going to get a huge
        // window in the direction in which scrolling is enabled
        int ppuX, ppuY;
        GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(& ppuX, & ppuY);

        wxSize minSize;
        if ( GetMinSize().IsFullySpecified() )
            minSize = GetMinSize();
            minSize = GetSize();

        if (ppuX > 0)
            b.x = minSize.x;
        if (ppuY > 0)
            b.y = minSize.y;
        best = b;
        return wxWindow::DoGetBestSize();

    // Add any difference between size and client size
    wxSize diff = GetSize() - GetClientSize();
    best.x += wxMax(0, diff.x);
    best.y += wxMax(0, diff.y);

    return best;
예제 #14
bool InstanceCtrl::GetGroupRect ( int group, wxRect& rect, bool view_relative )
	if (group < GetCount() && group >= 0)
		int w,h;
		GetClientSize(&w, &h);
		GroupVisual & gv = m_groups[group];
		rect.x = 0;
		rect.y = gv.y_position;
		rect.width = w; // always fills entire width
		rect.height = gv.total_height;

		if (view_relative)
			int startX, startY;
			int xppu, yppu;
			GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(& xppu, & yppu);
			GetViewStart(& startX, & startY);
			rect.x = rect.x - startX * xppu;
			rect.y = rect.y - startY * yppu;
		return true;
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnScroll( wxScrollWinEvent& event )
    int id = event.GetEventType();
    int x, y;
    int ppux, ppuy;
    int csizeX, csizeY;
    int unitsX, unitsY;

    GetViewStart( &x, &y );
    GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
    GetClientSize( &csizeX, &csizeY );
    GetVirtualSize( &unitsX, &unitsY );

    int tmpX = x;
    int tmpY = y;

    csizeX /= ppux;
    csizeY /= ppuy;

    unitsX /= ppux;
    unitsY /= ppuy;

    int dir = event.GetOrientation();   // wxHORIZONTAL or wxVERTICAL

    // On windows and on wxWidgets >= 2.9.5 and < 3.1,
    // there is a bug in mousewheel event which always generates 2 scroll events
    // (should be the case only for the default mousewheel event)
    // so we skip these events.
    // Note they are here just in case, because they are not actually used
    // in Kicad
#if wxCHECK_VERSION( 3, 1, 0 ) || !wxCHECK_VERSION( 2, 9, 5 ) || ( !defined (__WINDOWS__) && !defined (__WXMAC__) )
    int maxX = unitsX - csizeX;
    int maxY = unitsY - csizeY;

    if( id == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP )
        if( dir == wxHORIZONTAL )
            x -= m_scrollIncrementX;

            if( x < 0 )
                x = 0;
            y -= m_scrollIncrementY;

            if( y < 0 )
                y = 0;
    else if( id == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN )
        if( dir == wxHORIZONTAL )
            x += m_scrollIncrementX;
            if( x > maxX )
                x = maxX;
            y += m_scrollIncrementY;

            if( y > maxY )
                y = maxY;
        if( dir == wxHORIZONTAL )
            x = event.GetPosition();
            y = event.GetPosition();

    wxLogTrace( kicadTraceCoords,
                wxT( "Setting scroll bars ppuX=%d, ppuY=%d, unitsX=%d, unitsY=%d, posX=%d, posY=%d" ),
                ppux, ppuy, unitsX, unitsY, x, y );

    double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();

    wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
    center.x += KiROUND( (double) ( x - tmpX ) / scale );
    center.y += KiROUND( (double) ( y - tmpY ) / scale );
    GetParent()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );

    Scroll( x, y );
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnPan( wxCommandEvent& event )
    int x, y;
    int ppux, ppuy;
    int unitsX, unitsY;
    int maxX, maxY;
    int tmpX, tmpY;

