예제 #1
파일: H5Tcset.c 프로젝트: gang-liu/paraview
 * Function:  H5Tset_cset
 * Purpose:  HDF5 is able to distinguish between character sets of
 *    different nationalities and to convert between them to the
 *    extent possible.
 * Return:  Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *    Friday, January   9, 1998
 * Modifications:
 *   Robb Matzke, 22 Dec 1998
 *  Also works with derived data types.
H5Tset_cset(hid_t type_id, H5T_cset_t cset)
    H5T_t  *dt = NULL;
    herr_t      ret_value=SUCCEED;       /* Return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Tset_cset, FAIL)

    /* Check args */
    if (NULL == (dt = H5I_object_verify(type_id,H5I_DATATYPE)))
  HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a data type")
    if (H5T_STATE_TRANSIENT!=dt->shared->state)
  HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "data type is read-only")
    if (cset < H5T_CSET_ASCII || cset >= H5T_NCSET)
  HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "illegal character set type")
    while (dt->shared->parent && !H5T_IS_STRING(dt->shared))
        dt = dt->shared->parent;  /*defer to parent*/
    if (!H5T_IS_STRING(dt->shared))
  HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "operation not defined for data type class")

    /* Commit */
        dt->shared->u.atomic.u.s.cset = cset;
        dt->shared->u.vlen.cset = cset;

예제 #2
파일: H5Tfixed.c 프로젝트: ElaraFX/hdf5
 * Function:	H5Tset_sign
 * Purpose:	Sets the sign property for an integer.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Wednesday, January  7, 1998
 * Modifications:
 * 	Robb Matzke, 22 Dec 1998
 *	Also works with derived datatypes.
H5Tset_sign(hid_t type_id, H5T_sign_t sign)
    H5T_t	*dt = NULL;
    herr_t      ret_value=SUCCEED;       /* Return value */

    H5TRACE2("e", "iTs", type_id, sign);

    /* Check args */
    if (NULL == (dt = (H5T_t *)H5I_object_verify(type_id,H5I_DATATYPE)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not an integer datatype")
    if (H5T_STATE_TRANSIENT!=dt->shared->state)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "datatype is read-only")
    if (sign < H5T_SGN_NONE || sign >= H5T_NSGN)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "illegal sign type")
    if (H5T_ENUM==dt->shared->type && dt->shared->u.enumer.nmembs>0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "operation not allowed after members are defined")
    while (dt->shared->parent)
        dt = dt->shared->parent; /*defer to parent*/
    if (H5T_INTEGER!=dt->shared->type)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "operation not defined for datatype class")

    /* Commit */
    dt->shared->u.atomic.u.i.sign = sign;

예제 #3
 * Function:	H5Pset_istore_k
 * Purpose:	IK is one half the rank of a tree that stores chunked raw
 *		data.  On average, such a tree will be 75% full, or have an
 *		average rank of 1.5 times the value of IK.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Tuesday, January  6, 1998
 * Modifications:
 *		Raymond Lu, Oct 14, 2001
 *		Changed to the new generic property list.
H5Pset_istore_k(hid_t plist_id, unsigned ik)
    unsigned btree_k[H5B_NUM_BTREE_ID];
    H5P_genplist_t *plist;      /* Property list pointer */
    herr_t      ret_value=SUCCEED;       /* Return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Pset_istore_k, FAIL);

    /* Check arguments */
    if (ik == 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "istore IK value must be positive");

    /* Get the plist structure */
    if(NULL == (plist = H5P_object_verify(plist_id,H5P_FILE_CREATE)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ATOM, H5E_BADATOM, FAIL, "can't find object for ID");

    /* Set value */
    if(H5P_get(plist, H5F_CRT_BTREE_RANK_NAME, btree_k) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't get rank for btree interanl nodes");
    btree_k[H5B_ISTORE_ID] = ik;
    if(H5P_set(plist, H5F_CRT_BTREE_RANK_NAME, btree_k) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "can't set rank for btree interanl nodes");

예제 #4
 * Function:	H5Pset_userblock
 * Purpose:	Sets the userblock size field of a file creation property
 *		list.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Tuesday, January  6, 1998
 * Modifications:
 *		Raymond Lu, Oct 14, 2001
 * 		Changed to the new generic property list.
H5Pset_userblock(hid_t plist_id, hsize_t size)
    unsigned		    i;
    H5P_genplist_t *plist;      /* Property list pointer */
    herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED;   /* return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Pset_userblock, FAIL);

