예제 #1
static void LboxDrawLine(HWND hwnd, OWNERITEM *item, RECTL *rcl, image_contents_screencode_t *line)
    const HPS hps = item->hps;
    const int name = WinDlgLboxSelectedItem(hwnd, DID_FONTNAME_LB);
    FATTRS font = { sizeof(FATTRS), 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 0 };

    strcpy(font.szFacename, fnames[name]);

    GpiCreateLogFont(hps, NULL, 1, &font);
    GpiSetCharSet(hps, 1);
    GpiSetBackColor(hps, item->fsState ? CLR_DARKGRAY : CLR_WHITE);
    GpiSetColor(hps, item->fsState ? CLR_WHITE : CLR_DEFAULT);
    GpiCharStringPosAt(hps, (POINTL*)rcl, rcl, CHS_OPAQUE, line->length, line->line, NULL);
    GpiSetCharSet(hps, 0);
    GpiDeleteSetId(hps, 1);
VOID MainPaint(HWND hwnd)
    RECTL  rclUpdate;
    RECTL  rclWnd;
    RECTL  rclDraw;

    HPS hps;
    POINTL pt;
    LONG        LineHeight;
    LONG        Descender;
    PCHAR  pText;
    LONG   ptTextStart;
    LONG   Inc[] = { 10, 10, 10,
                     12, 12, 12,
                     14, 14, 14,
                     16, 16, 16,
                     18, 18, 18,
                     20, 20, 20,
                     22, 22, 22,
                     24, 24, 24

    PCHAR   TextLines[] = {
            "~DrawText",             //0
            "CharString",            //1
            "CharStringAt",          //2
            "CharStringPos",         //3
            "CharStringPosAt",       //4
            "DrawText(QueryRect)",   //5
            "QueryCharStringPos",    //6
            "QueryCharStringPosAt",  //7
            "QueryTextBox"           //8

    PCHAR   TextLines_API[] = {
            "WinDrawText:",                 //0
            "GpiCharString:",               //1
            "GpiCharStringAt:",             //2
            "GpiCharStringPos:",            //3
            "GpiCharStringPosAt:",          //4
            "WinDrawText(QueryRect):",      //5
            "GpiQueryCharStringPos:",       //6
            "GpiQueryCharStringPosAt:",     //7
            "GpiQueryTextBox:",             //8
            "Current Clipboard TextBuffer:" //9

    ULONG   GpiBidiAttr;
    ULONG   NullBidiAttr = 0L;

    hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, (PRECTL)&rclUpdate);

    // Get the bidi attribute of the presentation space, so that
    // we can flip/flip between a NULL bidiattribute and this one
    GpiBidiAttr = GpiQueryBidiAttr(hps);

    /* fill update rectangle with window color */
    WinFillRect(hps, (PRECTL)&rclUpdate, SYSCLR_PAGEBACKGROUND );

    CalcLineHeight(hps, &LineHeight, &Descender);

    GpiSetColor    ( hps, CLR_BLUE ) ;
    GpiSetBackColor( hps, CLR_RED  ) ;

    WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, (PRECTL)&rclWnd);
    ptTextStart = rclWnd.xRight * 2/5  ;

    // -------------------------------------
    // WinDrawText!
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.x = 0;
    pt.y = rclWnd.yTop - LineHeight + Descender;

    rclDraw.xLeft   = rclWnd.xLeft;
    rclDraw.xRight  = rclWnd.xRight;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;

    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);

    pText = TextLines_API[0];
    WinDrawText ( hps, strlen(pText), pText, &rclDraw, 0L, 0L,

    rclDraw.xLeft = ptTextStart;

    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);

    pText = TextLines[0];
    WinDrawText ( hps, strlen(pText), pText, &rclDraw, 0L, 0L,

    // -------------------------------------
    // GpiCharString
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight;
    pt.x = 0;
    GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ;
    pText = TextLines_API[1];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharString(hps, strlen(pText), pText);

    pt.x = ptTextStart;
    GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ;
    pText = TextLines[1];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);
    GpiCharString(hps, strlen(pText), pText);

