예제 #1
	bool Graphics::CreateVertexBuffer(sVertex* i_vertexData,  Mesh &i_Mesh)
		IDirect3DDevice9* s_direct3dDevice = eae6320::Graphics::getDirect3DDevice();
		// The usage tells Direct3D how this vertex buffer will be used
		DWORD usage = 0;
			// The type of vertex processing should match what was specified when the device interface was created with CreateDevice()
			const HRESULT result = GetVertexProcessingUsage(usage);
			if (FAILED(result))
				return false;
			// Our code will only ever write to the buffer

		// Initialize the vertex format
			// These elements must match the VertexFormat::sVertex layout struct exactly.
			// They instruct Direct3D how to match the binary data in the vertex buffer
			// to the input elements in a vertex shader
			// (by using D3DDECLUSAGE enums here and semantics in the shader,
			// so that, for example, D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION here matches with POSITION in shader code).
			// Note that OpenGL uses arbitrarily assignable number IDs to do the same thing.
			D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 vertexElements[] =
				// Stream 0

				// 3 floats == 12 bytes
				// Offset = 0

				// COLOR0
				// D3DCOLOR == 4 bytes
				// Offset = 12

				//texture coordinates
				//2 floats == 8 bytes
				//Offest = 16

				// The following marker signals the end of the vertex declaration
			HRESULT result = s_direct3dDevice->CreateVertexDeclaration(vertexElements, &i_Mesh.s_vertexDeclaration);
			if (SUCCEEDED(result))
				result = s_direct3dDevice->SetVertexDeclaration(i_Mesh.s_vertexDeclaration);
				if (FAILED(result))
					eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to set the vertex declaration");
					return false;
				eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to create a Direct3D9 vertex declaration");
				return false;

		// Create a vertex buffer
			// We are drawing one square
			const unsigned int vertexCount = i_Mesh.m_vertexCount;	// What is the minimum number of vertices a square needs (so that no data is duplicated)?
			const unsigned int bufferSize = vertexCount * sizeof(sVertex);
			// We will define our own vertex format
			const DWORD useSeparateVertexDeclaration = 0;
			// Place the vertex buffer into memory that Direct3D thinks is the most appropriate
			const D3DPOOL useDefaultPool = D3DPOOL_DEFAULT;
			HANDLE* const notUsed = NULL;
			const HRESULT result = s_direct3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(bufferSize, usage, useSeparateVertexDeclaration, useDefaultPool,
				&i_Mesh.s_vertexBuffer, notUsed);
			if (FAILED(result))
				eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to create a vertex buffer");
				return false;
		// Fill the vertex buffer with the triangle's vertices
			// Before the vertex buffer can be changed it must be "locked"
			sVertex* vertexData;
				const unsigned int lockEntireBuffer = 0;
				const DWORD useDefaultLockingBehavior = 0;
				const HRESULT result = i_Mesh.s_vertexBuffer->Lock(lockEntireBuffer, lockEntireBuffer,
					reinterpret_cast<void**>(&vertexData), useDefaultLockingBehavior);
				if (FAILED(result))
					eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to lock the vertex buffer");
					return false;

			memcpy(vertexData, i_vertexData, sizeof(sVertex) * i_Mesh.m_vertexCount);
			// Fill the buffer
				// You will need to fill in two pieces of information for each vertex:
				//	* 2 floats for the POSITION
				//	* 4 uint8_ts for the COLOR

				// The floats for POSITION are for t0he X and Y coordinates, like in Assignment 02.
				// The difference this time is that there should be fewer (because we are sharing data).

				// The uint8_ts for COLOR are "RGBA", where "RGB" stands for "Red Green Blue" and "A" for "Alpha".
				// Conceptually each of these values is a [0,1] value, but we store them as an 8-bit value to save space
				// (color doesn't need as much precision as position),
				// which means that the data we send to the GPU will be [0,255].
				// For now the alpha value should _always_ be 255, and so you will choose color by changing the first three RGB values.
				// To make white you should use (255, 255, 255), to make black (0, 0, 0).
				// To make pure red you would use the max for R and nothing for G and B, so (1, 0, 0).
				// Experiment with other values to see what happens!

				/*vertexData[0].x = 0.0f;
				vertexData[0].y = 0.0f;
				// Red
				vertexData[0].r = 255;
				vertexData[0].g = 0;
				vertexData[0].b = 0;
				vertexData[0].a = 255;

				vertexData[1].x = 0.0f;
				vertexData[1].y = 1.0f;
				// Blue
				vertexData[1].r = 0;
				vertexData[1].g = 0;
				vertexData[1].b = 255;
				vertexData[1].a = 255;

				vertexData[2].x = 1.0f;
				vertexData[2].y = 1.0f;
				// Green
				vertexData[2].r = 0;
				vertexData[2].g = 255;
				vertexData[2].b = 0;
				vertexData[2].a = 255;

				vertexData[3].x = 1.0f;
				vertexData[3].y = 0.0f;
				// Red
				vertexData[3].r = 255;
				vertexData[3].g = 0;
				vertexData[3].b = 0;
				vertexData[3].a = 255;*/

