예제 #1
 * Function:    main
 * Usage:       debug FILENAME [OFFSET]
 * Return:      Success:        exit (0)
 *              Failure:        exit (non-zero)
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              [email protected]
 *              Jul 18 1997
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    hid_t  fid, fapl, dxpl;
    H5F_t       *f;
    haddr_t     addr = 0, extra = 0, extra2 = 0, extra3 = 0, extra4 = 0;
    uint8_t     sig[H5F_SIGNATURE_LEN];
    size_t      u;
    H5E_auto2_t func;
    void 	*edata;
    herr_t      status = SUCCEED;

    if(argc == 1) {
  	HDfprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s filename [signature-addr [extra]]\n", argv[0]);
    } /* end if */

    /* Initialize the library */
    if(H5open() < 0) {
        HDfprintf(stderr, "cannot initialize the library\n");
    } /* end if */

    /* Disable error reporting */
    H5Eget_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, &func, &edata);
    H5Eset_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL);

     * Open the file and get the file descriptor.
    dxpl = H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id;
    if((fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) {
        HDfprintf(stderr, "cannot create file access property list\n");
    } /* end if */
    if(HDstrchr(argv[1], '%'))
        if(H5Pset_fapl_family (fapl, (hsize_t)0, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "cannot set file access property list\n");
    if((fid = H5Fopen(argv[1], H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl)) < 0) {
        HDfprintf(stderr, "cannot open file\n");
    } /* end if */
    if(NULL == (f = (H5F_t *)H5I_object(fid))) {
        HDfprintf(stderr, "cannot obtain H5F_t pointer\n");
    } /* end if */

    /* Ignore metadata tags while using h5debug */
    if(H5AC_ignore_tags(f) < 0) {
        HDfprintf(stderr, "cannot ignore metadata tags\n");

     * Parse command arguments.
    if(argc > 2)
        addr = (haddr_t)HDstrtoll(argv[2], NULL, 0);
    if(argc > 3)
        extra = (haddr_t)HDstrtoll(argv[3], NULL, 0);
    if(argc > 4)
        extra2 = (haddr_t)HDstrtoll(argv[4], NULL, 0);
    if(argc > 5)
        extra3 = (haddr_t)HDstrtoll(argv[5], NULL, 0);
    if(argc > 6)
        extra4 = (haddr_t)HDstrtoll(argv[6], NULL, 0);

     * Read the signature at the specified file position.
    HDfprintf(stdout, "Reading signature at address %a (rel)\n", addr);
    if(H5F_block_read(f, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, addr, sizeof(sig), dxpl, sig) < 0) {
        HDfprintf(stderr, "cannot read signature\n");
    if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5F_SIGNATURE, (size_t)H5F_SIGNATURE_LEN)) {
         * Debug the file's super block.
        status = H5F_debug(f, stdout, 0, VCOL);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5HL_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a local heap.
        status = H5HL_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp (sig, H5HG_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
	 * Debug a global heap collection.
	status = H5HG_debug (f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5G_NODE_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a symbol table node.

        /* Check for extra parameters */
        if(extra == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\nWarning: Providing the group's local heap address will give more information\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Symbol table node usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <Symbol table node address> <address of local heap>\n\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5G_node_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, extra);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5B_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a B-tree.  B-trees are debugged through the B-tree
         * subclass.  The subclass identifier is the byte immediately
         * after the B-tree signature.
        H5B_subid_t subtype = (H5B_subid_t)sig[H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC];
        unsigned    ndims;
        uint32_t    dim[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS];

        switch(subtype) {
            case H5B_SNODE_ID:
                /* Check for extra parameters */
                if(extra == 0) {
                    HDfprintf(stderr, "\nWarning: Providing the group's local heap address will give more information\n");
                    HDfprintf(stderr, "B-tree symbol table node usage:\n");
                    HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <B-tree node address> <address of local heap>\n\n");
                } /* end if */

                status = H5G_node_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, extra);

            case H5B_CHUNK_ID:
                /* Check for extra parameters */
                if(extra == 0) {
                    HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need number of dimensions of chunk in order to dump chunk B-tree node\n");
                    HDfprintf(stderr, "B-tree chunked storage node usage:\n");
                    HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <B-tree node address> <# of dimensions> <slowest chunk dim>...<fastest chunk dim>\n");
                } /* end if */

                /* Build array of chunk dimensions */
                ndims = (unsigned)extra;
                dim[0] = (uint32_t)extra2;
                if(ndims > 1)
                    dim[1] = (uint32_t)extra3;
                if(ndims > 2)
                    dim[2] = (uint32_t)extra4;