    GetViewStart( &x, &y );
    GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
    GetVirtualSize( &unitsX, &unitsY );
    tmpX = x;
    tmpY = y;
    maxX = unitsX;
    maxY = unitsY;
    unitsX /= ppux;
    unitsY /= ppuy;

    wxLogTrace( kicadTraceCoords,
                wxT( "Scroll center position before pan: (%d, %d)" ), tmpX, tmpY );

    switch( event.GetId() )
    case ID_PAN_UP:
        y -= m_scrollIncrementY;

    case ID_PAN_DOWN:
        y += m_scrollIncrementY;

    case ID_PAN_LEFT:
        x -= m_scrollIncrementX;

    case ID_PAN_RIGHT:
        x += m_scrollIncrementX;

        wxLogDebug( wxT( "Unknown ID %d in EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnPan()." ), event.GetId() );

    bool updateCenterScrollPos = true;

    if( x < 0 )
        x = 0;
        updateCenterScrollPos = false;

    if( y < 0 )
        y = 0;
        updateCenterScrollPos = false;

    if( x > maxX )
        x = maxX;
        updateCenterScrollPos = false;

    if( y > maxY )
        y = maxY;
        updateCenterScrollPos = false;

    // Don't update the scroll position beyond the scroll limits.
    if( updateCenterScrollPos )
        double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();

        wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
        center.x += KiROUND( (double) ( x - tmpX ) / scale );
        center.y += KiROUND( (double) ( y - tmpY ) / scale );
        GetParent()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );

        wxLogTrace( kicadTraceCoords,
                    wxT( "Scroll center position after pan: (%d, %d)" ), center.x, center.y );

    Scroll( x/ppux, y/ppuy );
예제 #17
wxLayoutWindow::OnMouse(int eventId, wxMouseEvent& event)
    wxClientDC dc( this );
    PrepareDC( dc );
    if ( (eventId != WXLOWIN_MENU_MOUSEMOVE
#ifndef __WXMSW__
        || m_FocusFollowMode
        && (wxWindow::FindFocus() != this) )

    wxPoint findPos;
    findPos.x = dc.DeviceToLogicalX(event.GetX());
    findPos.y = dc.DeviceToLogicalY(event.GetY());

    findPos.x -= WXLO_XOFFSET;
    findPos.y -= WXLO_YOFFSET;

    if(findPos.x < 0)
        findPos.x = 0;

    if(findPos.y < 0)
        findPos.y = 0;

    m_ClickPosition = wxPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY());

    // Scroll the window if the mouse is at the end of it:
    if(m_Selecting && eventId == WXLOWIN_MENU_MOUSEMOVE)
        //WXLO_DEBUG(("selecting at : %d/%d", (int) event.GetX(), (int)event.GetY()));
        int left, top;
        GetViewStart(&left, &top);
        wxSize size = GetClientSize();
        int xdelta, ydelta;

        if(event.GetX() < WXLO_SCROLLMARGIN_X)
            xdelta = -(WXLO_SCROLLMARGIN_X-event.GetX());
        else if(event.GetX() > size.x-WXLO_SCROLLMARGIN_X)
            xdelta = event.GetX()-size.x+WXLO_SCROLLMARGIN_X;
            xdelta = 0;

        if(event.GetY() < WXLO_SCROLLMARGIN_Y)
            ydelta = -(WXLO_SCROLLMARGIN_Y-event.GetY());
        else if(event.GetY() > size.y-WXLO_SCROLLMARGIN_Y)
            ydelta = event.GetY()-size.y+WXLO_SCROLLMARGIN_Y;
            ydelta = 0;

        //WXLO_DEBUG(("xdelta: %d", (int) xdelta));
        if(xdelta != 0 || ydelta != 0)
            top  += ydelta; if(top < 0) top = 0;
            left += xdelta; if(left < 0) left = 0;
            Scroll(left, top);

    wxPoint cursorPos;
    bool found;
    wxLayoutObject *obj = m_llist->FindObjectScreen(dc, findPos,
        &cursorPos, &found);
    wxLayoutObject::UserData *u = obj ? obj->GetUserData() : NULL;

    // has the mouse only been moved?
    switch ( eventId )
        // this variables is used to only erase the message in the status
        // bar if we had put it there previously - otherwise empting status
        // bar might be undesirable
        static bool s_hasPutMessageInStatusBar = false;
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR

