예제 #1
void _wd_intHandler(void)
     * Poll both WDTMIS registers to find the watchdog
     * that triggered the interrupt
     * For more details about the WDTMIS register,
     * see page 785 of the Data Sheet.
     * WARNING: registers of a watchdog, not enabled in SYSCTL,
     * must not be accessed or a bus fault may occur!
     * For that reason, __enabled MUST be checked for each 'wd' first.
     * The if statement also checks if __intrIsr is equal to NULL.
     * If this is the case, this handler would not do anything anyway.

    uint8_t wd;

    for ( wd=0; wd<BSP_NR_WATCHDOGS; ++wd )
        if ( true == __wdSettings[wd].enabled &&
             NULL != __wdSettings[wd].intrIsr &&
             0 != HWREG_READ_BITS( pReg[wd]->WD_MIS, MIS_MASK ) )
            ( *(__wdSettings[wd].intrIsr) )();
             * The interrupt request source is deliberately
             * not cleared, this enables reset (if configured so)
             * on the second time out.
        }  /* if */

    }  /* for wd */
예제 #2
 * Outputs a character to the specified UART. This short function is used by other functions,
 * that is why it is implemented as an inline function.
 * As the function is "private", it trusts its caller functions, that 'nr'
 * is valid (between 0 and 2).
 * @param nr - number of the UART (between 0 and 2)
 * @param ch - character to be sent to the UART
static inline void __printCh(uint8_t nr, char ch)
    * Qemu ignores other UART's registers, anyway the Flag Register is checked
    * to better emulate a "real" UART controller.
    * See description of the register on page 3-8 of DDI0183 for more details.

    * Poll the Flag Register's TXFF bit until the Transmit FIFO is not full.
    * When the TXFF bit is set to 1, the controller's internal Transmit FIFO is full.
    * In this case, wait until some "waiting" characters have been transmitted and
    * the TXFF is set to 0, indicating the Transmit FIFO can accept additional characters.
   while ( 0 != HWREG_READ_BITS( pReg[nr]->UARTFR, FR_TXFF ) );

    * The Data Register is a 32-bit word, however only the least significant 8 bits
    * can be assigned the character to be sent, while other bits represent various flags
    * and should not be set to 0. For that reason, the following trick is introduced:
    * Casting the Data Register's address to char* effectively turns the word into an array
    * of (four) 8-bit characters. Now, dereferencing the first character of this array affects
    * only the desired character itself, not the whole word.

    *( (char*) &(pReg[nr]->UARTDR) ) = ch;
예제 #3
 * The Watchdog 1 is clocked by an independent source and
 * its registers must be written with a time gap between
 * accesses. If the WRC bit of the WDTCTL register is set to 1,
 * this indicates that the timing gap has elapsed. There are no
 * such restrictions for the Watchdog 0.
 * See pages 777 and 781 of the Data Shhet for more details.
 * @param wd - watchdog timer
static inline void __waitWd1(uint8_t wd)
    if ( 1 == wd )
        while ( 0 == HWREG_READ_BITS(pReg[wd]->WD_CTL, CTL_WRC) );
예제 #4
파일: timer.c 프로젝트: fenixchen/ARMStudy
 * Checks whether the specified timer's counter is enabled, i.e. running.
 * If it is enabled, a nonzero value, typically 1, is returned,
 * otherwise a zero value is returned.
 * If either 'timerNr' or 'counterNr' is invalid, a zero is returned
 * (as an invalid timer/counter cannot be enabled).
 * @param timerNr - timer number (between 0 and 1)
 * @param counterNr - counter number of the selected timer (between 0 and 1)
 * @return a zero value if the timer is disabled, a nonzero if it is enabled
int8_t timer_isEnabled(uint8_t timerNr, uint8_t counterNr)

    /* sanity check: */
    if ( timerNr >= BSP_NR_TIMERS || counterNr >= NR_COUNTERS )
        return 0;

    /* just check the enable bit of the timer's Control Register */
    return ( 0!=HWREG_READ_BITS( pReg[timerNr]->CNTR[counterNr].CONTROL, CTL_ENABLE ) );
예제 #5
 * Reads a character that was received by the specified UART.
 * The function may block until a character appears in the UART's receive buffer.
 * It is recommended that the function is called, when the caller is sure that a
 * character has actually been received, e.g. by notification via an interrupt.
 * A zero is returned immediately if 'nr' is invalid (equal or greater than 3).
 * @param nr - number of the UART (between 0 and 2)
 * @return character received at the UART
char uart_readChar(uint8_t nr)
    /* Sanity check */
    if ( nr >= BSP_NR_UARTS )
        return (char) 0;

    /* Wait until the receiving FIFO is not empty */
    while ( 0 != HWREG_READ_BITS( pReg[nr]->UARTFR, FR_RXFE ) );

     * UART DR is a 32-bit register and only the least significant byte must be returned.
     * Casting its address to char* effectively turns the word into an array
     * of (four) 8-bit characters. Now, dereferencing the first character of this array affects
     * only the desired character itself, not the whole word.

    return *( (char*) &(pReg[nr]->UARTDR) );
예제 #6
 * Sets or clears a bit of the Control Register. This function is short and
 * used by other functions, this is why it is implemented as an inline function.
 * Nothing is done if 'nr' is invalid (equal or greater than 3).
 * @param nr - number of the UART (between 0 and 2)
 * @param set - true: bitmask's bit(s) are set to 1;  false: bits are cleared to 0
 * @param bitmask - bitmask of 1-bits that will be set or cleared
static inline void __setCrBit(uint8_t nr, bool set, uint32_t bitmask)
    uint32_t enabled;

    /* Sanity check */
    if ( nr >= BSP_NR_UARTS )

    /* Store UART's enable status (UARTEN) */
    enabled = HWREG_READ_BITS( pReg[nr]->UARTCR, CTL_UARTEN );

     * As suggested on page 3-16 of the DDI0183, the UART should be disabled
     * prior to any modification of the Control Register

    /* Depending on 'set'... */
    if (set)
        /* Set bitmask's bits to 1 using bitwise OR */
        HWREG_SET_BITS( pReg[nr]->UARTCR, bitmask );
        /* Clear bitmask's bits to 0 using bitwise AND */
        HWREG_CLEAR_BITS( pReg[nr]->UARTCR, bitmask );

    /* Reenable the UART if it was been enabled before */
    if (enabled)
예제 #7
 * @return current value of the SysTick counter
uint32_t systick_getCurrentValue(void)
예제 #8
 * Has the counter already wrapped (reached 0)?
 * Note that the count flag is automatically cleared
 * after its status has been read.
 * @return 'true' if the counter reached 0; 'false' if not
bool systick_countSet(void)
    return ( HWREG_READ_BITS( pReg->SYSTICK_STCTRL, COUNT_MASK ) ? true : false );