예제 #1
static  void    DbSubscript( sym_id arr ) {

// Generate call to debugging subscript routine.

    act_dim_list        *dim_ptr;
    int                 dims_no;
    int                 i;
    call_handle         call;
    cg_name             offset;
    cg_name             subscripts[MAX_DIM];

    dim_ptr = arr->u.ns.si.va.u.dim_ext;
    dims_no = _DimCount( dim_ptr->dim_flags );
    call = InitCall( RT_SUBSCRIPT );
    for( i = 0; i < dims_no; ++i ) {
        subscripts[ i ] = GetTypedValue();
    for( i = 1; i <= dims_no; ++i ) {
        CGAddParm( call, subscripts[ dims_no - i ], TY_INT_4 );
    CGAddParm( call, GetAdv( arr ), TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
    CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( _DimCount( dim_ptr->dim_flags ), TY_INTEGER ), TY_INTEGER );
    offset = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGCall( call ), TY_INT_4 );
    Index( arr, offset );
예제 #2
void    FCNot( void ) {

// Logical .NOT. F-Code processor.

    XPush( CGFlow( O_FLOW_NOT, GetTypedValue(), NULL ) );
예제 #3
void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetMax(PVAL valp, int n)
  CheckParms(valp, n)
  TYPE  tval = GetTypedValue(valp);
  TYPE& tmin = Typp[n];

  if (tval > tmin)
    tmin = tval;

  } // end of SetMax
예제 #4
static  void    IOCallValue( RTCODE rtn ) {

// Call i/o run-time routine with one argument.

    call_handle handle;

    handle = InitCall( rtn );
    CGAddParm( handle, GetTypedValue(), TY_INT_4 );
    CGDone( CGCall( handle ) );
예제 #5
int TYPBLK<TYPE>::CompVal(PVAL vp, int n)
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#endif   // _DEBUG
  TYPE mlv = Typp[n];
  TYPE vlv = GetTypedValue(vp);

  return (vlv > mlv) ? 1 : (vlv < mlv) ? (-1) : 0;
  } // end of CompVal
예제 #6
int TYPBLK<TYPE>::Find(PVAL vp)

  int  i;
  TYPE n = GetTypedValue(vp);

  for (i = 0; i < Nval; i++)
    if (n == Typp[i])

  return (i < Nval) ? i : (-1);
  } // end of Find
예제 #7
void    FCSetSCBLen( void ) {

// Fill scb length

    sym_id              scb;
    cg_name             len;

    // Get general information
    scb = GetPtr();
    len = GetTypedValue();
    CGTrash( CGAssign( SCBLenAddr( CGFEName( scb, TY_CHAR ) ), len, TY_INTEGER ) );
예제 #8
void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2)
  bool b;


  if (!(b = pv->IsNull(n2) && Nullable))
    Typp[n1] = GetTypedValue(pv, n2);

  SetNull(n1, b);
  } // end of SetValue
예제 #9
void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValue(PVAL valp, int n)
  bool b;


  if (!(b = valp->IsNull()))
    Typp[n] = GetTypedValue(valp);

  SetNull(n, b && Nullable);
  } // end of SetValue
예제 #10
void    FCAdvFillHi( void ) {

// Fill hi bound of a dimension (actually computes # of elements in dimension).

    sym_id              arr;
    act_dim_list        *dim_ptr;
    uint                lo_size;
    uint                hi_size;
    int                 hi_offset;
    int                 ss;
    cg_name             num_elts;
    cg_name             hi;
    cg_name             adv;
    call_handle         call;

    arr = GetPtr();
    dim_ptr = arr->u.ns.si.va.u.dim_ext;
    adv = GetAdv( arr );
    hi_size = BETypeLength( TY_ADV_HI );
    lo_size = BETypeLength( TY_ADV_LO );
    ss = GetU16();
    hi = GetTypedValue();
    if( CGOpts & CGOPT_DI_CV ) {
        hi_offset = _DimCount( dim_ptr->dim_flags ) * BETypeLength( TY_ADV_ENTRY );
        if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
            hi_offset += BETypeLength( TY_POINTER );
        hi_offset += (ss - 1) * (lo_size + BETypeLength( TY_ADV_HI_CV )) + lo_size;
        hi = CGAssign( StructRef( adv, hi_offset ), hi, TY_ADV_HI_CV );
        adv = GetAdv( arr );
    if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
        call = InitCall( RT_ADV_FILL_HI );
        CGAddParm( call, hi, TY_INT_4 );
        CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( ss, TY_UNSIGNED ), TY_UNSIGNED );
        CGAddParm( call, adv, TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
        CGDone( CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGCall( call ), TY_INT_4 ) );
    } else {
        hi_offset = (ss - 1) * ( lo_size + hi_size ) + lo_size;
        num_elts = CGBinary( O_PLUS, hi,
                             CGBinary( O_MINUS, CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ),
                                       LoBound( arr, ss - 1 ),
                                       TY_ADV_HI ),
                             TY_ADV_HI );
        CGDone( CGAssign( StructRef( adv, hi_offset ), num_elts, TY_ADV_HI ) );
예제 #11
void    FCAdvFillLo( void ) {

