예제 #1
void praat_showLogo (bool autoPopDown) {
	#if gtk
		static const gchar *authors [3] = { "Paul Boersma", "David Weenink", nullptr };

		GuiObject dialog = gtk_about_dialog_new ();
		#define xstr(s) str(s)
		#define str(s) #s
		gtk_about_dialog_set_version (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (dialog), xstr (PRAAT_VERSION_STR));
		gtk_about_dialog_set_copyright (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (dialog), "Copyright © 1992–" xstr(PRAAT_YEAR) " by Paul Boersma and David Weenink");
		gtk_about_dialog_set_license (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (dialog), "GPL");
		gtk_about_dialog_set_website (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (dialog), "http://www.praat.org");
		//gtk_about_dialog_set_authors (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (dialog), authors);
		g_signal_connect (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), "response", G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy), nullptr);

		gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));

		if (theCurrentPraatApplication -> batch || ! theLogo.draw) return;
		if (! theLogo.dia) {
			int width  = theLogo.width_mm  / 25.4 * Gui_getResolution (nullptr);
			int height = theLogo.height_mm / 25.4 * Gui_getResolution (nullptr);
			theLogo.dia = GuiDialog_create (theCurrentPraatApplication -> topShell, 100, 100, width, height,
				U"About", gui_cb_goAway, nullptr, 0);
			theLogo.form = theLogo.dia;
			theLogo.drawingArea = GuiDrawingArea_createShown (theLogo.form, 0, width, 0, height,
				gui_drawingarea_cb_expose, gui_drawingarea_cb_click, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
		GuiThing_show (theLogo.form);
		GuiThing_show (theLogo.dia);
		#if motif
			if (autoPopDown)
				GuiAddTimeOut (2000, logo_timeOut, (XtPointer) nullptr);
예제 #2
static void do_find (TextEditor me) {
	if (! theFindString) return;   // e.g. when the user does "Find again" before having done any "Find"
	long left, right;
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getStringAndSelectionPosition (my textWidget, & left, & right);
	char32 *location = str32str (& text [right], theFindString);
	if (location) {
		long index = location - text.peek();
		GuiText_setSelection (my textWidget, index, index + str32len (theFindString));
		GuiText_scrollToSelection (my textWidget);
		#ifdef _WIN32
			GuiThing_show (my d_windowForm);
	} else {
		/* Try from the start of the document. */
		location = str32str (text.peek(), theFindString);
		if (location) {
			long index = location - text.peek();
			GuiText_setSelection (my textWidget, index, index + str32len (theFindString));
			GuiText_scrollToSelection (my textWidget);
			#ifdef _WIN32
				GuiThing_show (my d_windowForm);
		} else {
			Melder_beep ();
예제 #3
void structTextEditor :: v_goAway () {
	if (v_fileBased () && dirty) {
		if (! dirtyCloseDialog) {
			int buttonWidth = 120, buttonSpacing = 20;
			dirtyCloseDialog = GuiDialog_create (d_windowForm,
				150, 70, Gui_LEFT_DIALOG_SPACING + 3 * buttonWidth + 2 * buttonSpacing + Gui_RIGHT_DIALOG_SPACING,
				U"Text changed", nullptr, nullptr, GuiDialog_MODAL);
			GuiLabel_createShown (dirtyCloseDialog,
				U"The text has changed! Save changes?", 0);
			GuiButton_createShown (dirtyCloseDialog,
				x, x + buttonWidth, y - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, y,
				U"Discard & Close", gui_button_cb_discardAndClose, this, 0);
			x += buttonWidth + buttonSpacing;
			GuiButton_createShown (dirtyCloseDialog,
				x, x + buttonWidth, y - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, y,
				U"Cancel", gui_button_cb_cancelClose, this, 0);
			x += buttonWidth + buttonSpacing;
			GuiButton_createShown (dirtyCloseDialog,
				x, x + buttonWidth, y - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, y,
				U"Save & Close", gui_button_cb_saveAndClose, this, 0);
		GuiThing_show (dirtyCloseDialog);
	} else {
		closeDocument (this);
예제 #4
static void menu_cb_new (TextEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_CMD) {
	if (my v_fileBased () && my dirty) {
		if (! my dirtyNewDialog) {
			int buttonWidth = 120, buttonSpacing = 20;
			my dirtyNewDialog = GuiDialog_create (my d_windowForm,
				150, 70, Gui_LEFT_DIALOG_SPACING + 3 * buttonWidth + 2 * buttonSpacing + Gui_RIGHT_DIALOG_SPACING,
				U"Text changed", nullptr, nullptr, GuiDialog_MODAL);
			GuiLabel_createShown (my dirtyNewDialog,
				U"The text has changed! Save changes?", 0);
			GuiButton_createShown (my dirtyNewDialog,
				x, x + buttonWidth, y - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, y,
				U"Discard & New", gui_button_cb_discardAndNew, cmd, 0);
			x += buttonWidth + buttonSpacing;
			GuiButton_createShown (my dirtyNewDialog,
				x, x + buttonWidth, y - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, y,
				U"Cancel", gui_button_cb_cancelNew, cmd, 0);
			x += buttonWidth + buttonSpacing;
			GuiButton_createShown (my dirtyNewDialog,
				x, x + buttonWidth, y - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, y,
				U"Save & New", gui_button_cb_saveAndNew, cmd, 0);
		GuiThing_show (my dirtyNewDialog);
	} else {
		newDocument (me);
예제 #5
void structStringsEditor :: v_createChildren () {
	list = GuiList_create (d_windowForm, 1, 0, Machine_getMenuBarHeight (), -70, true, nullptr);
	GuiList_setDoubleClickCallback (list, gui_list_cb_doubleClick, this);
	GuiThing_show (list);