        // found is only true if we are really over an object, not just
        // behind it
        if(found && u && ! m_Selecting)
            m_HandCursor = true;
            if(m_StatusBar && m_StatusFieldLabel != -1)
                const wxString &label = u->GetLabel();
                    s_hasPutMessageInStatusBar = true;
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
            m_HandCursor = false;
            if( m_StatusBar && m_StatusFieldLabel != -1 &&
                s_hasPutMessageInStatusBar )
                m_StatusBar->SetStatusText(wxEmptyString, m_StatusFieldLabel);
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR

    // selecting?
    if ( event.LeftIsDown() )
        // m_Selecting might not be set if the button got pressed
        // outside this window, so check for it:
        if( m_Selecting )
            m_llist->ContinueSelection(cursorPos, m_ClickPosition);
            RequestUpdate();  // TODO: we don't have to redraw everything!

    if ( u )
        u = NULL;

        // always move cursor to mouse click:

        // clicking a mouse removes the selection
        if ( m_llist->HasSelection() )
            m_Selecting = false;
            RequestUpdate();     // TODO: we don't have to redraw everything!

        // Calculate where the top of the visible area is:
        int x0, y0;
        int dx, dy;
        GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&dx, &dy);
        x0 *= dx; y0 *= dy;

        wxPoint offset(-x0+WXLO_XOFFSET, -y0+WXLO_YOFFSET);

        if(m_CursorVisibility == -1)
            m_CursorVisibility = 1;

        if ( m_CursorVisibility == 1 )

            // draw a thick cursor for editable windows with focus
            m_llist->DrawCursor(dc, m_HaveFocus && IsEditable(), offset);

#ifdef __WXGTK__
        RequestUpdate(); // RequestUpdate suppresses flicker under GTK
#endif // wxGTK

        // start selection
        m_llist->StartSelection(wxPoint(-1, -1), m_ClickPosition);
        m_Selecting = true;

        if ( m_Selecting )
            // end selection at the cursor position corresponding to the
            // current mouse position, but don´t move cursor there.
            m_Selecting = false;

            RequestUpdate();     // TODO: we don't have to redraw everything!


        // select a word under cursor
        m_llist->MoveCursorWord(1, false);
        m_Selecting = false;
        RequestUpdate();     // TODO: we don't have to redraw everything!

    // notify about mouse events?
    if( m_doSendEvents )
        // only do the menu if activated, editable and not on a clickable object
        if(eventId == WXLOWIN_MENU_RCLICK
            && IsEditable()
            && (! obj || u == NULL))
            PopupMenu(m_PopupMenu, m_ClickPosition.x, m_ClickPosition.y);
            if(u) u->DecRef();

        // find the object at this position
            wxCommandEvent commandEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, eventId);
            commandEvent.SetEventObject( this );
            commandEvent.SetClientData((char *)obj);

    if( u ) u->DecRef();
예제 #18
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
    int          localrealbutt = 0, localbutt = 0;
    BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

    if( !screen )

    /* Adjust value to filter mouse displacement before consider the drag
     * mouse is really a drag command, not just a movement while click

    if( event.Leaving() )
        m_canStartBlock = -1;

    if( !IsMouseCaptured() )          // No mouse capture in progress.
        m_requestAutoPan = false;

    if( GetParent()->IsActive() )

    if( !event.IsButton() && !event.Moving() && !event.Dragging() )

    if( event.RightDown() )
        OnRightClick( event );

    if( m_ignoreMouseEvents )

    if( event.LeftIsDown() )
        localrealbutt |= GR_M_LEFT_DOWN;

    if( event.MiddleIsDown() )
        localrealbutt |= GR_M_MIDDLE_DOWN;

    if( event.LeftDown() )
        localbutt = GR_M_LEFT_DOWN;

    if( event.ButtonDClick( 1 ) )
        localbutt = GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK;

    if( event.MiddleDown() )
        localbutt = GR_M_MIDDLE_DOWN;

    localrealbutt |= localbutt;     // compensation default wxGTK

    DC.SetBackground( *wxBLACK_BRUSH );

    // Compute the cursor position in drawing (logical) units.
    GetParent()->SetMousePosition( event.GetLogicalPosition( DC ) );

    int kbstat = 0;

    if( event.ShiftDown() )
        kbstat |= GR_KB_SHIFT;

    if( event.ControlDown() )
        kbstat |= GR_KB_CTRL;

    if( event.AltDown() )
        kbstat |= GR_KB_ALT;

