예제 #1
 * Handle ECHO_REQUEST_UNSIGNED parameter.
 * @param packet_type The packet type of the control message (RFC 5201, 5.3.)
 * @param ha_state The host association state (RFC 5201, 4.4.1.)
 * @param ctx Pointer to the packet context, containing all information for
 *             the packet handling (received message, source and destination
 *             address, the ports and the corresponding entry from the host
 *             association database).
 * @return zero on success, or negative error value on error.
int hip_handle_echo_request_param(UNUSED const uint8_t packet_type,
                                  UNUSED const uint32_t ha_state,
                                  struct hip_packet_context *ctx)
    const struct hip_echo_request *echo_request = NULL;
    int                            err          = 0;

    if (!(echo_request = hip_get_param(ctx->input_msg,
                                       HIP_PARAM_ECHO_REQUEST))) {
        HIP_DEBUG("no ECHO_REQUEST parameter in UPDATE packet, skipping\n");

        /* This condition is no error! There simply was no request by the peer
         * to add a ECHO_RESPONSE parameter to the outbound message. */
        return 0;

    HIP_DEBUG("echo opaque data len=%d\n",
                (const uint8_t *) echo_request + sizeof(struct hip_tlv_common),
                                  (const uint8_t *) echo_request + sizeof(struct hip_tlv_common),
                                  hip_get_param_contents_len(echo_request), 0, 0),
             -1, "Building of ECHO_RESPONSE failed\n");

    return err;
예제 #2
 * Add ECHO_REQUEST parameter to second update packet.
 * @param packet_type The packet type of the control message (RFC 5201, 5.3.)
 * @param ha_state The host association state (RFC 5201, 4.4.1.)
 * @param ctx Pointer to the packet context, containing all information for
 *             the packet handling (received message, source and destination
 *             address, the ports and the corresponding entry from the host
 *             association database).
 * @return zero on success, or negative error value on error.
int hip_add_echo_request_param(UNUSED const uint8_t packet_type,
                               UNUSED const uint32_t ha_state,
                               struct hip_packet_context *ctx)
    int err = 0;

    if (hip_classify_update_type(ctx->input_msg) == FIRST_UPDATE_PACKET) {
        // Randomize the echo response opaque data before sending ECHO_REQUESTS.
        // Notice that we're using the same opaque value for the identical
        // UPDATE packets sent between different address combinations.

        HIP_HEXDUMP("ECHO_REQUEST in the host association",
        if (hip_build_param_echo(ctx->output_msg,
                                 1, 1)) {
            HIP_ERROR("Building of ECHO_REQUEST failed\n");
            return -1;

    return err;
예제 #3
/* getter function for a specific element of the given hash chain
 * @param       hash_chain hash chain from which the element should be returned
 * @param       idx index to the hash chain element
 * @return      element of the given hash chain
static unsigned char *hchain_element_by_index(const struct hash_chain *hash_chain,
                                              const int idx)
    unsigned char *element = NULL;
    int            err     = 0;


    if (idx >= 0 && idx < hash_chain->hchain_length) {
        element = &hash_chain->elements[idx * hash_chain->hash_length];
    } else {
        HIP_ERROR("Element from uninited hash chain or out-of-bound element requested!");

        err = -1;
        goto out_err;

    HIP_HEXDUMP("Hash chain element: ", element, hash_chain->hash_length);

    if (err) {
        element = NULL;

    return element;
예제 #4
/** checks if a hash is verifiable by a hash chain
 * @param       current_hash the hash value to be verified
 * @param       last_hash the last known hash value
 * @param       hash_func the hash function to be used
 * @param       hash_length length of the hash values
 * @param       tolerance the maximum number of hash calculations
 * @param       secret the potentially incorporated secret
 * @param       secret_length length og the secret
 * @return      hash distance if the hash authentication was successful, 0 otherwise
int hchain_verify(const unsigned char *current_hash,
                  const unsigned char *last_hash,
                  const hash_function hash_func,
                  const int hash_length,
                  const int tolerance,
                  const unsigned char *secret,
                  const int secret_length)
    /* stores intermediate hash results and allow to concat
     * with a secret at each step */
    unsigned char buffer[MAX_HASH_LENGTH + secret_length];
    int           err = 0, i;