    /* Check that the userblock size is a power of two */
    for (i=8; i<8*sizeof(hsize_t); i++) {
        hsize_t p2 = 8==i ? 0 : ((hsize_t)1<<i);

        if (size == p2)
    if (i>=8*sizeof(hsize_t))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "userblock size is not valid");

    /* Get the plist structure */
    if(NULL == (plist = H5P_object_verify(plist_id,H5P_FILE_CREATE)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ATOM, H5E_BADATOM, FAIL, "can't find object for ID");

    /* Set value */
    if(H5P_set(plist, H5F_CRT_USER_BLOCK_NAME, &size) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "can't set user block");

예제 #5
파일: H5Tfloat.c 프로젝트: GATB/gatb-core
 * Function:	H5Tset_inpad
 * Purpose:	If any internal bits of a floating point type are unused
 *		(that is, those significant bits which are not part of the
 *		sign, exponent, or mantissa) then they will be filled
 *		according to the value of this property.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Friday, January	 9, 1998
H5Tset_inpad(hid_t type_id, H5T_pad_t pad)
    H5T_t	*dt;                    /* Datatype */
    herr_t      ret_value = SUCCEED;    /* Return value */

    H5TRACE2("e", "iTp", type_id, pad);

    /* Check args */
    if(NULL == (dt = (H5T_t *)H5I_object_verify(type_id, H5I_DATATYPE)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a datatype")
    if(H5T_STATE_TRANSIENT != dt->shared->state)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "datatype is read-only")
    if(pad < H5T_PAD_ZERO || pad >= H5T_NPAD)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "illegal internal pad type")
        dt = dt->shared->parent; /*defer to parent*/
    if(H5T_FLOAT != dt->shared->type)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "operation not defined for datatype class")

    /* Commit */
    dt->shared->u.atomic.u.f.pad = pad;

} /* end H5Tset_inpad() */
예제 #6
파일: H5Tfloat.c 프로젝트: GATB/gatb-core
 * Function:	H5Tset_norm
 * Purpose:	Sets the mantissa normalization method for a floating point
 *		datatype.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Wednesday, January  7, 1998
H5Tset_norm(hid_t type_id, H5T_norm_t norm)
    H5T_t	*dt;                    /* Datatype */
    herr_t      ret_value = SUCCEED;    /* Return value */

    H5TRACE2("e", "iTn", type_id, norm);

    /* Check args */
    if(NULL == (dt = (H5T_t *)H5I_object_verify(type_id, H5I_DATATYPE)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a datatype")
    if(H5T_STATE_TRANSIENT != dt->shared->state)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "datatype is read-only")
    if(norm < H5T_NORM_IMPLIED || norm > H5T_NORM_NONE)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "illegal normalization")
        dt = dt->shared->parent; /*defer to parent*/
    if(H5T_FLOAT != dt->shared->type)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "operation not defined for datatype class")

    /* Commit */
    dt->shared->u.atomic.u.f.norm = norm;

} /* end H5Tset_norm() */
예제 #7
파일: H5Tfloat.c 프로젝트: GATB/gatb-core
 * Function:	H5Tset_ebias
 * Purpose:	Sets the exponent bias of a floating-point type.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Wednesday, January  7, 1998
 * Modifications:
 * 	Robb Matzke, 22 Dec 1998
 *	Also works with derived datatypes.
H5Tset_ebias(hid_t type_id, size_t ebias)
    H5T_t	*dt;                    /* Datatype */
    herr_t      ret_value = SUCCEED;    /* Return value */

    H5TRACE2("e", "iz", type_id, ebias);

    /* Check args */
    if(NULL == (dt = (H5T_t *)H5I_object_verify(type_id, H5I_DATATYPE)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a datatype")
    if(H5T_STATE_TRANSIENT != dt->shared->state)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "datatype is read-only")
        dt = dt->shared->parent; /*defer to parent*/
    if(H5T_FLOAT != dt->shared->type)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "operation not defined for datatype class")

    /* Commit */
    dt->shared->u.atomic.u.f.ebias = ebias;