    // Calling Double Click and Click functions :
    if( localbutt == (int) ( GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK ) )
        GetParent()->OnLeftDClick( &DC, GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );

        // inhibit a response to the mouse left button release,
        // because we have a double click, and we do not want a new
        // OnLeftClick command at end of this Double Click
        m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = true;
    else if( event.LeftUp() )
        // A block command is in progress: a left up is the end of block
        // or this is the end of a double click, already seen
        // Note also m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease can be set by
        // the call to OnLeftClick(), so do not change it after calling OnLeftClick
        bool ignoreEvt = m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease;
        m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = false;

        if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK && !ignoreEvt )
            GetParent()->OnLeftClick( &DC, GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );

    else if( !event.LeftIsDown() )
        /* be sure there is a response to a left button release command
         * even when a LeftUp event is not seen.  This happens when a
         * double click opens a dialog box, and the release mouse button
         * is made when the dialog box is opened.
        m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = false;

    if( event.ButtonDown( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) && m_enableMiddleButtonPan )
        if( m_panScrollbarLimits )
            int ppux, ppuy;
            GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
            GetViewStart( &m_PanStartCenter.x, &m_PanStartCenter.y );
            m_PanStartCenter.x *= ppux;
            m_PanStartCenter.y *= ppuy;
            m_PanStartCenter = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();

        m_PanStartEventPosition = event.GetPosition();

        INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, this );
        CrossHairOff( &dc );

    if( event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) && m_enableMiddleButtonPan )
        INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, this );
        CrossHairOn( &dc );

    if( event.MiddleIsDown() && m_enableMiddleButtonPan )
        wxPoint currentPosition = event.GetPosition();

        if( m_panScrollbarLimits )
            int x, y;
            int tmpX, tmpY;
            int ppux, ppuy;
            int maxX, maxY;
            int vsizeX, vsizeY;
            int csizeX, csizeY;

            GetViewStart( &tmpX, &tmpY );
            GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
            GetVirtualSize( &vsizeX, &vsizeY );
            GetClientSize( &csizeX, &csizeY );

            maxX = vsizeX - csizeX;
            maxY = vsizeY - csizeY;

            x = m_PanStartCenter.x + m_PanStartEventPosition.x - currentPosition.x;
            y = m_PanStartCenter.y + m_PanStartEventPosition.y - currentPosition.y;

            bool shouldMoveCursor = false;

            if( x < 0 )
                currentPosition.x += x;
                x = 0;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( y < 0 )
                currentPosition.y += y;
                y = 0;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( x > maxX )
                currentPosition.x += ( x - maxX );
                x = maxX;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( y > maxY )
                currentPosition.y += ( y - maxY );
                y = maxY;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( shouldMoveCursor )
                WarpPointer( currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y );

            Scroll( x/ppux, y/ppuy );

            double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();

            wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
            center.x += KiROUND( (double) ( x - tmpX ) / scale ) / ppux;
            center.y += KiROUND( (double) ( y - tmpY ) / scale ) / ppuy;
            GetParent()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );

            double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();
            int x = m_PanStartCenter.x +
                    KiROUND( (double) ( m_PanStartEventPosition.x - currentPosition.x ) / scale );
            int y = m_PanStartCenter.y +
                    KiROUND( (double) ( m_PanStartEventPosition.y - currentPosition.y ) / scale );

            GetParent()->RedrawScreen( wxPoint( x, y ), false );

    if( event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) && !m_enableMiddleButtonPan &&
        (screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK) )
        // The middle button has been released, with no block command:
        // We use it for a zoom center at cursor position command
        cmd.SetEventObject( this );
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );

    // Calling the general function on mouse changes (and pseudo key commands)
    GetParent()->GeneralControl( &DC, event.GetLogicalPosition( DC ), 0 );

    /* Control of block commands : */

    // Command block can't start if mouse is dragging a new panel
    static EDA_DRAW_PANEL* lastPanel;
    if( lastPanel != this )
        m_minDragEventCount = 0;
        m_canStartBlock   = -1;

