예제 #1
파일: prowl.c 프로젝트: cjo9900/Automatic
int16_t sendProwlNotification(const char* apikey, const char* event, const char* desc) {
  int16_t        result = -1;
  int32_t       data_size;
  char          url[128];
  HTTPResponse *response = NULL;
  char         *data = NULL;

  data = createProwlMessage(apikey, event, desc, &data_size);

  if(data) {
    snprintf(url, 128, "%s%s", PROWL_URL, PROWL_ADD);
    response = sendHTTPData(url, NULL, data, data_size);
    if(response) {
      if(response->responseCode == 200) {
        result = 1;
      } else {
        dbg_printf(P_ERROR, "Prowl Notification failed: %s (%d)",
        result = -response->responseCode;
  return result;
예제 #2
int8_t getRPCVersion(const char* host, uint16_t port, const char* auth) {

	char url[MAX_URL_LEN];
	int8_t result = 0;
	char *response = NULL;
	HTTPResponse *res = NULL;
	const char *JSONstr =
	 "\"method\": \"session-get\",\n"
	 "\"arguments\": {}\n"

	if(!host) {
		return 0;

	snprintf( url, MAX_URL_LEN, "http://%s:%d/transmission/rpc", host, port);

  res = sendHTTPData(url, auth, JSONstr, strlen(JSONstr));
	if(res != NULL && res->responseCode == 200) {
	  dbg_printf(P_DBG, "[getRPCVersion] got response!");
		response = parseResponse(res->data);
		if(response) {
			if(!strncmp(response, "success", 7)) {
				result = parseRPCVersion(res->data);
        dbg_printf(P_DBG, "[getRPCVersion] RPC version: %d", result);
	return result;
예제 #3
파일: prowl.c 프로젝트: cjo9900/Automatic
int16_t verifyProwlAPIKey(const char* apikey) {

  int16_t result = -1;
  char url[128];
  HTTPResponse *response = NULL;
  CURL *curl_session = NULL;

  if(apikey) {
    snprintf(url, 128, "%s%s?apikey=%s", PROWL_URL, PROWL_VERIFY, apikey);
    response = getHTTPData(url, NULL, &curl_session);
    if(response) {
      if(response->responseCode == 200) {
        dbg_printf(P_INFO, "Prowl API key '%s' is valid", apikey);
        result = 1;
      } else {
        dbg_printf(P_ERROR, "Error: Prowl API  key '%s' is invalid (%d)!", apikey, response->responseCode);
        result = -response->responseCode;
  return result;
예제 #4
PRIVATE uint16_t processFeed(auto_handle *session, rss_feed* feed, uint8_t firstrun) {
  HTTPResponse *response = NULL;
  CURL         *curl_session = NULL;
  uint32_t item_count = 0;
  response = getRSSFeed(feed, &curl_session);
  dbg_printf(P_INFO2, "[processFeed] curl_session=%p", (void*)curl_session);

  if(!curl_session && response != NULL) {
    dbg_printf(P_ERROR, "curl_session == NULL but response != NULL");

  if (response) {
    if(response->responseCode == 200 && response->data) {
      simple_list items = parse_xmldata(response->data, response->size, &item_count, &feed->ttl);
      if(firstrun) {
        session->max_bucket_items += item_count;
        dbg_printf(P_INFO2, "History bucket size changed: %d", session->max_bucket_items);
      processRSSList(session, items, feed->id);
      freeList(&items, freeFeedItem);

  return item_count;
예제 #5
PRIVATE void processRSSList(auto_handle *session, const simple_list items, uint16_t feedID) {
   simple_list current_item = items;
   simple_list current_url = NULL;
   am_filter filter = NULL;
   const char * url;
   char path[4096];
   HTTPResponse *response = NULL;

   while(current_item && current_item->data) {
      feed_item item = (feed_item)current_item->data;
      current_url = item->urls;
      while(current_url && current_url->data)
         url = (const char*)current_url->data;
         if(isMatch(session->filters, url, &filter)) {
            if(!session->match_only) {
               get_filename(path, NULL, url, session->download_folder);
               if (!has_been_downloaded(session->downloads, url) && !file_exists(path)) {
                  dbg_printft(P_MSG, "[%d] Found new download: %s (%s)", feedID, item->name, url);
                  response = downloadFile(url, path, filter->agent);
                  if(response) {
                     if(response->responseCode == 200) {
                        if(session->prowl_key_valid) {
                           prowl_sendNotification(PROWL_NEW_TRAILER, session->prowl_key, item->name);

                        if(session->download_done_script && *(session->download_done_script))
                          callDownloadDoneScript(session->download_done_script, path);

