예제 #1
nsTextBoxFrame::PaintTitle(nsIRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                           const nsRect&        aDirtyRect,
                           nsPoint              aPt)
    if (mTitle.IsEmpty())

    nsRect textRect(CalcTextRect(aRenderingContext, aPt));

    // Paint the text shadow before doing any foreground stuff
    const nsStyleText* textStyle = GetStyleText();
    if (textStyle->mTextShadow) {
      // Text shadow happens with the last value being painted at the back,
      // ie. it is painted first.
      for (PRUint32 i = textStyle->mTextShadow->Length(); i > 0; --i) {
                       textStyle->mTextShadow->ShadowAt(i - 1),

    DrawText(aRenderingContext, textRect, nsnull);
예제 #2
nsTextBoxFrame::DoLayout(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState)
    if (mNeedsReflowCallback) {
        nsIReflowCallback* cb = new nsAsyncAccesskeyUpdate(this);
        if (cb) {
        mNeedsReflowCallback = PR_FALSE;


    nsresult rv = nsLeafBoxFrame::DoLayout(aBoxLayoutState);

    const nsStyleText* textStyle = GetStyleText();
    if (textStyle->mTextShadow) {
      nsPoint origin(0,0);
      nsRect textRect = CalcTextRect(*aBoxLayoutState.GetRenderingContext(), origin);
      nsRect overflowRect(nsLayoutUtils::GetTextShadowRectsUnion(textRect, this));
      overflowRect.UnionRect(overflowRect, nsRect(nsPoint(0, 0), GetSize()));
      FinishAndStoreOverflow(&overflowRect, GetSize());
    return rv;
예제 #3
nsTextBoxFrame::CalcTextRect(nsIRenderingContext &aRenderingContext, const nsPoint &aTextOrigin)
    nsRect textRect(aTextOrigin, GetSize());
    nsMargin borderPadding;
    // determine (cropped) title and underline position
    nsPresContext* presContext = PresContext();
    LayoutTitle(presContext, aRenderingContext, textRect);

    // make the rect as small as our (cropped) text.
    nscoord outerWidth = textRect.width;
    textRect.width = mTitleWidth;

    // Align our text within the overall rect by checking our text-align property.
    const nsStyleVisibility* vis = GetStyleVisibility();
    const nsStyleText* textStyle = GetStyleText();

    if (textStyle->mTextAlign == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
      textRect.x += (outerWidth - textRect.width)/2;
    else if (textStyle->mTextAlign == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT ||
             (textStyle->mTextAlign == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_DEFAULT &&
              vis->mDirection == NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_RTL) ||
             (textStyle->mTextAlign == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_END &&
              vis->mDirection == NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_LTR)) {
      textRect.x += (outerWidth - textRect.width);
    return textRect;
nsGfxButtonControlFrame::GetLabel(nsXPIDLString& aLabel)
  // Get the text from the "value" property on our content if there is
  // one; otherwise set it to a default value (localized).
  nsresult rv;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLInputElement> elt = do_QueryInterface(mContent);
  if (mContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::value) && elt) {
    rv = elt->GetValue(aLabel);
  } else {
    // Generate localized label.
    // We can't make any assumption as to what the default would be
    // because the value is localized for non-english platforms, thus
    // it might not be the string "Reset", "Submit Query", or "Browse..."
    rv = GetDefaultLabel(aLabel);


  // Compress whitespace out of label if needed.
  if (!GetStyleText()->WhiteSpaceIsSignificant()) {
  } else if (aLabel.Length() > 2 && aLabel.First() == ' ' &&
             aLabel.CharAt(aLabel.Length() - 1) == ' ') {
    // This is a bit of a hack.  The reason this is here is as follows: we now
    // have default padding on our buttons to make them non-ugly.
    // Unfortunately, IE-windows does not have such padding, so people will
    // stick values like " ok " (with the spaces) in the buttons in an attempt
    // to make them look decent.  Unfortunately, if they do this the button
    // looks way too big in Mozilla.  Worse yet, if they do this _and_ set a
    // fixed width for the button we run into trouble because our focus-rect
    // border/padding and outer border take up 10px of the horizontal button
    // space or so; the result is that the text is misaligned, even with the
    // recentering we do in nsHTMLButtonFrame::Reflow.  So to solve this, even
    // if the whitespace is significant, single leading and trailing _spaces_
    // (and not other whitespace) are removed.  The proper solution, of
    // course, is to not have the focus rect painting taking up 6px of
    // horizontal space. We should do that instead (via XBL form controls or
    // changing the renderer) and remove this.
    aLabel.Cut(0, 1);
    aLabel.Truncate(aLabel.Length() - 1);

