예제 #1
파일: HTTimer.c 프로젝트: ChatanW/WebDaM
**  When a timer has expired, we dispatch the event handler and re-register the
**  timer with the next expiration time if repetitive. Otherwise we just leave
**  it
PRIVATE int Timer_dispatch (HTList * cur, HTList * last)
    HTTimer * timer;
    int ret = HT_ERROR;

    timer = (HTTimer *)HTList_objectOf(cur);
    if (timer == NULL) {
#if 0
        HTDEBUGBREAK("Timer dispatch couldn't find a timer\n");
	return HT_ERROR;
    /* 2000/07/31 Jens Meggers ([email protected]):
       On Windows, timers are always repetitive, so we have to delete the 
       timer */
    if (DeletePlatformTimer)
#endif /* WWW_WIN_ASYNC */
    if (timer->repetitive)
	HTTimer_new(timer, timer->cbf, timer->param, timer->millis, YES, YES);
	HTList_quickRemoveElement(cur, last);
    HTTRACE(THD_TRACE, "Timer....... Dispatch timer %p\n" _ timer);
    ret = (*timer->cbf) (timer, timer->param, HTEvent_TIMEOUT);
    return ret;
예제 #2
파일: HTTimer.c 프로젝트: ChatanW/WebDaM
PUBLIC BOOL HTTimer_refresh (HTTimer * timer, ms_t now)
    if (timer == NULL || timer->repetitive == NO)
	return NO;
    if (HTTimer_new(timer, timer->cbf, timer->param, timer->millis, YES, YES) == NULL)
	return NO;
    return YES;
예제 #3
파일: HTBufWrt.c 프로젝트: ChatanW/WebDaM
PRIVATE int HTBufferWriter_lazyFlush (HTOutputStream * me)
    HTNet * net;
    int delay;

    if (me->read <= me->data) {
	return HT_OK;			/* nothing to flush */
    **  If we are allowed to delay the flush then set a timer with the
    **  delay descibed by our delay variable. If we can't delay then flush 
    **  right away.
    delay = HTHost_findWriteDelay(me->host, me->lastFlushTime, me->read - me->data);

    **	Flush immediately
    if (!delay) {
	int status;
	HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "Buffer...... Flushing %p\n" _ me);
	if ((status = HTBufferWriter_flush(me)) && me->timer) {
	    me->timer = NULL;
	return status;

    **	Set a timer and tell the host we've done the write if
    **  we have not already started a timer earlier. If a timer
    **  does already exist then make sure that it hasn't expired.
    **  This can be the case if we have a really slow client that
    **  can't parse the data fast enough.
    if (!me->timer) {
	net = HTHost_getWriteNet(me->host);
	me->timer = HTTimer_new(NULL, FlushEvent, me, delay, YES, NO);
	HTHost_unregister(me->host, net, HTEvent_WRITE);
	HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "Buffer...... Waiting %dms on %p\n" _ delay _ me);
    } else {
	if (HTTimer_hasTimerExpired(me->timer)) {
	    HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "Buffer...... Dispatching old timer %p\n" _ me->timer);
	    me->timer = NULL;
	} else {
	    HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "Buffer...... Waiting on unexpired timer %p\n" _ me->timer);
    return HT_OK;
예제 #4
파일: HTEvtLst.c 프로젝트: ChatanW/WebDaM
**  For a given socket, reqister a request structure, a set of operations, 
**  a HTEventCallback function, and a priority. For this implementation, 
**  we allow only a single HTEventCallback function for all operations.
**  and the priority field is ignored.
PUBLIC int HTEventList_register (SOCKET s, HTEventType type, HTEvent * event)
    int newset = 0;
    SockEvents * sockp;
    HTTRACE(THD_TRACE, "Event....... Register socket %d, request %p handler %p type %s at priority %d\n" _ 
		s _ (void *) event->request _ 
		(void *) event->cbf _ HTEvent_type2str(type) _ 
		(unsigned) event->priority);
    if (s==INVSOC || HTEvent_INDEX(type) >= HTEvent_TYPES)
	return 0;

    ** Insert socket into appropriate file descriptor set. We also make sure
    ** that it is registered in the global set.
    HTTRACE(THD_TRACE, "Event....... Registering socket for %s\n" _ HTEvent_type2str(type));
    sockp = SockEvents_get(s, SockEvents_mayCreate);
    sockp->s = s;
    sockp->events[HTEvent_INDEX(type)] = event;
    newset = EventList_remaining(sockp);
    if (WSAAsyncSelect(s, HTSocketWin, HTwinMsg, HTEvent_BITS(newset)) < 0) {
        HTTRACE(THD_TRACE, "Event....... WSAAsyncSelect returned `%s'!" _ HTErrnoString(socerrno));
	return HT_ERROR;
#else /* WWW_WIN_ASYNC */
    FD_SET(s, FdArray+HTEvent_INDEX(type));

    HTTRACEDATA((char *) FdArray+HTEvent_INDEX(type), 8, "HTEventList_register: (s:%d)" _ s);

    if (s > MaxSock) {
	MaxSock = s ;
	HTTRACE(THD_TRACE, "Event....... New value for MaxSock is %d\n" _ MaxSock);
#endif /* !WWW_WIN_ASYNC */