                        dbg_printf(P_MSG, "  Download complete (%dMB) (%.2fkB/s)", response->size / 1024 / 1024, response->downloadSpeed / 1024);
                        /* add url to bucket list */
                        if (addToBucket(url, &session->downloads, session->max_bucket_items) == 0) {
                           session->bucket_changed = 1;
                           save_state(session->statefile, session->downloads);
                     } else {
                        dbg_printf(P_ERROR, "  Error: Download failed (Error Code %d)", response->responseCode);
                        if(session->prowl_key_valid) {
                           prowl_sendNotification(PROWL_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, session->prowl_key, item->name);

               } else {
                 dbg_printf(P_MSG, "File downloaded previously: %s", basename(path));
            } else {
               dbg_printft(P_MSG, "[%s] Match: %s (%s)", feedID, item->name, url);
         current_url = current_url->next;
      current_item = current_item->next;
예제 #6
PRIVATE HTTPResponse* downloadTorrent(CURL* curl_session, const char* url) {
   HTTPResponse * torrent = NULL;
   dbg_printf(P_INFO2, "[downloadTorrent] url=%s, curl_session=%p", url, (void*)curl_session);
   torrent = getHTTPData(url, NULL, &curl_session);
   if(torrent && torrent->responseCode != 200) {
      switch(torrent->responseCode) {
         case 401:
            dbg_printf(P_ERROR, "Error downloading torrent (HTTP error %d: Bad authentication)", torrent->responseCode);
         case 403:
           dbg_printf(P_ERROR, "Error downloading torrent (HTTP error %d: Forbidden)", torrent->responseCode);
           dbg_printf(P_ERROR, "Error downloading torrent (HTTP error %d)", torrent->responseCode);

      torrent = NULL;

   return torrent;
예제 #7
PRIVATE void processRSSList(auto_handle *session, CURL *curl_session, const simple_list items, const rss_feed * feed) {
  simple_list current_item = items;
  HTTPResponse *torrent = NULL;
  char fname[MAXPATHLEN];
  char *download_folder = NULL;
  char *feedID = NULL;
  char *download_url = NULL;

  if(!curl_session && !session) {
    printf("curl_session == NULL && session == NULL\n");

  if(feed != NULL) {
    feedID = feed->id;

  while(current_item && current_item->data) {
    feed_item item = (feed_item)current_item->data;

    if(isMatch(session->filters, item->name, feedID, &download_folder)) {
      if(!session->match_only) {
         if(has_been_downloaded(session->downloads, item)) {
            dbg_printf(P_INFO, "Duplicate torrent: %s", item->name);
         } else {
            int8_t result = -1;
            dbg_printft(P_MSG, "[%s] Found new download: %s (%s)", feedID, item->name, item->url);
            if(isMagnetURI(item->url)) {
               result = addMagnetToTM(session, item->url, download_folder);
            } else {
               // It's a torrent file
               // Rewrite torrent URL, if necessary
               if((feed != NULL) && (feed->url_pattern != NULL) && (feed->url_replace != NULL)) {
                  download_url = rewriteURL(item->url, feed->url_pattern, feed->url_replace);

               torrent = downloadTorrent(curl_session, download_url != NULL ? download_url : item->url);
               if(torrent) {
                  get_filename(fname, torrent->content_filename, item->url, session->torrent_folder);

                  /* add torrent to Transmission */
                  result = addTorrentToTM(session, torrent->data, torrent->size, fname, download_folder);


            // process result
            if( result >= 0) {  //result == 0 -> duplicate torrent
               if(result > 0) { //torrent was added
                  if(session->prowl_key_valid) {
                     prowl_sendNotification(PROWL_NEW_DOWNLOAD, session->prowl_key, item->name);

                  if(session->toasty_key) {
                     toasty_sendNotification(PROWL_NEW_DOWNLOAD, session->toasty_key, item->name);

                  if(session->pushalot_key) {
                     pushalot_sendNotification(PUSHALOT_NEW_DOWNLOAD, session->pushalot_key, item->name);
                  if(session->pushover_key) {
                     pushover_sendNotification(PUSHOVER_NEW_DOWNLOAD, session->pushover_key, item->name);

               /* add url to bucket list */
               result = addToBucket(item->guid != NULL ? item->guid : item->url, &session->downloads, session->max_bucket_items);
               if (result == 0) {
                  session->bucket_changed = 1;
                  save_state(session->statefile, session->downloads);
            } else {  //an error occurred
               if(session->prowl_key_valid) {
                  prowl_sendNotification(PROWL_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, session->prowl_key, item->name);

               if(session->toasty_key) {
                  toasty_sendNotification(PROWL_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, session->toasty_key, item->name);

               if(session->pushalot_key) {
                  pushalot_sendNotification(PUSHALOT_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, session->pushalot_key, item->name);
               if(session->pushover_key) {
                  pushover_sendNotification(PUSHOVER_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, session->pushover_key, item->name);
      } else {
         dbg_printft(P_MSG, "[%s] Match: %s (%s)", feedID, item->name, item->url);

    current_item = current_item->next;