    /* A new command block can start after a release buttons
     * and if the drag is enough
     * This is to avoid a false start block when a dialog box is dismissed,
     * or when changing panels in hierarchy navigation
     * or when clicking while and moving mouse
    if( !event.LeftIsDown() && !event.MiddleIsDown() )
        m_minDragEventCount = 0;
        m_canStartBlock   = 0;

        /* Remember the last cursor position when a drag mouse starts
         * this is the last position ** before ** clicking a button
         * this is useful to start a block command from the point where the
         * mouse was clicked first
         * (a filter creates a delay for the real block command start, and
         * we must remember this point)
        m_CursorStartPos = GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();

    if( m_enableBlockCommands && !(localbutt & GR_M_DCLICK) )
        if( !screen->IsBlockActive() )
            screen->m_BlockLocate.SetOrigin( m_CursorStartPos );

        if( event.LeftDown() || ( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.MiddleDown() ) )
            if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_MOVE )
                m_requestAutoPan = false;
                GetParent()->HandleBlockPlace( &DC );
                m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = true;
        else if( ( m_canStartBlock >= 0 )
                && ( event.LeftIsDown() || ( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.MiddleIsDown() ) )
                && !IsMouseCaptured() )
            // Mouse is dragging: if no block in progress,  start a block command.
            if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK )
                //  Start a block command
                int cmd_type = kbstat;

                if( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.MiddleIsDown() )
                    cmd_type |= MOUSE_MIDDLE;

                // A block command is started if the drag is enough.  A small
                // drag is ignored (it is certainly a little mouse move when
                // clicking) not really a drag mouse
                if( m_minDragEventCount < MIN_DRAG_COUNT_FOR_START_BLOCK_COMMAND )
                    if( !GetParent()->HandleBlockBegin( &DC, cmd_type, m_CursorStartPos ) )
                        // should not occur: error
                            wxT( "EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent() Block Error" ) );
                        m_requestAutoPan = true;
                        SetCursor( wxCURSOR_SIZING );

        if( event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_LEFT ) ||
            ( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) ) )
            /* Release the mouse button: end of block.
             * The command can finish (DELETE) or have a next command (MOVE,
             * COPY).  However the block command is canceled if the block
             * size is small because a block command filtering is already
             * made, this case happens, but only when the on grid cursor has
             * not moved.
            #define BLOCK_MINSIZE_LIMIT 1
            bool BlockIsSmall =
                ( std::abs( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetWidth() ) < BLOCK_MINSIZE_LIMIT )
                && ( std::abs( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetHeight() ) < BLOCK_MINSIZE_LIMIT );

            if( (screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() != STATE_NO_BLOCK) && BlockIsSmall )
                if( m_endMouseCaptureCallback )
                    m_endMouseCaptureCallback( this, &DC );
                    m_requestAutoPan = false;

                SetCursor( (wxStockCursor) m_currentCursor );
            else if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_END )
                m_requestAutoPan = false;
                GetParent()->HandleBlockEnd( &DC );
                SetCursor( (wxStockCursor) m_currentCursor );
                if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_MOVE )
                    m_requestAutoPan = true;
                    SetCursor( wxCURSOR_HAND );

    // End of block command on a double click
    // To avoid an unwanted block move command if the mouse is moved while double clicking
    if( localbutt == (int) ( GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK ) )
        if( !screen->IsBlockActive() && IsMouseCaptured() )
            m_endMouseCaptureCallback( this, &DC );

#if 0
    wxString msg_debug;
    msg_debug.Printf( " block state %d, cmd %d",
                      screen->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() );
    GetParent()->PrintMsg( msg_debug );

    lastPanel = this;
예제 #19
void WinEDA_DrawPanel::DrawBackGround(wxDC * DC)
/* Trace les axes X et Y et la grille
	La grille n'est affichee que si elle peut etre facilement visible
	La grille passe toujours par le centre de l'ecran
int Color = BLUE;
BASE_SCREEN * screen = GetScreen();
int ii,jj ,xg , yg , color;
wxSize pas_grille_affichee;
bool drawgrid = FALSE;
int zoom = GetZoom();
wxSize size;
wxPoint org;
double pasx, pasy;

	color = screen->m_GridColor;
	GRSetDrawMode(DC, GR_COPY);