    **  If the timeout has been set (relative in millis) then we register 
    **  a new timeout for this event unless we already have a timer.
    if (event->millis >= 0) {
	sockp->timeouts[HTEvent_INDEX(type)] =
			EventListTimerHandler, sockp, event->millis, YES, YES);

    return HT_OK;
예제 #5
PUBLIC int HTMemLog_open (char * logName, size_t size, BOOL keepOpen)
#ifdef HTDEBUG
    openlog(LogName, LOG_NDELAY, LOG_USER);
#else /* USE_SYSLOG */
    LogName = logName;
    KeepOpen = keepOpen;
    if ((LogFd = open(LogName, OPEN_FLAGS, 0666)) == -1)
	return HT_ERROR;
    if (!KeepOpen)
    LogBuffSize = size;
    if ((LogBuff = (char *) HT_MALLOC(size)) == NULL)
    LogLen = 0;
#endif /* !USE_SYSLOG */
    Timer = HTTimer_new(NULL, MemLogTimeout, NULL, 10000, YES, YES);
#endif /* HTDEBUG */
    return HT_OK;
예제 #6
PRIVATE int FileEvent (SOCKET soc, void * pVoid, HTEventType type)
    file_info *file = pVoid;			      /* Specific access information */
    int status = HT_ERROR;
    HTNet * net = file->net;
    HTRequest * request = HTNet_request(net);
    HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request);

    ** Initiate a new file structure and bind to request structure
    ** This is actually state FILE_BEGIN, but it can't be in the state
    ** machine as we need the structure first.
    if (type == HTEvent_CLOSE) {				      /* Interrupted */
	HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO, HTERR_INTERRUPTED,
			   NULL, 0, "HTLoadFile");
	FileCleanup(request, HT_INTERRUPTED);
	return HT_OK;

    /* Now jump into the machine. We know the state from the previous run */
    while (1) {
	switch (file->state) {
	case FS_BEGIN:

	    /* We only support safe (GET, HEAD, etc) methods for the moment */
	    if (!HTMethod_isSafe(HTRequest_method(request))) {
		HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO, HTERR_NOT_ALLOWED,
				   NULL, 0, "HTLoadFile");
		file->state = FS_ERROR;

	    /* Check whether we have access to local disk at all */
	    if (HTLib_secure()) {
		HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "LoadFile.... No access to local file system\n");
		file->state = FS_TRY_FTP;
	    file->local = HTWWWToLocal(HTAnchor_physical(anchor), "",
	    if (!file->local) {
		file->state = FS_TRY_FTP;

	    /* Create a new host object and link it to the net object */
		HTHost * host = NULL;
		if ((host = HTHost_new("localhost", 0)) == NULL) return HT_ERROR;
		HTNet_setHost(net, host);
		if (HTHost_addNet(host, net) == HT_PENDING) {
		    HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "HTLoadFile.. Pending...\n");
		    /* move to the hack state */
		    file->state = FS_PENDING;
		    return HT_OK;
	    file->state = FS_DO_CN;

	    ** 2000/08/10 JK : This is a funny state. Because of the
	    ** internal libwww stacks, when doing multiple local
	    ** requests (e.g., while using the Robot), we need to ask
	    ** again for the host object. If we had jumped directly to
	    ** the FS_DO_CN state, libwww would have blocked because
	    ** of socket starvation.
	    ** This state is similar to FS_BEGINNING, but just requests 
	    ** the host object. 
		HTHost * host = NULL;
		if ((host = HTHost_new("localhost", 0)) == NULL) return HT_ERROR;
		HTNet_setHost(net, host);
		if (HTHost_addNet(host, net) == HT_PENDING) {
		    HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "HTLoadFile.. Pending...\n");
		    file->state = FS_PENDING;
		    return HT_OK;
	    file->state = FS_DO_CN;

	case FS_DO_CN:
	    ** If we have to do content negotiation then find the object that
	    ** fits best into either what the client has indicated in the
	    ** accept headers or what the client has registered on its own.
	    ** The object chosen can in fact be a directory! However, content
	    ** negotiation only makes sense if we can read the directory!
	    ** We stat the file in order to find the size and to see it if
	    ** exists.
	    if (HTRequest_negotiation(request) &&
		HTMethod_isSafe(HTRequest_method(request))) {
 		char * conneg = HTMulti(request, file->local,&file->stat_info);
		if (conneg) {
		    file->local = conneg;
		    HTAnchor_setPhysical(anchor, conneg);
		    HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "Load File... Found `%s\'\n" _ conneg);
		} else {
		    HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "Load File... Not found - even tried content negotiation\n");
		    HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO, HTERR_NOT_FOUND,
				       NULL, 0, "HTLoadFile");
		    file->state = FS_ERROR;
	    } else {
		if (HT_STAT(file->local, &file->stat_info) == -1) {
		    HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "Load File... Not found `%s\'\n" _ file->local);
		    HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO, HTERR_NOT_FOUND,
				       NULL, 0, "HTLoadFile");
		    file->state = FS_ERROR;