    // -------------------------------------
    //  GpiCharStringAt
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight ;
    pt.x = 0;
    pText = TextLines_API[2];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText);

    pt.x = ptTextStart;
    pText = TextLines[2];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText);

    // -------------------------------------
    //  GpiCharStringPos
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight ;
    pt.x = 0;
    GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ;

    rclDraw.xLeft   = rclWnd.xLeft;
    rclDraw.xRight  = ptTextStart - 4;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;

    pText = TextLines_API[3];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringPos(hps, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE,
                     strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0] );

    rclDraw.xLeft   = ptTextStart;
    rclDraw.xRight  = rclWnd.xRight;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender  ;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;

    pt.x            = ptTextStart;
    GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ;

    pText = TextLines[3];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringPos(hps, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE,
                     strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0]);

    // -------------------------------------
    //  GpiCharStringPosAt
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight ;
    pt.x = 0;

    rclDraw.xLeft   = rclWnd.xLeft;
    rclDraw.xRight  = ptTextStart - 4;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender  ;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;

    pText = TextLines_API[4];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringPosAt(hps, &pt, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE,
                       strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0] );

    rclDraw.xLeft   = ptTextStart;
    rclDraw.xRight  = rclWnd.xRight;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender  ;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;
    pt.x            = ptTextStart;

    pText = TextLines[4];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringPosAt(hps, &pt, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE,
                       strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0]);

    // -------------------------------------
    //  Current Clipboard TextBuffer
    //  This is used as a means of "looking inside" the
    //  clipbaord. (This is a clipboard viewer for the poor...)
    //  This part shows the text in szPasteText.
    //  To operate:
    //  - Copy/Cut text from anywhere to the clipbaord.
    //  - select:    Edit --> Paste --> No Conversion
    //  - The clipboard text will be shown (UNMODIFIED BUFFER)
    //    in our window.
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight ;
    pt.x = 0;

    pText = TextLines_API[9];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText);

    pt.x            = ptTextStart;
    pText           = szPasteText;
    GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText);

//BIDI- end

     * Add painting routines here.  Hps is now the HPS for
     * the window and rclUpdate contains the update rectangle.


