예제 #1
BaseXMLReader::ProcessElement PlannerBase::PlannerParameters::startElement(const std::string& name, const AttributesList& atts)
    _ss.str(""); // have to clear the string
    if( !!__pcurreader ) {
        if( __pcurreader->startElement(name, atts) == PE_Support ) {
            return PE_Support;
        return PE_Ignore;

    if( __processingtag.size() > 0 ) {
        return PE_Ignore;
    if( name=="plannerparameters" ) {
        return PE_Support;

    if( name == "_postprocessing" ) {
        _sslocal.reset(new std::stringstream());
        FOREACHC(itatt,atts) {
            if( itatt->first == "planner" ) {
                _sPostProcessingPlanner = itatt->second;
        __pcurreader.reset(new DummyXMLReader(name,GetXMLId(),_sslocal));
        return PE_Support;
예제 #2
bool InterfaceBase::SendCommand(ostream& sout, istream& sinput)
    string cmd;
    sinput >> cmd;
    if( !sinput ) {
        throw openrave_exception("invalid command",ORE_InvalidArguments);
    boost::shared_ptr<InterfaceCommand> interfacecmd;
        boost::shared_lock< boost::shared_mutex > lock(_mutexInterface);
        CMDMAP::iterator it = __mapCommands.find(cmd);
        if( it == __mapCommands.end() ) {
            throw openrave_exception(str(boost::format("failed to find command '%s' in interface %s\n")%cmd.c_str()%GetXMLId()),ORE_CommandNotSupported);
        interfacecmd = it->second;
    if( !interfacecmd->fn(sout,sinput) ) {
        RAVELOG_VERBOSE(str(boost::format("command failed in interface %s: %s\n")%GetXMLId()%cmd));
        return false;
    return true;