예제 #1
The highest level where members are created. From here the map, tilesets,
layer/imagelayer, and object group/layer are read. Even though the element map
is the highest level it is treated as the same level as the other members.

@param root the beginning of the .tmx file.
@return void
void TMXLoader::Initialize(tinyxml2::XMLNode* root) {
  tinyxml2::XMLElement* mapElement = root->NextSiblingElement();

  // Map.
  map = GetMap(mapElement);

  tinyxml2::XMLElement* mapChild = mapElement->FirstChildElement();
  while (mapChild) {
    // Map child is a tileset.
    if (strcmp(mapChild->Name(), "tileset") == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) {
    // Map child is a layer or imagelayer.
    else if (strcmp(mapChild->Name(), "layer") == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ||
      strcmp(mapChild->Name(), "imagelayer") == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) {
    // Map child is an object-group/layer.
    else if (strcmp(mapChild->Name(), "objectgroup") == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) {

    mapChild = mapChild->NextSiblingElement();
예제 #2
void Renderer::DrawTiles (int tiles[], int w, int h, float tileW, float tileH, ClipRecti &clip)
	Tileset *tset = GetTileset (mTileset);

	int t;
	Vec2f offset ((float)clip.x1*tileW, -(float)clip.y1*tileH);
	int tris,numTris;

	int endx = clip.x2,
	    endy = clip.y2;
	Vec2f tran(0.,0.);
	glTranslatef (offset.x, offset.y, 0.);
	for (int y=clip.y1; y < endy; y++)
		float trX=0.;
		for (int x=clip.x1; x < endx; x++)
			t = y*w+x;
			Tile &tile = tset->tiles[tiles[t]];
			tris = tile.tris[mRenderPass];
			numTris = tile.tris[mRenderPass+1] - tris;
			if (numTris)
				glTranslatef (trX, 0., 0.);
				tran.x += trX;
				trX = 0.;

				glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES);
				for (int i = 0; i < numTris; i++)
					TsetTri &tri = tset->tris[tris+i];
					for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

						glTexCoord2fv (tset->verts[tri.p[j]].tco.V);
						glVertex3fv (tset->verts[tri.p[j]].co.V);
				glEnd ();
			trX += tileW;

		glTranslatef(-tran.x, -tileH, 0.0);
		tran.y += -tileH;
		tran.x = 0.;
	glTranslatef (-tran.x - offset.x,-tran.y - offset.y, 0.);

예제 #3
void Renderer::DrawMask (int tiles[], int w, int h, float tileW, float tileH, ClipRecti &clip)
	Tileset *tset = GetTileset (mTileset);

	int t;
	Vec2f offset ((float)clip.x1*tileW, -(float)clip.y1*tileH);

	int endx = clip.x2,
	    endy = clip.y2;
	Vec2f tran(0,0);
	glTranslatef (offset.x, offset.y, 0.);
	for (int y=clip.y1; y < endy; y++)
		float trX=0.;
		for (int x=clip.x1; x < endx; x++)
			t = y*w+x;
			Tile &tile = tset->tiles[tiles[t]];
			if (tile.numMaskTris)
				glTranslatef (trX, 0., 0.);
				tran.x += trX;
				trX = 0.;

				glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES);
				for (int i = 0; i < tile.numMaskTris; i++)
					CTri &tri = tset->maskTris[tile.maskTris+i];
					for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
						glVertex2fv (tri.p[j].V);
				glEnd ();

			trX += tileW;

		glTranslatef(-tran.x, -tileH, 0.0);
		tran.y += -tileH;
		tran.x = 0.;
	glTranslatef (-tran.x - offset.x,-tran.y - offset.y, 0.);

예제 #4
QPixmap ResourceController::GetTilePixmap(TileCoord coord)
        return pixmapCache[coord];

    QImage *tempTileset = GetTileset();

    if(tempTileset == NULL)
        return QPixmap();

    QImage tempImage = *tempTileset;

        return QPixmap();

    tempImage = tempImage.copy(levelProperties.GetTileWidth() * coord.first, levelProperties.GetTileHeight() * coord.second, levelProperties.GetTileWidth(), levelProperties.GetTileHeight());

    pixmapCache[coord] = QPixmap::fromImage(tempImage);
    return pixmapCache[coord];