    HIP_ASSERT(current_hash != NULL && last_hash != NULL);
    HIP_ASSERT(hash_func != NULL);
    HIP_ASSERT(hash_length > 0 && tolerance >= 0);

    // init buffer with the hash we want to verify
    memcpy(buffer, current_hash, hash_length);

    if (secret && secret_length > 0) {
        HIP_HEXDUMP("secret: ", secret, secret_length);

    for (i = 1; i <= tolerance; i++) {
        // add the secret
        if (secret != NULL && secret_length > 0) {
            memcpy(&buffer[hash_length], secret, secret_length);

        hash_func(buffer, hash_length + secret_length, buffer);

        // compare the elements
        if (!(memcmp(buffer, last_hash, hash_length))) {
            HIP_DEBUG("hash verfied\n");

            err = i;
            goto out_err;

    HIP_DEBUG("no matches found within tolerance: %i!\n", tolerance);

    return err;
예제 #5
/** creates the anchor element message
 * @param   hcstore the BEX store
 * @param   use_hash_trees indicates whether hash chains or hash trees are stored
 * @return  the message on success, NULL on error
 * @note this will only consider the first hchain item in each shelf, as only
 *       this should be set up for the store containing the hchains for the BEX
 * @note the created message contains hash_length and anchors for each transform
static struct hip_common *create_bex_store_update_msg(struct hchain_store *hcstore,
                                                      const int use_hash_trees)
    struct hip_common   *msg         = NULL;
    struct esp_prot_tfm *transform   = NULL;
    struct hash_chain   *hchain      = NULL;
    struct hash_tree    *htree       = NULL;
    unsigned char       *anchor      = NULL;
    unsigned             j           = 0;
    uint8_t              i           = 0;
    int                  hash_length = 0, num_hchains = 0, err = 0, hash_item_length = 0;

    HIP_ASSERT(hcstore != NULL);

    HIP_IFEL(!(msg = malloc(HIP_MAX_PACKET)), -1,
             "failed to allocate memory\n");


    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_user_hdr(msg, HIP_MSG_BEX_STORE_UPDATE, 0), -1,
             "build hdr failed\n");

    // first add hash_length and num_hchain for each transform
    for (i = 1; i <= NUM_TRANSFORMS; i++) {
        HIP_IFEL(!(transform = esp_prot_resolve_transform(token_transform)), -1,
                 "failed to resolve transform\n");

        HIP_IFEL((hash_length = esp_prot_get_hash_length(token_transform)) <= 0,
                 -1, "hash_length <= 0, expecting something bigger\n");

        HIP_IFEL((num_hchains = hip_ll_get_size(&hcstore->hchain_shelves[transform->hash_func_id]
                                                hchains[DEFAULT_HCHAIN_LENGTH_ID][NUM_BEX_HIERARCHIES - 1])) <= 0, -1,
                 "num_hchains <= 0, expecting something higher\n");

        // tell hipd about transform
        HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &token_transform,
                                          HIP_PARAM_UINT, sizeof(uint8_t)), -1,
                 "build param contents failed\n");
        HIP_DEBUG("added esp_transform: %u\n", token_transform);

        // add num_hchains for this transform, needed on receiver side
        HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &num_hchains,
                                          HIP_PARAM_INT, sizeof(int)), -1,
                 "build param contents failed\n");
        HIP_DEBUG("added num_hchains: %i\n", num_hchains);

        // add the hash_length for this transform, needed on receiver side
        HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &hash_length,
                                          HIP_PARAM_INT, sizeof(int)), -1,
                 "build param contents failed\n");
        HIP_DEBUG("added hash_length: %i\n", hash_length);

    // now add the hchain anchors
    for (i = 1; i <= NUM_TRANSFORMS; i++) {
        HIP_IFEL(!(transform = esp_prot_resolve_transform(token_transform)), -1,
                 "failed to resolve transform\n");

