예제 #1
GrGLuint GrGLProgram::CompileShader(GrGLenum type,
                                      int stringCnt,
                                      const char** strings,
                                      int* stringLengths) {
    GrGLuint shader = GR_GL(CreateShader(type));
    if (0 == shader) {
        return 0;

    GrGLint compiled = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
    GR_GL(ShaderSource(shader, stringCnt, strings, stringLengths));
    GR_GL(GetShaderiv(shader, GR_GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled));

    if (!compiled) {
        GrGLint infoLen = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
        GR_GL(GetShaderiv(shader, GR_GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLen));
        GrAutoMalloc log(sizeof(char)*(infoLen+1)); // outside if for debugger
        if (infoLen > 0) {
            GR_GL(GetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLen+1, NULL, (char*)log.get()));
            for (int i = 0; i < stringCnt; ++i) {
                if (NULL == stringLengths || stringLengths[i] < 0) {
                } else {
                    GrPrintf("%.*s", stringLengths[i], strings[i]);
            GrPrintf("\n%s", log.get());
        GrAssert(!"Shader compilation failed!");
        return 0;
    return shader;
예제 #2
// Compiles a GL shader and attaches it to a program. Returns the shader ID if
// successful, or 0 if not.
static GrGLuint attach_shader(const GrGLContext& glCtx,
                              GrGLuint programId,
                              GrGLenum type,
                              const SkString& shaderSrc) {
    const GrGLInterface* gli = glCtx.interface();

    GrGLuint shaderId;
    GR_GL_CALL_RET(gli, shaderId, CreateShader(type));
    if (0 == shaderId) {
        return 0;

    const GrGLchar* sourceStr = shaderSrc.c_str();
    GrGLint sourceLength = static_cast<GrGLint>(shaderSrc.size());
    GR_GL_CALL(gli, ShaderSource(shaderId, 1, &sourceStr, &sourceLength));
    GR_GL_CALL(gli, CompileShader(shaderId));

    // Calling GetShaderiv in Chromium is quite expensive. Assume success in release builds.
    bool checkCompiled = !glCtx.isChromium();
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
    checkCompiled = true;
    if (checkCompiled) {
        GrGLint compiled = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
        GR_GL_CALL(gli, GetShaderiv(shaderId, GR_GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled));

        if (!compiled) {
            GrGLint infoLen = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
            GR_GL_CALL(gli, GetShaderiv(shaderId, GR_GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLen));
            SkAutoMalloc log(sizeof(char)*(infoLen+1)); // outside if for debugger
            if (infoLen > 0) {
                // retrieve length even though we don't need it to workaround bug in Chromium cmd
                // buffer param validation.
                GrGLsizei length = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
                GR_GL_CALL(gli, GetShaderInfoLog(shaderId, infoLen+1,
                                                 &length, (char*)log.get()));
                GrPrintf("\n%s", log.get());
            SkDEBUGFAIL("Shader compilation failed!");
            GR_GL_CALL(gli, DeleteShader(shaderId));
            return 0;

    TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("skia.gpu"), "skia_gpu::GLShader",
                         TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "shader", TRACE_STR_COPY(shaderSrc.c_str()));
    if (c_PrintShaders) {

    // Attach the shader, but defer deletion until after we have linked the program.
    // This works around a bug in the Android emulator's GLES2 wrapper which
    // will immediately delete the shader object and free its memory even though it's
    // attached to a program, which then causes glLinkProgram to fail.
    GR_GL_CALL(gli, AttachShader(programId, shaderId));

    return shaderId;
예제 #3
inline GLuint CreateProgram(LPCSTR vsrc, LPCSTR fsrc)
	const GLuint vobj = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
	if (!vobj) return 0;
	glShaderSource(vobj, 1, &vsrc, 0);
	if (GetShaderInfoLog(vobj) == 0)
		return 0;
	const GLuint fobj = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
	if (!fobj)
		return 0;
	glShaderSource(fobj, 1, &fsrc, 0);
	if (GetShaderInfoLog(fobj) == 0)
		return 0;
	GLuint program = glCreateProgram();
	if (program)
		glAttachShader(program, vobj);
		glAttachShader(program, fobj);
		if (GetProgramInfoLog(program) == 0)
			glDetachShader(program, fobj);
			glDetachShader(program, vobj);
			program = 0;
	return program;
예제 #4
파일: glutil.cpp 프로젝트: artog/Raytracer
 void linkShaderProgram(GLuint shaderProgram)
     GLint linkOk = 0;
     glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkOk);
     if (!linkOk)
         std::string err = GetShaderInfoLog(shaderProgram);
예제 #5
// Compiles a GL shader, attaches it to a program, and releases the shader's reference.
// (That way there's no need to hang on to the GL shader id and delete it later.)
static bool attach_shader(const GrGLContext& glCtx,
                          GrGLuint programId,
                          GrGLenum type,
                          const SkString& shaderSrc) {
    const GrGLInterface* gli = glCtx.interface();

