int RefFind(duint Address, duint Size, CBREF Callback, void* UserData, bool Silent, const char* Name, REFFINDTYPE type) { char fullName[deflen]; char moduleName[MAX_MODULE_SIZE]; duint scanStart, scanSize; REFINFO refInfo; if(type == CURRENT_REGION) // Search in current Region { duint regionSize = 0; duint regionBase = MemFindBaseAddr(Address, ®ionSize, true); // If the memory page wasn't found, fail if(!regionBase || !regionSize) { if(!Silent) dprintf("Invalid memory page 0x%p\n", Address); return 0; } // Assume the entire range is used scanStart = regionBase; scanSize = regionSize; // Otherwise use custom boundaries if size was supplied if(Size) { duint maxsize = Size - (Address - regionBase); // Make sure the size fits in one page scanStart = Address; scanSize = min(Size, maxsize); } // Determine the full module name if(ModNameFromAddr(scanStart, moduleName, true)) sprintf_s(fullName, "%s (Region %s)", Name, moduleName); else sprintf_s(fullName, "%s (Region %p)", Name, scanStart); // Initialize disassembler Capstone cp; // Allow an "initialization" notice refInfo.refcount = 0; refInfo.userinfo = UserData; = fullName; RefFindInRange(scanStart, scanSize, Callback, UserData, Silent, refInfo, cp, true, [](int percent) { GuiReferenceSetCurrentTaskProgress(percent, "Region Search"); GuiReferenceSetProgress(percent); }); } else if(type == CURRENT_MODULE) // Search in current Module { SHARED_ACQUIRE(LockModules); auto modInfo = ModInfoFromAddr(Address); if(!modInfo) { if(!Silent) dprintf("Couldn't locate module for 0x%p\n", Address); return 0; } duint modBase = modInfo->base; duint modSize = modInfo->size; SHARED_RELEASE(); scanStart = modBase; scanSize = modSize; // Determine the full module name if(ModNameFromAddr(scanStart, moduleName, true)) sprintf_s(fullName, "%s (%s)", Name, moduleName); else sprintf_s(fullName, "%s (%p)", Name, scanStart); // Initialize disassembler Capstone cp; // Allow an "initialization" notice refInfo.refcount = 0; refInfo.userinfo = UserData; = fullName; RefFindInRange(scanStart, scanSize, Callback, UserData, Silent, refInfo, cp, true, [](int percent) { GuiReferenceSetCurrentTaskProgress(percent, "Module Search"); GuiReferenceSetProgress(percent); }); } else if(type == ALL_MODULES) // Search in all Modules { bool initCallBack = true; std::vector<MODINFO> modList; ModGetList(modList); if(!modList.size()) { if(!Silent) dprintf("Couldn't get module list"); return 0; } // Initialize disassembler Capstone cp; // Determine the full module sprintf_s(fullName, "All Modules (%s)", Name); // Allow an "initialization" notice refInfo.refcount = 0; refInfo.userinfo = UserData; = fullName; for(duint i = 0; i < modList.size(); i++) { scanStart = modList[i].base; scanSize = modList[i].size; if(i != 0) initCallBack = false; RefFindInRange(scanStart, scanSize, Callback, UserData, Silent, refInfo, cp, initCallBack, [&i, &modList](int percent) { float fPercent = (float)percent / 100.f; float fTotalPercent = ((float)i + fPercent) / (float)modList.size(); int totalPercent = (int)floor(fTotalPercent * 100.f); char tst[256]; strcpy_s(tst, modList[i].name); GuiReferenceSetCurrentTaskProgress(percent, modList[i].name); GuiReferenceSetProgress(totalPercent); }); } } GuiReferenceSetProgress(100); GuiReferenceReloadData(); return refInfo.refcount; }
void MakeSigDialogExecute(HWND hwndDlg) { int dataLen = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SIGMAKE_EDIT1)) + 1; int maskLen = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SIGMAKE_EDIT2)) + 1; char *data = (char *)BridgeAlloc(dataLen); char *mask = (char *)BridgeAlloc(maskLen); GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SIGMAKE_EDIT1), data, dataLen); GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SIGMAKE_EDIT2), mask, maskLen); // // Convert the string to a code descriptor // SIG_DESCRIPTOR *desc = nullptr; switch (Settings::LastType) { case SIG_CODE: desc = DescriptorFromCode(data, mask); break; case SIG_IDA: desc = DescriptorFromIDA(data); break; case SIG_PEID: desc = DescriptorFromPEiD(data); break; case SIG_CRC: desc = DescriptorFromCRC(data); break; } // // Scan // std::vector<duint> results; PatternScan(desc, results); // // Log it in the GUI // GuiReferenceDeleteAllColumns(); GuiReferenceAddColumn(20, "Address"); GuiReferenceAddColumn(100, "Disassembly"); GuiReferenceSetRowCount((int)results.size()); GuiReferenceSetProgress(0); int i = 0; for (auto& match : results) { DISASM_INSTR inst; DbgDisasmAt(match, &inst); char temp[32]; sprintf_s(temp, "%p", (PVOID)match); GuiReferenceSetCellContent(i, 0, temp); GuiReferenceSetCellContent(i++, 1, inst.instruction); } _plugin_logprintf("Found %d references(s)\n", results.size()); GuiReferenceSetProgress(100); GuiUpdateAllViews(); // // Cleanup // BridgeFree(data); BridgeFree(mask); BridgeFree(desc); }