        HIP_IFEL((hash_length = esp_prot_get_hash_length(token_transform)) <= 0,
                 -1, "hash_length <= 0, expecting something bigger\n");

        // ensure correct boundaries
        HIP_ASSERT(transform->hash_func_id >= 0
                   && transform->hash_func_id < NUM_HASH_FUNCTIONS);
        HIP_ASSERT(transform->hash_length_id >= 0
                   && transform->hash_length_id < NUM_HASH_LENGTHS);

        // add anchor with this transform
        for (j = 0; j < hip_ll_get_size(&hcstore->hchain_shelves[transform->hash_func_id]
                                        hchains[DEFAULT_HCHAIN_LENGTH_ID][NUM_BEX_HIERARCHIES - 1]); j++) {
            if (use_hash_trees) {
                HIP_IFEL(!(htree = hip_ll_get(&hcstore->hchain_shelves[transform->hash_func_id]
                                              [transform->hash_length_id].hchains[DEFAULT_HCHAIN_LENGTH_ID][NUM_BEX_HIERARCHIES - 1],
                         -1, "failed to retrieve htree\n");

                anchor           = htree->root;
                hash_item_length = htree->num_data_blocks;
            } else {
                HIP_IFEL(!(hchain = hip_ll_get(&hcstore->hchain_shelves[transform->hash_func_id]
                                               [transform->hash_length_id].hchains[DEFAULT_HCHAIN_LENGTH_ID][NUM_BEX_HIERARCHIES - 1], j)),
                         -1, "failed to retrieve hchain\n");

                anchor           = hchain_get_anchor(hchain);
                hash_item_length = hchain->hchain_length;

            HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, anchor,
                                              HIP_PARAM_HCHAIN_ANCHOR, hash_length),
                     -1, "build param contents failed\n");
            HIP_HEXDUMP("added anchor: ", anchor, hash_length);

            // also send the hchain/htree length for each item
            HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &hash_item_length,
                                              HIP_PARAM_INT, sizeof(int)),
                     -1, "build param contents failed\n");
            HIP_DEBUG("added hash_item_length: %i\n", hash_item_length);

    if (err) {
        msg = NULL;

    return msg;
예제 #6
/** handles the TPA specific parts in the setup of new IPsec SAs
 * @param   msg the HIP message
 * @param   esp_prot_transform the TPA transform (return value)
 * @param   num_anchors number of anchor in the array
 * @param   esp_prot_anchors array storing the anchors
 * @param   hash_item_length length of the employed hash structure at the peer (return value)
 * @return  0 on success, -1 on error
int esp_prot_handle_sa_add_request(const struct hip_common *msg,
                                   uint8_t *esp_prot_transform,
                                   uint16_t *num_anchors,
                                   unsigned char (*esp_prot_anchors)[MAX_HASH_LENGTH],
                                   uint32_t *hash_item_length)
    const struct hip_tlv_common *param       = NULL;
    int                          hash_length = 0, err = 0;
    const unsigned char         *anchor      = NULL;
    uint16_t                     i;
    *num_anchors        = 0;
    *esp_prot_transform = 0;

    HIP_ASSERT(msg != NULL);
    HIP_ASSERT(esp_prot_transform != NULL);
    HIP_ASSERT(num_anchors != NULL);

    HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_param(msg, HIP_PARAM_ESP_PROT_TFM)),
             -1, "esp prot transform missing\n");
    *esp_prot_transform = *((const uint8_t *) hip_get_param_contents_direct(param));
    HIP_DEBUG("esp protection transform is %u\n", *esp_prot_transform);

    // this parameter is only included, if the esp extension is used
    if (*esp_prot_transform > ESP_PROT_TFM_UNUSED) {
        // retrieve hash length for the received transform
        HIP_IFEL((hash_length = esp_prot_get_hash_length(*esp_prot_transform)) <= 0,
                 -1, "error or tried to resolve UNUSED transform\n");

        HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_param(msg, HIP_PARAM_ITEM_LENGTH)),
                 -1, "transform suggests hash_item_length, but it is NOT included in msg\n");
        *hash_item_length = *((const uint32_t *) hip_get_param_contents_direct(param));
        HIP_DEBUG("esp protection item length: %u\n", *hash_item_length);

        HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_next_param(msg, param)),
                 -1, "transform suggests num_anchors, but it is NOT included in msg\n");
        *num_anchors = *((const uint16_t *) hip_get_param_contents_direct(param));
        HIP_DEBUG("esp protection number of transferred anchors: %u\n", *num_anchors);

        HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_param(msg, HIP_PARAM_HCHAIN_ANCHOR)),
                 -1, "transform suggests anchor, but it is NOT included in msg\n");

        if (*num_anchors <= num_parallel_hchains) {
            for (i = 0; i < *num_anchors; i++) {
                anchor = hip_get_param_contents_direct(param);

                // store the current anchor
                memcpy(&esp_prot_anchors[i][0], anchor, hash_length);
                HIP_HEXDUMP("esp protection anchor is ", &esp_prot_anchors[i][0], hash_length);

                HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_next_param(msg, param)),
                         -1, "awaiting further anchor, but it is NOT included in msg\n");

    if (err) {
        *esp_prot_transform = 0;
        *num_anchors        = 0;

    return err;
예제 #7
 * Notifies the hipd about an anchor change in the hipfw
 * @param   entry the sadb entry for the outbound direction
 * @return  0 on success, -1 on error, 1 for inbound sadb entry
int send_anchor_change_to_hipd(const struct hip_sa_entry *entry)
    int                err         = 0;
    int                hash_length = 0;
    long               i           = 0;
    unsigned char     *anchor      = NULL;
    struct hip_common *msg         = NULL;
    struct hash_chain *hchain      = NULL;
    struct hash_tree  *htree       = NULL;

    HIP_ASSERT(entry != NULL);
    HIP_ASSERT(entry->direction == HIP_SPI_DIRECTION_OUT);

    HIP_IFEL((hash_length = esp_prot_get_hash_length(entry->esp_prot_transform)) <= 0,
             -1, "error or tried to resolve UNUSED transform\n");

    HIP_IFEL(!(msg = malloc(HIP_MAX_PACKET)), -1,
             "failed to allocate memory\n");


    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_user_hdr(msg, HIP_MSG_ANCHOR_CHANGE, 0), -1,
             "build hdr failed\n");

    HIP_DEBUG_HIT("src_hit", &entry->inner_src_addr);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &entry->inner_src_addr,
                                      HIP_PARAM_HIT, sizeof(struct in6_addr)),
             -1, "build param contents failed\n");

    HIP_DEBUG_HIT("dst_hit", &entry->inner_dst_addr);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &entry->inner_dst_addr,
                                      HIP_PARAM_HIT, sizeof(struct in6_addr)),
             -1, "build param contents failed\n");

    HIP_DEBUG("direction: %i\n", entry->direction);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &entry->direction,
                                      HIP_PARAM_INT, sizeof(int)), -1,
             "build param contents failed\n");

    HIP_DEBUG("esp_prot_transform: %u\n", entry->esp_prot_transform);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &entry->esp_prot_transform,
                                      HIP_PARAM_ESP_PROT_TFM, sizeof(uint8_t)),
             -1, "build param contents failed\n");

    HIP_DEBUG("esp_prot_num_parallel_hchains: %i\n", num_parallel_hchains);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &num_parallel_hchains,
                                      HIP_PARAM_INT, sizeof(int)), -1,
             "build param contents failed\n");

    for (i = 0; i < num_parallel_hchains; i++) {
        // the anchor change has already occurred on fw-side
        if (entry->esp_prot_transform == ESP_PROT_TFM_TREE) {
            htree  = entry->active_hash_items[i];
            anchor = htree->root;
        } else {
            hchain = entry->active_hash_items[i];
            anchor = hchain_get_anchor(hchain);