// Fill lo bound of a dimension.

    sym_id              arr;
    int                 lo_offset;
    cg_name             adv;
    cg_name             lo;
    unsigned            ss;

    arr = GetPtr();
    adv = GetAdv( arr );
    ss = GetU16();
    lo = GetTypedValue();
    lo_offset = (ss - 1) * BETypeLength( TY_ADV_ENTRY );
    CGDone( CGAssign( StructRef( adv, lo_offset ), lo, TY_ADV_LO ) );
예제 #12
void    FCAdvFillHiLo1( void ) {

// Fill hi and lo=1 bound of a dimension.

    sym_id              arr;
    cg_name             lo;
    cg_name             hi;
    cg_name             adv;
    unsigned            ss;
    uint                lo_size;
    uint                hi_size;
    int                 lo_offset;
    int                 hi_offset;
    call_handle         call;

    // Get general information
    arr = GetPtr();
    ss = GetU16();

    adv = GetAdv( arr );
    hi_size = BETypeLength( TY_ADV_HI );
    lo_size = BETypeLength( TY_ADV_LO );
    hi = GetTypedValue();

    if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
        call = InitCall( RT_ADV_FILL_HI_LO1 );
        CGAddParm( call, hi, TY_INT_4 );
        CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( ss, TY_UNSIGNED ), TY_UNSIGNED );
        CGAddParm( call, adv, TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
        CGDone( CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGCall( call ), TY_INT_4 ) );
    } else {
        hi_offset = (ss - 1) * ( lo_size + hi_size ) + lo_size;
        CGDone( CGAssign( StructRef( adv, hi_offset ), hi, TY_ADV_HI ) );
        // set lo bound of the adv
        lo = CGInteger( 1, TY_INT_4 );
        lo_offset = (ss - 1) * BETypeLength( TY_ADV_ENTRY );
        adv = GetAdv( arr );
        CGDone( CGAssign( StructRef( adv, lo_offset ), lo, TY_ADV_LO ) );
예제 #13
static  void    VariableDims( sym_id arr ) {

// Subscript an array that has a variable array declarator.

    act_dim_list        *dim_ptr;
    int                 dims_no;
    int                 ss_offset;
    cg_name             offset;
    cg_name             c_offset;

    dim_ptr = arr->u.ns.si.va.u.dim_ext;
    dims_no = _DimCount( dim_ptr->dim_flags );
    offset = CGInteger( 0, TY_INT_4 );
    c_offset = CGInteger( 0, TY_INT_4 );
    ss_offset = 0;
    while( ss_offset < dims_no ) {

        // offset += ( ss - lo ) * multiplier;
        //              or
        // offset   += ss*multiplier
        // c_offset -= lo*multiplier

        offset = CGBinary( O_PLUS,
                           CGBinary( O_TIMES,
                                     Multiplier( arr, ss_offset ),
                                     TY_INT_4 ),
                           TY_INT_4 );
        c_offset = CGBinary( O_MINUS,
                             CGBinary( O_TIMES,
                                       LoBound( arr, ss_offset ),
                                       Multiplier( arr, ss_offset ),
                                       TY_INT_4 ),
                             TY_INT_4 );
    Index( arr, CGBinary( O_PLUS, c_offset, offset, TY_INT_4 ) );
예제 #14
cg_name ConstArrayOffset( act_dim_list *dims ) {

    int                 dims_no;
    cg_name             hi_off;
    intstar4            multiplier;
    intstar4            hi;
    intstar4            lo;
    intstar4            *bounds;
    intstar4            lo_off;

    dims_no = _DimCount( dims->dim_flags );
    bounds = &dims->subs_1_lo;
    multiplier = 1;
    hi_off = CGInteger( 0, TY_INT_4 );
    lo_off = 0;
    for(;;) {
        lo = *bounds;
        hi = *bounds;

        // offset += ( ss - lo ) * multiplier;
        //              or
        // hi_off += ss*multiplier
        // lo_off -= lo*multiplier

        hi_off = CGBinary( O_PLUS,
                           CGBinary( O_TIMES,
                                     CGInteger( multiplier, TY_INT_4 ),
                                     TY_INT_4 ),
                           TY_INT_4 );
        lo_off -= lo * multiplier;
        if( --dims_no == 0 ) break;

        multiplier *= ( hi - lo + 1 );
    return( CGBinary( O_PLUS, CGInteger( lo_off, TY_INT_4 ), hi_off, TY_INT_4 ) );