}   /* MainPaint() */
예제 #3
// Draw the titlebar.
// Parameters --------------------------------------------------------------
// PSTLRFRAME p : windows data.
// Return value ------------------------------------------------------------
VOID DrawTitlebar(PSTLRFRAME p) {
   PTBARAIOPT ptbo = p->is.tbhilited? &o.tb.a : &o.tb.i;
   POINTL apt[3];
   INT i;
   GpiCreateLogColorTable(p->hps, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL);
   // background ----------------------------------------------------------
   switch (ptbo->bkgnd) {
      // shade --------------------------------------------------------
         if (ptbo->shade) {         // sfumatura orizzontale
            WsetRect(apt, 0, 0, p->wrclTitle.cx, p->wrclTitle.cy);
            WinDrawBitmap(p->hps, ptbo->hbmp, NULL, apt, 0, 0, DBM_STRETCH);
         } else {                        // sfumatura verticale
            WsetRect(apt, 0, 0, p->wrclTitle.cx, SHADEH_CY);
            for (i = 0; i < p->wrclTitle.cy; i += 2) {
               WinDrawBitmap(p->hps, ptbo->hbmp, NULL, apt, 0, 0, DBM_STRETCH);
               ((PRECTL)apt)->yBottom += SHADEH_CY;
               ((PRECTL)apt)->yTop += SHADEH_CY;
            } /* endfor */
         } /* endif */
      // bitmap -------------------------------------------------------
      case TBARBKGNDBMP:
         WsetRect(&apt[1], 0, 0, p->wrclTitle.cx, p->wrclTitle.cy);
         if (ptbo->strch) {
            WinDrawBitmap(p->hps, ptbo->hbmp, NULL, &apt[1], 0, 0, DBM_STRETCH);
         } else {
            apt[0].x = apt[0].y = 0;
            while (apt[0].x <= p->wrclTitle.cx) {
               WinDrawBitmap(p->hps, ptbo->hbmp, (PRECTL)&apt[1], apt, 0, 0, 0);
               apt[0].x += ptbo->size.cx;
               apt[2].x = p->wrclTitle.cx - apt[0].x;
            } /* endwhile */
         } /* endif */
      // solid color --------------------------------------------------
         apt[0].x = p->wrclTitle.cx - 1;
         apt[0].y = p->wrclTitle.cy - 1;
         GpiSetColor(p->hps, ptbo->clrLeftTop.l);
         GpiBox(p->hps, DRO_OUTLINEFILL, apt, 0L, 0L);
   } /* endswitch */
   // text ----------------------------------------------------------------
   if (!p->cyfont) {
      GpiQueryTextBox(p->hps, p->cchTxt, p->achTxt, 3, apt);
      p->yfont = - apt[1].y;
      p->cyfont = apt[0].y - apt[1].y;
      p->cxfont = apt[2].x - apt[0].x;
   } /* endif */
   // se il testo Š pi— largo della finestra viene comunque allineato a sin.
   i = (p->cxfont < p->wrclTitle.cx) ? 8: 0;
   apt[0].x = (ptbo->center && i)? (p->wrclTitle.cx - p->cxfont) / 2 + 1: i + 3;
   apt[0].y = (p->wrclTitle.cy - p->cyfont) / 2 + p->yfont;
   apt[1].x = 0;
   apt[1].y = 0;
   apt[2].x = p->wrclTitle.cx - 1;
   apt[2].y = p->wrclTitle.cy - 1;
   if (ptbo->_3DTxt) {                         // disegna ombra testo
      GpiSetColor(p->hps, ptbo->clrBgTxt.l);
      GpiCharStringPosAt(p->hps, apt, (PRECTL)(apt + 1), CHS_CLIP,
                         p->cchTxt, p->achTxt, NULL);
   } /* endif */
   GpiSetColor(p->hps, ptbo->clrFgTxt.l);
   GpiCharStringPosAt(p->hps, apt, (PRECTL)(apt + 1), CHS_CLIP,
                      p->cchTxt, p->achTxt, NULL);
   // border --------------------------------------------------------------
   if (ptbo->border) {
      GpiMove(p->hps, &apt[1]);
      apt[1].y = apt[2].y;
      GpiSetColor(p->hps, ptbo->clrHiBkgnd.l);
      GpiPolyLine(p->hps, 2, &apt[1]);
      apt[1].x = apt[2].x;
      apt[1].y = 0;
      apt[2].x = 1;
      apt[2].y = 0;
      GpiSetColor(p->hps, ptbo->clrShBkgnd.l);
      GpiPolyLine(p->hps, 2, &apt[1]);
   } /* endif */
예제 #4
bool PaintButton( VRIconButton *somSelf, PUSERBUTTON pbtn )
    HAB    hab;
    RECTL  rcl,
    POINTL ptl,
           aptl[ TXTBOX_COUNT ];
    LONG   lFlags,
    ULONG  cb;
    BOOL   fPosition;

//FILE *f = fopen("c:\\iconbtn.log", "a");

    VRIconButtonData *somThis = VRIconButtonGetData(somSelf);
    lFlags = _vrGetWindowFlags( somSelf );

//fprintf(f, "----[ Entering PaintButton ] ----\n");

    if ( !pbtn || ( ! WinQueryWindowRect( pbtn->hwnd, &rcl )))
        return FALSE;

    // Get the current background colour
    cb = WinQueryPresParam( pbtn->hwnd, PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR,
                            PP_BACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX, NULL,
                            sizeof( lClr ), &lClr, QPF_ID2COLORINDEX );
    if ( cb )
        GpiCreateLogColorTable( pbtn->hps, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL );
        lClr = GpiQueryRGBColor( pbtn->hps, 0, SYSCLR_BUTTONMIDDLE );