        HIP_HEXDUMP("anchor: ", anchor, hash_length);
        HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, anchor,
                                          HIP_PARAM_HCHAIN_ANCHOR, hash_length),
                 -1, "build param contents failed\n");


    /* send msg to hipd and receive corresponding reply */
    HIP_IFEL(hip_send_recv_daemon_info(msg, 1, hip_fw_sock), -1,
             "send_recv msg failed\n");

    /* check error value */
    HIP_IFEL(hip_get_msg_err(msg), -1, "hipd returned error message!\n");

    HIP_DEBUG("send_recv msg succeeded\n");

    return err;
예제 #8
 * Invokes an UPDATE message containing an anchor element as a hook to
 * next hash structure to be used when the active one depletes
 * @param   entry the sadb entry for the outbound direction
 * @param   anchors the anchor elements to be sent
 * @param   hash_item_length length of the respective hash item
 * @param   soft_update indicates if HHL-based updates should be used
 * @param   anchor_offset the offset of the anchor element in the link tree
 * @param   link_trees the link trees for the anchor elements, in case of HHL
 * @return  0 on success, -1 on error
int send_trigger_update_to_hipd(const struct hip_sa_entry *entry,
                                const unsigned char *anchors[MAX_NUM_PARALLEL_HCHAINS],
                                const int hash_item_length,
                                const int soft_update,
                                const int *anchor_offset,
                                struct hash_tree *link_trees[MAX_NUM_PARALLEL_HCHAINS])
    int                  err           = 0;
    int                  i             = 0;
    struct hip_common   *msg           = NULL;
    int                  hash_length   = 0;
    struct hash_chain   *hchain        = NULL;
    struct hash_tree    *htree         = NULL;
    struct hash_tree    *link_tree     = NULL;
    int                  secret_length = 0;
    int                  branch_length = 0;
    int                  root_length   = 0;
    const unsigned char *secret        = NULL;
    unsigned char       *branch_nodes  = NULL;
    const unsigned char *root          = NULL;

    HIP_ASSERT(entry != NULL);

    HIP_IFEL((hash_length = esp_prot_get_hash_length(entry->esp_prot_transform)) <= 0,
             -1, "error or tried to resolve UNUSED transform\n");

    HIP_IFEL(!(msg = malloc(HIP_MAX_PACKET)), -1,
             "failed to allocate memory\n");


    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_user_hdr(msg, HIP_MSG_TRIGGER_UPDATE, 0), -1,
             "build hdr failed\n");

    HIP_DEBUG_HIT("src_hit", &entry->inner_src_addr);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &entry->inner_src_addr,
                                      HIP_PARAM_HIT, sizeof(struct in6_addr)),
             -1, "build param contents failed\n");

    HIP_DEBUG_HIT("dst_hit", &entry->inner_dst_addr);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &entry->inner_dst_addr,
                                      HIP_PARAM_HIT, sizeof(struct in6_addr)),
             -1, "build param contents failed\n");

    HIP_DEBUG("esp_prot_transform: %u\n", entry->esp_prot_transform);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &entry->esp_prot_transform,
                                      HIP_PARAM_ESP_PROT_TFM, sizeof(uint8_t)),
             -1, "build param contents failed\n");

    // also send the hchain/htree length for all update items
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &hash_item_length, HIP_PARAM_INT,
                                      sizeof(int)), -1, "build param contents failed\n");
    HIP_DEBUG("added hash_item_length: %i\n", hash_item_length);

    HIP_DEBUG("num_parallel_hchains: %u\n", num_parallel_hchains);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &num_parallel_hchains,
                                      HIP_PARAM_INT, sizeof(long)), -1,
             "build param contents failed\n");

    // add update anchors
    for (i = 0; i < num_parallel_hchains; i++) {
        HIP_HEXDUMP("anchor: ", anchors[i], hash_length);
        HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, anchors[i],
                                          hash_length), -1,
                 "build param contents failed\n");