                /* Check for dimension error */
                if(ndims > 3) {
                    HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Only 3 dimensions support currently (fix h5debug)\n");
                    HDfprintf(stderr, "B-tree chunked storage node usage:\n");
                    HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <B-tree node address> <# of dimensions> <slowest chunk dim>...<fastest chunk dim>\n");
                } /* end for */
                for(u = 0; u < ndims; u++)
                    if(0 == dim[u]) {
                        HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Chunk dimensions should be >0\n");
                        HDfprintf(stderr, "B-tree chunked storage node usage:\n");
                        HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <B-tree node address> <# of dimensions> <slowest chunk dim>...<fastest chunk dim>\n");
                    } /* end if */

                /* Set the last dimension (the element size) to zero */
                dim[ndims] = 0;

                status = H5D_btree_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, ndims, dim);

            case H5B_NUM_BTREE_ID:
                HDfprintf(stderr, "Unknown v1 B-tree subtype %u\n", (unsigned)(subtype));

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5B2_HDR_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a v2 B-tree header.
        const H5B2_class_t *cls = get_H5B2_class(sig);

	    if((cls == H5D_BT2 || cls == H5D_BT2_FILT) && extra == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump header\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "v2 B-tree hdr usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <v2 B-tree header address> <object header address>\n");
	    } /* end if */

        status = H5B2__hdr_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, cls, (haddr_t)extra);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5B2_INT_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a v2 B-tree internal node.
        const H5B2_class_t *cls = get_H5B2_class(sig);

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
	if((cls == H5D_BT2 || cls == H5D_BT2_FILT) &&
	   (extra == 0 || extra2 == 0 || extra3 == 0 || extra4 == 0)) {

            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address, the node's number of records, depth, and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump internal node\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: Leaf nodes are depth 0, the internal nodes above them are depth 1, etc.\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "v2 B-tree internal node usage:\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <internal node address> <v2 B-tree header address> <number of records> <depth> <object header address>\n");

        } else if(extra == 0 || extra2 == 0 || extra3 == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address and the node's number of records and depth in order to dump internal node\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "NOTE: Leaf nodes are depth 0, the internal nodes above them are depth 1, etc.\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "v2 B-tree internal node usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <internal node address> <v2 B-tree header address> <number of records> <depth>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5B2__int_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, cls, extra, (unsigned)extra2, (unsigned)extra3, (haddr_t)extra4);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5B2_LEAF_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a v2 B-tree leaf node.
        const H5B2_class_t *cls = get_H5B2_class(sig);

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
	if((cls == H5D_BT2 || cls == H5D_BT2_FILT) &&
	   (extra == 0 || extra2 == 0 || extra3 == 0 )) {

            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address, number of records, and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump leaf node\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "v2 B-tree leaf node usage:\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <leaf node address> <v2 B-tree header address> <number of records> <object header address>\n");

        } else if(extra == 0 || extra2 == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address and number of records in order to dump leaf node\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "v2 B-tree leaf node usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <leaf node address> <v2 B-tree header address> <number of records>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5B2__leaf_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, cls, extra, (unsigned)extra2, (haddr_t)extra3);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5HF_HDR_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a fractal heap header.
        status = H5HF_hdr_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5HF_DBLOCK_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a fractal heap direct block.

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0 || extra2 == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need fractal heap header address and size of direct block in order to dump direct block\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Fractal heap direct block usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <direct block address> <heap header address> <size of direct block>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5HF_dblock_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, extra, (size_t)extra2);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5HF_IBLOCK_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a fractal heap indirect block.

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0 || extra2 == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need fractal heap header address and number of rows in order to dump indirect block\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Fractal heap indirect block usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <indirect block address> <heap header address> <number of rows>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5HF_iblock_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, extra, (unsigned)extra2);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5FS_HDR_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a free space header.

        status = H5FS_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5FS_SINFO_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug free space serialized sections.

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0 || extra2 == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need free space header address and client address in order to dump serialized sections\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Free space serialized sections usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <serialized sections address> <free space header address> <client address>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5FS_sects_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, extra, extra2);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5SM_TABLE_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug shared message master table.

        status = H5SM_table_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, (unsigned) UFAIL, (unsigned) UFAIL);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5SM_LIST_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug shared message list index.

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need shared message header address in order to shared message list\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Shared message list usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <shared message list address> <shared message header address>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5SM_list_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, (haddr_t)extra);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5EA_HDR_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug an extensible aray header.
        const H5EA_class_t *cls = get_H5EA_class(sig);

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need object header address containing the layout message in order to dump header\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Extensible array header block usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <Extensible Array header address> <object header address>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5EA__hdr_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, cls, extra);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5EA_IBLOCK_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug an extensible aray index block.
        const H5EA_class_t *cls = get_H5EA_class(sig);

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0 || extra2 == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need extensible array header address and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump index block\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Extensible array index block usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <index block address> <array header address> <object header address\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5EA__iblock_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, cls, extra, extra2);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5EA_SBLOCK_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug an extensible aray super block.
        const H5EA_class_t *cls = get_H5EA_class(sig);