  return NS_OK;
예제 #5
nsTextControlFrame::CalcIntrinsicSize(nsRenderingContext* aRenderingContext,
                                      nsSize&              aIntrinsicSize)
  // Get leading and the Average/MaxAdvance char width 
  nscoord lineHeight  = 0;
  nscoord charWidth   = 0;
  nscoord charMaxAdvance  = 0;

  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fontMet;
  nsresult rv =
    nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fontMet));

  lineHeight =
    nsHTMLReflowState::CalcLineHeight(GetStyleContext(), NS_AUTOHEIGHT);
  charWidth = fontMet->AveCharWidth();
  charMaxAdvance = fontMet->MaxAdvance();

  // Set the width equal to the width in characters
  PRInt32 cols = GetCols();
  aIntrinsicSize.width = cols * charWidth;

  // To better match IE, take the maximum character width(in twips) and remove
  // 4 pixels add this on as additional padding(internalPadding). But only do
  // this if charMaxAdvance != charWidth; if they are equal, this is almost
  // certainly a fixed-width font.
  if (charWidth != charMaxAdvance) {
    nscoord internalPadding = NS_MAX(0, charMaxAdvance -
    nscoord t = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1); 
   // Round to a multiple of t
    nscoord rest = internalPadding % t; 
    if (rest < t - rest) {
      internalPadding -= rest;
    } else {
      internalPadding += t - rest;
    // Now add the extra padding on (so that small input sizes work well)
    aIntrinsicSize.width += internalPadding;
  } else {
    // This is to account for the anonymous <br> having a 1 twip width
    // in Full Standards mode, see BRFrame::Reflow and bug 228752.
    if (PresContext()->CompatibilityMode() == eCompatibility_FullStandards) {
      aIntrinsicSize.width += 1;

    // Also add in the padding of our value div child.  Note that it hasn't
    // been reflowed yet, so we can't get its used padding, but it shouldn't be
    // using percentage padding anyway.
    nsMargin childPadding;
    nsIFrame* firstChild = GetFirstChild(nsnull);
    if (firstChild && firstChild->GetStylePadding()->GetPadding(childPadding)) {
      aIntrinsicSize.width += childPadding.LeftRight();
    } else {
      NS_ERROR("Percentage padding on value div?");

  // Increment width with cols * letter-spacing.
    const nsStyleCoord& lsCoord = GetStyleText()->mLetterSpacing;
    if (eStyleUnit_Coord == lsCoord.GetUnit()) {
      nscoord letterSpacing = lsCoord.GetCoordValue();
      if (letterSpacing != 0) {
        aIntrinsicSize.width += cols * letterSpacing;

  // Set the height equal to total number of rows (times the height of each
  // line, of course)
  aIntrinsicSize.height = lineHeight * GetRows();

  // Add in the size of the scrollbars for textarea
  if (IsTextArea()) {
    nsIFrame* first = GetFirstChild(nsnull);

    nsIScrollableFrame *scrollableFrame = do_QueryFrame(first);
    NS_ASSERTION(scrollableFrame, "Child must be scrollable");

    if (scrollableFrame) {
      nsMargin scrollbarSizes =
      scrollableFrame->GetDesiredScrollbarSizes(PresContext(), aRenderingContext);

      aIntrinsicSize.width  += scrollbarSizes.LeftRight();

      aIntrinsicSize.height += scrollbarSizes.TopBottom();;

  return NS_OK;