    // now transmit root for each next hash item for tree-based updates, if available
    for (i = 0; i < num_parallel_hchains; i++) {
        if (entry->esp_prot_transform == ESP_PROT_TFM_TREE) {
            htree     = entry->next_hash_items[i];
            link_tree = htree->link_tree;
        } else {
            hchain    = entry->next_hash_items[i];
            link_tree = hchain->link_tree;

        if (link_tree) {
            /* if the next_hchain has got a link_tree, we need its root for
             * the verification of the next_hchain's elements */
            root = htree_get_root(link_tree, &root_length);

        // only transmit root length once
        if (i == 0) {
            HIP_DEBUG("root_length: %i\n", root_length);
            HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &root_length,
                                              sizeof(int)), -1,
                     "build param contents failed\n");

        if (root) {
            HIP_HEXDUMP("root: ", root, root_length);
            HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, root,
                                              HIP_PARAM_ROOT, root_length), -1,
                     "build param contents failed\n");

    HIP_DEBUG("soft_update: %i\n", soft_update);
    HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &soft_update, HIP_PARAM_INT,
                                      sizeof(int)), -1,
             "build param contents failed\n");

    if (soft_update) {
        for (i = 0; i < num_parallel_hchains; i++) {
            secret = htree_get_secret(link_trees[i],
                                      anchor_offset[i], &secret_length);
            HIP_IFEL(!(branch_nodes = htree_get_branch(link_trees[i],
                                                       anchor_offset[i], NULL,
                                                       &branch_length)), -1,
                     "failed to get branch nodes\n");

            HIP_DEBUG("anchor_offset: %i\n", anchor_offset[i]);
            HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &anchor_offset[i],
                                              sizeof(int)), -1,
                     "build param contents failed\n");

            HIP_DEBUG("secret_length: %i\n", secret_length);
            HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &secret_length,
                                              sizeof(int)), -1,
                     "build param contents failed\n");

            HIP_DEBUG("branch_length: %i\n", branch_length);
            HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &branch_length,
                                              sizeof(int)), -1,
                     "build param contents failed\n");

            HIP_HEXDUMP("secret: ", secret, secret_length);
            HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, secret,
                                              secret_length), -1,
                     "build param contents failed\n");

            HIP_HEXDUMP("branch_nodes: ", branch_nodes, branch_length);
            HIP_IFEL(hip_build_param_contents(msg, branch_nodes,
                                              branch_length), -1,
                     "build param contents failed\n");


    /* send msg to hipd and receive corresponding reply */
    HIP_IFEL(hip_send_recv_daemon_info(msg, 1, hip_fw_sock), -1,
             "send_recv msg failed\n");

    /* check error value */
    HIP_IFEL(hip_get_msg_err(msg), -1, "hipd returned error message!\n");

    HIP_DEBUG("send_recv msg succeeded\n");

    return err;
예제 #9
파일: connhipd.c 프로젝트: surki/hipl
	Handle message from agent socket.
int connhipd_handle_msg(struct hip_common *msg,
                        struct sockaddr_un *addr)
	/* Variables. */
	struct hip_tlv_common *param = NULL, *param2 = NULL;
	struct hip_common *emsg;
	hip_hdr_type_t type;
	HIT_Remote hit, *r;
	HIT_Local *l;
	socklen_t alen;
	struct in6_addr *lhit, *rhit;
	int err = 0, ret, n, direction, check;
	char chit[128], *type_s;
	struct in6_addr hitr ;
	type = hip_get_msg_type(msg);

		HIP_DEBUG("Received ping reply from daemon. Connection to daemon established.\n");
		hip_agent_connected = 1;
	else if (type == SO_HIP_SET_NAT_ON)
		HIP_DEBUG("NAT extensions on.\n");
	else if (type == SO_HIP_SET_NAT_OFF)
		HIP_DEBUG("NAT extensions off.\n");
	else if (type == SO_HIP_DAEMON_QUIT)
		HIP_DEBUG("Daemon quit. Waiting daemon to wake up again...\n");
		hip_agent_connected = 0;
	else if (type == SO_HIP_ADD_DB_HI)
		HIP_DEBUG("Message received successfully from daemon with type"
		          " HIP_ADD_DB_HI (%d).\n", type);
		n = 0;