	    ** Check to see if the 'localname' is in fact a directory.
	    ** Note that we can't do a HEAD on a directory
	    if (((file->stat_info.st_mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
		if (HTRequest_method(request) == METHOD_GET)
		    file->state = FS_PARSE_DIR;
		else {
		    HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_INFO, NO, HTERR_NO_CONTENT,
				       NULL, 0, "HTLoadFile");
		    file->state = FS_NO_DATA;

	    ** If empty file then only serve it if it is editable. We also get
	    ** the bindings for the file suffixes in lack of better bindings
		BOOL editable = HTEditable(file->local, &file->stat_info);
		if (file_suffix_binding) HTBind_getAnchorBindings(anchor);
		if (editable) HTAnchor_appendAllow(anchor, METHOD_PUT);

		/* Set the file size */
		if (file->stat_info.st_size)
		    HTAnchor_setLength(anchor, file->stat_info.st_size);

		/* Set the file last modified time stamp */
		if (file->stat_info.st_mtime > 0)
		    HTAnchor_setLastModified(anchor, file->stat_info.st_mtime);

		/* Check to see if we can edit it */
		if (!editable && !file->stat_info.st_size) {
		    HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_INFO, NO, HTERR_NO_CONTENT,
				       NULL, 0, "HTLoadFile");
		    file->state = FS_NO_DATA;
		} else {
		    file->state = (HTRequest_method(request)==METHOD_GET) ? 

	    status = HTFileOpen(net, file->local, HT_FB_RDONLY);
	    if (status == HT_OK) {
		** Create the stream pipe FROM the channel to the application.
		** The target for the input stream pipe is set up using the
		** stream stack.
		    HTStream * rstream = HTStreamStack(HTAnchor_format(anchor),
						       request, YES);
		    HTNet_setReadStream(net, rstream);
		    HTRequest_setOutputConnected(request, YES);

		** Create the stream pipe TO the channel from the application
		** and hook it up to the request object
		    HTOutputStream * output = HTNet_getOutput(net, NULL, 0);
		    HTRequest_setInputStream(request, (HTStream *) output);

		** Set up concurrent read/write if this request isn't the
		** source for a PUT or POST. As source we don't start reading
		** before all destinations are ready. If destination then
		** register the input stream and get ready for read
		if (HTRequest_isSource(request) && !HTRequest_destinationsReady(request))
		    return HT_OK;
		HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_INFO, NO, HTERR_OK, NULL, 0,
		file->state = FS_NEED_BODY;

		/* If we are _not_ using preemptive mode and we are Unix fd's
		** then return here to get the same effect as when we are
		** connecting to a socket. That way, HTFile acts just like any
		** other protocol module even though we are in fact doing
		** blocking connect
		if (HTEvent_isCallbacksRegistered()) {
		    if (!HTRequest_preemptive(request)) {
			if (!HTNet_preemptive(net)) {
			    HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "HTLoadFile.. Returning\n");
			    HTHost_register(HTNet_host(net), net, HTEvent_READ);
			} else if (!file->timer) {
			    HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "HTLoadFile.. Returning\n");
			    file->timer =
				HTTimer_new(NULL, ReturnEvent, file, 1, YES, NO);
			return HT_OK;
	    } else if (status == HT_WOULD_BLOCK || status == HT_PENDING)
		return HT_OK;
	    else {
		HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_INFO, NO, HTERR_INTERNAL,
				   NULL, 0, "HTLoadFile");
		file->state = FS_ERROR;		       /* Error or interrupt */

	  case FS_NEED_BODY:
	    status = HTHost_read(HTNet_host(net), net);
	    if (status == HT_WOULD_BLOCK)
		return HT_OK;
	    else if (status == HT_LOADED || status == HT_CLOSED) {
		file->state = FS_GOT_DATA;
	    } else {
		HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_INFO, NO, HTERR_FORBIDDEN,
				   NULL, 0, "HTLoadFile");
		file->state = FS_ERROR;

	  case FS_PARSE_DIR:
	    status = HTFile_readDir(request, file);
	    if (status == HT_LOADED)
		file->state = FS_GOT_DATA;
		file->state = FS_ERROR;

	  case FS_TRY_FTP:
		char *url = HTAnchor_physical(anchor);
		HTAnchor *anchor;
		char *newname = NULL;
		StrAllocCopy(newname, "ftp:");
		if (!strncmp(url, "file:", 5))
		    StrAllocCat(newname, url+5);
		    StrAllocCat(newname, url);
		anchor = HTAnchor_findAddress(newname);
		HTRequest_setAnchor(request, anchor);
		FileCleanup(request, HT_IGNORE);
		return HTLoad(request, YES);

	  case FS_GOT_DATA:
	    FileCleanup(request, HT_LOADED);
	    return HT_OK;

	  case FS_NO_DATA:
	    FileCleanup(request, HT_NO_DATA);
	    return HT_OK;

	  case FS_RETRY:
	    FileCleanup(request, HT_RETRY);
	    return HT_OK;

	  case FS_ERROR:
	    FileCleanup(request, HT_ERROR);
	    return HT_OK;
    } /* End of while(1) */