예제 #1
//Uses a recursive method to elimate adjacent tiles of structure information.
//The code will attempt to delete the current mapindex, then search using this method:
//1) if there isn't structure info here, return.
//2) if there is structure info here, delete it now.
//3) KillBuilding at x-1, y.
//4) KillBuilding at x  , y-1.
//5) KillBuilding at x+1, y.
//6) KillBuilding at x  , y+1.
void KillBuilding( UINT32 iMapIndex )

	if( !gfBasement )
		fFound |= RemoveAllRoofsOfTypeRange( iMapIndex, FIRSTTEXTURE, LASTITEM );
	fFound |= RemoveAllLandsOfTypeRange( iMapIndex, FIRSTFLOOR, LASTFLOOR );

	EraseBuilding( iMapIndex );
	gubWorldRoomInfo[ iMapIndex ] = 0;

	if( !fFound )
		if( gfBasement )
			RebuildRoof( iMapIndex, 0 );

	if( GridNoOnVisibleWorldTile( (UINT16)( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS ) ) )
		KillBuilding( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS );
	if( GridNoOnVisibleWorldTile( (UINT16)( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS ) ) )
		KillBuilding( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS );
	if( GridNoOnVisibleWorldTile( (UINT16)( iMapIndex + 1 ) ) )
		KillBuilding( iMapIndex + 1 );
	if( GridNoOnVisibleWorldTile( (UINT16)( iMapIndex - 1 ) ) )
		KillBuilding( iMapIndex - 1 );

	if( gfBasement )
		RebuildRoof( iMapIndex, 0 );
예제 #2
void SearchForOtherMembersWithinPitRadiusAndMakeThemFall( INT16 sGridNo, INT16 sRadius )
	INT16 x, y, sNewGridNo;
	UINT8	ubID;

	PlayJA2Sample( CAVE_COLLAPSE, RATE_11025, SoundVolume( HIGHVOLUME, sGridNo ), 1, SoundDir( sGridNo ) );
	for( y = -sRadius; y <= sRadius; y++ ) for( x = -sRadius; x <= sRadius; x++ )
		sNewGridNo = sGridNo + y * WORLD_COLS + x;
		//Validate gridno location, and check if there are any mercs here.  If there are
		//any mercs, we want them to fall below.  The exitgrid already exists at this location
		if( GridNoOnVisibleWorldTile( sNewGridNo ) )

			// Check if buddy exists here.....
			ubID = WhoIsThere2( sNewGridNo, 0 );

			if ( ubID != NOBODY )
				// OK, make guy fall...
				// Set data to look for exit grid....
				pSoldier = MercPtrs[ ubID ];

				pSoldier->uiPendingActionData4 = sNewGridNo;

				EVENT_InitNewSoldierAnim( pSoldier, FALL_INTO_PIT, 0 , FALSE );
예제 #3
파일: Movement.c 프로젝트: bowlofstew/ja2
int LegalNPCDestination(SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, INT16 sGridno, UINT8 ubPathMode, UINT8 ubWaterOK, UINT8 fFlags)
	BOOLEAN fSkipTilesWithMercs;
	if ((sGridno < 0) || (sGridno >= GRIDSIZE))
   fprintf(NetDebugFile,"LegalNPC->sDestination: ERROR - rcvd invalid gridno %d",gridno);

   NumMessage("LegalNPC->sDestination: ERROR - rcvd invalid gridno ",gridno);


	// return false if gridno on different level from merc
	if ( GridNoOnVisibleWorldTile( pSoldier->sGridNo ) && gpWorldLevelData[ pSoldier->sGridNo ].sHeight != gpWorldLevelData[ sGridno ].sHeight )
		return( FALSE );

	// skip mercs if turnbased and adjacent AND not doing an IGNORE_PATH check (which is used almost exclusively by GoAsFarAsPossibleTowards)
	fSkipTilesWithMercs = (gfTurnBasedAI && ubPathMode != IGNORE_PATH && SpacesAway( pSoldier->sGridNo, sGridno ) == 1 );

 // if this gridno is an OK destination
 // AND the gridno is NOT in a tear-gassed tile when we have no gas mask
 // AND someone is NOT already standing there
 // AND we're NOT already standing at that gridno
 // AND the gridno hasn't been black-listed for us

 // Nov 28 98: skip people in destination tile if in turnbased
 if ( ( NewOKDestination(pSoldier, sGridno, fSkipTilesWithMercs, pSoldier->bLevel ) ) &&
				( !InGas( pSoldier, sGridno ) ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sGridNo ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sBlackList ) )
 if ( ( NewOKDestination(pSoldier, sGridno, FALSE, pSoldier->bLevel ) ) &&
				( !(gpWorldLevelData[ sGridno ].ubExtFlags[0] & (MAPELEMENT_EXT_SMOKE | MAPELEMENT_EXT_TEARGAS | MAPELEMENT_EXT_MUSTARDGAS)) || ( pSoldier->inv[ HEAD1POS ].usItem == GASMASK || pSoldier->inv[ HEAD2POS ].usItem == GASMASK ) ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sGridNo ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sBlackList ) )*/
 if ( ( NewOKDestination(pSoldier,sGridno,ALLPEOPLE, pSoldier->bLevel ) ) &&
				( !(gpWorldLevelData[ sGridno ].ubExtFlags[0] & (MAPELEMENT_EXT_SMOKE | MAPELEMENT_EXT_TEARGAS | MAPELEMENT_EXT_MUSTARDGAS)) || ( pSoldier->inv[ HEAD1POS ].usItem == GASMASK || pSoldier->inv[ HEAD2POS ].usItem == GASMASK ) ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sGridNo ) &&
				( sGridno != pSoldier->sBlackList ) )
	  // if water's a problem, and gridno is in a water tile (bridges are OK)
		if (!ubWaterOK && Water(sGridno))