		while((param = hip_get_next_param(msg, param)))
			if (hip_get_param_type(param) == HIP_PARAM_HIT)
				lhit = (struct in6_addr *)hip_get_param_contents_direct(param);
				HIP_HEXDUMP("Adding local HIT:", lhit, 16);
				print_hit_to_buffer(chit, lhit);
				hit_db_add_local(chit, lhit);
	else if (type == SO_HIP_UPDATE_HIU)
		n = 0;
		while((param = hip_get_next_param(msg, param)))
			/*param2 = hip_get_next_param(msg, param);
			if (param2 == NULL) break;*/
			if (hip_get_param_type(param) == HIP_PARAM_HIT)/* &&
			    hip_get_param_type(param2) == HIP_PARAM_HIT)*/
				rhit = (struct in6_addr *)hip_get_param_contents_direct(param);
				//lhit = hip_get_param_contents_direct(param2);
				r = hit_db_find(NULL, rhit);
				if (r)
	else if (type == HIP_I1 || type == HIP_R1)
		NAMECPY(hit.name, "");
		URLCPY(hit.url, "<notset>");
		URLCPY(hit.port, "");

		HIP_DEBUG("Message from daemon, %d bytes.\n", hip_get_msg_total_len(msg));

		/* Get original message, which is encapsulated inside received one. */
		emsg = (struct hip_common *)hip_get_param_contents(msg, HIP_PARAM_ENCAPS_MSG);
		HIP_IFEL(!emsg, -1, "Could not get msg parameter!\n");

		HIP_HEXDUMP("msg->hits: ", &emsg->hits, 16);
		HIP_HEXDUMP("msg->hitr: ", &emsg->hitr, 16);

		/* Find out, which of the HITs in the message is local HIT. */
		l = hit_db_find_local(NULL, &emsg->hits);
		if (!l)
			l = hit_db_find_local(NULL, &emsg->hitr);
			if (l)
				memcpy(&hit.hit, &emsg->hits, sizeof(hit.hit));
			HIP_IFEL(!l, -1, "Did not find local HIT for message!\n");
			memcpy(&hit.hit, &emsg->hitr, sizeof(hit.hit));

		HIP_DEBUG("Received %s %s from daemon.\n", "incoming",
		          type == HIP_I1 ? "I1" : "R1");

		/* Check the remote HIT from database. */
		if (l) 
			memcpy(&hitr,&hit.hit, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
			ret = check_hit(&hit, 0);
			/*Send our hits -- peer hit to daemon*/
			if (ret == 1)
				ret = 0; /*hit already exist in the database and is accepted
							so no need to send it to daemon*/
			else if (ret == 0)
				connhipd_send_hitdata_to_daemon (msg, &hitr, &hit.g->l->lhit) ;
			/* Reset local HIT, if outgoing I1. */
			/*HIP_HEXDUMP("Old local HIT: ", &msg->hits, 16);
			HIP_HEXDUMP("New local HIT: ", &hit.g->l->lhit, 16);
			HIP_HEXDUMP("Old remote HIT: ", &msg->hitr, 16);
			HIP_HEXDUMP("New remote HIT: ", &hit.hit, 16);*/
		/* If neither HIT in message was local HIT, then drop the packet! */
			HIP_DEBUG("Failed to find local HIT from database for packet."
			          " Rejecting packet automatically.\n");
			HIP_HEXDUMP("msg->hits: ", &msg->hits, 16);
			HIP_HEXDUMP("msg->hitr: ", &msg->hits, 16);
			ret = -1;
			Now either reject or accept the packet,
			according to previous results.
		if (ret == 0)
			HIP_DEBUG("Message accepted, sending back to daemon, %d bytes.\n",
			n = hip_send_recv_daemon_info((char *)msg, 1, hip_agent_sock);
			HIP_IFEL(n < 0, -1, "Could not send message back to daemon"
			                    " (%d: %s).\n", errno, strerror(errno));
			HIP_DEBUG("Reply sent successfully.\n");
		else if (type == HIP_R1)
			HIP_DEBUG("Message rejected.\n");
			n = 1;
			HIP_IFE(hip_build_param_contents(msg, &n, HIP_PARAM_AGENT_REJECT, sizeof(n)), -1);
			n = hip_send_recv_daemon_info((char *)msg, 1, hip_agent_sock);
			HIP_IFEL(n < 0, -1, "Could not send message back to daemon"
			                    " (%d: %s).\n", errno, strerror(errno));
			HIP_DEBUG("Reply sent successfully.\n");
			HIP_DEBUG("Message rejected.\n");