    // Fill in the button background
    WinFillRect( pbtn->hps, &rcl, lClr );

    ptl.x = rcl.xLeft;
    ptl.y = rcl.yBottom;
    GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
    ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 1;
    ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 1;
    // Draw the "default" state outline if applicable
    if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_DEFAULT ) {
        GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, SYSCLR_BUTTONDEFAULT );
        GpiBox( pbtn->hps, DRO_OUTLINE, &ptl, 0, 0 );
    else {
        cb = WinQueryPresParam( WinQueryWindow( pbtn->hwnd, QW_PARENT ),
                                NULL, sizeof( lClr ), &lClr, QPF_ID2COLORINDEX );
        if ( cb )
            GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, lClr );
            GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, SYSCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND );
        GpiBox( pbtn->hps, DRO_OUTLINE, &ptl, 0, 0 );

    if ( !( lFlags & BS_NOBORDER )) {
        /* Draw the button border (if appropriate) depending on the current
         * state(s).
        GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, ( _fDown || ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED )) ?
                                CLR_BLACK: SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK );
        ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 1;
        ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 2;
        GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 2;
        GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 2;
        GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, ( _fDown || ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED )) ?
                                SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK: CLR_BLACK );
        ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 1;
        ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 1;
        GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 2;
        GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 3;
        GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );

        GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, ( _fDown || ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED )) ?
                                SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT: SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK );
        ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 2;
        ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 2;
        GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 3;
        GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 3;
        GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, ( _fDown || ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED )) ?
                                SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK: SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT );
        ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 2;
        ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 3;
        GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 3;
        GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
        ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 3;
        GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );

        if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED ) {
            GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT );
            ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 3;
            ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 3;
            GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
            ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 4;
            GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
            GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
            ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 4;
            GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
            GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK );
            ptl.x = rcl.xLeft + 3;
            ptl.y = rcl.yBottom + 4;
            GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
            ptl.y = rcl.yTop - 4;
            GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
            GpiMove( pbtn->hps, &ptl );
            ptl.x = rcl.xRight - 4;
            GpiLine( pbtn->hps, &ptl );

    } // if ( !( lFlags & BS_NOBORDER ))

    /* After this point, rcl is used for the clipping boundaries of the entire
     * button contents exclusive of the border.  Separate bounding rectangles
     * for the image and the text will now be calculated within this area.
    if ( rcl.xRight > 6 ) {
        rcl.xLeft += 3;
        rcl.xRight -= 3;
    if ( rcl.yTop > 6 ) {
        rcl.yBottom += 3;
        rcl.yTop -= 3;
    memcpy( &rclTxt, &rcl, sizeof( RECTL ));
    if ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > 4 ) {
        rclTxt.xLeft += 2;
        rclTxt.xRight -= 2;
    if ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > 4 ) {
        rclTxt.yBottom += 2;
        rclTxt.yTop -= 2;
    if ( _pPic && ( _pPic->type & MEMP_BITMAP ) && _fResize )
        memcpy( &rclImg, &rcl, sizeof( RECTL ));
    else {
        rclImg.xLeft   = ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > 6 )  ?
                         rclTxt.xLeft + 3   : rclTxt.xLeft;
        rclImg.xRight  = ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > 6 )  ?
                         rclTxt.xRight - 3  : rclTxt.xRight;
        rclImg.yBottom = ( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) > 6 ) ?
                         rclTxt.yBottom + 3 : rclTxt.yBottom;
        rclImg.yTop    = ( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) > 6 ) ?
                         rclTxt.yTop - 3    : rclTxt.yTop;

//fprintf(f, "rcl     = {%d %d %d %d}, width = %d, height= %d\n", rcl.xLeft, rcl.yBottom, rcl.xRight, rcl.yTop, RECTL_WIDTH(rcl), RECTL_HEIGHT(rcl) );
//fprintf(f, "rclImg  = {%d %d %d %d}, width = %d, height= %d\n", rclImg.xLeft, rclImg.yBottom, rclImg.xRight, rclImg.yTop, RECTL_WIDTH(rclImg), RECTL_HEIGHT(rclImg) );

    fPosition = _pPic && ( !_fResize || _pPic->type & MEMP_ICON ) &&
                (( _bAlign == ALIGN_LEFT ) || ( _bAlign == ALIGN_RIGHT )) ?
                TRUE : FALSE;

