예제 #1
Point3i World::GetRayCollisionDist(const Vec3f &start, const Vec3f &dir, float castDist) // Returns -1.0f of the ray didn't hit anything
	float dist = 1.6f;

	// Test every block length, so will hit all blocks no matter what
	while(dist <= castDist)
		// Get the position along the ray
		Vec3f pos(start + dir * dist);

		// Get the voxel at this position
		int vx = static_cast<int>(pos.x);
		int vy = static_cast<int>(pos.y);
		int vz = static_cast<int>(pos.z);

		unsigned char type = GetVoxel(vx, vy, vz);

		// If solid, stop testing
		if(type != 0)
			return Point3i(vx, vy, vz);

		dist += 1.0f;

	// Didn't hit anything, return may power
	return Point3i(-1, -1, -1);
int UMarchingCubes::PolygonizeToTriangles(TArray<FDynamicMeshVertex> *Vertices, TArray<int32> *Indices, TArray<FVector> *Positions, float fScaling, int32 SizeX, int32 SizeY, int32 SizeZ, int32 PosX, int32 PosY, int32 PosZ)
	if (GridSize.X < SizeX || GridSize.Y < SizeY || GridSize.Z < SizeZ)
		return 0;
	int NumTriangles = 0;
	for (int32 x = 0; x < GridSize.X - 1; ++x)

		for (int32 y = 0; y < GridSize.Y - 1; ++y)

			for (int32 z = 0; z < GridSize.Z - 1; ++z)

				// Get each points of a cube.
				float p0 = GetVoxel(x, y, z);
				float p1 = GetVoxel(x + 1, y, z);
				float p2 = GetVoxel(x, y + 1, z);
				float p3 = GetVoxel(x + 1, y + 1, z);
				float p4 = GetVoxel(x, y, z + 1);
				float p5 = GetVoxel(x + 1, y, z + 1);
				float p6 = GetVoxel(x, y + 1, z + 1);
				float p7 = GetVoxel(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1);

				Determine the index into the edge table which
				tells us which vertices are inside of the surface
				int crossBitMap = 0;

				if (p0 < m_fSurfaceCrossValue) crossBitMap |= 1;
				if (p1 < m_fSurfaceCrossValue) crossBitMap |= 2;

				if (p2 < m_fSurfaceCrossValue) crossBitMap |= 8;
				if (p3 < m_fSurfaceCrossValue) crossBitMap |= 4;

				if (p4 < m_fSurfaceCrossValue) crossBitMap |= 16;
				if (p5 < m_fSurfaceCrossValue) crossBitMap |= 32;

				if (p6 < m_fSurfaceCrossValue) crossBitMap |= 128;
				if (p7 < m_fSurfaceCrossValue) crossBitMap |= 64;

				/* Cube is entirely in/out of the surface */
				int edgeBits = edgeTable[crossBitMap];
				if (edgeBits == 0)

				float interpolatedCrossingPoint = 0.0f;
				FVector interpolatedValues[12];

				if ((edgeBits & 1) > 0)

					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p0) / (p1 - p0);
					interpolatedValues[0] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y, PosZ + z), FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y, PosZ + z), interpolatedCrossingPoint);
				if ((edgeBits & 2) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p1) / (p3 - p1);
					interpolatedValues[1] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y, PosZ + z), FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z), interpolatedCrossingPoint);
				if ((edgeBits & 4) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p2) / (p3 - p2);
					interpolatedValues[2] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z), FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z), interpolatedCrossingPoint);
				if ((edgeBits & 8) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p0) / (p2 - p0);
					interpolatedValues[3] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y, PosZ + z), FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z), interpolatedCrossingPoint);

				//Top four edges
				if ((edgeBits & 16) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p4) / (p5 - p4);
					interpolatedValues[4] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y, PosZ + z + 1), FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y, PosZ + z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint);
				if ((edgeBits & 32) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p5) / (p7 - p5);
					interpolatedValues[5] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y, PosZ + z + 1), FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint);
				if ((edgeBits & 64) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p6) / (p7 - p6);
					interpolatedValues[6] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z + 1), FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint);
				if ((edgeBits & 128) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p4) / (p6 - p4);
					interpolatedValues[7] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y, PosZ + z + 1), FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint);

				//Side four edges
				if ((edgeBits & 256) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p0) / (p4 - p0);
					interpolatedValues[8] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y, PosZ + z), FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y, PosZ + z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint);
				if ((edgeBits & 512) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p1) / (p5 - p1);
					interpolatedValues[9] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y, PosZ + z), FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y, PosZ + z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint);
				if ((edgeBits & 1024) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p3) / (p7 - p3);
					interpolatedValues[10] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z), FVector(PosX + x + 1, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint);
				if ((edgeBits & 2048) > 0)
					interpolatedCrossingPoint = (m_fSurfaceCrossValue - p2) / (p6 - p2);
					interpolatedValues[11] = FMath::Lerp(FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z), FVector(PosX + x, PosY + y + 1, PosZ + z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint);

				crossBitMap <<= 4;

				int triangleIndex = 0;
				while (triTable[crossBitMap + triangleIndex] != -1)
					// For each triangle in the look up table, create a triangle and add it to the list.
					int index1 = triTable[crossBitMap + triangleIndex];
					int index2 = triTable[crossBitMap + triangleIndex + 1];
					int index3 = triTable[crossBitMap + triangleIndex + 2];