	text = GuiText_createShown (d_windowForm, 0, 0, -40 - Gui_TEXTFIELD_HEIGHT, -40, 0);
	GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 10, 100, -10 - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, -10, U"Insert", gui_button_cb_insert, this, GuiButton_DEFAULT);
	GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 110, 200, -10 - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, -10, U"Append", gui_button_cb_append, this, 0);
	GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 210, 300, -10 - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, -10, U"Replace", gui_button_cb_replace, this, 0);
	GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 310, 400, -10 - Gui_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT, -10, U"Remove", gui_button_cb_remove, this, 0);
예제 #6
static void do_replace (TextEditor me) {
	if (! theReplaceString) return;   // e.g. when the user does "Replace again" before having done any "Replace"
	autostring32 selection = GuiText_getSelection (my textWidget);
	if (! Melder_equ (selection.peek(), theFindString)) {
		do_find (me);
	long left, right;
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getStringAndSelectionPosition (my textWidget, & left, & right);
	GuiText_replace (my textWidget, left, right, theReplaceString);
	GuiText_setSelection (my textWidget, left, left + str32len (theReplaceString));
	GuiText_scrollToSelection (my textWidget);
	#ifdef _WIN32
		GuiThing_show (my d_windowForm);
예제 #7
// origin is at top left.
void structCategoriesEditor :: v_createChildren () {
	constexpr int menuBarOffset { 40 };
	constexpr int button_width { 130 }, button_height { menuBarOffset }, list_width { 260 }, list_height { 420 };
	constexpr int delta_x { 15 }, delta_y { menuBarOffset / 2 }, text_button_height { button_height / 2 };
	int left, right, top, bottom, buttons_left, buttons_top, list_bottom;

	left = 5; right = left + button_width; top = 3 + menuBarOffset; bottom = top + text_button_height;
	GuiLabel_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Positions:", 0);
	left = right + delta_x ; right = left + button_width;
	GuiLabel_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Values:", 0);

	left = 0; right = left + list_width; buttons_top = (top = bottom + delta_y); list_bottom = bottom = top + list_height;
	list = GuiList_create (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, true, 0);
	GuiList_setSelectionChangedCallback (list, gui_list_cb_selectionChanged, this);
	GuiList_setDoubleClickCallback (list, gui_list_cb_doubleClick, this);
	GuiList_setScrollCallback (list, gui_list_cb_scroll, this);
	GuiThing_show (list);

	buttons_left = left = right + 2 * delta_x; right = left + button_width; bottom = top + button_height;
	GuiLabel_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Value:", 0);
	left = right + delta_x; right = left + button_width;
	text = GuiText_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, 0);
	GuiText_setString (text, CategoriesEditor_EMPTYLABEL);

	left = buttons_left; right = left + button_width; top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	insert = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom,	U"Insert", gui_button_cb_insert, this, GuiButton_DEFAULT);
	left = right + delta_x; right = left + button_width;
	replace = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Replace", gui_button_cb_replace, this, 0);
	left = buttons_left; right = left + int (1.5 * button_width); top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	insertAtEnd = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Insert at end", gui_button_cb_insertAtEnd, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	undo = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Undo", gui_button_cb_undo, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	redo = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Redo", gui_button_cb_redo, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	remove = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Remove", gui_button_cb_remove, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	moveUp = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Move selection up", gui_button_cb_moveUp, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	moveDown = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Move selection down", gui_button_cb_moveDown, this, 0);

	top = list_bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height; left = 5; right = left + 200;
	outOfView = GuiLabel_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"", 0);
예제 #8
파일: GuiForm.cpp 프로젝트: DsRQuicke/praat
GuiForm GuiForm_createInScrolledWindow (GuiScrolledWindow parent)
	autoGuiForm me = Thing_new (GuiForm);
	my d_shell = parent -> d_shell;
	my d_parent = parent;
	#if gtk
		my d_widget = gtk_fixed_new ();
		gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (parent -> d_widget), GTK_WIDGET (my d_widget));
	#elif cocoa
	#elif motif
		//my d_widget = XmCreateRowColumn (parent -> d_widget, "menu", nullptr, 0);
		my d_widget = XmCreateForm (parent -> d_widget, "menu", nullptr, 0);
	GuiThing_show (me.get());

	#if gtk
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (my d_widget), "destroy", G_CALLBACK (_guiGtkForm_destroyCallback), me.get());
	#elif cocoa
	#elif motif
		XtAddCallback (my d_widget, XmNdestroyCallback, _guiMotifForm_destroyCallback, me.get());

	return me.releaseToAmbiguousOwner();