    /* We won't draw the text until after the image... but unless we're scaling
     * the image into the whole button, we need to calculate how much space the
     * text is going to require so we can fit the image next to it.  (Note that
     * we behave differently for top/bottom alignment vs left/right alignment -
     * with top/bottom, the text area is fixed to the height of the string plus
     * a certain margin.  With left/right alignment, the image rectangle is set
     * to the physical image size, and the text rectangle is offset from that.)
    lStrW = 0;
    lStrH = 0;
    GpiQueryFontMetrics( pbtn->hps, sizeof( FONTMETRICS ), &fm );
    if ( _pszText && *_pszText ) {

        // Get the width of the text as it would be rendered in the current font
        GpiQueryTextBox( pbtn->hps, strlen( _pszText ),
                         _pszText, TXTBOX_COUNT, aptl );

        lStrW = aptl[TXTBOX_TOPRIGHT].x - aptl[TXTBOX_TOPLEFT].x;
        lStrW += ( 2 * fm.lAveCharWidth );
        lStrH = fm.lMaxBaselineExt + fm.lInternalLeading + fm.lMaxDescender;

        // Adjust the bounding rectangles for the text and image
        switch ( _bAlign ) {
            case ALIGN_TOP:
                rclTxt.yBottom = rclTxt.yTop - lStrH;
                if ( _pPic && ( !_fResize || _pPic->type & MEMP_ICON )) {
                    if (( rclTxt.yBottom - rclImg.yBottom ) > _pPic->height )
                        rclImg.yTop = rclTxt.yBottom - 1;
                    else if (( rcl.yTop - rclImg.yBottom ) > _pPic->height )
                        rclImg.yTop = rcl.yBottom + _pPic->height;
            case ALIGN_BOTTOM:
                rclTxt.yTop = rclTxt.yBottom + lStrH;
                if ( _pPic && ( !_fResize || _pPic->type & MEMP_ICON )) {
                    if ((( rclImg.yTop - rclTxt.yTop ) > _pPic->height ))
                        rclImg.yBottom = rclTxt.yTop + 1;
                    else if (( rclImg.yTop - rcl.yBottom ) > _pPic->height )
                        rclImg.yBottom = (LONG) ( rcl.yTop - _pPic->height );
            case ALIGN_LEFT:
                if ( fPosition ) {
                    if (( rclTxt.xLeft + lStrW + _pPic->width ) < rclImg.xRight ) {
                        rclImg.xLeft = rclImg.xRight - _pPic->width;
                        rclTxt.xRight = rclImg.xLeft - 1;
                    else  {
                        rclTxt.xRight = rclTxt.xLeft + lStrW;
                        if (( rclImg.xRight - _pPic->width ) < RECTL_WIDTH( rcl ))
                            rclImg.xLeft = (LONG) ( rclImg.xRight - _pPic->width );
                    rclTxt.xRight = rclTxt.xLeft + lStrW;
            case ALIGN_RIGHT:
                if ( fPosition ) {
                    if (( rclImg.xLeft + _pPic->width + lStrW ) < rclImg.xRight ) {
                        rclImg.xRight = rclImg.xLeft + _pPic->width;
                        rclTxt.xLeft = rclImg.xRight + 1;
                    else {
                        rclTxt.xLeft = rclTxt.xRight - lStrW;
                        if (( rclImg.xLeft + _pPic->width ) < RECTL_WIDTH( rcl ))
                            rclImg.xRight = rclImg.xLeft + _pPic->width;
                    rclTxt.xLeft = rclTxt.xRight - lStrW;
            default: break;   // ALIGN_CENTER, no adjustment needed
        if ( rclTxt.yBottom < rcl.yBottom ) rclTxt.yBottom = rcl.yBottom;
        if ( rclTxt.yTop > rcl.yTop ) rclTxt.yTop = rcl.yTop;
        if ( rclTxt.xLeft < rcl.xLeft ) rclTxt.xLeft = rcl.xLeft;
        if ( rclTxt.xRight > rcl.xRight ) rclTxt.xRight = rcl.xRight;