//	HIP_DEBUG("Message handled.\n");
	return (err);
예제 #10
/** handles a user-message sent by the firewall when the bex-store is updated
 * @param msg   the user-message sent by fw
 * @return      0 if ok, != 0 else
int anchor_db_update(const struct hip_common *msg)
    const struct hip_tlv_common *param  = NULL;
    const unsigned char         *anchor = NULL;
    int                          err    = 0, i, j;
    uint8_t                      esp_transforms[MAX_NUM_TRANSFORMS];

    HIP_ASSERT(msg != NULL);

    // if this function is called, the extension should be active
    if (esp_prot_active) {
        memset(esp_transforms, 0, MAX_NUM_TRANSFORMS * sizeof(uint8_t));

        HIP_DEBUG("updating hchain anchorDB...\n");

        /* XX TODO ineffcient -> only add non-existing elements instead of
         *         uniniting and adding all elements again */

        /*** set up anchor_db.num_anchors and anchor_db.anchor_lengths ***/
        // get first int value
        HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_param(msg, HIP_PARAM_UINT)),
                 -1, "parameter missing in user-message from fw\n");

        // don't set up anything for UNUSED transform
        for (i = 0; i < esp_prot_num_transforms - 1; i++) {
            // needed for redirection to correct slot in anchor_db
            esp_transforms[i] = *(const uint8_t *)
            HIP_DEBUG("esp_transform is %u\n", esp_transforms[i]);

            HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_next_param(msg, param)),
                     -1, "parameter missing in user-message from fw\n");
            anchor_db.num_anchors[esp_transforms[i]] = *(const int *)
            HIP_DEBUG("num_anchors is %i\n", anchor_db.num_anchors[esp_transforms[i]]);

            HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_next_param(msg, param)),
                     -1, "parameter missing in user-message from fw\n");
            anchor_db.anchor_lengths[esp_transforms[i]] = *(const int *)
            HIP_DEBUG("anchor_length is %i\n", anchor_db.anchor_lengths[esp_transforms[i]]);

            HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_next_param(msg, param)),
                     -1, "parameter missing in user-message from fw\n");

        for (i = 0; i < esp_prot_num_transforms - 1; i++) {
            HIP_DEBUG("transform %u:\n", esp_transforms[i]);

            for (j = 0; j < anchor_db.num_anchors[esp_transforms[i]]; j++) {
                HIP_IFEL(!(anchor_db.anchors[esp_transforms[i]][j] =
                         -1, "failed to allocate memory\n");

                anchor = hip_get_param_contents_direct(param);
                memcpy(anchor_db.anchors[esp_transforms[i]][j], anchor,
                HIP_HEXDUMP("adding anchor: ", anchor_db.anchors[esp_transforms[i]][j],

                HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_next_param(msg, param)),
                         -1, "parameter missing in user-message from fw\n");
                anchor_db.hash_item_length[esp_transforms[i]] = *(const int *)
                HIP_DEBUG("adding hash_item_length: %i\n",

                // exclude getting the next param for the very last loop
                if (!(i == esp_prot_num_transforms - 2 && j == anchor_db.num_anchors[esp_transforms[i]] - 1)) {
                    HIP_IFEL(!(param = hip_get_next_param(msg, param)),
                             -1, "parameter missing in user-message from fw\n");

        HIP_DEBUG("anchor_db successfully updated\n");
    } else {
        HIP_ERROR("received anchor_db update, but esp protection extension disabled\n");

        err = -1;
        goto out_err;

    return err;