    // passed all checks, now try to make sure we can get there!
    switch (ubPathMode)
      // if finding a path wasn't asked for (could have already been done,
      // for example), don't bother
      case IGNORE_PATH     :	return(TRUE);

      case ENSURE_PATH     :	if ( FindBestPath( pSoldier, sGridno, pSoldier->bLevel, WALKING, COPYROUTE, fFlags ) )
			   												return(TRUE);        // legal destination
      												else // got this far, but found no clear path,
																// so test fails
															// *** NOTE: movement mode hardcoded to WALKING !!!!!
			case ENSURE_PATH_COST:	return(PlotPath(pSoldier,sGridno,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,WALKING,FALSE,FALSE,0));

      default              :
			     NumMessage("LegalNPC->sDestination: ERROR - illegal pathMode = ",ubPathMode);
 else  // something failed - didn't even have to test path
   return(FALSE);       	// illegal destination
예제 #4
BOOLEAN HandleNextTile( SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, INT8 bDirection, INT16 sGridNo, INT16 sFinalDestTile )
	INT8 bBlocked;
	INT16	bOverTerrainType;

	// Check for blocking if in realtime 
	///if ( ( gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & REALTIME ) || !( gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & INCOMBAT ) )

	// ATE: If not on visible tile, return clear ( for path out of map )
	if ( !GridNoOnVisibleWorldTile( sGridNo ) )
		return( TRUE );

	// If animation state is crow, iall is clear
	if ( pSoldier->usAnimState == CROW_FLY )
		return( TRUE );

		bBlocked = TileIsClear( pSoldier, bDirection, sGridNo, pSoldier->bLevel );

		// Check if we are blocked...
		if ( bBlocked != MOVE_TILE_CLEAR )
			// Is the next gridno our destination?
			// OK: Let's check if we are NOT walking off screen
			if ( sGridNo == sFinalDestTile && pSoldier->ubWaitActionToDo == 0 && (pSoldier->bTeam == gbPlayerNum || pSoldier->sAbsoluteFinalDestination == NOWHERE) )
				// Yah, well too bad, stop here.
				SetFinalTile( pSoldier, pSoldier->sGridNo, FALSE );

				return( FALSE );
			// CHECK IF they are stationary
			else if ( bBlocked == MOVE_TILE_STATIONARY_BLOCKED )
				// Stationary, 
					INT16 sOldFinalDest;

					// Maintain sFinalDest....
					sOldFinalDest = pSoldier->sFinalDestination;				
					#ifdef JA2BETAVERSION
						if ( gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & INCOMBAT )
							OutputDebugInfoForTurnBasedNextTileWaiting( pSoldier );
					EVENT_StopMerc( pSoldier, pSoldier->sGridNo, pSoldier->bDirection );
					// Restore...
					pSoldier->sFinalDestination = sOldFinalDest;

					SetDelayedTileWaiting( pSoldier, sGridNo, 1 );

					return( FALSE );
					INT16 sOldFinalDest;

					// Maintain sFinalDest....
					sOldFinalDest = pSoldier->sFinalDestination;				
					#ifdef JA2BETAVERSION
						if ( gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & INCOMBAT )
							OutputDebugInfoForTurnBasedNextTileWaiting( pSoldier );
					EVENT_StopMerc( pSoldier, pSoldier->sGridNo, pSoldier->bDirection );
					// Restore...
					pSoldier->sFinalDestination = sOldFinalDest;
					// Setting to two means: try and wait until this tile becomes free....
					SetDelayedTileWaiting( pSoldier, sGridNo, 100 );

				return( FALSE );
			// Mark this tile as reserverd ( until we get there! )
			if ( !( (gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & TURNBASED) && (gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & INCOMBAT) ) )
				MarkMovementReserved( pSoldier, sGridNo );

			bOverTerrainType = GetTerrainType( sGridNo );

			// Check if we are going into water!
			if ( bOverTerrainType == LOW_WATER || bOverTerrainType == MED_WATER || bOverTerrainType == DEEP_WATER )
				// Check if we are of prone or crawl height and change stance accordingly....
				switch( gAnimControl[ pSoldier->usAnimState ].ubHeight )
					case ANIM_PRONE:
					case ANIM_CROUCH:

						// Change height to stand
						pSoldier->fContinueMoveAfterStanceChange = TRUE;
						SendChangeSoldierStanceEvent( pSoldier, ANIM_STAND );

				// Check animation
				// Change to walking
				if ( pSoldier->usAnimState == RUNNING )
					ChangeSoldierState( pSoldier, WALKING, 0 , FALSE );
	return( TRUE );