    // Draw the image, if one is defined
    if ( _pPic ) {

        if (( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED ) &&
            !( _fResize && ( _pPic->type & MEMP_BITMAP )))

        if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_DISABLED ) flPic |= PICTDRAW_DISABLE;
        if ( _pPic->type & MEMP_BITMAP ) {
            if ( _fResize )
                flPic |= PICTDRAW_STRETCH_BITMAP;
            else {
                ptl.x = ((LONG)( RECTL_WIDTH( rclImg ) - _pPic->width ) / 2 );
                ptl.y = ((LONG)( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclImg ) - _pPic->height ) / 2 );
                if ( ptl.x > 0 ) rclImg.xLeft += ptl.x;
                if ( ptl.y > 0 ) rclImg.yBottom += ptl.y;

        VRPictDisplay( pbtn->hwnd, pbtn->hps, _pPic, &rclImg, flPic );

    // Now draw the text, if any
    if ( _pszText && *_pszText ) {

        // Get the current foreground colour
        if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_DISABLED )
            lClr = GpiQueryRGBColor( pbtn->hps, 0, SYSCLR_MENUDISABLEDTEXT );
        else {
            cb = WinQueryPresParam( pbtn->hwnd, PP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR,
                                    PP_FOREGROUNDCOLORINDEX, NULL,
                                    sizeof( lClr ), &lClr, QPF_ID2COLORINDEX );
            if ( !cb )
                lClr = GpiQueryRGBColor( pbtn->hps, 0, SYSCLR_WINDOWTEXT );
        GpiSetColor( pbtn->hps, lClr );

        // Now position and draw the button text
        switch ( _bAlign ) {

            case ALIGN_TOP:
                ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) / 2 );
                ptl.y = ( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) < lStrH ) ? rclTxt.yTop :
                        rclTxt.yTop - ( 2 * fm.lInternalLeading );
                GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_CENTER, TA_TOP );
                flTxt = DT_CENTER | (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) < lStrH )
                                    ? DT_TOP : DT_VCENTER ) |
                        DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC;

            case ALIGN_BOTTOM:
                ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) / 2 );
                ptl.y = ( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) < lStrH ) ? rclTxt.yBottom :
                        rclTxt.yBottom + ( 2 * fm.lInternalLeading );
                GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_CENTER, TA_BOTTOM );
                flTxt = DT_CENTER | (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) < lStrH ) ?
                                    DT_BOTTOM : DT_VCENTER ) |
                        DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC;

            case ALIGN_LEFT:
                ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + fm.lAveCharWidth;
                ptl.y = rclTxt.yBottom + (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) - fm.lXHeight ) / 2 );
                GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_NORMAL_HORIZ, TA_BASE );
                flTxt = DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC;
                rclTxt.xLeft += fm.lAveCharWidth;

            case ALIGN_RIGHT:
                ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + fm.lAveCharWidth;
                ptl.y = rclTxt.yBottom + (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) - fm.lXHeight ) / 2 );
                GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_NORMAL_HORIZ, TA_BASE );
                flTxt = (fPosition? DT_LEFT: DT_RIGHT) | DT_VCENTER | DT_TEXTATTRS | DT_MNEMONIC;
                if ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) > fm.lAveCharWidth ) {
                    if ( fPosition )
                        rclTxt.xLeft += fm.lAveCharWidth;
                        rclTxt.xRight -= fm.lAveCharWidth;

            default:    // ALIGN_CENTER
                ptl.x = rclTxt.xLeft + ( RECTL_WIDTH( rclTxt ) / 2 );
                ptl.y = rclTxt.yBottom + (( RECTL_HEIGHT( rclTxt ) - fm.lXHeight ) / 2 );
                GpiSetTextAlignment( pbtn->hps, TA_CENTER, TA_BASE );
        if ( pbtn->fsState & BDS_HILITED ) {
        cb = strlen( _pszText );
        GpiCharStringPosAt( pbtn->hps, &ptl, &rclTxt, CHS_CLIP, cb, _pszText, NULL );
        WinDrawText( pbtn->hps, cb, _pszText, &rclTxt, 0, 0, flTxt );

//fprintf(f, "----[ Leaving PaintButton ] ----\n\n");

    return TRUE;