	/* le pas d'affichage doit etre assez grand pour avoir une grille visible */
	drawgrid = m_Parent->m_Draw_Grid;
	pas_grille_affichee = screen->GetGrid();

	ii = pas_grille_affichee.x / zoom;
	if (ii  < 5 ) { pas_grille_affichee.x *= 2 ; ii *= 2; }
	if( ii < 5 ) drawgrid = FALSE;	// grille trop petite
	ii = pas_grille_affichee.y / zoom;
	if (ii  < 5 ) { pas_grille_affichee.y *= 2 ; ii *= 2; }
	if( ii < 5 ) drawgrid = FALSE;	// grille trop petite

	GetViewStart(&org.x, &org.y);
	GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&ii, &jj);
	org.x *= ii; org.y *= jj;
	screen->m_StartVisu = org;

	org.x *= zoom; org.y *= zoom;
	org.x += screen->m_DrawOrg.x; org.y += screen->m_DrawOrg.y;

	size = GetClientSize();
	size.x *= zoom; size.y *= zoom;
	pasx = screen->m_UserGrid.x * m_Parent->m_InternalUnits;
	pasy = screen->m_UserGrid.y * m_Parent->m_InternalUnits;
	if ( screen->m_UserGridUnit != INCHES )
		pasx /= 25.4; pasy /= 25.4;

	if( drawgrid)
		m_Parent->PutOnGrid(&org) ;

		GRSetColorPen(DC, color );
		for ( ii = 0 ; ; ii++ )
			xg = screen->m_UserGridIsON ? (int)( (ii * pasx) + 0.5)
				:ii * pas_grille_affichee.x;
			int xpos = org.x + xg;
			for ( jj = 0 ; ; jj++ )
				yg = screen->m_UserGridIsON ? (int)( (jj * pasy) + 0.5)
					: jj * pas_grille_affichee.y;
				GRPutPixel(&m_ClipBox, DC, xpos, org.y + yg, color);
				if ( yg > size.y ) break;
			if ( xg > size.x ) break;

	/* trace des axes principaux */
	if (  m_Parent->m_Draw_Axes )
		/* Trace de l'axe vertical */
		GRDashedLine(&m_ClipBox, DC, 0, -screen->ReturnPageSize().y,
				0, screen->ReturnPageSize().y, Color );

		/* Trace de l'axe horizontal */
		GRDashedLine(&m_ClipBox, DC, -screen->ReturnPageSize().x, 0,
				screen->ReturnPageSize().x, 0, Color );

	/* trace des axes auxiliaires */
	if ( m_Parent->m_Draw_Auxiliary_Axe)
		m_Draw_Auxiliary_Axe(DC, FALSE);
예제 #20
/// Find the item under the given point
void InstanceCtrl::HitTest( const wxPoint& pt, VisualCoord& n )
	wxSize clientSize = GetClientSize();
	int startX, startY;
	int ppuX, ppuY;
	GetViewStart(& startX, & startY);
	GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(& ppuX, & ppuY);
	int perRow = GetItemsPerRow();
	int colPos = (int)(pt.x / (m_itemWidth + m_spacing));
	int rowPos = 0;
	int actualY = pt.y + startY * ppuY;
	GroupVisual * found = nullptr;
	int grpIdx = 0;
	for(; grpIdx < m_groups.size(); grpIdx++)
		GroupVisual & gv = m_groups[grpIdx];
		if (actualY >= gv.y_position && actualY <= gv.y_position + gv.total_height)
			found = &gv;
			if (!gv.no_header && actualY <= gv.y_position + gv.header_height)
				// it's a header
				if(pt.x >= 5 && pt.x <= 15)
					// it's the ticker thing
					// it's the header in general
	// it's not even a group
	while (rowPos < found->row_ys.size() && found->y_position + found->row_ys[rowPos] < actualY)
	int itemN = (rowPos * perRow + colPos);
	if (itemN >= found->items.size() || itemN < 0)
	wxRect rect;
	VisualCoord coord(grpIdx, itemN);
	GetItemRect(coord, rect);
	if (rect.Contains(pt))
		n = coord;