					FDynamicMeshVertex Vertex0;
					Vertex0.Position = (FVector(interpolatedValues[index1].X, interpolatedValues[index1].Y, interpolatedValues[index1].Z) * fScaling);
					FDynamicMeshVertex Vertex1;
					Vertex1.Position = (FVector(interpolatedValues[index2].X, interpolatedValues[index2].Y, interpolatedValues[index2].Z) * fScaling);
					FDynamicMeshVertex Vertex2;
					Vertex2.Position = (FVector(interpolatedValues[index3].X, interpolatedValues[index3].Y, interpolatedValues[index3].Z) * fScaling);
					// Calculate Tangents
					const FVector Edge01 = (Vertex1.Position - Vertex0.Position);
					const FVector Edge02 = (Vertex2.Position - Vertex0.Position);
					const FVector TangentX = Edge01.GetSafeNormal();
					const FVector TangentZ = (Edge02 ^ Edge01).GetSafeNormal();
					const FVector TangentY = (TangentX ^ TangentZ).GetSafeNormal();

					Vertex0.TextureCoordinate.X = Vertex0.Position.X / 100.0f;
					Vertex0.TextureCoordinate.Y = Vertex0.Position.Y / 100.0f;

					Vertex1.TextureCoordinate.X = Vertex1.Position.X / 100.0f;
					Vertex1.TextureCoordinate.Y = Vertex1.Position.Y / 100.0f;

					Vertex2.TextureCoordinate.X = Vertex2.Position.X / 100.0f;
					Vertex2.TextureCoordinate.Y = Vertex2.Position.Y / 100.0f;

					// Fill Index buffer And Vertex buffer with the generated vertices.
					int32 VIndex0 = Positions->Find(Vertex0.Position);
					if (VIndex0 < 0)
						Vertex0.SetTangents(TangentX, TangentY, TangentZ);
						VIndex0 = Positions->Add(Vertex0.Position);

					int32 VIndex1 = Positions->Find(Vertex1.Position);
					if (VIndex1 < 0)
						Vertex1.SetTangents(TangentX, TangentY, TangentZ);
						VIndex1 = Positions->Add(Vertex1.Position);

					int32 VIndex2 = Positions->Find(Vertex2.Position);
					if (VIndex2 < 0)
						Vertex2.SetTangents(TangentX, TangentY, TangentZ);
						VIndex2 = Positions->Add(Vertex2.Position);
					triangleIndex += 3;


	return NumTriangles;
예제 #3
		byte Chunk::GetVoxel(const int x, const int y, const int z)
			return GetVoxel(glm::vec3(x, y, z));
예제 #4
void IterateVoxel(inout vec3 voxel, Ray ray, inout vec4 colorAccum)
	float maxX = 0.0;
	float maxY = 0.0;
	float maxZ = 0.0;
	if(ray.Direction.x != 0.0)
		maxX = max((voxel.x - ray.Origin.x) / ray.Direction.x, (voxel.x + 1.0 - ray.Origin.x) / ray.Direction.x);
	if(ray.Direction.y != 0.0)
		maxY = max((voxel.y - ray.Origin.y) / ray.Direction.y, (voxel.y + 1.0 - ray.Origin.y) / ray.Direction.y);
	if(ray.Direction.z != 0.0)
		maxZ = max((voxel.z - ray.Origin.z) / ray.Direction.z, (voxel.z + 1.0 - ray.Origin.z) / ray.Direction.z);

	vec2 hitPoint;
	float texture;
	if(maxX <= min(maxY, maxZ))
		voxel.x += sign(ray.Direction.x);
		int block = GetVoxel(voxel);

		if(block != 0)
			texture = (ray.Direction.x > 0) ? textureFaces[block*6 + 0] : textureFaces[block*6 + 1];
			hitPoint = fract(ray.Origin + ray.Direction * maxX).zy;
			colorAccum = texture2DArray(textures, vec3(1.0 - abs(hitPoint), texture));
			colorAccum.xyz *= 0.9;
	if(maxY <= min(maxX, maxZ))
		voxel.y += sign(ray.Direction.y);
		int block = GetVoxel(voxel);

		if(block != 0)
			texture = (ray.Direction.y > 0) ? textureFaces[block*6 + 3] : textureFaces[block*6 + 2];
			hitPoint = fract(ray.Origin + ray.Direction * maxY).xz;
			colorAccum = texture2DArray(textures, vec3(1.0 - abs(hitPoint), texture));
			colorAccum.xyz *= 1.0;
	if(maxZ <= min(maxX, maxY))
		voxel.z += sign(ray.Direction.z);
		int block = GetVoxel(voxel);

		if(block != 0)
			texture = (ray.Direction.z > 0) ? textureFaces[block*6 + 4] : textureFaces[block*6 + 5];
			hitPoint = fract(ray.Origin + ray.Direction * maxZ).xy;
			colorAccum = texture2DArray(textures, vec3(1.0 - abs(hitPoint), texture));
			colorAccum.xyz *= 0.8;
예제 #5
bool ShouldDraw(vec3 voxel)
	return GetVoxel(voxel) != 0;