} /* end H5Tset_ebias() */
예제 #8
파일: H5Tstrpad.c 프로젝트: Andy-Sun/VTK
 * Function:	H5Tset_strpad
 * Purpose:	The method used to store character strings differs with the
 *		programming language: C usually null terminates strings while
 *		Fortran left-justifies and space-pads strings.	This property
 *		defines the storage mechanism for the string.
 *		When converting from a long string to a short string if the
 *		short string is H5T_STR_NULLPAD or H5T_STR_SPACEPAD then the
 *		string is simply truncated; otherwise if the short string is
 *		H5T_STR_NULLTERM it will be truncated and a null terminator
 *		is appended.
 *		When converting from a short string to a long string, the
 *		long string is padded on the end by appending nulls or
 *		spaces.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Friday, January	 9, 1998
 * Modifications:
 * 	Robb Matzke, 22 Dec 1998
 *	Also works for derived datatypes.
H5Tset_strpad(hid_t type_id, H5T_str_t strpad)
    H5T_t	*dt = NULL;
    herr_t      ret_value=SUCCEED;       /* Return value */

    H5TRACE2("e", "iTz", type_id, strpad);

    /* Check args */
    if (NULL == (dt = H5I_object_verify(type_id,H5I_DATATYPE)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a datatype")
    if (H5T_STATE_TRANSIENT!=dt->shared->state)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "datatype is read-only")
    if (strpad < H5T_STR_NULLTERM || strpad >= H5T_NSTR)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "illegal string pad type")
    while (dt->shared->parent && !H5T_IS_STRING(dt->shared))
        dt = dt->shared->parent;  /*defer to parent*/
    if (!H5T_IS_STRING(dt->shared))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "operation not defined for datatype class")

    /* Commit */
        dt->shared->u.atomic.u.s.pad = strpad;
        dt->shared->u.vlen.pad = strpad;

예제 #9
 * Function:	H5Pget_hyper_vector_size
 * Purpose:	Reads values previously set with H5Pset_hyper_vector_size().
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Quincey Koziol
 *              Monday, July 9, 2001
 * Modifications:
H5Pget_hyper_vector_size(hid_t plist_id, size_t *vector_size/*out*/)
    H5P_genplist_t *plist;      /* Property list pointer */
    herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED;   /* return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Pget_hyper_vector_size, FAIL);

    /* Get the plist structure */
    if(NULL == (plist = H5P_object_verify(plist_id,H5P_DATASET_XFER)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ATOM, H5E_BADATOM, FAIL, "can't find object for ID");

    /* Return values */
    if (vector_size)
        if (H5P_get(plist,H5D_XFER_HYPER_VECTOR_SIZE_NAME,vector_size)<0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "unable to get value");

} /* end H5Pget_hyper_vector_size() */
예제 #10
 * Function:	H5Pget_userblock
 * Purpose:	Queries the size of a user block in a file creation property
 *		list.
 * Return:	Success:	Non-negative, size returned through SIZE argument.
 *		Failure:	Negative
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Wednesday, January  7, 1998
 * Modifications:
 *		Raymond Lu, Oct 14, 2001
 *		Changed to the new generic property list.
H5Pget_userblock(hid_t plist_id, hsize_t *size)
    H5P_genplist_t *plist;      /* Property list pointer */
    herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED;   /* return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Pget_userblock, FAIL);

    /* Get the plist structure */
    if(NULL == (plist = H5P_object_verify(plist_id,H5P_FILE_CREATE)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ATOM, H5E_BADATOM, FAIL, "can't find object for ID");

    /* Get value */
    if (size)
        if(H5P_get(plist, H5F_CRT_USER_BLOCK_NAME, size) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL,"can't get user block");

예제 #11
 * Function:	H5Pset_preserve
 * Purpose:	When reading or writing compound data types and the
 *		destination is partially initialized and the read/write is
 *		intended to initialize the other members, one must set this
 *		property to TRUE.  Otherwise the I/O pipeline treats the
 *		destination datapoints as completely uninitialized.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Tuesday, March 17, 1998
 * Modifications:
H5Pset_preserve(hid_t plist_id, hbool_t status)
    H5T_bkg_t need_bkg;         /* Value for background buffer type */
    H5P_genplist_t *plist;      /* Property list pointer */
    herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED;   /* return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Pset_preserve, FAIL);

    /* Get the plist structure */
    if(NULL == (plist = H5P_object_verify(plist_id,H5P_DATASET_XFER)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ATOM, H5E_BADATOM, FAIL, "can't find object for ID");

    /* Update property list */
    need_bkg = status ? H5T_BKG_YES : H5T_BKG_NO;
    if (H5P_set(plist,H5D_XFER_BKGR_BUF_TYPE_NAME,&need_bkg)<0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set value");