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0 || extra2 == 0 || extra3 == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need extensible array header address, super block index and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump super block\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Extensible array super block usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <super block address> <array header address> <super block index> <object header address>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5EA__sblock_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, cls, extra, (unsigned)extra2, extra3);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5EA_DBLOCK_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug an extensible aray data block.
        const H5EA_class_t *cls = get_H5EA_class(sig);

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0 || extra2 == 0 || extra3 == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need extensible array header address, # of elements in data block and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump data block\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Extensible array data block usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <data block address> <array header address> <# of elements in data block> <object header address\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5EA__dblock_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, cls, extra, (size_t)extra2, extra3);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5FA_HDR_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a fixed array header.
        const H5FA_class_t *cls = get_H5FA_class(sig);

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need object header address containing the layout message in order to dump header\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Fixed array header block usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <Fixed Array header address> <object header address>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5FA__hdr_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, cls, extra);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5FA_DBLOCK_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug a fixed array data block.
        const H5FA_class_t *cls = get_H5FA_class(sig);

        /* Check for enough valid parameters */
        if(extra == 0 || extra2 == 0) {
            HDfprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Need fixed array header address and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump data block\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "fixed array data block usage:\n");
            HDfprintf(stderr, "\th5debug <filename> <data block address> <array header address> <object header address>\n");
        } /* end if */

        status = H5FA__dblock_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL, cls, extra, extra2);

    } else if(!HDmemcmp(sig, H5O_HDR_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC)) {
         * Debug v2 object header (which have signatures).

        status = H5O_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL);

    } else if(sig[0] == H5O_VERSION_1) {
         * This could be a v1 object header.  Since they don't have a signature
         * it's a somewhat "ify" detection.
        status = H5O_debug(f, H5AC_ind_read_dxpl_id, addr, stdout, 0, VCOL);

    } else {
         * Got some other unrecognized signature.
        printf("%-*s ", VCOL, "Signature:");
        for (u = 0; u < sizeof(sig); u++) {
            if (sig[u] > ' ' && sig[u] <= '~' && '\\' != sig[u])
            else if ('\\' == sig[u]) {
            } else
                printf("\\%03o", sig[u]);

        HDfprintf(stderr, "unknown signature\n");
    } /* end else */

    /* Check for an error when dumping information */
    if(status < 0) {
        HDfprintf(stderr, "An error occurred!\n");
        H5Eprint2(H5E_DEFAULT, stderr);
    } /* end if */


    H5Eset_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, func, edata);

    return 0;
} /* main() */
예제 #2
 * Function:	reader
 * Purpose:	Reads some data from random locations in the dataset.
 * Return:	Success:	0
 * 		Failure:	>0
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Friday, April 10, 1998
 * Modifications:
static int
reader(char *filename, hid_t fapl)
    FILE	*script = NULL;
    hid_t	file = -1, mspace = -1, fspace = -1, d2 = -1;
    char	ln[128], *s;
    hsize_t	hs_offset[1];
    hsize_t	hs_size[1] = {WRT_SIZE};
    int		*buf = (int *)HDmalloc(sizeof(int) * WRT_SIZE);
    int		i, j, zero, wrong, nerrors = 0;

    /* Open script file */
    script = HDfopen(DNAME, "r");

    /* Open HDF5 file */
    if((file = H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR

    /* Open the dataset */
    if((d2 = H5Dopen2(file, "d2", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
    if((fspace = H5Dget_space(d2)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR

    /* Describe `buf' */
    if((mspace = H5Screate_simple(1, hs_size, hs_size)) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR

    /* Read each region */
    while(HDfgets(ln, (int)sizeof(ln), script)) {
        if('#' != ln[0])
        i = (int)HDstrtol(ln + 1, &s, 10);
        hs_offset[0] = HDstrtoll(s, NULL, 0);
        HDfprintf(stdout, "#%03d 0x%016Hx%47s", i, hs_offset[0], "");

        if(H5Sselect_hyperslab(fspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, hs_offset, NULL,
                hs_size, NULL) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
                if(H5Dread(d2, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mspace, fspace, H5P_DEFAULT, buf) < 0)

                    /* Check */
                    for(j = zero = wrong = 0; j < WRT_SIZE; j++) {
                        if(0 == buf[j])
                        else if(buf[j] != i + 1)
        if(zero) {
            printf("    %d zero%s\n", zero, 1 == zero ? "" : "s");
        } else if(wrong) {
            HDputs("    Possible overlap with another region.");
        } else {

    if(H5Dclose(d2) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
            if(H5Sclose(mspace) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
            if(H5Sclose(fspace) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR
            if(H5Fclose(file) < 0) FAIL_STACK_ERROR

    return nerrors;

    } H5E_END_TRY;
    return 1;