    GrGLuint shaderId;
    GR_GL_CALL_RET(gli, shaderId, CreateShader(type));
    if (0 == shaderId) {
        return false;

    const GrGLchar* sourceStr = shaderSrc.c_str();
    GrGLint sourceLength = static_cast<GrGLint>(shaderSrc.size());
    GR_GL_CALL(gli, ShaderSource(shaderId, 1, &sourceStr, &sourceLength));
    GR_GL_CALL(gli, CompileShader(shaderId));

    // Calling GetShaderiv in Chromium is quite expensive. Assume success in release builds.
    bool checkCompiled = !glCtx.info().isChromium();
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
    checkCompiled = true;
    if (checkCompiled) {
        GrGLint compiled = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
        GR_GL_CALL(gli, GetShaderiv(shaderId, GR_GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled));

        if (!compiled) {
            GrGLint infoLen = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
            GR_GL_CALL(gli, GetShaderiv(shaderId, GR_GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLen));
            SkAutoMalloc log(sizeof(char)*(infoLen+1)); // outside if for debugger
            if (infoLen > 0) {
                // retrieve length even though we don't need it to workaround bug in Chromium cmd
                // buffer param validation.
                GrGLsizei length = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
                GR_GL_CALL(gli, GetShaderInfoLog(shaderId, infoLen+1,
                                                 &length, (char*)log.get()));
                GrPrintf("\n%s", log.get());
            SkDEBUGFAIL("Shader compilation failed!");
            GR_GL_CALL(gli, DeleteShader(shaderId));
            return false;
    if (c_PrintShaders) {

    GR_GL_CALL(gli, AttachShader(programId, shaderId));
    GR_GL_CALL(gli, DeleteShader(shaderId));
    return true;
예제 #6
bool CompileShaderText(GLuint *shader, GLenum shaderType, const char *text) {
  GLint stat;

  *shader = CreateShader(shaderType);
  ShaderSource(*shader, 1, (const GLchar **)&text, NULL);


  GetShaderiv(*shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &stat);
  if (!stat) {
    GLchar log[1000];
    GLsizei len;
    GetShaderInfoLog(*shader, 1000, &len, log);
    wxLogError(wxT("BR24radar_pi: problem compiling shader: %s"), log);
    return false;
  return true;
예제 #7
static GrGLuint load_shader(const GrGLInterface* gl, const char* shaderSrc, GrGLenum type) {
    GrGLuint shader;
    // Create the shader object
    GR_GL_CALL_RET(gl, shader, CreateShader(type));

    // Load the shader source
    GR_GL_CALL(gl, ShaderSource(shader, 1, &shaderSrc, NULL));

    // Compile the shader
    GR_GL_CALL(gl, CompileShader(shader));

    // Check for compile time errors
    GrGLint success;
    GrGLchar infoLog[512];
    GR_GL_CALL(gl, GetShaderiv(shader, GR_GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success));
    if (!success)
     GR_GL_CALL(gl, GetShaderInfoLog(shader, 512, NULL, infoLog));
     SkDebugf("ERROR::SHADER::COMPLIATION_FAILED: %s\n", infoLog);

    return shader;
예제 #8
GLuint OpenGLInterface::LoadShader(const char* filename, GLenum shader_type, bool check_errors)
	GLuint result = 0;

	// Attempt to open the given file by name
	std::ifstream t(filename);

	// Test if the file open step was successful
	if ((t.rdstate() & std::ifstream::failbit) == 0)
		std::string str;

		// Determine the size of the file and preallocate the size of the string we will be reading into
		t.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
		t.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

		// Read the entire file's contents into the string
		str.assign((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());

		// Create an empty shader of the given type
		// The valid types are:
		// Returns zero unpon failure
		result = CreateShader(shader_type);

		if (result)
			const char* data = str.c_str();

			ShaderSource(result, 1, &data, NULL);


			if (check_errors)
				GLint status = 0;
				GetObjectParameterivARB(result, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);

				if (!status)
					char buffer[4096];
					GetShaderInfoLog(result, 4096, NULL, buffer);


			// Failed shader alloc
			OutputDebugStringA("Failed shader alloc\n");
		// Failed to open shader text file
		OutputDebugStringA("Failed to open shader file\n");
	return result;
void initGL()
	/* Initialize GLEW; this gives us access to OpenGL Extensions.

	/* Print information about OpenGL and ensure that we've got at a context 
	 * that supports least OpenGL 3.0. Then setup the OpenGL Debug message
	 * mechanism.

	/* Workaround for AMD. It might no longer be necessary, but I dunno if we
	 * are ever going to remove it. (Consider it a piece of living history.)
	if( !glBindFragDataLocation )
		glBindFragDataLocation = glBindFragDataLocationEXT;

	/* As a general rule, you shouldn't need to change anything before this 
	 * comment in initGL().