예제 #12
 * Function:    H5Fget_info1
 * Purpose:     Gets general information about the file, including:
 *		1. Get storage size for superblock extension if there is one.
 *              2. Get the amount of btree and heap storage for entries
 *                 in the SOHM table if there is one.
 *		3. The amount of free space tracked in the file.
 * Return:      Success:        non-negative on success
 *              Failure:        Negative
 * Programmer:  Vailin Choi
 *              July 11, 2007
H5Fget_info1(hid_t obj_id, H5F_info1_t *finfo)
    H5F_t *f;                           /* Top file in mount hierarchy */
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED;         /* Return value */

    H5TRACE2("e", "i*x", obj_id, finfo);

    /* Check args */
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "no info struct")

    /* For file IDs, get the file object directly */
    /* (This prevents the H5G_loc() call from returning the file pointer for
     * the top file in a mount hierarchy)
    if(H5I_get_type(obj_id) == H5I_FILE ) {
        if(NULL == (f = (H5F_t *)H5I_object(obj_id)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a file")
    } /* end if */
    else {
예제 #13
 * Function:	H5Pset_hyper_vector_size
 * Purpose:	Given a dataset transfer property list, set the number of
 *              "I/O vectors" (offset and length pairs) which are to be
 *              accumulated in memory before being issued to the lower levels
 *              of the library for reading or writing the actual data.
 *              Increasing the number should give better performance, but use
 *              more memory during hyperslab I/O.  The vector size must be
 *              greater than 1.
 *		The default is to use 1024 vectors for I/O during hyperslab
 *              reading/writing.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Quincey Koziol
 *              Monday, July 9, 2001
 * Modifications:
H5Pset_hyper_vector_size(hid_t plist_id, size_t vector_size)
    H5P_genplist_t *plist;      /* Property list pointer */
    herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED;   /* return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Pset_hyper_vector_size, FAIL);

    /* Check arguments */
    if (vector_size<1)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "vector size too small");

    /* Get the plist structure */
    if(NULL == (plist = H5P_object_verify(plist_id,H5P_DATASET_XFER)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ATOM, H5E_BADATOM, FAIL, "can't find object for ID");

    /* Update property list */
    if (H5P_set(plist,H5D_XFER_HYPER_VECTOR_SIZE_NAME,&vector_size)<0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set value");

} /* end H5Pset_hyper_vector_size() */
예제 #14
 * Function:	H5Pset_edc_check
 * Purpose:     Enable or disable error-detecting for a dataset reading
 *              process.  This error-detecting algorithm is whichever
 *              user chooses earlier.  This function cannot control
 *              writing process.
 * Return:	Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:	Raymond Lu
 *              Jan 3, 2003
 * Modifications:
H5Pset_edc_check(hid_t plist_id, H5Z_EDC_t check)
    H5P_genplist_t *plist;      /* Property list pointer */
    herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED;   /* return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Pset_edc_check, FAIL);

    /* Check argument */
    if (check != H5Z_ENABLE_EDC && check != H5Z_DISABLE_EDC)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "not a valid value");

    /* Get the plist structure */
    if(NULL == (plist = H5P_object_verify(plist_id,H5P_DATASET_XFER)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ATOM, H5E_BADATOM, FAIL, "can't find object for ID");

    /* Update property list */
    if (H5P_set(plist,H5D_XFER_EDC_NAME,&check)<0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set value");

예제 #15
 * Function:	H5Pget_istore_k
 * Purpose:	Queries the 1/2 rank of an indexed storage B-tree.  See
 *		H5Pset_istore_k() for details.	The argument IK may be the
 *		null pointer.
 * Return:	Success:	Non-negative, size returned through IK
 *		Failure:	Negative
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Wednesday, January  7, 1998
 * Modifications:
 *		Raymond Lu, Oct 14, 2001
 *		Changed to the new generic property list.
H5Pget_istore_k(hid_t plist_id, unsigned *ik /*out */ )
    unsigned btree_k[H5B_NUM_BTREE_ID];
    H5P_genplist_t *plist;      /* Property list pointer */
    herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED;   /* return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Pget_istore_k, FAIL);

    /* Get the plist structure */
    if(NULL == (plist = H5P_object_verify(plist_id,H5P_FILE_CREATE)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ATOM, H5E_BADATOM, FAIL, "can't find object for ID");

    /* Get value */
    if (ik) {
        if(H5P_get(plist, H5F_CRT_BTREE_RANK_NAME, btree_k) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't get rank for btree interanl nodes");
        *ik = btree_k[H5B_ISTORE_ID];