				//vertexData[1].x = EAE6320;
				// etc.
			// The buffer must be "unlocked" before it can be used
				const HRESULT result = i_Mesh.s_vertexBuffer->Unlock();
				if (FAILED(result))
					eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to unlock the vertex buffer");
					return false;

		return true;
		bool DebugShape::CreateIndexBuffer()
			// The usage tells Direct3D how this vertex buffer will be used
			DWORD usage = 0;
				// The type of vertex processing should match what was specified when the device interface was created with CreateDevice()
				const HRESULT result = GetVertexProcessingUsage(usage);
				if (FAILED(result))
					return false;
				// Our code will only ever write to the buffer
				usage |= D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY;

			// Create an index buffer
			unsigned int bufferSize;
				bufferSize = mIndexCount * sizeof(uint32_t);
				// We'll use 32-bit indices in this class to keep things simple
				// (i.e. every index will be a 32 bit unsigned integer)
				const D3DFORMAT format = D3DFMT_INDEX32;
				// Place the index buffer into memory that Direct3D thinks is the most appropriate
				const D3DPOOL useDefaultPool = D3DPOOL_DEFAULT;
				HANDLE* notUsed = NULL;
				const HRESULT result = s_direct3dDevice->CreateIndexBuffer(bufferSize, usage, format, useDefaultPool,
					&s_indexBuffer, notUsed);
				if (FAILED(result))
					eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to create an index buffer");
					return false;
			// Fill the index buffer with the triangles' connectivity data
				// Before the index buffer can be changed it must be "locked"
				uint32_t* indexData;
					const unsigned int lockEntireBuffer = 0;
					const DWORD useDefaultLockingBehavior = 0;
					const HRESULT result = s_indexBuffer->Lock(lockEntireBuffer, lockEntireBuffer,
						reinterpret_cast<void**>(&indexData), useDefaultLockingBehavior);
					if (FAILED(result))
						eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to lock the index buffer");
						return false;
				// Fill the buffer
					for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mIndexCount; i++)
						indexData[i] = mIndexData[i];
				// The buffer must be "unlocked" before it can be used
					const HRESULT result = s_indexBuffer->Unlock();
					if (FAILED(result))
						eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to unlock the index buffer");
						return false;

			return true;
예제 #3
	bool Graphics::CreateIndexBuffer(uint32_t * i_indexData,  Mesh &i_Mesh)
		IDirect3DDevice9* s_direct3dDevice = eae6320::Graphics::getDirect3DDevice();
		// The usage tells Direct3D how this vertex buffer will be used
		DWORD usage = 0;
			// The type of vertex processing should match what was specified when the device interface was created with CreateDevice()
			const HRESULT result = GetVertexProcessingUsage(usage);
			if (FAILED(result))
				return false;
			// Our code will only ever write to the buffer

		// Create an index buffer
		unsigned int bufferSize;
			// We are drawing a square
			const unsigned int triangleCount = i_Mesh.m_indexCount;	// How many triangles does a square have?
			const unsigned int vertexCountPerTriangle = 3;
			bufferSize = triangleCount * vertexCountPerTriangle * sizeof(uint32_t);
			// We'll use 32-bit indices in this class to keep things simple
			// (i.e. every index will be a 32 bit unsigned integer)
			const D3DFORMAT format = D3DFMT_INDEX32;
			// Place the index buffer into memory that Direct3D thinks is the most appropriate
			const D3DPOOL useDefaultPool = D3DPOOL_DEFAULT;
			HANDLE* notUsed = NULL;
			const HRESULT result = s_direct3dDevice->CreateIndexBuffer(bufferSize, usage, format, useDefaultPool,
				&i_Mesh.s_indexBuffer, notUsed);
			if (FAILED(result))
				eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to create an index buffer");
				return false;
		// Fill the index buffer with the triangles' connectivity data
			// Before the index buffer can be changed it must be "locked"
			uint32_t* indexData;
				const unsigned int lockEntireBuffer = 0;
				const DWORD useDefaultLockingBehavior = 0;
				const HRESULT result = i_Mesh.s_indexBuffer->Lock(lockEntireBuffer, lockEntireBuffer,
					reinterpret_cast<void**>(&indexData), useDefaultLockingBehavior);
				if (FAILED(result))
					eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to lock the index buffer");
					return false;
			memcpy(indexData, i_indexData, sizeof(uint32_t) * i_Mesh.m_indexCount * 3);
			// Fill the buffer
				// EAE6320_TODO:
				// You will need to fill in 3 indices for each triangle that needs to be drawn.
				// Each index will be a 32-bit unsigned integer,
				// and will index into the vertex buffer array that you have created.
				// The order of indices is important, but the correct order will depend on
				// which vertex you have assigned to which spot in your vertex buffer
				// (also remember to maintain the correct handedness for the triangle winding order).

				// Triangle 0
				//indexData[0] = 0;
				//indexData[1] = 1;
				//indexData[2] = 2;

				//// Triangle 1
				//indexData[3] = 0;
				//indexData[4] = 2;
				//indexData[5] = 3;

				// etc...
			// The buffer must be "unlocked" before it can be used
				const HRESULT result = i_Mesh.s_indexBuffer->Unlock();
				if (FAILED(result))
					eae6320::UserOutput::Print("Direct3D failed to unlock the index buffer");
					return false;

		return true;