	// Define the positions for each of the three vertices of the triangle
	const float positions[] = {
		//	 X      Y     Z
		0.0f,   0.5f, 1.0f,		// v0
		-0.5f,  -0.5f, 1.0f,	// v1
		0.5f,  -0.5f, 1.0f		// v2

	// Define the colors for each of the three vertices of the triangle
	const float colors[] = {
		//  R     G		B
		1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,		// White
		1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,		// White
		1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f		// White

	// Create a handle for the position vertex buffer object
	// See OpenGL Spec §2.9 Buffer Objects 
	// - http://www.cse.chalmers.se/edu/course/TDA361/glspec30.20080923.pdf#page=54
	GLuint positionBuffer; 
	glGenBuffers( 1, &positionBuffer );
	// Set the newly created buffer as the current one
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer );
	// Send the vertex position data to the current buffer
	glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(positions), positions, GL_STATIC_DRAW );

	// Create a handle for the vertex color buffer
	GLuint colorBuffer; 
	glGenBuffers( 1, &colorBuffer );
	// Set the newly created buffer as the current one
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, colorBuffer );	
	// Send the vertex color data to the current buffer
	glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(colors), colors, GL_STATIC_DRAW );

	//******* Connect triangle data with the vertex array object *******
	// Connect the vertex buffer objects to the vertex array object
	// See OpenGL Spec §2.10 
	// - http://www.cse.chalmers.se/edu/course/TDA361/glspec30.20080923.pdf#page=64
	glGenVertexArrays(1, &vertexArrayObject);

	// Bind the vertex array object
	// The following calls will affect this vertex array object.
	// Makes positionBuffer the current array buffer for subsequent calls.
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer );
	// Attaches positionBuffer to vertexArrayObject, in the 0th attribute location
	glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, false/*normalized*/, 0/*stride*/, 0/*offset*/ );	

	// Makes colorBuffer the current array buffer for subsequent calls.
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, colorBuffer );
	// Attaches colorBuffer to vertexArrayObject, in the 1st attribute location
	glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, false/*normalized*/, 0/*stride*/, 0/*offset*/ );

	glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); // Enable the vertex position attribute
	glEnableVertexAttribArray(1); // Enable the vertex color attribute 

	// Create shaders

	// See OpenGL spec §2.20 http://www.cse.chalmers.se/edu/course/TDA361/glspec30.20080923.pdf#page=104&zoom=75
	GLuint vertexShader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
	GLuint fragmentShader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);

	// Invoke helper functions (in glutil.h/cpp) to load text files for vertex and fragment shaders.
	const char *vs = textFileRead("simple.vert");
	const char *fs = textFileRead("simple.frag");

	glShaderSource(vertexShader, 1, &vs, NULL);
	glShaderSource(fragmentShader, 1, &fs, NULL);

	// we are now done with the source and can free the file data, textFileRead uses new [] to.
  // allocate the memory so we must free it using delete [].
	delete [] vs;
	delete [] fs;

	// Compile the shader, translates into internal representation and checks for errors.
	int compileOK;
	// check for compiler errors in vertex shader.
	glGetShaderiv(vertexShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compileOK);
	if(!compileOK) {
		std::string err = GetShaderInfoLog(vertexShader);
		fatal_error( err );

	// Compile the shader, translates into internal representation and checks for errors.
	// check for compiler errors in fragment shader.
	glGetShaderiv(fragmentShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compileOK);
	if(!compileOK) {
		std::string err = GetShaderInfoLog(fragmentShader);
		fatal_error( err );

	// Create a program object and attach the two shaders we have compiled, the program object contains
	// both vertex and fragment shaders as well as information about uniforms and attributes common to both.
	shaderProgram = glCreateProgram();
	glAttachShader(shaderProgram, fragmentShader);
	glAttachShader(shaderProgram, vertexShader);

	// Now that the fragment and vertex shader has been attached, we no longer need these two separate objects and should delete them.
	// The attachment to the shader program will keep them alive, as long as we keep the shaderProgram.
	glDeleteShader( vertexShader );
	glDeleteShader( fragmentShader );

	// We have previously (in the glVertexAttribPointer calls) decided that our 
	// vertex position data will be the 0th attribute. Bind the attribute with 
	// name "position" to the 0th stream
	glBindAttribLocation(shaderProgram, 0, "position"); 
	// And bind the attribute called "color" in the shader to the 1st attribute
	// stream. 
	glBindAttribLocation(shaderProgram, 1, "color");

	// This tells OpenGL which draw buffer the fragment shader out variable 'fragmentColor' will end up in.
	// Since we only use one output and draw buffer this is actually redundant, as the default will be correct.
	glBindFragDataLocation(shaderProgram, 0, "fragmentColor");

	// Link the different shaders that are bound to this program, this creates a final shader that 
	// we can use to render geometry with.

	// Check for linker errors, many errors, such as mismatched in and out variables between 
	// vertex/fragment shaders,  do not appear before linking.
		GLint linkOk = 0;
		glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkOk);
			std::string err = GetShaderInfoLog(shaderProgram);
			fatal_error( err );